Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

| Modified on Dec 16, 2024
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Fresh Herbs.

Can alternative treatments help SARS CoV-2 symptoms? For more than a year now, millions of people worldwide have been seeking alternative treatments to prevent infection or treat symptoms of COVID-19.

Thankfully, over the past 12 months, hundreds of posts have been sent into Earth Clinic from people with diagnosed or suspected COVID-19 symptoms, detailing which herbs, supplements, and combination of home remedies helped strengthen their immune system and heal.

Alternative Treatments for COVID-19

At the top of the reader-recommended list of alternative remedies for Covid-19 and based on numerous studies are High-Dose Melatonin, followed by Vitamin C, and Colloidal Silver.

Other suggestions include supplements like Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Monolaurin, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt, and Oregano Oil. A Complex Carbohydrate diet is also recommended, as are alkalizing foods.

High-Dose Melatonin

Earth Clinic's top contributor Art Solbrig has written extensively about the effectiveness of melatonin for COVID-19 recovery. Do not miss reading his 3 important articles on the subject:

Melatonin Protocol for COVID-19

25 Scientifically Proven Ways Melatonin Can Fight SARS CoV-2

Melatonin Recovery Testimonials and Dosage


Author Bill Thompson (Candida, Killing so Sweetly) reports that potassium is an essential supplement during Coronavirus recovery. Bill also provides an extensive list of supplements and herbs that he is taking to prevent COVID-19. You can read his protocol here.

Covid-19 Long Haulers

COVID long-haulers are people who continue to feel symptoms long after getting the disease. The patients tend to be younger and many suffered just mild initial conditions. Read the successful protocols from Earth Clinic readers who used several different remedies to get better here.

* Make sure to also view the Contributor Q&A section for post-covid long haulers here.

Continue reading below for hundreds of posts from Earth Clinic readers about the top natural remedies to treat SARS CoV-2.

Please let us know what has helped you recover from CV-19!


Related Links:

Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects
Post-Covid Long Haulers: Natural Remedies and Treatment

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Activated Charcoal

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by MissM (New York ) on 08/25/2021

I do not recommend using ivermectin as a preventative. Use it only if you need it.

I was a long hauler and only took 3mg tablet and another two weeks later and it helped clear up my lungs and other symptoms I had acquired.

More is certainly not better.

if your lungs are issue as mine were. How I cleared my lungs was doing steams with one drop eucalyptus essential oil to boiled distilled water twice a day. Mucinex - this will bring out a lot a fluid, be prepared. This was not pleasant but I did twic and it helped dramatically.

Hydrogen peroxide food grade 3 per cent in spray bottle.
Empty saline bottle and fill will hydrogen peroxide and do inhalation method explained on this website.

Nasal drip seems to be common and can cause lung issues as well. Ipratropium (Atrovent) nasal spray This helped me a lot, I had issues with runny nose that made me cough for45 minutes in morning. I got this spray prescribed by doctor, very effective.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Julie S. (Union, MS) on 08/06/2021

Editor's Choice

Me and my husband suffered from covid for days. We took all kinds of things like lots of c, melatonin, zinc, etc. After really bad back pain for several days I realized it was probably my kidney. I took 5 charcoal pills and almost immediately my back pain and aches went away. Just the headache remained. After six hours I had to take more because symptoms returned. It also worked really well for my husband.

Replied by Adam

Do you have to take the pills or can you just crush up some charcoal you already have? I bought some natural stuff for my grill and was thinking maybe it could work in a pinch?

Mama to Many

No, please not charcoal for your grill. It is not the same thing.

CVS now carries activated charcoal from Charcoal House. I have also found capsules at Walmart.

~Mama to Many~


Thank you Mama to Many for your quick reply! I was hoping it would be easy somehow to substitute or make it myself, but after you wrote I took a look at the activated charcoal page and see now, it really isn't the same thing. :0 You were probably rolling your eyes at me!

It's guess it's not so expensive though, so I'll give it a try.

Henrietta B.
(Cypress Tx)

Mama to Many,

What size capsule for taking charcoal by mouth? Adult. I want to fill my own. Also, what weight if I cannot do this? I have a metric scale. Or measuring spoon size.

Thank you,


Pam B.
(New Zealand)

Hi, 12 years ago we had a herbal business and also sold charcoal powder. It was the worst thing ever to handle, it is so light if you even breathe on it it flies everywhere and if you try to wipe it up what a black oily mess you create.

Like you, I like to make up my own capsules but finally gave it away and we sold it in very slowly filled 50gm jars. I managed back then to buy charcoal granules from an Organic Herb Supplier in UK they are very easy to take 1/2tsp and just wash it down with water but they have stopped so many natural ways we can help ourselves I doubt you can still buy them today.

Daresay even the organic Herb Wholesalers would have been put out of business years ago.

Good luck.

Mama to Many

Hi Adam,

I definitely wasn't rolling my eyes... I was just afraid you would poison yourself. Many people have wondered the same thing over the years. It is always good for many people to have that reminder. Thanks for the opportunity to give it.

Also, the melatonin protocol worked very well for us when we had covid. Melatonin is on sale at Costco now! $6.99 for 250 5mg tablets.

~Mama to Many~

Mama to Many

Dear Henrietta,

I am not sure what size capsules the original poster was using for covid. I have charcoal tablets and capsules that are 260 mg per tablet. For adults, I typically use 4-5 of either type per dose. I think that is about a teaspoon of charcoal powder. I think I only made my own capsules once because it is so very messy.

~Mama to Many~

Maurice P.
(British Columbia)

I have been making my own capsules for years. Used it mostly for Montezuma's revenge. To make them I bought a capsule machine and food grade charcoal.. it's a lot cheaper then buying them at a health store. I was told to be careful not to use it after a good healthy meal as it could bind to the nutrients. You want to absorb and expel the ‘undesirables'

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Erin (Chicago, IL) on 03/12/2020

What about activated charcoal capsules for COVID-19? They saved our family from norovirus a few years ago.

Replied by Laurette

Are these to be taken orally and at what dosage did you take them?

Replied by Chris Chung

Interesting that you mentioned activated charcoal. Researchers are actually studying it out as a potential treatment for COVID.

Here's a link to that:

Also, 21% of Covid cases come with a rash.

Below is a story of a medical doctor that got an antibiotic resistant rash after treating his first covid patient. He tried a charcoal poultice as a last resort, and it promptly disappeared.

(South West)

Hello Chris, My Dr. is not seeing patients, only telephone appts. I believe I have Covid toes from reading and pictures I've seen on the internet. I've had this for 3 month but I didn't get Covid symptoms. Have you seen anything that would help me with Covid toes. I'm still searching the internet. Thank you, Ray


I registered with the Frontline Dr's. Is it true you need an appointment which cost about 98.00 and then another 98 for the ivermectin? Do you know how long the ivermectin would be good for?


