Health Benefits

Vitamin D May Suppress Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients

| Modified on Dec 16, 2024
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Vitamin D for Coronavirus

A new study has shown that low Vitamin D levels appear to play a significant role in COVID-19 death rates. Vitamin D strengthens innate immunity and prevents overactive immune responses.

Patients with severe Vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to experience significant complications, according to researchers from Northwestern University.

Researchers analyzed data from a number of hospitals and clinics across the world. They found that patients from countries with high COVID-19 mortality rates, such as the US, Spain, UK, Italy, and China, had lower levels of vitamin Dcompared to patients in other countries that were not as affected.

The team found a connection between low Vitamin D levels and a hyperactive immune response (also known as cytokine storm).

Ali Daneshkhah, one of the study's authors, states: "Cytokine storm can severely damage lungs and lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients.  This is what seems to kill a majority of COVID-19 patients, not the destruction of the lungs by the virus itself. It is the complications from the misdirected fire from the immune system."

According to the study, not only could Vitamin D cut the mortality rate in half, but it could also reduce complications and prevent death in people who are infected with COVID-19. [1]

Vitamin D dosage for COVID-19.

Vitamin D Dosage for COVID-19

Another recent study suggests that vitamin Dsupplementation can reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections and death.

10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day should be taken for a few weeks to reduce the risk of infection. After that, 5,000 IU per day is recommended.

For the treatment of people who are already infected with COVID-19, researchers suggest that an even higher daily dose vitamin D3 might be useful.


Where to Buy Vitamin D3

You can find vitamin d3 at most pharmacies, health food stores, grocery stores, and of course, online.

Here are a few links to Vitamin D3 Amazon:

Healthy Origins Vitamin D3 10,000 IU (Non-GMO), 360 Softgels

Solgar Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 250 MCG (10,000 IU), 120 Softgels 

NatureWise Vitamin D3 5,000 IU  [360 Count]

Continue reading below for feedback from Earth Clinic readers who have used Vitamin D to improve their immunity against coronavirus. Let us know if you tried this remedy!

Related Links:

25 Scientifically Proven Ways Melatonin Can Fight COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

16 User Reviews

Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (USA) on 03/25/2021

Just today I heard a Doctor, with massive credentials, mention Vitamin D as a preventative to the Covid virus. It was interesting to me because my Physician Assistant who left after our last phone appt. for 6 weeks, they said, told me to double my D vitamins she had prescribed. I did, and I've not caught the virus. I know there could be many other reasons, but I have been to Walmarts, and other stores many, many times where later, I heard of several people getting Covid.

It may be worth it to add this to your regime of preventatives if you haven't already. I take 250 mcg or 10,000 Iu's a day. I buy them for 5.99 at our Grocery outlet and the brand is Nature' Bounty.

Replied by Caitriona
4 posts

Just be careful as Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and can store up and become toxic if you have too much. If you take it with K2 and magnesium you can take in much lower doses and it gets your levels up much more efficiently. Really you should check your bloods regularly until you work out what dosage works for you and maybe give your self a break over summer months and soak up some natural Vitamin D.

Replied by YellowBird

Want to agree with Catriona from Dublin about too much Vitamin D being not good. After contracting long-haul Covid, it was only with taking extra Vitamin D and Zinc that finally brought an end to 4 months inflammation in my chest wall and joints. So I kept taking both for the next year as I wanted to ensure I wouldn't go through that again. But about 3 months ago, I began having cloudy urine that became over time stronger smelling and eventually became Intermittent Cystitis.

With no infection present, I realized it may be time to reevaluate my nutritional supplements. After I eliminated the extra Vitamin D from my daily regimen, my bladder immediately began to calm down. 6 weeks later, I now have only occasional issues whenever my daily vitamin D intake rises above the norm. I maxed out on D-- if I hadn't cut it back, I could have done lasting damage to my urinary tract. I've since read that long term vitamin D excess has been linked to kidney problems. Definitely don't want that!


