Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

| Modified on Apr 25, 2024
Posted by MrsAcon (Indiana) on 04/23/2024

I also was skeptical about this but it works immediately and every time! Just a spoonful of any yellow mustard does it. I even carry mustard packets with me now.

Soy Milk
Posted by John (Amsterdam) on 03/03/2024

I was eating certified organic tofu, so I assumed it was NonGMO, however I could not find NonGMO stamp on the package. I researched their website and did not find nonGMO mentioned anywhere

Make sure it is indeed prepared from non GMO soybeans.

Soy Milk
Posted by veggie girl (Berkeley, California) on 03/01/2024

A glass of plain, unsweetened soy milk in the evening always seems to calm any acid reflux for me. (nothing else added, just organic soybeans and water) I drink it cold usually, but warm is good too.

Posted by Ella (France) on 12/08/2023

I followed the links you share and most conclude that"

"The relevance and potential of fermented foods and beverages, with contrasting and inconclusive results" or that Saukraut" or " Although sauerkraut has a variety of claimed beneficial health effects, they need to be interpreted with caution as it can also cause some unwanted or even allergic reactions, i"

I cannot read the last two.

Nonetheless, I have found this quote: "The studies found that sauerkraut induced inflammation locally, but repeated intake may result in diarrhea... unwanted effects such as intolerance reactions must be considered when dealing with sauerkraut as a functional food." from this article. studies found that sauerkraut, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

So, I would proceed with caution as this remedy may cause adverse reaction for some...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Jane (Folsom, CA) on 09/21/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar for acid reflux, GERD, sour stomach, etc.

Wow, I'm just so happy that I have to share my experience with you and hope that it will help you. I was experiencing so much acid in my tummy to the point that I constantly had to eat to alleviate the discomfort. At night was the worst. It's when your stomach has no food, and that's when I felt so sick that I had to get something to eat, at night. Even that, in the morning I felt nauseous because of all the acid in the stomach. Luckily, I went to this lovely website. I read about Ted's remedies for GERD. I'm familiar with this site ten years ago and read a lot about Ted's remedies. I wonder how Ted is doing now. I learned so much from Ted. Sorry for getting off track. Back to this remedy, I mixed 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in an 8oz of water and drank it 3 times a day. This drink really tastes like Alka Seltzer without the aspirin. I felt a difference soon after I drank it. It really changed my well being. I was feeling so sick in the stomach and it made me lazy and not felt well.

I really hope this recipe will help you. I really think it will.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Roger (Philadelphia PA) on 08/15/2023

I have used the ACV & Baking Soda tonic for Acid Reflux for about 20 years. I use the raw organic version, with 'the mother'. It works really well, and feel it has other benefits. One caution is if you are monitoring your sodium intake as baking soda does have a fair amount.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/29/2023

A friend and I were eating at a Mexican restaurant. We had several dishes that were acidic, plus a few glasses of coke. After the meal my friend took out a 4 inch stalk of celery from her purse, and began eating it. She told me that she had been living on Tums since she was young, but had just recently tried celery. By the time she had finished the stalk of celery, the severe burning sensation in her throat and chest were gone.

Since that time, I have learned to use this protocol for anyone experiencing acid reflux or heart burn.

After eating, always eat a 4 inch piece of celery behind it. I've seen people's reflux disappear completely in as little as 24 hours and as long as they stay eating the celery, they do not have a relaps.

Why does it work?

During ancient times, celery was considered to be a medicinal herb before it became a food and used to treat a variety of ailments. Celery is an old folk remedy for heartburn.

Celery is highly anti-inflammatory. It may help in reducing the severity of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, lupus, gout, Crohn's disease, leaky gut, etc. (1). This activity is attributed to the active ingredients like apigenin, apiin, and luteolin in celery juice (7).

Celery heals and activates the gut by restoring hydrochloric acid which helps us digest things faster and more efficiently. Celery juice helps raise stomach acid, which is necessary to help break down food, especially protein. Especially good for those on a high protein diet. If our stomach acid is low, the body has to use more resources to digest that food, often leaving us feeling tired and lethargic. Celery juice has the ability to significantly replenish depleted levels of gastric mucus that is needed in the stomach lining to heal and prevent ulcers and acid reflux.

Try it and let me know.

Blended Raw Potato
Posted by Tracy (Denver, CO) on 07/11/2023

Apparently, all the “natural” yam creams in the US have some sort of synthetic progesterone in them. (This isn't my area of expertise so please be kind if I am not explaining that quite correctly.) It seems that Anna's Wild Cream (from Australia) is the only one you're currently (2023) going to find that's legit pure and natural. Also, I guess the word has gotten out about this product because they've recently seen their orders skyrocket to the point that they won't have new inventory until the end of August. This is frustrating, but presumably they'll get it all figured out soon. Good luck to you all!