When I was charged for Frontline Dr's in May 2021, it was 90.00. Yes you do need an appointment. The cost for prescription for me was: $75 for HCQ, (four month supply), $80 for erythromycin, $180 for Ivermectin, (five day supply). The pharmacy called and spoke to me on a separate day - the pharmacist gave me WAY more information than the MD did. My concern is that HCQ can cause heart arrhythmia, (big concern for me).

In Africa, indigenous people take HCQ once a week, calling it 'Sunday, Sunday' as it keeps malaria at bay. I'm allergic to erythromycin but I was told I can take another antibiotic. The antibiotic is only to be used upon feeling a heavy pressure on the lungs as in have pneumonia. I asked if I could take the Ivermectin paste for animals and was told it was not advisable as it's not measured properly. (the Ivermectin paste made by Durvet, apple flavored, came highly recommended by several friends that have used it for over a year with successfully not contracting COVID19; cost is 5.99-10.99, depending where you purchase, (it's made for animals).

I hope this helps.



How is that paste used? When do you apply it?


@ Lara (Fiji):

I got my ivermectin horse paste at Tractor Supply Co, look for cow/goat/sheep wormers. Cost was $6.00. Good source info for Ivermectin for Covid-19:

there are 2 good videos showing how to use Ivermectin horse deworm-paste for human use. Dosage is 1-2 noches on the syring for human by weight. Ivermectin Horse Paste info on COVID Horse paste, Ivermectin. Not so tasty. Former long hauler


Take Quercetin too.


Quercetin is the "gun" or bullet that takes zinc into the cells according to Vladimir Zevinski (Dr.) a physician operating in NY.


Tractor Supply won't sell it anymore.

(North Carolina)

You can still buy it from their web site


correct name - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. He was first doctor who used Hydroxychloroquin when the pandemic hit NYC in March 2020. The first 100 patients were healed right away. And so thousands more. Pres. Trump suggested Hydroxychloroquin but BigPharma ridiculed him and so the rotten media.


IndiaMart is an Indian equivalent of Aliexpress. Ivermectin there is from different manufacturers, all are in INDIA. Prices shown per 1 tablet, around $0.04. Prices on are A Ripoff. I haven't bought yet on IndiaMart, but got a reply from each manufacturer I have contacted. Maybe they don't sell 12 tablets to individuals, I don't know yet. But will try to buy. If ok, then I'll post here.


but don't take Quercetin at the same time as Ivermectin - apparently best to take one in the morning and one at night (either or) and take Ivermectin with/after food.
reference here:–-A-Guide-to-the-Management-of-COVID-19.pdf


Actually, Zelenko says Zinc is the bullet and Ivermectin/HCQ/Quercetin are the gun that shoots the bullet into the cells. He says you need an ion to open the cell wall to the zinc and those 3 guns are the ions that deliver it. In addition, Dr. Patterson who is the leading Dr on longhaul covis and the former Head of Clinical Virology at Stanford says that your body has trash collectors running throughout and collecting all the covid debris (both live and dead cells) and dumps it into the gut. This is why anything that cleans out the gut, like charcoal or the anti-parasitics like HCQ and Ivermectin, are working so well. They clear out the gut of the virus instead of letting them travel back through the body causing havoc.

Check out a few of his videos: and

John Scot

Hi There

I have just bought ivermectin 3mg capsules. Please, could you tell me the actual dose you had taken per day? Thanks..


It goes by your body weight..the dose you need to take. According to the mg tablets you have. Look on FLCCC. Here is the link for guidance.



Since Ivermectin has been tested when taken 10X the dose and was still safe, I would worry about taking too little. Speed is important, to prevent decline. Take with C and zinc. I personally would take a 12 mg tablet of ivermectin, and then take another 72 hours later, just to make sure you are cleared. Not more than twice a week, if not clear. Sometimes there is lingering symptoms when energy is restored, like sinuses, so address those accordingly, and watch stools to see if anything unusual.

(Thousand Islands)

It's still being sold at our local walmart, in the pet food area. Upstate NY.


I bought 3 today (Dec 22,2022) at Tractor Supply for $10.49 each.


Yes, speed is important to reduce severity. Another important factor with ivermectin is BMI. It has been suggested by others that have cleared the virus I know of that maybe 1mg to 1.5mg/k is ideal. If overweight/obese then might want to take it every day for 4-5 days straight.

Replied by Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
153 posts

Yes, it has been researched: ​Coronavirus and Activated Charcoal Amazing Research Studies


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by C. Mason (California) on 05/04/2020

Self Help Acupressure for colds and flus. Last Feb I was very sick, before doctors generally knew about Covid-19, ... One thing I did that helped relieve my symptoms/suffering was acupressure. What was helpful was a) it helped me with specific symptoms like coughing, sore throat, fatigue. b) its something i could use anytime, and as often as i needed... without any driving/appointments/insurance complexity... so I wanted to share it. I put the basic self help recipe for cold/flu here: It is also in French: Italian: There are many self help acupressure tips on and if you want to know more about the 'science'-y aspects, including an interesting interview with Cheryl Gasner, Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of the Stanford Integrated Mind Body Program... she talks about healing while receiving an acupressure session (by me)... there is a video on youtube called 'Sick'Em- Get Well Anyway' but the sound is a bit wobbly, so the written interview is better I think...

Replied by Deborah

Thank you, Cindy. This is wonderful. I just used the acupressure techniques, and viewed the website as well. Thank you so much for this wonderful, generously-shared work.

Artemisia Annua

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
2 star (1) 

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 12/22/2023


After reading some comments that artemisia annual can stop the COVID if taken the first day of symptoms, I tried it and nothing happened. The virus did its circle for 6 days and I was getting worse and with fever while taking artemisia tincture every day. I don't want to give people fake hope.

Replied by Ed

Artemisia Annua or better known as wormwood has good anti-parasitic property but is not enough. You have to combine it with Mucuna Prureins Extract to make it really effective.

Artemisia Annua
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 11/20/2021

I am always shocked that Artemisia Annua has been overlooked. It won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for alleviating infectious diseases. It costs $6. We open and take 2 capsules twice a day for one day and maybe one or two the next day. It works overnight. Only for viruses. It is amazing. No one in our family has had to take it more than 3 days, even my husband with terrible Covid. We've experienced no side effects whatsoever except feeling great. Wish I found it 30 years ago!