If you are posting to help other people, stating your mass and the amount of D3 along with your 25 hydroxy levels would help more than general statements.

The cause of Kidney damage directly is not D3 as Healthy kidneys are rich with vitamin D receptors and play a major role in turning vitamin D into its active form.

The problem with taking high levels of D3 is that it causes hypercalcemia. This can be avoided by increasing levels of K2 (menaquinone -7) which takes calcium out of the blood and soft tissues placing it where it needs to be, bones, etc.


How much Vitamin D were you taking? I upped my dosage due to Covid. I experienced frequent UTI's. Perhaps that was the reason.

Replied by Art
2371 posts


Could you share your vitamin D dose as well as your zinc dose and your weight to give us an idea of how much you were taking that caused the IC? Thank you!


Replied by Ana
(Ephrata, PA)

When taking vitamin D it's important to take K2 with it. When taken alone vitamin d can increase calcium levels in the body. K2 helps the vitamin D be absorbed properly.

Vitamin D
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/09/2021 529 posts
★★★★★ posted a link to a paper it describes, saying,

"The study, published on the pre-print medRxiv* server, highlights the role of vitamin D supplementation in reducing the risk of severe illness and death due to COVID-19."

If the link to medrxiv link in the quote doesn't work, it is

Vitamin D was already being tested against upper respiratory infections in general which made it a perfect candidate for exploration into handling Covid.

Vitamin D
Posted by Sweetestmomof4 (Bible Belt) on 07/22/2020

A clinical study, Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and disease was released a few days ago in the peer reviewed journal, Nutrients. It states that supplementing with vitamins D2 or D3 can protect against the development of acute respiratory tract infections such as COVID-19. Moreso, it suggests that this information is vital to African Americans as well as obese persons who tend to be deficient in vitamin D and have higher mortality rates linked to covid-19.

I stumbled across this information watching an episode of MedCram on youtube. This edition is titled, "Coronavirus Pandemic Update 97: Vitamin D & COVID-19 Immunity, The Endothelium, & Deficiencies."

On another note, many sincere thanks to EC contributors Bill Thompson and Art for their covid-19 protocols. Peace and blessings upon you all-especially Ted.

Vitamin D
Posted by Cynthia (Bertram TX) on 05/17/2020

Why did youtube delete your video for Vit D3 for Community standards? I saw nothing that went against their rules.

Replied by Mary

Look up ingredients in D CON.

Earth Clinic

Hi Cynthia, We're not sure! Possibly the title of the video, which was very similar to the title of this page, was too much for them? We reposted the video on Facebook Videos (with different title) and Vimeo. Here are the new links:

Vitamin D
Posted by Earth Clinic (EC) on 05/16/2020

Our new video was censored! YouTube took down our new video on Vitamin D supplementation based on 2 research studies!

This is the url to the now removed video:

And here's the email they sent this morning:

Hi Earth Clinic, As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe which content we allow – and don't allow – on YouTube. Your video Vitamin D Dosage That May Suppress Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients - Earth Clinic was flagged to us for review. Upon review, we've determined that it violates our guidelines and we've removed it from YouTube. We know that this might be disappointing, but it's important to us that YouTube is a safe place for all. If content breaks our rules, we remove it. If you think we've made a mistake, you can appeal and we'll take another look. Keep reading for more details. Video content restrictions YouTube doesn't allow content that encourages or promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death. We also don't allow content that appears to be posted in a shocking, sensational, or disrespectful manner. The only depictions of such activities that we may allow need to be educational or documentary in nature and shouldn't be designed to help or encourage others to imitate them. When uploading a video, make sure to post as much information as possible in the title and description to help us and your viewers understand the primary purpose of the video. Learn more here. Impact on your account This removal has not resulted in a Community Guidelines strike or penalty on your account. However, we still encourage you to review all of your content to make sure it's in line with our Community Guidelines. Additional violations could result in strikes against your account, or even lead to account termination. How you can respond If you believe this was a mistake, we'd like to hear from you. To appeal this removal, please submit this form. Our team will thoroughly review your appeal and will contact you again soon. Sincerely, - The YouTube Team

