Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Betaine Hydrochloride
Posted by Dee (Middlesbrough, England) on 07/04/2008

Hi again everyone, I have had gastric reflux for six years for two of those years I lived on salmon and cous cous, that was all I could eat. Recently though my life has turned around, I realised through this website that I had low acid. The ACV worked but not enough to make a huge difference. I have also had accupuncture which I think has helped.
But one day I had indigestion as usual and I tried a clementine, within a few minutes I started to feel better. I started to eat them after main meals which prevented any symptoms from coming on. I would also take them to work and have one if any symptoms came on. Then I tried Betaine Hydrochloride which has made such a difference to what I can eat. You can only use Betaine Hydrochloride if you know for definate that its low acid and you shouldn't try if you think you may have an ulcer. If fruits like oranges or lemon alleviate your symptoms then it might help you.
I hope so. Dee

Posted by Cindy (Wichita, KS) on 07/03/2008

Dr. Batman's "watercure" ended 30 years of indigestion and acid reflux in the time it took me to drink 2 glasses of water. I never drank plain water. I have since done a great deal of research on dehydration and have a theory that all water consumed in other things belongs to the colon. Even juice is processed like food, by the body. Nothing is processed in the same manner as plain water on an empty stomach and if one doesn't drink it, the body must steal the water it needs from the colon. And it needs water for every single process.

Everything the body does requires plain water. Even the emergency dehydration mode that steals water from the colon requires water to operate properly so that your body must steal water to use in the process of the theft AND to keep you alive.

The body processes plain water, on an empty stomach, differently than it process anything else. You need plain water. That's all there is to it. The body doesn't "make" water except in a dehydration emergency at which point it steals water from the colon. The whole body operates differently - in emergency mode - when it is dehydrated. So differently that most medical testing is useless because it doesn't take into account the widespread epidemic of chronic dehydration in the pool of test subjects.

Anyway, there are books and things that explain the science but the formula is free and the only expense is sea salt.

I'm glad to be able to share this here. The only reason I can is because I discovered the dangers of dehydration after being sent home from the hospital to "get my affairs in order". Well, I got them in order all right! AND cured my chronic indigestion! I'm currently the healthiest person I know despite smoking for over 30 years and drinking coffee even longer!! Both are extremely bad, but coffee is the worst as the body requires 1 and 1/2 cups of plain water to filter out the toxic caffeine in one cup of coffee. The Dr. even said that compared to drinking caffeine drinks, cigarettes are health food. Fortunately, thanks to EarthClinic, I've just discovered the wonders of hydrogen peroxide which has significantly reduced my craving for cigarettes! Thanks EarthClinic!!

Posted by Anonymous (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 06/23/2008

Yellow mustard cures acid reflux. measurements: 2 teaspoons and lady gave me this remedy 2 ago for acid reflux, i tried it and it works, besides it does contains vinegar as a ingredients so give a try.

Baking Soda and Water, Lose Weight
Posted by Catherine (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/22/2008

The reason you may suffer less acid reflux when you lose weight is because you are probably eating less acidic foods such as pop or sugary snacks. These foods are a very common cause of acid reflux.

Posted by Clyde (Chesapeake, VA) on 06/21/2008

Fresh Ginger Root also helps Acid reflux and IBS. peel off a small teaspoon size chunk of the root (after peeling and rinsing) chew it well
NOTE: the root is very spicy (hot) but not too bad.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Harley (South Windsor, Connecticut) on 06/18/2008

A week after a flu shot, I developed a virus, including a fever of 100 degrees(F) and extreme fatigue. Then, I started to experience a funny feeling in my chest when swallowing. This developed into intense pain to the point that I could only get down room temperature water.

Went to a walk-in clinic on the weekend (own MD not available) and told to take Prilosec OTC. Didn't do any good. Saw my MD who put me on Prevacid and sent me for a Barium swallow test and, later, an upper endoscopy. Acid Reflux was the diagnosis....first time ever. Two months of Prevacid (which did work but was costing $156/month) and my esophogus healed. I tried to wean myself off but started feeling the familiar pain so I kept on the Prevacid.