NOTE: It is marketed as Sweet Wormwood or Wormwood. There are 7 plants called Wormwood and they are very different!!!! Read the back of the bottle. Only buy if it says Artemisia Annua. Do not buy absyinth or any other kind at least for Covid or viruses in general. Also, open the capsule first so the herb itself touches your throat. Tastes terrible. Chase with juice.

Replied by Art
2396 posts

Hi June,

If you have time, could you post the name of the product you use and where you buy it so we can know exactly what to get and where to get it?

Thank you!


M in M

For Art……Swanson vitamins has artesimia annua…..just ordered some


Yes I get it from Swanson's online. It is stronger than ivermectin I believe. It is incredible for viruses. You can google “Artemisia Annua and 2015 Nobel prize”. I feel like a lot of people must know about it since it did get the Nobel prize. Not a WORD from any health professional. I heard about it from the President of Tanzania, who died quickly after proclaiming it a Covid cure. I don't want to sound paranoid, but it is a little weird. Anyway, I feel that it saved my husband's life.


The president of Tanzania was a man of strong character. It was because of his Christian faith that he felt it necessary to warn his people of the depopulation shot. He wanted his people to live and not die. And to tell them the alternative of artemesia annua was the extra mile. We don't have leaders of character across the world anymore, only deep state. He gave his life for others.

Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
153 posts

I hadn't heard about it, so looked up some info to share: Study proves the effectiveness of Artemisia annua against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro - By Dr. Tomislav Meštrović, MD, Ph.D. Jul 19, 2021


Replied by Tessa

Hi June (Cincinnati) -

Thank you for the clarification of the wormwood family.

I do have a small tincture bottle of Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) ... no idea why I bought it - must have seemed a good idea at the time.

I've just ordered Artemisia Annua capsules online - much harder to find in Canada ($30 for 30 capsules). Just in case of the flu, etc.

Oddly enough, Health Canada did a safety review study on artemisia annua on March 23,2021. More people must be using it so it caught their attention.

Take care.




I have the tincture and also bought some loose leaf I make a tea out of... it's tasty and comforting!!

Replied by Art
2396 posts

Thank you very much for sharing the supplier, June! I just went and looked and Swanson carries 12 different products under the listing of, Artemisia Annua, with the least expensive one costing about $7 and the most expensive one costing $193.56!

Could you tell us which one you used with success?

Thank you!

On a related note, I found a Time Magazine article discussing the Nobel Prize award to Dr. Youyou Tu of China. His discovery was for an extract of Artemisia Annua which is known as Artemisinin, another commonly available supplement. His discovery was for the use of Artemisinn, to fight the parasite which causes malaria in animals and humans. Artemisinin is far superior to Artemisia Annua for this purpose and this is very important because the parasite was rapidly becoming resistant to Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as the main treatments for malaria in Africa. Here is a link to that Time article :

Here is an important quote from the article :

>>> ' In Africa, the drug is thought to be responsible for saving over 100,000 lives annually.

Artemisinin-based combination therapies are currently the first line of treatment against malaria, and the medical community will continue to use them in the absence of an effective vaccine. ' <<<

So this leaves the burning question of whether Artemisia Annua or Artemisinin is the better choice for Covid-19? That question brought me to this review article :

This review only discussed the extract of Artemisia Annua, Artemisinin and some of its derivatives and did show that it has activity against Covid-19, but it also mentioned hepatotoxic effects (liver damage) seen in a significant number (25%) of patients. So it is useful but has some downside.

Regarding the deceased president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, who died from heart complications. His is an odd story as he did not seem to think Covid-19 was real, yet he seemed to be all in to import a drink from Madagascar called Covid Organics that contained an Artemisia plant-derived ingredient to fight Covid-19. Here is a link to the article :

Here is a link regarding his death:


Replied by June

Hmmm…. Not sure I agree about artemisinin being better. I've studied this for a couple of months. In any case, my experience is with Artemisia Annua only. There are also interesting articles about mixing it with iron for cancer.

As far as any risks, I reserve it for when we think we are getting sick. I know there are people who take it every day. I wouldn't do that. I view it as a viral antibiotic. If it is going to work, you'll feel it overnight. It's not a vitamin. My daughter takes two capsules weekly because she lives in a dorm. I've never had the feeling it's risky at all. But that's my feeling, I know that some Universities are researching it. My biggest fear is that they'll take it off the market once people discover it. So I have 16 bottles. Lol!

Here is one link with sort of an overview.


Here's a link to the product we use. I'm sure other products are good too.

Finally, I wanted to add that the deceased President of Tanzania has been totally misquoted and misrepresented in the media. I watched his original videos that have been scrubbed. He was actually brilliant, I thought. He wasn't saying that the virus didn't exist. He was saying that the PCR test was ridiculous and various other things.

Replied by Pam
(New Zealand)

Artemisia has definitely NOT been overlooked but because it works our Govt banned it from sale except on prescription last August. Just tell me a normal Dr who who would prescribe it? Its also excellent against cancer. and used 30yrs for malaria. Everything they find out is working is then banned from public being able to buy it. MMS1 (chlorine dioxide), Lugols or any iodine at chemists, HP in Nebulisers. high dose Vit D only low doses allowed. We have a great Govt here run by a real socialist that is in power with a majority so has been changing laws to suit her totalitarian agenda of 2030 so many times I get dizzy and no-one opposes her. We have worst coming and I totally despair for this country, I am 81 protect myself and do not want the jab but she has worst in store where all those like me will be locked indoors, and many in the world think she is wonderful, they don't know the half of it neither do we. Thank God for the Internet because our media, ALL Of them have been totally bought and she boasts about it. No more democracy or freedom of speech here I can assure you. Boy do we need help.

(faithville, Us)

we are not alone in the storms and perception and thoughts with words create future. I follow julie green you tube she post most days Gods prophetic word and she includes many countries and prays for people. What she has spoken is coming about. A daily shot of hope for those overshadowed by the cloud of the enemy. You sound very wise and resourceful, and I am sure you got that age by being informed. Sometimes the sun is hiding right behind the dark cloud waiting to snare the liars/enemy. Speak outcome not reality. Blessings, charity

(Okanagan (Canada))

Hi Pam (New Zealand) –

I admire and take heart in your resilience!

A few months ago, I stocked up on Vitamin D, Lugol's 5%, Artemisia (from Amazon, can't find it in health food stores where I live), food-grade hydrogen peroxide, Vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, NAC, melatonin (thanks Art!), Vitamin C and others just in case they mysteriously disappear from the stores.

Both New Zealand's prime minister (Adern) and Canada's prime minister (Trudeau) are alumni of the World Economic Forum (yes, the one with the message - “you will own nothing but be happy” as part of their “Great Reset”).