Replied by Anon

Censorship on Y/T is big at the moment and will be for the foreseeable future. Did you know Dr. Mercola's video on nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide was also removed by YouTube? Here's an experiment for everyone... Try searching on YouTube for Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation or Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide. What you will see in search results are videos that either talk about the dangers of it or videos with very few views. They aren't removing all videos, but they are QUIETLY burying videos of value way down on the search results, making good information impossible to find. Search engines are doing the same. They were doing it before COVID-19 make no mistake.

2371 posts

Deirdre, Many of the youtube channels I subscribe to report that many of their videos are being pulled by youtube and are switching to other sites while maintaining their youtube channel. Many report it is usually due to the use of specific words or terms such as cytokine storm, coronavirus or Covid-19. Even Dr. Seheult, who is very clear in explaining the science as he talks through his video series, had all of his videos removed because they had the word hydroxychloroquine used in them. It didn't happen right away, but as soon as he described how dismal the results are with HCQ in different trials, those videos were pulled by youtube. I know one person who discusses Covid-19 related issues was told she could no longer use the term Covid-19 or Coronavirus so she had to make up an alternate name that her viewers would understand what she was talking about. Youtube seems to be big on censorship these days causing people to switch to other options to do their podcasts and videos on. Art

2371 posts

Deirdre, Many of the youtube channels I subscribe to report that many of their videos are being pulled by youtube and are switching to other sites while maintaining their youtube channel. Many report it is usually due to the use of specific words or terms such as cytokine storm, coronavirus or Covid-19. Even Dr. Seheult, who is very clear in explaining the science as he talks through his video series, had all of his videos removed because they had the word hydroxychloroquine used in them. It didn't happen right away, but as soon as he described how dismal the results are with HCQ in different trials, those videos were pulled by youtube. I know one person who discusses Covid-19 related issues was told she could no longer use the term Covid-19 or Coronavirus so she had to make up an alternate name that her viewers would understand what she was talking about. Youtube seems to be big on censorship these days causing people to switch to other options to do their podcasts and videos on. Art

Vitamin D
Posted by Rob (United States) on 05/09/2020

I have been taking vitamins d, c, and zinc. Also have recommended them to other people I know. Unfortunately, our government only recommending staying 6 feet apart staying home and wearing a mask. I believe this is demonstrating the average America's overall health and think it shows how nutrient poor our diet is!

Replied by Karie

I have been taking 5000 vitamin D3,1000 vitamin C, 30 zinc and elderberry chew every day for over a month. Today I found out I have covid. :(

Upping my vitamin C to 3000 a day and start taking a teaspoon of black seed oil a day to see if it helps.

Good news is I only have a slight cough and a bad headache. A do have a little discomfort in my upper chest. Hoping I do not get any other symptoms.


Up the zinc and take Quercetin with it.

NAC is also very good.

(Thousand Islands)

To Karie,,, see Art's post about "Xlear" nasal spray. And so much more on earth clinic! I drink CS everyday. Been taking care of my 98 yr. old. father who is recovering now from covid. Don't let it take hold of you! I have the ivermectin horse paste on hand in case I need it. I also take BHT twice a day because of my exposure to my dad. I developed a severe dry cough and am nebulizing saline/lugol's iodine/food grade h202 everyday. I also take many supplements.

Vitamin D
Posted by Rob (United States) on 05/09/2020

I have been taking vitamins d, c, and zinc. Also have recommended them to other people I know. Unfortunately, our government only recommending staying 6 feet apart staying home and wearing a mask. I believe this is demonstrating the average America's overall health and think it shows how nutrient poor our diet is!

