Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by Mike (Raleigh, NC) on 05/12/2008

For Acid Reflux: Bananas, folks. Eat them for breakfast and before bedtime. Works better than anything else I've tried and they're good for you, too.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 05/04/2008 495 posts


Hello Erik from Pittsburgh,

Hopefully anyone intelligent enough to use the internet has enough intelligence to reject the idea if someone should be idiotic enough to recommend that they take strychnine or cyanide or some other poison! First off, I seriously doubt that anyone has written in recommending something that they haven't tried themselves.

I fully agree that these claims have not been evaluated by orthodox medicine studies or the FDA, but God forbid that I ever have to rely solely on the FDA's "GRAS" ratings or take every word spoken by a doctor as the gospel truth. But let's take a look at some of those that were. Remember the thalidomide that orthodox medical doctors prescribed for the normal nausea of pregnancy? How would you like to have been one of those infants born with severe deformities (the pictures of these babies, some with hands attached to shoulders instead of wrists because they had no arms or missing both arms and legs and worse) were heart breaking. I believe the FDA approved of this medication or at least passed it after taking the word of some doctor or doctors who performed a study paid for by the pharmaceutical company that produced it.

Or take a look at a more recent one called Viox. One of my aunts is one of those unlucky ones prescribed the latest thing for her arthritis pain - she has had a stroke, myocardial infarct, and a pacemaker implanted, thanks to this wonder drug that was supposedly FDA rated safe after the proper studies were done. This aunt had a lovely garden (vegetables) prior to this fiasco - I don't think she will ever be able to tend her garden again. I was raised to believe that pokeweed berries were poisonous, but after a very good friend and neighbor told me to take them for severe arthritis and she didn't back down when threatened with having to finish raising my 4 children if it killed me, I started taking them and am still taking them 40+ years later. I wouldn't be surprised to find that Viox was some substance isolated from pokeberries, and a synthetic version produced so it could be patented and make a fortune for the pharmaceutical company. I have come to the conclusion that one should never try to improve on God's product. I kept the "fail safe" by taking the pokeberries instead of a depleted synthetic version of what was found to be detrimental to the arthritis. Of course I had to work out how much and how often to take them myself, since she didn't know how her aunt took them. I do know that orthodox medicine was performing studies on pokeberries (as well as many other herbs/plants) since the 60's and 70's. We were told in a physiology lecture in l977 (at a prestigious southern medical school) "that we don't know why, but from a study we have going here, we know that pokeberries throws the immune system into gear to fight". I had already been taking them about l0 years at the time, so I just sat there & grinned. If you have a problem with herbs & plants, which I call "God's medicine", there is a wealth of information in the federal government's botanical data base, if you can find your way into it. If you can't find your way into it, James (Jim) Duke, retired PHD botanist, who amassed much of this information, has written a book titled "The Green Pharmacy" which is very informative. I own a couple of copies of it myself and have given some to my children.

Or how about the one (I forget the name) that was finally outlawed in this country after several years because too many of the ones taking it were developing irreversible blindness? The pharmaceutical company just continued selling it in other countries. This is not malpractice or neglect - it is criminal behavior secondary to greed!

I also find it amusing that many doctors are getting smart and passing up chemotherapy themselves when they develop cancer. Google Lorraine Day for a great & successful example of this.

If you are in the medical field, I am sorry if the job security is getting shaky, but I will have to "fess up" that I started taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements because I knew they worked. If I hadn't already been convinced of their effectiveness before, I would have been positive after seeing the AMA try to gain control of them by striving to make them available by "prescription" only and that prescription would have to be written by a doctor. Unfortunately Big Pharms and AMA haven't given up on this yet. Frankly, The FDA has been almost worthless and hasn't been earning the salaries that the taxpayer's money goes to pay over the past few decades. Apparently they find bigger money from lobbyists for the AMA and Big Pharm and court battles easier to win against the little guys who are selling us the vitaminsm, minerals & supplements.

It is way past time that the FDA admits that they goofed when they rated monosodium glutamate and aspartame "GRAS" but it may be too late to avoid many of us from developing Diabetes Mellitus, type 2, Parkinsons' disease, alzheimers and many other problems. I urge everyone to research these two toxins that permeate our foods and start fighting these in our foods, because the FDA is not going to do it. The latest thing I read on alzheimer's disease is that it is much more prevalent, striking at a younger age and in those without a genetic predisposition, than previously thought. That tells me that it is what they are putting in our food.

Posted by Erik (Pittsburgh, PA) on 05/01/2008


re: Untested Claims. Please take into account the claims that you are making have not been tested via prospective randomized controlled trials versus placebo and would not stand in court. If some one were to use your website and take its advice then have a true medical problem such as acid reflux which led to a GI bleed, then inplicated you for giving treatment advice without a medical practicioner's license you could woefully liable. Anectdotal evidence does not equal effective.

EC: Erik, it appears you didn't read the medical disclaimer at the bottom of every page on this website. Perhaps you should.

