Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by Ren (New Orleans , La) on 12/25/2008

Probiotics has helped me with my acid reflux tremendously. I take them daily before or after a meal and am very satisfied.

Posted by Beanie (Burlington, NJ) on 12/10/2008

i cant believe that it actually works!!! but it freakin did 1 tablespoon, and its gone -- i cant believe it works.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Annette (Sacramento, Ca) on 12/02/2008

I am writing to tell you of a discovery I made when I stopped eating carbs for weight loss. As long as I kept off carbs, I had no, zero, nada acid reflux! So, I have come to the conclusion that for myself, carbs are the cause of my acid reflux. It is hard to avoid carbs without planning and it takes a week to clear the sugars from your muscles and liver...but soon you will not have cravings for carbs and I hope, no more acid reflux. Good luck!

Posted by Gregory (Royal Oak, MI) on 11/30/2008


Peppermint! I have had Acid Reflux now for 6 years and tried medicine, which doesnt work, apple cider vinegar, which made me vomit, and all sorts of remedies. I tried a lifesaver peppermint and it temporarilly helps me stomach settle! Not a cure, and not sure if it will help you, but why not give it a try?

Directions: Simply eat one or two peppermints

Peppermint cured my burning throat pain for the night, however it doesn't end acid reflux either. I carry a bag of peppermints in my room when I get attacks.

Posted by Dave (Hyattsville, MD) on 11/30/2008

I found that adding 3 heaping tablespoons of Quaker Unprocessed Bran to yogurt in the morning or at night produces great regularity. The regularity relieved my acid reflux. I also an prescribed and take Prilosec 40mg daily at night. However, If I don't stick with the daily unprocessed bran, the reflux returns as well as anxiety. I try to remember to take an enema once a month just for extra cleansing but believe me if you make a habit of taking the unprocessed bran you will feel it literally scraping your insides as you eliminate and it improves your cholesterol profile while helping with reflux as well.

Posted by Jenny (Tucson, Arizona) on 11/28/2008

I have suffered heartburn for the last week really bad and off and on throughout my life. While researching home remedies I came across your site on the issue.

I am so glad I did...I was not brave enough to drink the apple cider vinegar, but I had apples. So I ate a whole red delicious apples and had a full glass of water with it. Within a half hour I had great relief and I can say that after a few hours now the reflux is gone.

I am going to eat an apple after every meal and see how it goes. I am so happy and I can't thank you enough for this information as I have been so miserable. I tried baking soda, basil tea, sucking on peppermint...and nothing compared to the Apple.

I guess an Apple a day does keep the doc away.LOL I am really amazed!!!

Thanks again, Jenny in Tucson, Arizona

Posted by Bill (Baguio City, Philippines) on 11/23/2008

I spent most of my 70 years suffering with an acid stomach. Tried everything. I couldn't even drink a glass of water without my stomach burning. One day I read an article in Reader's Digest about an Australian Doctor who discovered the Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria in the stomach. After reading his story I went to my doctor. They did an Endoscopy on my stomach and the biopsy proved I had the H. Pylori Bacteria. Took antibiotics for two weeks and since that time I have had NO stomach burning sensation except for when I eat flaming chili!!
They now have a test for this bacteria using your breath in a balloon an analyzing the breath. My stomach is GREAT and I'm so glad I read that article!! I hope your stomachs get cured so you can truly enjoy life.

Posted by Sandy (Covington, Georgia) on 11/23/2008

I was on Nexium for over 3 yrs and after loosing my insurance I cant afford that little purple pill anymore. I had heartburn so bad I felt like Puff The Magic Dragon. I came to this website looking for any relief considering that I have been trying to go to sleep for the past 5 hours, and couldnt due to the severe heartburn. I read about OLIVES....So I ate 10 of them, WOW, in less than a minute I can breath without melting my tounge off...Thank You, Thank You, I will be eating OLIVES everyday, and I am gonna consider the mustard. Great Website. GOOD NIGHT.

Calcium and Magnesium
Posted by Alfonzo (Cape Coral, Florida) on 11/22/2008

I had severe acid reflux after taking a very popular blood pressure and cholesterol medication combination. I had to stop taking those medications but the acid reflux remained. I would wake in the middle of the night from a dead sleep about to vomit, this was a very bad and a very scary occurrance. But, to get to the point, I discovered that a combination of Calcium and Magnesium (1200mg) each would not only provide me with immediate relief but I believe that it is curing me of the problem altogether. To verify my theory I introduced it to one of my employees who suffered from severe reflux as well and she is over joyed at being able to enjoy the foods that she thought she would never be able to enjoy again.

Thanks Earth Clinic I hope that it helps everyone who tries it!! Stay healthy and stay free to enjoy life.

Posted by Linda (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/17/2008

I noticed that saurkraut had not been mentioned for relief of acid reflux. I know that lots of german delis serve this with their meals....The fermentation of the kraut is really good for the digestive system...really helpful to decrease acid reflux.