Vitamin D
Posted by Mary G. (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 05/09/2020

I buy my Vit D3 -5000iu - from Many years ago I tested low for D levels and started using 10,000 iu on most days. This really raised my levels up at my last test.

Vitamin D
Posted by Meg (Canada) on 05/09/2020

I am curious to hear what people are taking for vitamin D supplementation, given this new research. I have been taking 5,000 of D3 daily for the past week. Looks like 10,000 is a better idea. Thoughts?

Replied by Art
2371 posts

Meg, One drawback to higher dose vitamin-D is that higher dose vitamin D lowers your melatonin level which also declines with age, with spring/summer and with infection with Covid-19. Melatonin is already greatly reduced in seniors and with the further reduction caused by Covid-19 and spring/summer, it is abysmally low. Since it appears that melatonin may also potentially reduce the chance for a cytokine storm and pneumonia, this helped Dr. Neel to decide to try high dose melatonin (HDM) on his Covid-19 patients to very good effect! Fortunately, HDM can make up for higher vitamin D status, spring/summer melatonin deficit, melatonin decline to both age and Covid-19 infection. It seems that Dr. Neel has found the best of both worlds! Art

Dr. Andrew

Meg, It all begins with knowing what your current blood levels are and supplementing accordingly and then 3 months later testing again.

Vitamin D
Posted by Uncertain (LA) on 04/19/2020

VITAMIN D FOR COVID- 19 a clip from a blog written by doctor.. Thanks for your interest in Vitamin D, it is a subject close to my heart especially in these days of Covid 19. First, it is the only vitamin that has two sources-sunlight and diet, especially fish. Its action are vast influencing over 80 illnesses, An expert opinion on this is Henry Lahore on LinkedIn in addition to my posts and articles. In the days of common sense during the Second World War, England found itself running out of food. To protect children every child was given a bottle of Halborange made up of orange juice and halibut oil, no deficiency, replenished every month. Today testing for vitamin D is limited by our government. Many average citizens when tested have very low levels. In years past it was most likely the cause of Cabin Fever in late Winter. One last point is that a number of doctors believe that vitamin D protects against the Covid 19 virus, Italy has been ravaged and many Italians have low vitamin D levels, even when supplements are given to the population. The vitamin stops penetration of the virus into the cell. Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Acute Respiratory Tract Infections: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data - PubMed Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Acute Respiratory Tract Infections:... Objectives To assess the overall effect of vitamin D supplementation on risk of acute respiratory t...

Replied by Adeha Feustel
(North Carolina)

I've read that over 70% of the US population is deficient or insufficient in vitamin D. Those most affected are people with dark skin, elders, prisoners, and those with little sun exposure (like prisoners). Research indicates these populations will be more vulnerable to the virus and have worse outcomes.

G. Baker

When my mother was growing up, her mother gave them cod liver oil everyday. Mother knows best.

Vitamin D
Posted by MKing (California ) on 04/16/2020

I know of 4 people who treated the virus with the following ingredients, which led to full recovery: Horehound Tea: this stops the chest pains Elderberry Extract or Syrup. Try to get one with less fillers 30,000 to 40,000 icu of Vitamin D3 for three days. Then you can reduce to 25000 after starting to feel better. Vitamin C 3000 to 4000 mg. Need to build up to avoid tummy ache, or try buffered or Liposomal Vitamin C so you can take larger dosages without tummy problems. God Bless

Replied by Diana

For those who still need an incentive to take Vitamin D for Covid-19, here is an interesting article from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service – “How we can fix this pandemic in a month” .. .

I'm increasing my Vitamin D (via supplements) as well as taking complementary K2 and magnesium.

And in today's newsletter, Dr. Mercola mentioned just how important it is to get your Vitamin D levels up this summer (“The Most Important Paper Dr. Mercola Has Ever Written”).

Don't wait for your doctor's approval or double-blind tests. Take control of your health – especially with all of the predictions (well, threats really) of the double whammy of flu and a second wave of Covid-19 this autumn.