High Altitudes
Posted by Rick (Cictoria, BC, Canada) on 04/20/2008

I recently went to live for three weeks at very high altitude, in Ecuador. During my stay my reflux went completely. I found I could even drink alcohol and wonderful local coffee. My symptoms gradually returned about eight weeks after my return. My work involves a certain amount of forward bending so I could be aggravating my symptoms and causing acid reflux with bending. However I do also wonder if the altitude, 8,500 feet to 12,000 feet, contributed to my temporary recovery. Higher altitudes have totally different bacterial fauna and lower oxygen levels. My bodies' physiology had to adapt; with a faster heart rate and thus altered vagal nerve activity for example. Perhaps some of the readers would like to comment.

Reader Theories
Posted by Kaye (Edinburg, TX) on 04/20/2008

My son was diagnosed with acid reflux at the age of 7. He has been on and off prevacid for 6 years now. I am new to your site, but read an entry of 12-25-2007 by HD from Bothell, WA about testing his "acid reflux for h. pilori."

HD talks about a second trial and a new medication. Please let me know what that means and what the new medication is so that I can speak w/my son's doctor about it. Thank you so much!! Kaye.

Posted by T (Dumont, NJ) on 04/20/2008

After a long battle, first with prescriptions, then with nearly every suggestion made here on Earth Clinic, I have finally defeated Acid Reflux by juicing. (I love Earth Clinic, & many of the suggestions here helped, but juicing seemed to resolve my problem.) I improved after juicing for the first time and now, after several months, I can eat anything (except I still avoid chocolate, coffee, & excessive sugar). At my worst, even a single mouthful of any food would set off symptoms. I couldn't lie flat for almost a year. I was up all night many times. I had symptoms of a hiatal hernia as well as reflux. Before I started trying natural remedies, I was on 80 mg/day of Nexium with little relief and discontinued when I started seeing blood in my stools.

A typical juice may have kale, carrots, ginger, cucumber, celery, zucchini (+ maybe 1/2 beet or apple). Be creative but don't overdo it with fruits or sugary veggies.

I also eat oatmeal (soluble fiber acts as prebiotic) w/ cayenne, virgin coconut oil. I eat papayas too. I found baking soda in water at bedtime controlled symptoms when I still had them. These things helped but juicing was the key to conquering. Make small quantities (1 glass or less) and sip. If you are prone to constipation, don't drink too much and take a fiber supplement. If you don't have a juicer, some healthfood stores make fresh juice blends by the glass (again, avoid the sugary blends). My juicer cost about $75 and has been well worth it. One more thing- in my experience, there is no substitute for the nutrition of real, whole food. I have had a pretty healthy diet for a couple of years but never was able to consume the quantity & variety of raw veggies I get w/ juicing.

Posted by Mike (Madison, WI) on 04/15/2008


Hi, I've tried sooo many things: All brands of antacid tablets, prescription Prilosec and Protonix, all brands of OTC acid reducers, Bismuth products, etc, etc. I will probably try many of the things I have read about here, however, that said, I and all of us sufferers must first stop the serious and deadly esophagus and throat damage IMMEDIATELY. We must use gravity to our advantage for a change instead of our worst enemy. This damage is not an issue as we go through our day in an upright position. All the damage is being done every hour we lay flat and sleep. All that acid lays in our esophagus and throat eating away at and destroying our precious membranes. Purchase one of those steep wedge type pillows or [if you're wealthy] a bed that will allow you crank up the head end. That will keep the acid in the stomach where it belongs allowing the membranes a chance to heal. Remember, the throat and esophagus was NEVER intended by natural design to have any regular contact with stomach acid. This is very serious and urgent for those of us whose stomach valves are damaged or defective. I've read reference to stomach acid "seeping" back into the esophagus. Mine doesn't seep; it FLOWS. Heck, if I bend over quickly to pick something up, I can get a mouthfull of vomit! Nice huh? Anyway, my point here is to make gravity your friend and stop letting stomach acid eat away all night at your delicate membranes. Get yourself upright as much as possible FIRST then start experimenting with the "cures". Good luck to all of us. Mike

Posted by Patricia (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/11/2008

Love this site! Thanks to Frank R. for the tip about black licorice - have a German Deli that sells it - assume you mean unsalted? Have a friend just moved here from Australia who told me that they commonly recommend sucking on "natural glucose" lolli-pops for reflux.

Reader Theories
Posted by Patricia (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/09/2008

Wow! Have been on Pantoloc for over a year for acid reflux that was caused by SSRI anitdepressants - even on the Pantoloc I have pain. Didn't realize the sore throat was related until I checked in on your site - thought I had throat cancer!! So thanks for that! Am going to try the ACV. And yes, as many of you have said there are two causes of this disease too much vs not enough stomach acid. Have done a lot of research on the acid/alkaline aspect once I discovered that prolonged use of antacids can actually cause stomach or pancreatic cancer - the reason being that for those with too little acid, taking antacids to neutralize the stomach causes your body to keep producing more acid to try to make up the difference. Cancer thrives in acidic conditions. Thanks for the info - will report back with results!