Reader Theories
Posted by JD (Makawao (Maui), Hawaii, USA) on 11/11/2008

I have always loved hot, spicy foods, especially when I feel "under the weather". I have instinctively eaten foods containing capsaicin (often raw or pickled chili peppers) when I have a sore throat and it always seems to help. Now that I am middle aged, though, I am plagued with acid reflux and spicy foods make it MUCH worse. If I've eaten hot peppers, antacids don't even help much because the "chili reflux" is painful even without stomach acid.

I can't help but think that the REAL problem is not so much the acid, but my weakened or dysfunctional esophageal sphincter allowing stomach contents to come up into the throat, where their acid or spicy nature causes irritation and pain. I will try the ACV cure, but I think what would really help is an excercise to tone that particular muscle. Any suggestions?

Alkaline Acid Diet
Posted by Vanya (Frankfort, Indiana) on 11/08/2008

I have had Acid Reflux for 6 and 1/2 years. Tried every prescription and non prescription medicine on the market, they all stopped working after while. I am ACID FREE since September 22-08(for good) I stopped my Protonix (despite my doctor opinion)

I read about the alkalizing diet and started on it right away. I start my day with 2oz of Aloe Vera Gel, then I take enzyme pill and eat breakfast. I am taking enzymes right before every meal. Then I drink a cup of chamomile tea with honey or molasses instead of sugar. I eat an apple around 10 am. Sometimes a pear. After lunch I take B complex vitamin, don't forget the enzyme pill too (it helps to digest the food better) Sometimes I feel a little bit discomfort in my stomach and I become afraid of getting the acid back, at those moments I chew raw almonds ( I always have some in my purse) and I feel fine! And , at last but most important I take PROBIOTICS, 5 or 6 per day, just anytime during the day. The more cultures they contain the better you feel, because we all need to replenish the good bacteria in our intestines (we live in a very stressful and poisoned environment)

Thank you all for the valuable information on this website! God Bless You all...

Red Wine
Posted by Max (Tuxedo Park, NY) on 11/04/2008

a good red wine for acid reflux cure

Ok.....i just spent the last 6 hrs battling a severe case of acid reflux....i might deal with this 2 to 3 times a year, but this was the absolute worst....i actually thought it could be a heart attack so obviously that didn't help matters....i was popping pepsid and tums and downing bottled water to no avail....checked your website but had no applecider vinegar or baking soda. No way did i think red wine would do me any good, but i wanted to calm my mind so i poured two big glasses, drank them rather quickly about an hour ago....and its all gone...back to feeling myself again. Maybe someone could tell me scientifically how this could be?

Reduce Stress
Posted by Ali (Portland, OR USA) on 11/01/2008

Ref: Posting of 05/19/2008: Gislain from Phoenix, AZ

You are absolutely correct. Stress can certainly cause acid reflux. Then the person is told to take PPI's or H2 Blockers. The next thing they know they're on med's for life. Avoid worry and stress. Don't get over weight (if you are lose weight), eat right (smaller portions and healthy). Avoid all medications that can cause reflux (and there is a lot of them out there, prescription and OTC). Lastly, practice relaxful breathing, close your eyes and envision a calm place.

Posted by Ali (Portland, OR USA) on 11/01/2008

Re: Posting of 11/09/2006 by Jeisea from Byron Bay, Australia: Please tell us the age of your son, and if he had any problems after having fundoplication surgery. Thanks

Reader Theories
Posted by Ali (Portland, OR USA) on 11/01/2008

Here's a link to some very important helpful information regarding a cause of acid reflux, especially sudden onset of hyper acid reflux. If you have ever had an ulcer in your life this especially pertains to you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Su (Nairobi, Kenya) on 10/31/2008

I had serious acid reflux and went the whole whack endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc also had gastrointestinal bleeding. Hpylori was the culprit so I was put on the antibiotic treatment and nexium for a month after wards. I got a little better then lapsed again into same condition. I discovered apple cider vinegar and was pleasantly suprised to see it worked for others for the acid reflux. I also discovered soda water, simple and effective for the reflux as well as green apples, eaten as needed when acid build up began.............use soda water or green apples.

I'm intolerant to berries, any berries fresh and even in jams, chocolate, coffee, tea etc

Now tryin hydrogen peroxide, 20 drops in half a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning and before I slepp. It seems to work. No acid reflux. Excersise helps alot too. I run and swim. 5 minutes into running and no more acid reflux.

I'm still experimenting. Deep breathing and relaxing also help..........I feel when I am stressed I crunch my torso and disrupt the normal space of my stomach as well as tense my jaw and neck. I;m not fat, slimmish . I used to be on my feet most of the day, my problems started when my job entailed I spent alot of time sitting behind a desk and driving..............I blame the change in posture and pressure on my stomach when sitting alot. I also tend to forget to eat and only notice when the acid builds trying now to listen to my do body more and eat drink and excersise before the acid reflux symptoms.........Sometimes I win and have no problems for days , then I forget and slip back into the vicious cycle again. Anyone know if the hydrogen peoxide is dangerous long term?
