Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by Bahbi (Salem, Oregon, USA) on 10/31/2008

My 81 yr old husband has suffered Acid Reflux for probably 50 years. He has used over the counter antacid tablets like candy for years and years, and for the last 3 years his doctor has also had him on Omeprazole 1/2 hour before breakfast & dinner, Famotidine 2/day WITH breakfast and dinner, AND Metoclopramide at bedtime if the reflux is bothering him. But he still has had trouble sleeping due to heartburn and reflux while lying flat in bed, and has had to sleep with he head raised (in his recliner) 2-3 times a week. But a week ago I found the entries on EarthClinic about apples for reflux. He likes apples OK--we usually share an apple at lunch, so I asked him to eat the lunch-time apple as "dessert" instead of "appetizer", and to also eat 1/4 apple after breakfast and after dinner. He had an IMMEDIATE positive lessening of reflux, and after 3 days he eliminated the Omeprazole from his daily regimen. By adding 1/4 apple in the later evening as well, he has not needed Metoclopramide even once in the past week. APPLES FOR REFLUX WORK LIKE A MIRACLE!!

Posted by Ali (Portland, Oregon) on 10/29/2008

I suffer from severe acid reflux. I've tried yogurt - to no avail. You mentioned taking Advil, Naproxen, and Bextra for pain. Please be aware these types of OTC meds can, over time, weaken your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) valve which will then allow acid to enter your unprotected esophagus. The list of these OTC drugs is long. Aleve and Naproxen are just 2 of very common OTC drugs that can and do cause permanent weakening of the LES. Most doctors will not tell you this unless you look them straight in the eye and ask them. Here's the scoop: The lower esophagus has a mucus coating which contains a natural acid neutralizer that protects the lower esophagus from small amounts of acid that may from time to time leak through the LES valve. Aleve, Naproxen and a number of other OTC drugs prevent that protective mucus from forming, thereby allowing acid to burn the esophagus. Repeated burning can lead to Barrett's Esophagus which can lead to cancer. Esophagus cancer is now the #2 cancer in the United States. Which brings me back to Acid Reflux: It is vary dangerous and not to be taken lightly. Thanks goodness for this website and for those who use it in an effort to cure themselves and help others.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ross (Port Washington, NY) on 10/23/2008

I have taken Prilosec or Nexium for 45 years straight, and have recently detoxed as part of a program to help my thyroid and adrenal fatigue. Long story short, I simultaneously stopped taking my Prilosec, and I was fine. My detox consisted of raw veggies, fruit, fish and chicken. When I went off detox, reflux returned with a vengeance. My Naturopath suggested that I remove gluten from my diet, and I have been completely acid free for 2 weeks without any medicines. This is unheard of for me. I strongly believe that for some people reflux is a sign of gluten intolerance or worse. By removing Gluten, everything, brain, energy, etc.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Pete (Eastbourne, UK) on 10/02/2008

I cured myself after suffering nightly with acid reflux i took vitamin B6 from 10-100mg until symptoms went and it works very rapidly, after spending countless pounds on over the counter medicates& Also good for hangovers, alcohol consumption, depression. If you're an alcoholic, it will seriously reduce your imbibing as B6 is present in alcoholic drinks.

Posted by Rocky Raccoon (Humboldt, AZ) on 09/30/2008


Comment is regarding acid reflux. I have horrible daily heartburn at least two times per day. It has become progressively worse since 2000. During that year I was consuming almost 10 TUMS per day if not more. An old Civil Engineer (Russell Taylor) told me that TUMS cause Alheimers Disease because it contains Aluminum. So immediately, I decided to try papaya pills that he hightly reccomended. They work but only last a few minutes to a couple of hours. Reading about ACV has inspired me to give ACV a try. Hopefully it will make a difference. I'll keep you informed of my progress.

Betaine Hydrochloride
Posted by Woody (Frankston, Australia) on 09/08/2008

I have suffered Gastric Reflux for about 6 years, tried eveything including Tagamet, Zoton and all the beta blockers and Proton pump inhibitors but nothing worked. One day I tried Betaine, one tablet at breakfast and 6 years of grief have been replaced with zero reflux. This has been good for 3 months now with no problems at all. What causes Acid reflux is slow digestion, the added Acid from Betaine speeds up digestion. And the food goes down.

Sprouted Moong Lentils
Posted by Shak Kumar (San Jose, CA) on 09/06/2008

I have suffered from acid reflux for over 12 years, and over this period I tried several remedies (Prevacid, Zantac, Prilosec, Nexium, etc.) As long as I continued to take the medication, the acid reflux was contained, but would come back if I stopped taking the medication. I have also tried slippery elm, aloe vera juice, and apple cider vinegar. None proved to be effective. So about a 10days ago,on a friend's advise, I started eating two cups of RAW sprouted Moong lentil with every meal - lo and behold!! - the acid reflux has almost disappeared!!!!! Moong lentil is one of the very popular lentils in India and cna be found very easily in Indian grocery stores and health food stores. Moong sprouts have high concentration of enzymes, which greatly help in digestion of the food. Hence the stoamch does not have to produce as much acid as it did earlier. In addition, sprouts are classified as 'live' food with a bunch of other benefits like very high levels of vitamins and easy to digest proteins. I hope other people try this this natural remedy for acid reflux and I sure hope it works for them!!