While researching natural cures I came across this web site and decided to try Aloe Vera Juice. The local Vitamin Shoppe carries several brands. I tried ____ brand of its digestive formula of Aloe Vera (bunch of other herbs etc). It's been two months and I have been pain free although I have to watch what and when I eat as well as chew my food completely instead of swallowing in a hurry..I eat way too fast. A quart of the Aloe Vera juice lasts one week and costs $10.95. I also tried the apple cider vinegar but it did not work for me.

Posted by Chris (Fort Worth, TX) on 06/17/2008

Oh PLEASE get off of the Tramadol!!!! Though no one will tell you, It is a highly addictive pain killer! Research before its too late!

Posted by Mike (Chicago, IL) on 06/17/2008

Banana is the only thing besides Pepcid AC that has cured my acid reflux. I always eat one or two before I drink any alchohol and it works great every time.

Posted by Laura (Monroeville , PA) on 06/16/2008

Acid Reflux Remedies: No on the bananas -- it actually makes it worse for me or creates it. Anything sugar based turns on the reflux for me. Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon with a cup of water when I eat badly. Nothing when I eliminate coffee and sugar.

Posted by Rose (Faun Skin, America) on 06/16/2008

ive heard that an apple, or even just one slice will take care of acid reflux! you can eat them through out the day. the more the better. i tried it and it worked, although i dont know if it is a cure, i know i can help right away. so for those of you who have to wait to get something to cure it, why not munch on an apple in the time being.

Posted by Ross (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 06/14/2008

I used Ibuprofin for at least 20 years ( Ate them like candy.Thought they were like crack for pain) Then I developed Reflux. Tried everything. Until I stopped taking any NSAIDS there was no respite. What has worked for me is boiled ginger root tea, strained and kept cool, after a meal.(3oz). This has really helped me and the reflux is now barely noticable. I now use tramadol and Tylenol for pain. ( I have diabetic neropathy (sp?) so I need some relief for that). No connection with those painkillers, but definitely with Ibuprofin.

Posted by Tekkhan (Lauraville, Maryland) on 06/13/2008

When I use to party into the wee hours in my youth,the only stores open back then were 7-11s and Taco Bells. So,2am quick food choices were limited, and I always ate the dreaded Chili Dog with the works; knowing in the morn I was going to regret the choice once again. But, this one time I drank apple juice with my chili dog because the slurpy machine was broken: to my surprise I awoke w/o any acid reflux or indigestion. I didnt understand why until I tried it again, after another night of partying. I was onto a cure, apple juice has worked for me ever since, for over the last fifteteen years.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gary (Carpinteria, CA) on 06/10/2008

Just a note on what has helped me with acid reflux. I was really suffering badly from this for several months, I tried a lot of different diets, and also ACV baking soda and bentonite clay. None of these helped me significantly. I came across an article from a natural health practitioner who stated that he was able to cure many of his clients from acid reflux by giving them a strict low carbohydrate diet to follow. I immediately went out and bought a couple of the low carb books and read them as fast as possible to learn how to do this type of diet. I started the next day, and I have not had any major problem since (3 years) -- I do occasionally still get some acid reflux if I eat too many starchy foods. If I follow a low carb diet reasonably strictly, I have minimal problems. Once you learn how, it is easy, and also keeping your insulin levels low helps with many other health conditions.

Sleep on Your Left Side
Posted by Gene (Fort Worth, TX) on 05/27/2008

I have always slept on my right side and the other night I read on the internet that acid reflux sufferers should sleep on their left side. I was looking for relief as I hadn't slept through the night in a long time so I gave it a try. It helped!. I've slept on my left side for two nights now and actually slept through the entire night both times. Second day, I also had less trouble during the day with the acid reflux.

Reduce Stress
Posted by Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 05/19/2008

Stress was cause of my Acid Reflux:

3 weeks ago today after lunch at work, I had experienced some acid reflux pain. It was beyond heartburn and made me concerned. I wasn't sure why I was having this so I researched online. The cause: Not digesting my food properly.