Mainstream media here in Canada is the same as what you are experiencing in New Zealand. For real news, I go to various alternative sites but the best, and most professional one, is called The Highwire.

They have excellent legal and research teams and they back up everything they broadcast with documents and footage (and provide the links so you can do your own research).

Although most of it pertains to the U.S., it is still relevant to the rest of the world. They also cover global protests with videos that you will never see on regular media. It's so popular, though, that it may take some time to buffer.

From one small Commonwealth country to another, here is a short video of the peaceful Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 which should bring a smile to your face.

Day five and a huge turn of events!

American truckers are joining in and truckers in other countries (Brazil, Sweden and, I'm sure, there will be more) have started convoys to protest mandates and vaccine passes. Bless them all!

Best wishes, stay strong and keep on truckin' Pam!


Replied by Donna
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Hi June,

I and my whole family had a terrible case of a covid variant of some sort in June of 2022, I am the caretaker of everyone and I am the oldest with a very compromised immune system. I was terrified that this variant was going to kill me as it travelled through my body looking for my weak parts and attacking my brain and my lungs causing infection.

I was taking many supplements that may have been helping but 2 weeks in and I was still sick as a dog.. no energy, huge night sweats, terrible pain in brain and muscles and joints, extremely weak, nautious, coughing, phlegm?, and it goes on and on.. never had a flu like this, many of the words seem the same but this was very different from the typical flu and it was frightening.

At 3 am, in desperation, fevered, and a constant headache, I went to earthclinic to see what might be working.. I tried many of the things that were recommended, but nothing had turned it around, then I saw one post on wormwood, I knew I had some in my cupboard somewhere, but it was not the kind you recommend.

It was Wormwood Artimesia (?) so running out of options, I opened a cap and put it in a small amount of warm water and drank it down and went back to sleep. I awoke 5 hrs later with the virus completely dead. It was no longer travelling through my body, my headache was gone, my temp was normal, the sweats had stopped, the body aches and pains were gone, I could breath. It felt like a miracle, I could not believe it, but thanked God, as it seemed I was loosing this battle, but even 2 weeks into covid, and 1 cap of wormwood artimesia, it was gone.

I have been over what felt like a bioweapon in my body now for a few weeks, but the virus? did leave some damage, the lack of energy, and secondary infections. I have been attempting to fix with colloidal silver and high dose melitonin.. all infections seem to be under control and receding and energy is slowly returning. I will go out and buy some of the wormwood you mentioned, but will also keep some of the Wormwood Artimesian in my First-Aid kit as well.

Do you know why the Artimesian type is not recommended? Sorry about the spelling of the word, I do not have the bottle in front of me.

Anyways, thank you Earth Clinic and community for being a light in the darkness and helping people to get well and have the best health they can have.


It's what they make the toxic absinthe drink from. You can tolerate it at moderate levels.

It was resourceful of you to try something related, I guess that isn't a bad idea when you have nothing else.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/09/2021 525 posts

I also found reference to aspirin's role in dissolving the shell viruses hide in - which I suppose makes sense of the "take two aspirins and call me in the morning" advice of days gone by. And it seems to me that the advent of "Tylenol" and the demonizing of aspirin coincides with the increase in cancer.

I've been taking two regular strength aspirin every few days and am experiencing some herx. Primarily, a rash I've been chasing all over for a couple of weeks. I didn't put the two together until I saw ORH's post about Facebook and EC's response regarding borax.

Definitely some fishy stuff. Conspiracy? Who knows but it makes one think about exploring every substance the media has demonized over the course of the skyrocketing stock prices of the patent medicine racket.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Gabriel (California) on 03/13/2020

India claims ability to prevent corona virus using traditional medicine. Here is a list of their methods:

Replied by Wanjiku

Gabriel, on this one l need translation please, Prepare decoction by boiling Behidana (Cydonia Oblonga) 3gm, Unnab Zizyphus (Jujube Linn) 5nos, Sapistan (Cordia Myxa Linn) 7nos in 1 litre water until it reduces to half. Store it in a bottle and take sips as and when required. For prophylactic measures immune system need to be strengthen for this purpose Khamira Marwareed 3-5 gm once a day may be taken.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, TN, India) on 11/22/2020

Editor's Choice


Coronavirus is very sensitive to pH value and temperature of its surrounding. According to an article titled “Conformational change of the Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 degree centigrade”, coronavirus multiplication stops if the pH value is more than 6.0 and if the pH value is 7.0 or more, the count of coranavirus will come down continuously. But if the pH value is 8.0 or more very briefly, coronavirus will not survive. But if the pH value is 5.0 or less, coronavirus will multiply very fast. People with Covid-19 will have most of coronavirus in their air pathway of breathing system. Also, coronavirus normally enter the body through nose and mouth. If one keeps the air pathway alkaline, chances of becoming Covid-19 is very low.


Prevention can be done as follows: Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one fourth teaspoon of baking soda thoroughly. Then take one half of this mixture and apply inside the nose using Q-tips. Mix the remaining mixture with one half cup of warm water and gargle it. This can be done for about 2 to 3 times in a day.


If one has mild to moderate Covid-19, it can be treated as follows: First treat with baking soda and coconut oil as explained for prevention. This will target coronavirus in the air pathways of breathing system. The following two steps can be followed:

1) Alkalize the body. There are many different ways to alkalize the body. One can choose any one of them. But lemon is a natural substance that can alkalize the body very quickly. One can take warm lemon water. The quantity of alkalizing substance taken is adjusted so that the morning urine pH is in the range of 7.0 and 7.5.

2) Consume antivirals so that the residual coronavirus is eliminated. Antivirals can be any one of the following: Aspirin, Zinc, garlic, mustard oil, antiviral herbals, etc. Antivirals will not work efficiently if the coronavirus multiplication is not stopped. So, the pH value of its environment should be more than 6.0.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Replied by Paracelsus
(Orlando, FL)
46 posts

Great but insufficient. Why would you merely gargle with baking soda? No, drink it. Every time I get a virus, I take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in water 6 x on the first day. On the second and third days, I take 4x and 2x half a teaspoon in water. I never get sick. This isn't dangerous. Your own body produces sodium bicarbonate. This recipe to fight the cold or flu used to be in the Physician's desk reference book published by Merck from what I read. So yeah, the fastest way to alkalize your body is simply by following the above recipe. Good luck all!


Just please be careful if you have high blood pressure! Too much sodium can be dangerous. Otherwise, sure! Sodium Bicarbonate is a wonderful substance.


Sodium bicarbonate is not sodium chloride; different substances. Silly. If you really want to go down a rabbit hole.....Real salt, not table salt, is actually good for disease and high blood pressure. The body is saline anyway and works to conduct. If anything, potassium needs to be around 4700, not decreasing real salt.

