338 User Reviews
Posted by Joey Marie (WA) on 04/11/2023
Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with water. Drink before each meal. My husband had horrible acid reflux until we started acv. You don't have enough acid so taking antacids is doing the opposite of what you need. Sounds backwards but I promise it works. Look it up on YouTube it will explain. Dr. Berg Apple Cider Vinegar acid reflux.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by sl0j0n (Waycross, GA) on 12/25/2022
I'm still trying to help acid reflux suffers.
Almost everybody thinks they should neutralize acid for acid reflux.
The problem is the stomach acid is too weak. The esophageal sphincter will not close completely unless the stomach acid is strong enough. Weak stomach acid is what causes acid reflux. This is easy to prove to anyone with acid reflux. When a person has acid reflux they need to take two (2) tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Too much water or other low acid liquid will give momentary relief only to make it return soon after. Weak stomach acid is huge problem not just for acid relux but it damages digestion, may cause malnutrition, & prevents stomach acid from dissolving microorganisms that can cause disease. I learned bout this from Dr. Eric Berg on youtube. I tried it it stopped my acid reflux & heart burn. It is a real simple solution. A person may have chronic weak stomach acid & it needs attention. That does not change the real issue causing acid reflux. If you have acid reflux try apple cider vinegar. If it makes your stomach burn you may have an ulcer.
Best wishes.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adam (Charlottesville Va) on 09/25/2017
I have suffered from acid reflux for about 15 years. I was initially put on antacids by my doctor which appeared to work for a while however I found I needed to take them more and more frequently to keep the acid at bay. I finally tried Apple cider vinegar which works better than the antacids, I take it before every meal (about 50/50 with water, straight was too unpleasant and seems less effective) and is effective, however after a while the reflux starts creeping back in. Between meal snacks are definitely not an option without another dose of vinegar beforehand. It seems like everyone else has posted such utter success stories but I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences to myself. If so any advice for improvement?
Replied by Mama To Many
Replied by Ursus3
Brooklyn Baby">
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Brooklyn Baby (Brooklyn Ny)
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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paul (Amsterdam) on 09/22/2017
Thank you sooo much for this website, it changed my life. At age 9 I was diagnosed with GERD and had ulcers in my esophagus. I was operated with Nissen plastic, but it unfortunately did not have any effect. The doctors then put me on anti-acid meds (esomeprazole). I have been taking them for 21 years (!!! ). Although I never experienced stomach acid in those 21 years, the side effects of the meds were horrible with intestinal problems (diarrhea) for more than 10 years. Taking anti-acid meds daily means you have no stomach acid to digest the food, resulting in non-digested food into the intestines. As a self-defense mechanism, the intestines start to develop bacteria to process the food with overgrowth intestinal problems as a consequence. My first discovery was the FODMAP diet 7 years ago, that changed my life. You stop feeding the bacteria, however do not solve the culprit of the problem, the lack of stomach acid. I had never been able to get off the anti-acid meds, cause I would have serious attacks of stomach acid.
Now 6 months ago I started with ACV and results have been AMAZING, now at 1 time 2 tablespoons in the morning. I have not taken any medication ever since. Furthermore I had a check-up gastroscopy recently and it all looked perfect. I have attacks of stomach acid once per month after a very fatty meal, but that is absolutely normal. I am so happy with this solution.
Spread the word and make sure you understand the consequences of anti-acid meds!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cwk (New York, Ny) on 03/16/2017
I have been using ACV for THREE years for my reflux which has worked beautifully. I have been basically symptom free until last week when my reflux came back with a vengeance. I have pressure in my chest and I feel it burning my throat. I have not done anything differently and the ACV doesn't seem to be working. Has this happened to anyone before??? Is it just a slight relapse that will go away?? PLEASE HELP!
Replied by Mama To Many
Replied by Denise
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Replied by Anna
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by L Murphy (Liberty, In) on 09/28/2016
Immediate relief of acid reflux from 2T ACV
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ihateacidreflux (California) on 07/25/2016
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is the best for reflux. I have been using for four years or more now. My reflux started with pregnancies since 2009. First I used to take 2 tablespoons at end of day in water but now take only 1 tablespoon in water when I have asthma symptoms due to acid reflux. It always works because taking apple cider or hcl help to build more acid so digestion happens correctly but I haven't started taking hcl yet. If it doesn't work I take tums or my albuterol inhaler but apple cider is giving me some great relief of my symptoms. Do not take proton pump inhibitors they damage liver over long term.
Replied by Andrea
(Scio, Or)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Yhen (Philippines) on 06/16/2016
I also suffer acid reflux two weeks ago.. It was really a discomforting feeling.. You can't sleep at night well cause you only have to sit while sleeping, you can't eat what you want cause you're scared that your condition will get worst, it feels like your throat is something like is scratching.. And you have to take a lot of water to expel the scratching sensation.. I don't want to take prescription anymore.. Then I heard about this apple cider vinegar from a friend.. Do some research, and end up in this site.. So I gave it a try.. Apple cider vinegar organic with organic honey.. Twice a day.. Morning and night on an empty stomach.. Plus one fresh apple a day before meal..Very thankful to God, cause for almost a week the reflux is gone.. It was really amazing cause first that I try natural medicine, It really works.. Thank you..