So I spent money on digestive enzymes and stress reduction supplements - $50. Then I returned the next morning buying a Chinese herbal remedy supplement - $30. After not sleeping still from the pain at night, I decided to see the doctor and get a prescription for Prevacid - $25. I tested my ph and it was 5.5 so I bought a body ph reduction supplement - $25. Then another supplement - $20. All of this with no relief.

Finally, I tried Apple Cider Vinegar which helped ($4) and allowed me to sleep at night, but during the day and in the evenings, the suffering continued. I couldn't eat this and can't eat that. I overall dropped 10 pounds in almost 3 weeks. I was convinced I had an ulcer or maybe CANCER!

Finally after consulting with family and self-evaluation and insufficient funds at the bank, I found the root-cause of my Acid Reflux - Stress and Worrying!!! I tried relaxation techniques and positive thinking, and last night at dinner, I ate a veggie burger with a WHEAT bun and salad with RANCH DRESSING and FRIED SHRIMP and HOT SOUP and had almost zero problems afterwards. Today, I have had no Apple Cider Vinegar and the stress is down. My Acid Reflux is so much better and is improving. My esophagus is so imflammed still and will need time to fully heal. But in my case, my Stress and Worry caused my problem. Before you decide that you are stuck with Acid Reflux forever, try relaxing first. That may be your problem - Stress!!

I was having stress at work and tend to be a worry-wart at heart. I am my mother's child. She died of pancreatic cancer at age 51. She was under constant stress all her life. I'll be 25 next month and plan on living a long time. Stress will not kill me!

Also, another important thing too is to be calm when I eat. That makes such a big difference!

Posted by Dave (Philadelphia, Pennsylvanis) on 05/16/2008

Acid Reflux Remedy: Golden delicious apples works well i find along wth aloe vera. I have had this acid reflux going on eight years besides meds have tried everything and so far (under one week..) this by far has worked!

Raise the Bed
Posted by Laurie (Springfield, Va.) on 05/14/2008

Acid Reflux Remedies: Hi, In answer to Frank's question about sleeping positions, it is thought, though doctors aren't sure why, that sleeping on the left side is best for acid reflux. Re the bricks under the bed. As someone else on the site pointed out, it is imperative to raise the head of the bed, either by using bricks, or by purchasing a foam pillow that is raised at the head. The recommended height is from 6" to 8", depending on tolerance. My husband just put the bricks under the front legs of my bed, as I found the foam pillow to be uncomfortable, and I finally did not wake up with acid in my mouth, and a sore throat. I have not tried the natural remedies listed on your site, but I plan to! I HAVE used a drug called Zegrid, which is Omeprozole and baking soda in a long-acting capsule, but I think I might prefer to just try the baking soda and see how that does. Thanks for all the ideas.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Laurie (Springfield, Va) on 05/14/2008

Just a note about Aloe juice. The best brand, in my experience, is George's as it has no taste. The only warning I would have about aloe for acid reflux, is that it can, as it did in my case, act as a pretty potent laxative so just be aware of that if you are planning to try it. Thanks for all the helpful ideas.

Posted by Brenda (Columbus, Indiana) on 05/14/2008

Acid Reflux Remedies: Eating pears have helped my ulcer pain. also using fiber supplements before eating a meal has helped alot.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lisa (London, England) on 05/14/2008

Acid Reflux: I was given a prescription for antacids from my doctor to deal with acid reflux. I was suffering from a persistnet cough, mainly in the morning and often throughout the day. I could tell it was not a flu-related cough. My naturopath friend advised me to stop drinking and eating at the same time. I tried it for a week and my cough stopped. I drink at least a half hour or more before or after a meal or even after something as small as a donut. I am very concious about separating the two processes. Try it, it works! It is all to do with the fact that the stomach can not digest food properly with liquid in it. As a result the acid builds up and causes reflux. Simple.