Replied by P. Raghavan
(Virudhunagar, TN, India.)

Coronavirus enters our body mostly through our nose and mouth and majority of coronavirus reside mostly in the airways of our breathing system. Extra alkalization of airways in our breathing system is a good idea. When infected, it may be a good idea to alkalize the entire body and do extra alkalization of the airways in our breathing system. If a person has ulcer, that person cannot take lemon water or lemon juice. Then the person can take other methods to alkalize the body. I agree with you there are many ways to alkalize the body.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Black Cumin Seed Oil

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Tassy (Giza, Cairo) on 11/20/2020

Editor's Choice

I totally recommend blackseed oil for corona virus. It's my cure all savior. I ingest a teaspoon of the oil with turmeric tea and lime juice, first thing in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, and it does wonders. I've been doing this for almost 6 years and have not got a cold or flu since.

Several of my family members have been cured from covid19 using this magical oil.

Replied by Amr

I think there is a study on this actually. Black seed oil with raw honey. How do you buy black seed oil? I got some in capsules on amazon from life extension and it made me feel sick like allergies. I think may be it was old or rancid possibly?

(Giza, Cairo)

I buy mine from a health store in Egypt. Actually, black seed oil causes detoxification, so that may be the reason why you felt sick.

I started with a half tsp and after a few days, increased to one tsp daily.

(San diego)

Black seeds make me feel odd too. My thyroid puffs up and my throat feels weird. You may have an allergy or thyroid issue?

Replied by Amy

Were any family members long haulers that did the black seed oil in turmeric? Did it help them? Plz expound

(Giza, Cairo)

Yes, two actually were and they're completely recovered now.

Replied by AR

Do you take it straight or mixed in the tea and lime juice?

EC: Mixed.

Black Cumin Seed Oil
Posted by Victor (Florida) on 03/27/2020

Try Black Seed Oil, it has been used for thousands of years. I'm 90 years old living in Florida and expect to make it to 100. I have affirmed that no "plague" is going to come near my body. Please spread this information. Black Seed Oil will KILL all viruses except DEATH LOL

Replied by Gary

How to take black seed oil, some said use with turmeric tea and lime juice, can anyone explain the best way, and if this has helped to fight the COVID

Black Cumin Seed Oil
Posted by Mogamat (South Africa ) on 03/15/2020

Black cumin seed oil can prevent the coronavirus from spreading in your system and kill it. Recommendation of 1 teaspoon 3 times daily as a preventative measure. There is scientific research behind this.

I also read research where black seed oil (Nigella Sativa) cured the HIV virus to the effect of no HIV virus trace in the patients system.

The coronavirus may cause a cytokine storm syndrome, your body goes into overdrive to kill virus cells and that can become lethal. Black seed oil inhibits and protects you from this cytokine storm syndrome. If anyone has the virus and has bad symptoms, please try pure black cumin seed oil. It can help. If it's bad that please up the dose to deal with the symptoms. I would recommended 10ml 3 times a day that cured the HIV patient. Also boil the oil and breath it in it will help with the chest congestion / pneumonia even asthma.

Google Crede oils and search for black cumin or seed oil. This is a good brand. If anyone does try these who is infected with the coronavirus please provide feedback. The prophet (peace be upon him) said that black seed cures everything besides death. Thanks

Replied by Rob S.

It was one patient in Africa and turmeric or turmeric Cur-cumin extract was included. I don't remember the exact dose but standard viral load tests were done before and compared to after treatment and the person was cured as no virus was detected after a few months.

I would suggest to increase absorption add a healthy oil my choice 100% Raw Coconut Oil and Berberine to further increase absorption + the other medicinal properties of coconut oil makes it the best choice at least that is what i would do if i was in the same situation but I take this everyday anyway along with others and everything stays away from me, i don`t get sick like i used to before taking them and don`t get a flu shot any more either and could not feel better.

Replied by Joseph
(Stockton, CA)
73 posts

The story goes like this, The prophet Mohammed said black seed oil kills everything but Death. I tried it and experimented with it 8 yrs ago, I noticed nothing and gave it away. Perhaps it may help coronavirus, however it wasn't present at that time.

Black Pepper

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Natarajan Viswanathan (Mumbai, India) on 05/09/2020

3 pieces of black pepper with a pinch of salt on every morning on empty stomach will improve immunity very much against many viruses. Nothing should be taken for one hour.After one hour one can consume his regular breakfast. Wonderful result you will see. This is a very simple remedy from Siddha Vaidya (siddha medicine) from India.

Replied by Gary

3 pieces of black whole pepper or powder, and regular salt?

Thank you

Bleach Bath

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/17/2020

Cristina Cuomo, the wife of CNN anchor and COVID-19 patient Chris Cuomo, said she was following the advice of her doctor, energy medicine and homeopathic physician Linda Lancaster, who suggested she “take a bath and add a tiny amount of bleach, and I mean a 1/4 cup of bleach which in an 80 gallon water tub is a ratio of 1:5000.”

Sticking to her guns, defended herself against backlash from people online after writing an in-depth blog post about her holistic treatments for the coronavirus.

Cristina wrote in an amended blog post after receiving negative comments. “Many of the treatments that I relied on are actually cheaper than conventional medicine, like the broth of cayenne pepper, ginger and garlic or the lemon and ginger tea or vitamin C.”

“I added a small amount—1/4 to ½ cup ONLY—of Clorox to a full bath of warm water (80 gallons), ” Cuomo wrote. Sodium hypochlorite in the form of Clorox, as a type of homeopathic bath, ” Cristina wrote, adding that her doctor says “there is no danger” in doing this detox treatment.

“Why?” she added. “To combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it.” Cuomo also noted that she is “feeling better and the virus is gone.”

Note: Calcium hypochlorite is used to disinfect swimming pools and public drinking water so your already using it daily in small amounts.

EC: Bleach baths have long been promoted by doctors for eczema. Earth Clinic has a few posts here and there about bleach baths.

Replied by blink

Just an observation, I know when I was a teenager, and felt bad, I would go swimming in a chlorinated pool, and felt healed afterward. So it cleanses through the pores somehow.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 04/26/2020

Has anyone heard of chewing on Boswellia pellets then swallowing it, for curing the virus?

Replied by JN

Mmsg, I have been taking Boswellia capsules off and on for 5 years. It helps with inflammation and infection. My understanding is that COVID-19 targets inflammation. I was sick for a week. No cough or fever but never had an illness like this before. I took Boswellia, among other things. At the first sign of inflammation, including headache, I take it. It can cause bloating and stomach distress so it's not something to be taken continually.