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Tennessee) on 04/25/2016
First let me say, I love this site! I had open gallbladder surgery a week ago. Was sent home with little information. The pain and acid reflux has been crippling. I had to go back to DR for IV fluids because of dehydration. I couldn't keep any food down. The DR have me RX for pepcid. Said it may take a couple of days but it will work. Told me to do 4 a day.. NOTHING. No relief at all.
Finally after just being sick of being sick, I came across your site.. I immediately went to the kitchen and did 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half of a glass of water, and within minutes... RELIEF. This is a God Send. I finally slept and woke up this morning feeling better. I believe the earth gives us what we need to survive. I'm sick of meds and doctors that just want to push RX and its all for money. They do not truly care for our health.
Thank you again for this site.
Replied by Missfancypants
(Western Australia)
Replied by John
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(Kingston, Jamaica)
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(Somewhere, Europe)
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(Warwick, Ri)
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Eve Z. (Sydney, Australia)
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Replied by Karen
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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nora (Ma - Massachusetts) on 03/27/2016
Just got over a stomach virus and had terrible heartburn in throat for few days tried antacids, etc still had it. Was told to take apple cider vinegar straight, one tablespoon then drink water. Cured within minutes, on day two and still no heartburn. So don't dilute vinegar, take straight. Have to assume I was low on acid due to vomiting from virus, assuming that you need more acid not less. Not sure how it worked but it did so far for me. Hope it helps. Take organic..
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gilde (Palm Beach, Florida) on 11/25/2015
My husband used organic Apple Cider Vinegar every morning (1-2oz in 8oz of water) and has had amazing results, no more acid reflux and off all medicines!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Manuj (Ghaziabad) on 10/17/2015
I have tried apple cider vinegar for acid reflux. I have been taking it for few days with half glass of water. It has showed me some good effects but still I get some burning sensation after meals. At night I have to take a digene tablet to get the acid down. Still have not found 100% solution
Replied by Caryn
Replied by Sanjay Gukpta
Replied by Kari
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Replied by Penny
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rohit (New Delhi, India) on 06/20/2015
I have been using ACV, one tablespoon with a full glass of water once a day - I am happy to say that this dose is adequate for the acid reflux that I was having.
Another method to prevent reflux is to have half an apple before going to bed with some honey.
Replied by John
Replied by Teresa
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Replied by Shawna
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Justin (New York, US) on 03/22/2015
Hi I was experiencing acid reflux for a long time. I believe it to be caused by years of taking glucosamine, omega 3, vitamin c, bayer 81 low dose, calcium and vitamin every day for years on an empty stomach. I had recently stopped the aspirin but I also drank a lot of coffee and ate late at night. Anyway last Sunday I started getting a burning pain in my stomach on the right side between my navel and my breast bone. By Monday it was still there worsening when I ate. I went to the doctor, he had me do a cat scan and sonogram. Both came back negative. He started me on opremezol and told me I neEd to have an endoscopy to see what's wrOng. I took it for two days and stopped because I did not like the way it made me feel and was reading how bad it is for you.
I tried the vinegar last night and today. I took it when I woke up. I was fine until noon after lunch. I started getting a lot of burning but I am not sure what caused it. I took some vitamin d and had a juice of greens with some ginger. My stomach was burning like crazy but all of a sudden it just stopped and now I feel better than I have in a very long time. Should I continue with the vinegar? Did it burn because it's just starting to work and now it's ok.? I am so afraid to do more harm to my body. But I am liking all I am reading on here and feel so much better right now. Is vitamin d bad when your stomach is like this? I heard vitamin d deficiency causes reflux. I also took the vinegar teaspoon straight last night and my teeth feel sensitive today. Are they damaged? Please help.
Replied by Raphael
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jacqueline (London, England) on 02/11/2015
Hi all,
I think this site is wonderful, and I was hoping someone might be able to help me. I've had acid reflux/silent reflux/LPR for the last three months, it started with a flu bug but I carried on experiencing a burning sensation in my throat along with heartburn, dry mouth and a bad taste. The doctor thinks it is caused by reflux. The doctor gave me omeprazole which I took for a week which made the problem worse. I believe that I have low stomach acid rather than too much.
I started taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with warm water and honey in the morning and evening which helped tremendously, however it seems to have become less effective, and I'm finding that I have to take more and more to get any relief.
My question is, am I taking it correctly? Should I take it with meals or on an empty stomach? Can too much ACV cause problems? I was so relieved to find some relief, but now I'm worried that I'm back to square one.
Replied by Mama To Many
Replied by Jamie
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(Ks, US)
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