Aloe Vera
Posted by MarVelous (USA) on 06/20/2023

I am 71 years old and vividly remember taking kerosene with a teaspoon of sugar for sore throats or colds. My grandmother gave that to all of us when we got sick. Turpentine was a seasonal remedy for colds and parasites. We survived and even today I use it. A good remedy for acid reflux or indigestion is to take 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice immediately before eating each meal and 1/4 cup after each meal. This neutralizes the acid and if there is irritation in the gastrointestinal tract, a tbsp of slippery elm bark powder will help to heal the irritated membranes in the tube. This is also good for those suffering with Crohn's disease. I have found that vinegar and baking soda irritates the digestive tract. The aloe and slippery elm soothes and heals. I hope this helps.

Posted by Christina (TN) on 04/07/2023

Have you been checked for H. Pylori? It may be that.

Posted by Devorah (NyC) on 03/27/2023

Just discovered d-limonene for acid reflux..seems great..will report back. For some reason no one seems to have Jarrow formula d limonene..anyone know why?

Palm Oil
Posted by Ginnie (Lagos Nigeria ) on 12/18/2022

Palm oil works like magic....I came across this page and decided to try it...I'm really impressed.

Betaine Hydrochloride
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 11/18/2022

OR - you could try Manuka Honey, which is great for acid reflex and heartburn. Many Naturopaths prescribe it for same.

And since HCL is what you have used with success, wouldn't ACV be cheaper and work just the same?! ; also its easier to find!

Betaine Hydrochloride
Posted by Dena L. (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 11/17/2022

After suffering from C-19, I started suffering from heartburn everyday. This went on for months. It got so bad I could barely eat any food and it would affect my sleep. So I started only eating from 12pm to 7pm and I started taking a supplement called HCL betaine pepsin. I got this from Amazon. I took HCL for only three weeks and my heartburn never returned. If you have bad heartburn you may have to take them for life but it's safer than doctors medications that may cause side effects. I also stop drinking lemon and orange juice everyday. I only have them occasionally. I now drink apple juice and teas like hibiscus tea. So far I'm back to normal.

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 11/03/2022

I will have to agree with you. I have a number of things I try...celery...alkaline water and aloe vera, and gum is one of the more effective ones.

Posted by Carmel (Essex, England) on 05/26/2022

Most yoghurts are heat treated and then the "live" bacteria is added after. Any that was there before was killed in the process.. Same as vitamin d is added to fish oil capsules etc. You need a few biotics to work, and one month is nowhere near enough anyway. It also depends on when you take them and if you use prebiotics before and during taking them.

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 05/02/2022

This is because celery contains hydrochloric acid, which restores function and helps heal the gut.

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 05/02/2022

Celery for Acid Reflux

I find this incredible. I have been having an episode of gerd today that was giving me lung congestion. Lousy day. I tried ACV/BS, ginger, cilantro, and a dozen other things and no help. I was making vegetable soup for supper and started nibbling on a celery stick. within a few minutes I started feeling better. I was amazed so started researching it and came to this site. Wish I had been aware the past few years and might have saved myself some agony. I will not leave home without it :)

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 04/05/2022

Activated charcoal is good but remember it can cause constipation, so compensate for that.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Lilu (Los Angeles ) on 01/09/2022

Lily Of The Desert Aloe Vera Juice is a very nice & trusted one. It is the juice of the inner fillet. The rest of the aloe (the green slippery stuff or anything other than the inner fillet part) will not only give you extreme stomach pain (as it did to my years ago) but it is also not good for your health.

Sea Salt
Posted by Peg (Texas) on 11/19/2021

Hi Kennywally, How are you using the salt; proportions and how often?
Thanking you in advance.

EC: See his post just below this one in the sea salt for acid reflux section.

Posted by KS (Vienna, Austria) on 10/03/2021

Turpentine for Stubborn Acid Reflux (GERD)

This is how I cured my acid reflux which I suffered from for 17 years (nothing else had helped):

1 teaspoon daily of purified gum turpentine. (I took it in my mouth and washed it down with a glass of water. do not swallow without water as it can get into the windpipe.)

I paused for 1-3 days when side effects like diarrhea were too much. Side effects subside the cleaner your body gets. Turpentine kills of biofilms which cause the acid reflux.

Reader Theories
Posted by SJ (TENNESSEE) on 09/27/2021

I would love to get your advice on my issue. I have acid in my arms legs and back as well as my stomach. I'm very acidic and I've tried everything. Thank you!