Mama to Many

Dear mmsg, I haven't heard of that...would Boswellia pellets be the same thing as Frankincense "tears?' I use Frankincense essential oil for many things. It works for many things; I wouldn't be surprised to see it work for CV19! Love, ~Mama to Many~

Bromelain and NAC

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/08/2021

Remedy for CV19

Sorry am too busy to check if this has been reported here before, but there are recent studies that bromelain, the enzyme from pineapple, and NAC are helpful for relief or prevention of CV19 disease. Here is one study: The study was published earlier this year, in March, 2021, in the journal Viruses. The title: The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bluetraci (Dallas, Tx) on 01/25/2021

I'm surprised people have not mentioned Bidesonide as a good treatment against Covid. Please watch this video on Budesonide, an asthma treatment has been successful for many patients, including those with severe breathing problems.

Also buying Rhinocort for prevention and when exposed since it contains Budesonide.

Covid-19 - Dr. Richard Bartlett - Budesonide Strategy

below is their Treatment and they also list providers who use that treatment on their website

Expert Physicians Suggested Full Therapeutic Protocol That is Working for Breathing Issues and Other Symptoms.

*** Ask your doctor if these therapies are right for you. ***


Budesonide 0.5-1mg/2ml respules

Sig:1 respule BID*

Dispense 2 boxes

*(Some patients with severe symptoms have benefited with 1 respule every 2 hours PRN)

Clarithromycin 500mg Sig:1 Tab PO BID with food Dispense 14. Refills X 1

Zinc 50mg

Sig:1 PO QD

Dispense 30 Refills X 1

For Adults

Coated Aspirin 81mg Sig:1 PO QD

Dispense 90 Refills X 3

Other over-the-counter items that patients have reported have aided in their recovery:

1. Tylenol – 1000 mg

- Use every four hours for headache/fever (no more than 4 times daily)

2. Budesonide nasal spray (such as Rhinocort) - Follow instructions on package

3. Mouthwash– either the whitening kind (with hydrogen peroxide) or the ones that say “kills 99.9% germs.”

- Gargle twice daily

4. Hydroshot drink (molecular hydrogen enriched water) available at - Drink 1 can in AM on empty stomach per day until symptoms resolve

5. Silver Bullet drink (hydrogen infused green tea with zinc) available at - Drink 1 can in PM with food until symptoms resolve

6. Vitamin D3 2000-4000 u/day

7. Vitamin C 500 mg (twice daily)

Burnt Sugar

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by ladybug (Fairfield, TX) on 01/24/2022

‘Burnt Sugar' for Covid. Please read entire post. Please do not respond with how bad sugar/carbs are for your health or your teeth. This is for medicinal use, not for discussion of dietary use.

What is ‘Burnt Sugar'? First thing to know - it isn't burnt. It is sugar that has been cooked until it turns dark amber. Think dark peanut brittle color.

‘Burnt Sugar' is an old home remedy used for dry coughs. It is known to make a dry cough convert to a wet cough. Dry cough happens when the membranes of the throat or lungs are irritated. The irritation causes a cough. A wet cough is a cough that moves phlegm from the throat or lungs. (Phlegm is the mucus that you cough up with a bad cold.)

So why would ‘burnt sugar' work for Covid?

Covid hits the mucous membranes fast and furious. Those that are very susceptible to Covid all have one thing in common…a compromised mucous layer on the mucous membranes (lungs and throat). (Research each at risk group and you will find this is true.) For a virus to replicate, it must connect with its cell of choice in the body. This virus goes for lung cells. The theory is that when ‘burnt sugar' makes a dry cough turn into a wet cough, it creates enough of a layer that the virus has a hard time getting to the previously easy to get to lung cells. Two things are important here. One, if the virus can't get to the lung cell to replicate, the viral load on the body is then reduced significantly. Second, if the virus can't get to the lung cell it can't destroy that lung cell. The purpose of this remedy is to not let the virus get a hold in the body. Also, if the virus already has a hold and is replicating, then the purpose is to reduce and stop the replicating by removing its ability to attach and damage.

Caution: If your body can not handle sugar in your diet and/or if you have problems with expelling phlegm with a cough, this remedy is not recommended. Also, kids under two years old may have problems expelling phlegm on their own; therefore, this remedy is not recommended.

Note: Since the purpose is to create a layer across the membranes of the lung, anything that removes that layer would be counterproductive. Lemon water and ACV tonics come to mind as possibly counterproductive as they are used to clear the lungs of mucus.

Caution: When making ‘burnt sugar', use caution so as to not burn yourself with either the hot sugar or the flame. Not recommended for young children to make ‘burnt sugar'.

Burnt sugar' syrup

  • Utensil for stirring, long handled, able to handle high heat (purpose is safe stirring while alcohol/sugar mixture is on fire)
  • Long handled fire starter such as a grill butane lighter or long handled fireplace match (purpose is safe lighting of alcohol/sugar mixture)
  • Stove with hood or an outdoor grill in open space (purpose is a stable flat cooking surface, safe handling of high flame)
  • Glass pie plate (leave glass pie plate in place until syrup has cooled, heated glass can break spilling hot syrup)
  • 8 Tablespoons refined granulated cane sugar (white sugar)
  • 8 Tablespoons whiskey or vodka (purpose is to liquify the sugar and brown it; also the residual alcohol keeps the ‘burnt sugar' liquid instead of hardening)

The alcohol will flame high when lit! Keep face and hair away from pie plate. Place glass plate on stove or grill. If using indoor stove, turn on hood. Add sugar and alcohol to pie plate. Mix. While stirring, light the alcohol/sugar mixture. Continue stirring until flame disappears. Repeat lighting/stirring until the mixture will no longer light. Let cool. If outdoors, cover with clean grill lid while syrup cools. Pour cooled syrup into glass jar. Store in refrigerator. Discard after 5-7 days. Caution: this has a residual amount of alcohol. If this is a problem for your situation, do not use ‘burnt sugar' in this form.

Usage: Take a spoonful as needed. As a cough syrup, take a spoonful every few hours. If possible, take a spoonful at the first sign of lungs feeling attacked. Also, if going shopping, take a spoonful before leaving the house. Remember, the goal if possible is to stop the virus getting a hold in the body.

There are many variations of ‘burnt sugar' recipes found on the internet. ‘Burnt sugar' drops and ‘burnt sugar' lollipops. Some add flavorings. Some add medicinals. Again, try not to use any addition that may be counterproductive. Also, some use water/milk to make cough syrup or to make hot drinks. Know that the ‘burnt sugar' will not be as strong with additions; the end product will be diluted with that additional liquid.