Hmmm, what did we talk about before the coronavirus? I can't remember any more.

Vitamin D
Posted by Rita (California) on 04/15/2020

I don't know if I had the Covid 19 virus, but I did have symptoms. I wasn't tested as my symptoms were VERY mild. Whatever it was, a flu or otherwise, it was the mildest "virus" I have ever had. I think the reason mine didn't get bad was because I had for the last 2 months been doing an herbal cleanse, specifically, Yerba Prima Women's RENEW Internal cleanse. It's a kit with three supplements. When sick, I took lysine, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, B-complex, zinc and 3 capsules 3x a day of Goldenseal. Toward the end, I started taking Elderberry, Wild Cherry Bark, and a product called Bronchial clear and bayberry which is specific for respiratory problems. I believe the cleanse is what helped the most. Here's why: Back in the early 1990s I got chicken pox. My only symptoms were 5 pox marks. No fever, no typical viral symptoms. I had been doing a series of colonics to clean out my system when I got the chicken pox. I am convinced that it was cleaning out my body that kept the chicken pox mild. Recently, I watched a doctor on Facebook talk about the use of zinc and quinine. The quinine acts the same as the medications they are using to treat the corona virus. It helps the cells of the body to absorb zinc. He suggested 3-4 cups of tonic water containing quinine/day along with zinc. Probably try 30 mg. of zinc one or two times /day. Do not take large doses of zinc for more than a few days. Walmart carries tonic water. I found some yesterday up near the registers in the front of the store.

Replied by G. Baker

I, too, have heard doctors discuss using tonic water w/ quinine, but as a preventive, they stated only 3 - 4 ounces per day were needed. Adding 1/2 cup of unsweetened citrus juice will give you the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is also helpful in fighting the virus. Drinking it while standing in the sun to get your vitamin D will further strengthen the body. However, this virus is primarily hard on the elderly and those with underlying health problems. If the younger and healthier expose themselves to the virus, most will recover in about a week or two. That will allow herd immunity across the nation, which will be much more of a protection to the vulnerable.


Do online search for a review of the best tonic waters. I personally recommend FEVER TREE brand. Bye. Angus's

Vitamin D
Posted by AJC (UK) on 04/04/2020

The well known herb Chinese Skullcap ( Scutellaria Baicalensis) has the ability to inhibit the enzyme neuraminidase produced by respiratory viruses to facilitate entry into host cells/lung tissue. Vitamin D3 too has antiviral properties in sufficiently high doses. Compounds within Elderberries have the potential to break down the "spikes" on the viral particle surfaces which attach to lung cells/tissues. Vitamin C in high doses can help reduce the cytokine storm damage in the lungs. Maybe none of these is a cure for Covid 19 but as the drug companies have nothing either then maybe these are worth at least considering?

Vitamin D
Posted by rkmast (VA) on 03/02/2020

Vitamin C... 2-4g Oregano Oil capsules Vitamin D3 Garlic capsules Works great for any flu or virus! (2-3x per day)

Vitamin D
Posted by Liz (Scranton, PA) on 02/28/2020

Two or three drops of iodine to distilled water in a hand-held sprayer. Inhale the mist frequently. Colloidal silver may also be used this way too but not together. High dose vitamin C, 10,000 mgs in water every hour or to bowel tolerance. til you feel better. Additional zinc daily with food (50mgs twice daily) Vitamin D 3 with K2 7. (Buy them together if you can.) 10,000 unit daily during close association with the illness.

Replied by C
(United States)

I would disagree about buying K2 together with D3. Researched it deeply. Buy it separate because the K2 7 they use in combo with D3 is usually not the right kind or synthetic. K2 7 is very complicated to explain but many of the ones on the market are total crap to take. If it's too inexpensive than don't buy it because it's not the right kind to take. Pretty much any D3 is fine to use but that is not true of K2 7.