Reader Theories
Posted by SJ (TENNESSEE) on 09/27/2021

I too have acid in my stomach, back, neck, arms and legs, it is very debilitating. Wish I knew what would help it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diana (Texas) on 06/16/2021

I also found that lowering my carbs eliminated the acid flux problem. Was having significant reflux 2-3 times per week. To lose weight I lowered my carbs to 40-50 per day. About 7-11 days after starting the diet, I realized I hadn't had any bouts of reflux since a day or two after lowering my carbs. This was a complete surprise as I had gone into the diet without any thought that it might have this happy result. It also eliminated the armpit rash I'd been having. It has been about 8 months or more since starting the low carb diet and both issues have remained resolved as long as I watch my carbs. The only times the reflux has recurred was after I had been backsliding for a few days. I can get away with higher carb intake for maybe a day or three but then the reflux comes back. It's a great motivator! I'm 5'3 and weigh 165 now after losing about 15 lbs on the diet, if that is pertinent. Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Ali (Wales) on 05/05/2021

Elevated blood pressure can often be due to a sodium & potassium imbalance. The modern diet tends to be high in sodium & low in potassium, especially if little or no fresh fruit & vegetables are consumed. Whilst sodium can raise BP, potassium can lower it.

Licorice is often blamed for raising BP, however because potassium is likely required by components in the licorice in order for it to work properly in the body, it can potentially make an already existing potassium deficiency worse. The real issue may therefore not be the Licorice as such, but the lack of enough potassium.

In order to mitigate this possibility it is important to get enough potassium-rich foods in the diet generally, & especially if consuming Licorice root. Rather than removing the highly beneficial Glycyrrhizin, would it not make more sense to advise a higher consumption of potassium-rich foods?

Licorice has been used medicinally & highly beneficially for thousands of years. But it's only in the last century that dietary focus has veered from a more natural diet featuring abundant plant foods, to high sodium, low potassium highly processed, & high animal product consumption.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/25/2021

Editor's Choice My friend has suffered from chronic acid reflux for years. Doctors put her on stomach medication. Last month she was talking about how her nerve pills (Klonopin) are causing her stomach to act up. I told her to go buy a jar of sauerkraut. According to my other friend's German born mom, Deutsche Kuche German Style Sauerkraut sold at ALDI Grocerystore USA is the most like the kraut she grew up on and the best to buy.

I told her to eat about a tablespoon daily. Doing so is known to aid in digestion and prevent constipation. Sauerkraut is low in calories and high in fiber. Sauerkraut will improve her digestion within a few days.

She saw results using this treatment within 3 days and now her whole extended family are eating raw sauerkraut right from the jar.





Liver Cleanse, ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Veronica (California) on 12/31/2020

Hi Amy.

Can you clarify which Dr. Clark's cleanses you are referring to here? Thanks.

EC: Hi Veronica,

Amy's post is from 2007, so it is unlikely she will see it at this point. Sorry!


Posted by Christopher (New York) on 12/21/2020

Since I started drinking a cup of kefir in the morning my stomach acid discomfort has gone away. I just bought grains and within a week I will be drinking my own homemade kefir. Good luck, everyone!

Proton Pump Inhibitors Side Effects
Posted by Talea (Oregon) on 02/08/2020

Responding to old posts about PPI. What most people don't know is that prilosec is a self-perpetuating drug. When you take it, it gives great relief. When you stop, it increases your symptoms so that you think you REALLY need it more than you do. Most people need to wean themselves off of it. I have had horrible stomach acid problems my entire life. I will not go on that stuff for anything!

Posted by Peter (California) on 02/08/2020

Chewable DGL Locorice extract works great for heart burn and it works immediately. I keep it on hand. The reason I use DGL is because it removes the substances in licorice that raises blood pressure.

Posted by Erin Olsen (United States) on 05/23/2020

I tried just about everything, chewing on a piece of fresh Ginger from the root, calmed me reflux instantly. I am off PPI's now for about a week. Ginger worked better than they ever did.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/17/2018 50 posts

I have my acid reflux under control, mostly to Dietary Changes so I wanted to reply here. One huge change for me, was to eat no later than 6pm, but mainly, just don't go to bed within 4 hours or so of eating. I can eat toast as a snack, or anything that is very, easy to digest. I've had a few nights where I had eaten something I shouldn't have, pretty late, like only 2 or less hour before bed. If I do get it, I elevate my upper body, take a bit of baking soda in water usually. I did have a bottle of Gaviscon beside my bed, but no longer needed. I do eat mostly fish, poultry, and vegetables, but I'm more about moderation than anything. I do incorporate some things into my diet such as Apple cider vinegar (Mother's type) Coconut Oil, Blackstrap Molasses in my grated Ginger Tea, and nutritional yeast I just started recently. I also supplement with C, B50, extra B12, D3, Zinc and Magnesium. I love this site as I wouldn't have known all the things to try.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Olddude (Tn) on 10/16/2018 21 posts

I used ACV and baking soda for years, then I got into a Plant Based eating program and all my acid reflux went away,,, watch the documentary Forks over Knives on netflix when u can.

Reader Theories
Posted by Rita (South Africa) on 08/31/2018

Hi there .....look at Dr John Bergman on Youtube .....on reflux and hiatal hernia cures. Also Google Breath of Fire which is a yoga breathing technique for same.

Helps me a lot.