‘Burnt sugar' drops are usually made over direct flame and heated until the sugar turns dark amber. ‘Burnt sugar' is not burnt. Do not burn the sugar. If actually burnt, do not consume.

‘Burnt sugar' uses refined granulated cane sugar (white sugar). What about unrefined cane sugar? For the syrup, unrefined cane sugar should work. For the drops and lollipops, the closer the type of sugar is to refined, the better the process of hardening works. Other types of sweeteners or sugar substitutes are not recommended.

Replied by Sandra
(Planet Earth)

It is very important that people know that the majority of 'white sugar' we have available to us now is NOT cane sugar. Our white sugar comes from sugar beets. Avoid all mass manufactured sugar in grocery stores unless labeled 100% PURE CANE SUGAR. Other options are coconut sugar, palm sugar, date sugar, raw honey (not supermarket honey! ), pure maple syrup (read your labels! ).

Our food supply is no longer what it used to be, with everything adulterated & bastardized to the hilt. The last time I checked a box of rubbish iodized table salt in a supermarket - not proper salt at all - the ingredients read 'sugar, salt'. So not only are our sugar & salt toxic varieties compared to the pure cane sugar & sea salt we used to have available to us, these toxic types of sugar & salt are now being mixed together, making them exponentially more toxic.

Another very important thing to be aware of: many supplements and foods have maltodextrin in them. Maltodextrin is known to fuel type 2 diabetes & to depress the immune system. It is worse than sugar, yet far less sweet. It's a common additive in supplements, many foods, drinks & so on! CHECK your supplement, food & drink ingredients!

Lastly, many previously independently owned supplement companies have been bought up by large corporations, come of which are pharmaceutical companies.

When buying supplements:

1) avoid ALL supplements in drug stores / pharmacies

2) do a search to find out who owns a supplement brand - simply type in BRAND NAME (your supplement's brand name) and the word SHAREHOLDERS

3) buy your supplements only from companies which are independently owned & made in your own country

4) be wary of companies such as Pure Bulk, who sell bulk powdered & encapsulated supplements, and who lace a lot of their supplements with maltodextrin - a major trigger of type 2 diabetes

5) avoid supplements which are flavoured as they often contain toxins in their fillers & colorants - buy the purest supplements you can find

Remember, you are ingesting this with the goal of helping your body perform optimally. Just as with your car, you would choose a good quality oil & other necessary fluids to keep your car running smoothly. Take just as much care when purchasing supplements.

ALWAYS read your ingredients labels!!


Sandra, you bring up excellent points! I was going to buy some encapsulated bee propolis, and hesitated when I noticed it contained maltodextrin. Checked another brand's propolis capsules and same thing- maltodextrin! It was hiding in some stevia I had and used to make fresh squeezed lemonade. My husband and I both got terrible migraines, and we figured out that maltodextrin was the main ingredient in the stevia powder I used to sweeten the lemonade. Threw the bag straight in the trash! Was a shame because the lemons were wonderful.

Replied by Alex

I didn't want to make burnt sugar by myself so I bought a sugar lollipop. The moment I had finished it I start coughing and flegm came out. Before the lollipop I didn't expell fleck.

Camphor 1M + Bach Flower Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by bachomeo (India) on 04/04/2020

Camphor 1M has been used by Dr. Rajan Sankaran, renowned homeopath from India, in many countries with success (see video interview of Barkha Dutt with Bajaj auto CEO Rajiv Bajaj). Also, I may recommend Bach flower remedy "Walnut' (for protection from outside influences and "Mimulus" (for fear of catching the virus). All members at home are taking the above Bach combination daily. Hope this helps.

Replied by Micha-El

You know, I had a dream about using Camphor for this virus/thing. Research has shown that this has been used against plagues in Persia, almost a 1000 yrs ago. I steam with it, including Turpentine and Peppermint oil.

Replied by Msilpi
1 posts

I actually used menthol and peppermints to help with the congestion in my chest and nasal when I had it last year. So I think you're right.
I rubbed vapor rub on my chest and put a big dab of it in my bath water when I took a bath. I used alot of those very strong Vicks vapor cool menthol cough drops and peppermints candy. It really helped with the breathing.

I had so much trouble getting rid of all of the congestion until I read about using some pineapple. So I bought some pineapple chunks in juice.. and that weekend got rid of almost all of the chest congestion that had been staying in my chest for so long.

So that is helped not only me but the rest of my family to get through this virus. And I really hope this helps somebody else as much as it's helped us.


My DH used vick's vaporub constantly for his copd. It may not have opened the airways, but certainly made him feel as if it did and that reduced the anxiety of not being able to breathe and that was beneficial. All the dr's were impressed, but I doubt whether they recommended to any other patients (except one, at UAB's Kirklin Clinic--he was great and kept a list of non-traditional hints for his VA patients. He realized that older, independent patients would try anything rather than go to the dr.)

Replied by Kathy

Desktop Nebulizer w/35%food grade Hydrogen Peroxide and sterile saline water! Flow directions carefully! NO TAP WAter

This works!

Also, add megadoses of VitaminC, VitD, zinc, lemon juice, alkalinize and detox the body!!!


Instead of Clorox, I suggest chlorine dioxide (Cl02) Kills viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold and very effective via an atomizer, for the respiratory system or apply a gel to the skin for fast absorption into your blood.

Replied by Pam E.
(Southern California)
153 posts

MY DH once picked up some capsules of MSM from Walmart. I was suspicious, so I opened one & poured the powder on a glass of water. Pure MSM goes right into the water & is easily & quickly mixed into it. This stuff, however, seemed to be made of tiny oil or plastic particles, as it wouldn't sink -or mix- for anything! I certainly didn't take any of that stuff, either! It pays to be careful!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tyler Vincent (Canyon BC) on 05/11/2020

Cayenne capsules are LIFE SAVERS, prevents covid19 induced stroke, heart attack, and blood clots; 70% of fatal cases had blood clot, 40% of ICU and severe home cases have blood clots. Canadian & US doctors prescribe blood thinners to even mild covid patients, sent back home, to prevent blood clots. Topical Himalayan pink salt will remove pains from kidneys and lower back.

I've had corona, now day 78. I'm 36; was a vaper until I got worst case corona cytokine storms, which have a 40% mortality rate. On day 58 I took two cayenne capsules, I was not prepared for what was about to happen. I felt the cayenne go into my lungs and completely clear them out. My lung pains and kidney pains are nearly totally gone now. Himalayan Pink salt finely ground in a coffee grinder placed under the kidneys in bed cured them over night. See my videos for more information. I had also posted previously about cocoa being effective for covid19... well it turns out cocoa also treats thrombosis which is caused by covid19, which causes blood clots. It also turns out cloves are the best iron reducer on earth, free iron oxidative stress is caused by covid19's attack up on hemoglobin as well, so get on cloves.

