Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, TN, India) on 11/22/2020


Coronavirus is very sensitive to pH value and temperature of its surrounding. According to an article titled “Conformational change of the Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 degree centigrade”, coronavirus multiplication stops if the pH value is more than 6.0 and if the pH value is 7.0 or more, the count of coranavirus will come down continuously. But if the pH value is 8.0 or more very briefly, coronavirus will not survive. But if the pH value is 5.0 or less, coronavirus will multiply very fast. People with Covid-19 will have most of coronavirus in their air pathway of breathing system. Also, coronavirus normally enter the body through nose and mouth. If one keeps the air pathway alkaline, chances of becoming Covid-19 is very low.


Prevention can be done as follows: Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one fourth teaspoon of baking soda thoroughly. Then take one half of this mixture and apply inside the nose using Q-tips. Mix the remaining mixture with one half cup of warm water and gargle it. This can be done for about 2 to 3 times in a day.


If one has mild to moderate Covid-19, it can be treated as follows: First treat with baking soda and coconut oil as explained for prevention. This will target coronavirus in the air pathways of breathing system. The following two steps can be followed:

1) Alkalize the body. There are many different ways to alkalize the body. One can choose any one of them. But lemon is a natural substance that can alkalize the body very quickly. One can take warm lemon water. The quantity of alkalizing substance taken is adjusted so that the morning urine pH is in the range of 7.0 and 7.5.

2) Consume antivirals so that the residual coronavirus is eliminated. Antivirals can be any one of the following: Aspirin, Zinc, garlic, mustard oil, antiviral herbals, etc. Antivirals will not work efficiently if the coronavirus multiplication is not stopped. So, the pH value of its environment should be more than 6.0.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.
