Candida: Killing So Sweetly
By Bill Thompson (aka Bill from the Philippines), one of Earth Clinic's most popular contributors!
Published October, 2013
This proven anti-candida regimen is fully detailed, with Example Daily Protocol Schedules included to help the candida sufferer defeat their own difficult candida fungal problems. Return to a state of health, and feel like yourself again!
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pH-Balanced for Life! The Easiest Way to Alkalize
by Parhatsathid Napatalung (aka the famous Ted from Bangkok) and Bill Thompson (aka Bill from the Philippines), two of Earth Clinic's most popular contributors!
Counteract life's overwhelmingly acidic effects simply and effectively with inexpensive, natural, and off-the-shelf medical supplements that can be incorporated into your daily life as easily as pouring yourself a glass of water.
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Apple Cider Vinegar: A Modern Folk Remedy
by Deirdre Layne and Daniel P. Kray
Apple Cider Vinegar, A Modern Folk Remedy brings together all of the best ideas this community has uncovered about how and when to use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for general health and specific remedies, but we've gone beyond that with details on the history of apple cider vinegar use and the expanding scientific discoveries that finally offer proof on those ACV benefits we've all enjoyed.
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