Blood clot info: Unexpected Cause of Death in Younger COVID-19 Patients is Related to Blood Clotting

COVID-19 Is Causing Blood Clots and Strokes in Some Patients—but Doctors Don't Know Why

Doctors increasingly concerned about blood clotting risk in severe COVID-19 patients

Replied by Sandra

Hi - can you explain further the Himalaya salt & kidney remedy? what do you mean placed under the kidneys? how? thanks

Replied by Maya
(Lake Forest, Ca)
3 posts

How much of the cayenne capsules did you take and what was the mg of each capsule? My son has Covid-19 and I have been testing him. The biggest issue is he is congested. Thank you for any information you can give me.


Editor's Choice To Maya -

Cayenne pills come in 350mg up to 500 mg depending on who you buy them from. You will need to take them with food if you have a weak stomach. Or, you can simply mix 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder in a cup of warm milk. The reason you are using milk is because dairy products are known to "take the heat out of hot peppers". Making it easier to consume. That's why they give you sour cream at the Mexican resturant with your meal.

If you decide to use pills, do NOT buy them from walmart "Spring Valley" brand. I bought some and they had a yellow powder in them. I cracked one open to taste the powder and NO HEAT. I don't know what they were but it wasn't cayenne pepper. Found out later that Spring Valley is a Chinese owned company so there you go.

Also, you may want to look into making garlic salve or oil to apply to your son chest for congestion. This is a favorite used by the Amish/Mennonite communities. I wrote the instructions on how to make Garlic Salve in EC Pneumonia section here:

(Lake Forest, CA)


Thank you for your reply, and the advise. It was a blessing from the Lord. My son thought I was exaggerating when I tried giving him the cayenne and the garlic treatment. With everything thing else he has been taking. I showed him the message and he agreed to do as you said.

Will make the garlic salve.

Celery Juice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jackie (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/04/2021

Editor's Choice

Unfortunately, I have been exposed to Covid multiple times. Each time I get it, I drink 16 oz of celery juice. This can be homemade or store-bought. It must be pure celery juice, with no other additives or ingredients (besides lemon, at most! ). It is not the greatest tasting thing, but it works.

Today I woke up with a tight chest, a headache, and major muscle pain in my legs, torso, and hip area. Later, I had sensitivity to light and major fatigue.

This 4th time is similar to the 1st time I had Covid. It is miserable.

I usually take the celery juice right away if I start having symptoms and it nips it in the bud very quickly. I start to feel much better within an hour or 2 of drinking it.

But this time I waited because I did not think it was Covid at first. With my other covid experiences I usually had a cough or congestion. This time there I didn't have the coughing and congestion. I thought I just overworked my leg muscles or something. It wasn't until the severe shortness of breath, fatigue, and the light sensitivity that I knew it was Covid again.

I continue to drink the 16 oz of celery juice every morning until the symptoms fully subside. This usually takes about 3 - 4 days of drinking celery juice to feel back to nearly 100%.

During this time I also get lots of rest and eat a ton of greens and drink chicken broth with veggies and rice.

Finally, stay near a bathroom because celery juice has a strong laxative effect.

Replied by Connie

I am a daily celery juicer(follow Medical Medium) and so happy to hear your success with CJ relieving your covid symptoms! I have another protocol in place in case I should get covid....and now great to know CJ is another effective protocol! There are plenty of effective protocols out there that should end the push for vaxes...I will NEVER get! Thank you for sharing your experiences to overcome covid infections!

(Citrus Heights, CA)

When I first started drinking celery juice 2 and a half years ago, I never had any problems with going to the bathroom. Then I stopped drinking it for around 6 months and now I'm back drinking it and have to go to the bathroom a lot now.

The reason I'm back drinking it is in 2019 when I went to the eye doctor he said I had a baby cataract in my eye, then in 2020 before the pandemic, I went back and it was gone. So when I went in March of 2021 I was told I had a lot of cataracts and I had stopped drinking celery juice. So now I'm back drinking it forever if I can. I told my brothers about this and they want to know it will work on my cataracts. Time will tell.

Chaga + Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by John Bergeson (United States) on 03/20/2020

Clif High said; daily Chaga mushroom tea and 2,500 mg liposomal vitamin C

Replied by Brenda
(Wonder Lake, Illinois)

Will buffered vitamin C powder work?

Chinese Reflexology

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Justin G. (Atlanta, GA) on 03/25/2020

Something I have not seen posted here but which is certainly helping in china is acupressure/acupuncture/reflexology. Here are the points that I know of which help pneumonia, upper respiratory issues, coughing, MERS, and SARS: Ding Chuan (M-BW-1) B10 CV22 GB21 LI4 LU1 LU2 LU5 LU6 LU7 LU8 LU9 KD3 KD6 KD27 ST36 ST40 Also pranayama breathing (aka wim hof breathing) is good for breath and staying calm.

(Atlanta, GA)

Warning: If you're pregnant, do not use LU7.

Chlorine Dioxide

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Cdioxide30 (Houston, Tx) on 02/23/2022

Chlorine dioxide in water 30ppm ... the molecule is very tiny and is said it can get through the hydrogel to the nanotech which it then oxidizes the metallic parts of the nanotech to put a stop to it. Also helps with a lot of other kinds of healing.


How to:

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by Kristy (Colorado) on 03/13/2021

Chlorine Dioxide or MMS is amazing! We are all so focused on anti-oxidants, that we forget we need to flush out the the debris from the aftermath.....that's when an oxidant such as CD or Hydrogen peroxide comes into flush them out! Our famliy of 5 has all been sick, but as soon as it started we took CD several times a day in water and nebulizing hydrogen peroxide in saline, and we have been able to kick it between 2-5 days. Effective and cheap!

Replied by Cynthia

Hi Kristy,

Where did you get the MMS chlorine dioxide?

Replied by Pam
(New Zealand)

The guy who initially told us about this is in his 80's and moves around African countries healing. Mark S. Grenon and his two sons have been languishing in USA jail for over 18 months for supplying people often for free if they can't afford the $25. He wrote "Imagine a World Without Disease" which is excellent. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker wrote "Forbidden Health" and lists treatments for so many diseases and how to treat them last I heard had also been arrested as he has spent years helping countries like Bolivia and Mexico. He is an extremely intelligent man and had so much taken from him by standing up. His book cannot be faulted. NO-one is going to be allowed to escape that jab and its consequences if they can help it.