Posted by Joe (Helena, Mt) on 04/09/2008

One year ago, I had a dentist appointment-Infected tooth. I was prescribed an antibiotic. About a year previously, on the news, was a story about a researcher discovering that some bacteria in your stomach could not be killed by antiboitics alone. Antibiotics and the metal barium combined could kill those bacterica.That story, for some"strange reason", did not become part of the medical lore surrounding the agony of common people involved in the extremely expensive fight with ACID REFLUX. One year later, ten days of antibiotics, one and one half ounce of Pepto Bismol each of seven of those days--I am free of agonizing sleepless hours. I'm 67 Years old- probably 10 of which I have suffered with acid reflux. Try it. It cost Me about 15 bucks. It could cost those who profit from "acid reflux" billions - Think for yourself! Good Luck. JDX

PS-Eat quality yogert for a few days afterward to re-establish friendly bacteria in your stomach.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Cris (Sydney, Australia) on 04/09/2008

Hi! I have tried different remedies to help me with my acid reflux due to my hiatus hernia and 1 tsp. of slippery elm powder mixed with water works for me. It coats the esophagus and helps with the burning behind the throat and acid tongue feeling. I can pretty much eat anything but when I take slippery elm but of course, I try to eat healthier foods most of the time.

Posted by Frank R (Anytown, USA) on 04/05/2008

I developed acid reflux and ulcers due to stress in my job. I did not read anyone having stress induced acid reflux. This developed in 1986 and I still have it.

I have taken tagament to Prilosec with varying degrees of result. When I took Prilosec I was told it was only for 30 days and then never again. That was in 1997 and of course that was not true.

The worse thing is when contents of my stomach decide to go up my throat and into my lungs when I am sleeping. It does not matter what I eat, how much, or when I still get these scary episodes.

I have not tried vinegar for this but use it for hiccups. I figure it shocks the system. When I know my stomach is going to be a problem I eat saltine crackers (baking sode is in them), eat yogurt, and drink lots of water. Sometimes it really helps, sometimes it only minimizes the discomfort, or I wait until my digestive system has moved along any food.

One thing I have learned is to try avoiding drugs if you can and that each person really is an individual which inclues our bological systems.

Having lived in Europe a lot of my life I found black licorice made in Germany helps my acid reflux too. It is not like what is found in the United States. Moms often give it to kids with stomach aches. I happen to like and have my German friends mail it to me.

Has anyone else ever used black licorice for acid reflux? It is a natural drug free treatment.

I wish good health to everyone.

Posted by Mary (Altadena, California) on 04/04/2008

for acid reflux and heartburn, try eating a teaspoonful of plain yellow mustard by its self.

Posted by Christine (Virginia Beach, USA) on 04/04/2008

Acid reflux is often caused by a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Since you need B12 to make enough intrisic factor and enzymes to absorb it, perhaps just taking ACV will help you absorb Vitamin B12 better.

Nevertheless, I have found that as long as I take 4 B12 dots (500 mcg) under the tongue once a day, I am fine. When I don't, the reflux comes right back.

Posted by Mary (Atalissa, Iowa) on 03/30/2008


for those who think that neutralizing your stomach is the way to go think back to when your stomach problems started.did it seem to get worse the more you took antacids your stomach acid is far more acidic than anything you are going to digest. nuetralizing the stomach acid interfers with your bodies natural ph, every time you take a antacid your perpetuating the problem. if milk does not work and taking pills every day for years does not help, what does that prove? that years of neutralizing stomach acid does not solve the problem. the market is full of over the counter antacids if these cured you, you would not need to take them every day, sure they neutralize stomach acid but if the industry cured everyone's acid problems they would not have a market any longer. is that not what they are, marketing a product to make money. i had been on medicines for ten years, changed my diet everything you're supposed to do. it only got worse. only after taking kombucha tea and acv did i relieve my heart burn and acid reflux i have been off any medicine for nine months. i can drink a little before a spicy meal and not have a lick of heart burn.

Reader Theories
Posted by Robin (Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA) on 03/28/2008

If you have reflux, get tested for celiac disease.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joanne (Titusville, Florida) on 03/17/2008

Doctor said I probably had acid reflux and prescribed the "purple pill". It made me sick and I never used it again. My husband suggested that I check my Ph balance. Low and behold I was on the acidic side. I then researched the internet and found foods that are acidic and avoided them. I also found out that we lose our good bacteria in our stomach due to the antibiotics we have taken over the years. To solve this problem I take acidophillis each day. I also take a few "Chorella" pills daily.(the green pills) As long as I avoid the "acid" foods, my body does well. There has to be a balance of acid/alkaline foods eaten daily. I am 65 years young and have advised my children that they had better watch their diets. I find that the majority of folks can't seem to part with their "SODA" or "COLA"(caffeine) each day. Beware, this is one of the major culprits of acid reflux. When you go into a restaurant always order water with lemon. This will help your stomach before you indulge.

Reader Theories
Posted by Jeffrey (Leeds, Yorkshire, England) on 11/18/2005

re acv the pharmaceutical companies do not want the public to know what is the main cause of acid reflux ie the low level of acid in the stomach. The annual profits on prescribed/over the counter antacids must run into many millions of pounds for the drug companies. I just hope many more people like me find your fantastic website.
