Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Ice Cubes
Posted by Harout (San Fernando Valley, CA) on 06/04/2006

I have been told by my dad that swallowing bit and pieces of crushed ice does the cure as a natural home remedy for acid reflex and heart burn. Although my throat was burning like crazy, after being waken up twice in the middle of the night, I went to my refrigerator and filled up a cup of crushed ice. than I started to swallow a lot of crushed ice pieces. It took about 10 minutes and the acid in me was gone. I did not experience acid reflux that night again after swallowing a lot of crushed ice. Try it it will work. It cools down the burning and also makes the acid less concentrated in your body. Over-all the swallowing crushed ice method works. If anyone experiences heart burn or acid reflux, swallow crushed ice, it works! Attempt to swallow the ice at a reasonable size to avoid difficulty and discomfort of swallowing. But further more the best defense (in my opinion) is not to eat after 5 or 6 PM. The average person's metabolism slows down during night which can increase the chances of acid reflux or heartburn when you sleep. avoid late night eating, and boost up the metabolism by getting on some kind of exercise program. It can be as simple as walking around your neighborhood.

Pine Needles
Posted by Sherri (OK) on 05/25/2006

My husband has suffered from acid reflux for years, and has tried just about every treatment from prescription meds to ACV. He has gotten temporary relief from ACV, and several others, but the thing that seems to help him the most is PINE NEEDLES! A friend told him about knowing an old timer who had used the remedy with excellent results, so, living in an area with abundant pine trees, he gave it a try. He pulled off a cluster of needles, and just chewed on the ends of them enough to release the "juice". It sounds crazy, but it has helped him tremendously. Don't know if I would try it if I were allergic to pine trees, though!

Posted by Tonia (USA) on 03/20/2005

I just did my science fair project on this subject and got a 1st, and Best of Show. I found that peppermint will actually lower the acidity in your stomach. Like a mint (like peppermint candy) or peppermint tea will help lower the acid in your stomach that produces the acid that gives you heartburn.

Milk and Honey
Posted by Sarah (Maplewood, NJ) on 05/11/2006

My mom uses an egg yolk, honey and milk for me since I was little when it attacks. Egg yolk -- try to use twice a week but every day use warm milk [whole milk works better] and one teaspoon of honey for three to four days. Once I use this, I don't get the acid reflux for more than six months or so. Trust me I have tried so many things but nothing works like milk and honey. I have never try the AVC. I will try it.

Posted by Christopher (North Kingston, RI) on 05/08/2006

Both me and my brother have acid reflux. I have had it for about 7 yrs. now. We joke about it and our families have come to know it as "the ninja" -- it sneaks up on us and is deadly!!! So far the best remedy for me has been winter fresh gum. Everyone thinks we're crazy but it gives instant relief. i'm so surprised to read about everyone's version of "acid reflux". i wish my doctor could experience the same symptoms.

Baking Soda and Water, Lose Weight
Posted by Todd (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 03/27/2007

I have found two things that take away my acid reflux. First is baking soda and water. I see some of the cures talks about combining vinegar with baking soda. I can't imagine this would help. Combine the two in a kitchen sink, its a mess. The second solution is loose 10 lbs. For some reason when I loose 10 lbs. and get down to what I should weigh I dont suffer from it half as much. Thats what has helped me.

Posted by Sandi (La Mesa, CA) on 12/30/2006

DGL (licorice supplements) Important to use dgl and not just licorice, which can raise blood pressure. Cured my acid reflux. Immediately got rid of acid reflux symptoms with the first tablet. Still working pretty well, but it seems to also be important to discover food sensitivities for ongoing cure. It's ongoing use of 800 milogram ibuprofen contributed to acid reflux.

Posted by Deirdre (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/10/2006

I haven't had an issue with acid reflux until this past weekend when I over-ate (mostly thick chunks of bread) at a dinner party on Friday night. 3 hours later I had intense burning and pain in my upper right intestinal tract, just under my liver/gallbladder. When the pain and burning spread to my entire upper intestinal tract and didn't ease up after 48 hours, I decided to research some home remedies for gastritis. I ended up buying chewable DGL (licorice root extract) at Whole Foods last night... I knew it was great for healing ulcers, why not gastritis?! I chewed two tablets and within 30 minutes, the burning and pain had stopped. Today I am almost back to 100% (just a slight sensation of burning). I hope other people will give this supplement a shot for acid reflux. DGL supports the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract. One more thing -- Licorice Root Extract raises blood pressure, but DGL is licorice root extract without the compound that raises blood pressure -- glycyrrhizin -- so you can take it every day supposedly, 20 minutes before a meal.

Raise the Bed
Posted by William (Klamath Falls, OR) on 05/07/2006

Lifted head end of bed about three inches. Helps, doesn't cure, night time acid reflux.

Raise the Bed
Posted by Jon (Concord, NH)

Elevating the head of the bed 2" (use 2 pieces scrap 2"x6' board to elevate head of bed) cures acid reflux when you awaken in the morning. Doesn't work all day but its good for a nice part of the morning when you first wake up.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Margaret (Eugene, OR) on 12/27/2006

My heartburn and acid reflux were getting worse and worse, then I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. After reading about 20 books I decided low carb was the way to go so I didn't need to take any meds. After switching to a very low carb diet, not only was my blood sugar in control and I started losing about a pound a week, unexpectedly my acid reflux totally disappeared as well as most of my body aches. It's seriously scary the ADA recommends diabetics eat carbs for diabetes -- pretty much dooms them to needing meds all of which have side effects. One article I read (recent Men's Health Magazine article) likened it to the American Heart Association recommending we eat trans fats.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kathleen (Gulfport, FL) on 05/03/2006

Mine is not so much a remedy, but a prevention. After being on a low-fat diet for several weeks, I noticed that all my acid reflux symptoms had disappeared. I can eat any of the foods that normally triggered acid reflux as long as I keep my fat intake to no more than 10% of my calories. When I change this eating routine, the acid reflux comes back, especially at night.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bill (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/14/2006

when i stop eating foods with gluten my acid reflux went away. I cured my acid reflux, excess gas,bad memory, nighttime urination by eliminating gluten.

Orange Peel Extract
Posted by Jake (Tampa, Florida) on 01/28/2006

I have been suffering from heartburn for many years. I've been taking different medicines and found no relief. Just lots of medical bills and switching from Prevacid to Nexium to Prilosec and drinking lots of Maalox. I found online that Orange Peel Extract can cure heartburn. I was skeptical, but I decided to try it anyway. After using the second softgel tablet I felt total relief from heartburn. I thought it was an absolute miracle! For about six months I didn't have any heartburn! My old doctor did approve of herbal medicines but my new doctor doesn't. I have to take their medicines again and I feel miserable everyday. I don't eat regularly like I was. That's all those medicines do is cover the problem up, but your body counters the medicine by producing more acid. Prolonged use of meds can lead to cancer. Orange Peel Extract actually prevents certain cancers. I am planning on changing doctors soon and going back to Orange Peel Extract.

Posted by Len (Chicago, IL) on 06/05/2006

Except for a little fat free milk in the morning, I eliminated milk from my evenings and afternoons and it helped my acid reflux.