Please make sure that you eat them RAW (enzymes get easily destroyed during the cooking process)

Posted by Shirl (Peoria, IL) on 09/05/2008

What I have is like acid reflux but ten times worse... Didn't have apple cider vinegar available so I tried green olives. Ate 6-10. Also took 2 baby Aspirin. Hope it isn't the start of something worse. Thanks for your ideas, they are so helpful tonight. I couldn't swallow, and it burned like fire in my throat. Think I will try the ice now. Am feeling nausea but so much better. Thank You, this site is so very helpful. Shirl

Posted by Katie (Chicago, IL) on 09/02/2008

I have had moderate success with DGL wafers. It is the glycyrrhizic acid that is the cause of most of the side effects of licorice, including high blood pressure. Therefore, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which has had the glycyrrhizic acid removed is thought to be much safer. As with any herbal, exercise caution and seek the advice of a medical professional who has experience with herbs.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Harley (South Windsor, Connecticut) on 08/19/2008

Well, another two months have passed and I continue to improve. I now take the aloe vera on rare occasions...maybe once every two weeks. Considering I had to take the Prevacid and, later, Prilosec every day, the aloe vera juice has really turned things around for me.

Posted by AKR (Jersey City, New Jersey) on 08/17/2008

Cindy, you said "I have a whole big story about the watercure, ovarian tumor, cancer etc"

Would love to hear about your story. I have started drinking about two glasses of water in the morning recently, and am interested to learn how true all those stories about "watercure" are.

Many thx,

Posted by Cindy (Wichita, Kansas) on 08/17/2008

For indigestion, drink 2 glasses of water. Not sipping, drinking. The last time I had indigestion - almost 4 years ago now - I did this. The first glass went down hard - it was literally painful. But I haven't had indigestion, acid reflux or suffered from hiatel (sp) hernia since. And I suffered indigestion since I was a child. I'm now 50. I've been following the watercure since then and use ice water for headaches as well. NOTE: You can't merely sip it. You must drink it down, a glass at a time. I have a whole big story about the watercure, ovarian tumor, cancer etc...but it's very long. EC is very cool! I'm preparing to use the banana peel remedy on one of the few problems the watercure didn't help - a 30 year old plantars wart! Yeah!!

Posted by Sherry (Longview, Washington ) on 08/12/2008


Licorice (the herb not the candy) cannot be taken safely for very long. It causes high blood pressure. I have found licorice root in diet teas and women's remedy teas used as a dieretic. Taken any longer than 6 days or so can cause health issues. I made the mistake years ago of drinking a dieter's tea after my evening meal for over a year. I had never had a problem with high blood pressure before but after a year on that tea my blood pressure sky rocketed and I felt horrible. As soon as I stopped the tea my blood pressure went back down to normal.

Posted by Robbie (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 08/04/2008


Ha, I actually thought I was a genius because I discovered that apples subdued my acid reflux but I see that people discovered this before me.

Apples only subdue the acid for a short while for me... don't get me wrong, they are better than any acid medication I have tried. I think I actually just have something wrong with my esophagus (however it's spelt). I normally try to eat an apple in anticipation of my acid reflux and I always eat one when I feel the pangs of acid at my throat. However, after a month of doing this I'm still suffering. I have cut down my diet to the point where I've cut out all caffein, all alcohol, all flour based foods, all dairy based foods, red meat (I read somewhere that that was bad) and I'm basically juest eating fresh fruit and vegetables (no citric acids).

I only eat small meals frequently and never before I go to bed. I even angled my bed so that I sleep in a slightly up right position and when I do sleep I sleep on my left (I also read that somewhere, something to do with the position of the stomach). I think I've tried everything unless anyone has some amazing miracle cure that they're not sharing with the world.

Regards, Robbie.

Aloe Vera
Posted by John (Dallas, Texas) on 07/30/2008

Aloe Vera: Get some aloe vera peel the skin off of it and you add water to the goo and throw it in the blender you will feel more energized and it will help reduce acid reflux.

Water and Sea Salt
Posted by Cindy (Wichita, KS) on 07/22/2008

After more than 30 years of indigestion and 10 years of acid reflux the very last time I experienced either was about 2 minutes prior to drinking my first 2 glasses of water. I've been drinking water and eating sea salt ever since and have not had indigestion or acid reflux once, in over 2 years. Yes, I had a myriad of other life-threatening problems that the water and salt have fixed since I was sent home from the hospital to "put my affairs in order", but the constant acid was the worst of all and the one I'm most glad to be rid of. I can eat and sleep like a human being again.

EC: Cindy, can you please tell us more about these two remedies? How much water, how often, do you add sea salt to the water, etc. Thanks!

Posted by Bev (Elroy, WI) on 07/19/2008

I have suffered from reflux for four years after getting an ulcer following ibuprofen and antibiotics for a recurrent pneumonia. Originally took Protonix [this is fluoridated and is very harmful]. Eventually replaced that with Therazyme STM enzymes. Didn't notice any difference with apple cider vinegar with baking soda. Now I am just eating an apple after supper and taking raw honey to coat my throat before bed. This works as well or better than anything else. Camomile tea is helpful and I take some baking soda and water if I notice any heartburn which is seldom.

Posted by Vicki (Ranger, Georgia) on 07/19/2008

Recently I tried Chlorella for my acid reflux. I was amazed when the pain stopped within a short time. This is truly the best remedy I have found for acid reflux. I bought the powder and take about two thirds of a teaspoon to cure acid reflux. Safe and effective.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/19/2008 495 posts

Hi Rosetta, If you diligently work at eliminating all bleached flour from your husband's diet, you might find that you also eliminate his acid reflux problem that nothing helps. It works for me and I can tell you that unless breads and cereals state l00% whole grain, they aren't, and probably contain some bleached flour. You will also find that many products contain both bleached and unbleached flour. The above has been working for me for over 30 years now. I don't know what it is in the bleaching process that creates the problem, but since I can eat whole grains or unbleached products without getting the problem, I know that is where the problem is.

Posted by Doris (San Antonio, Tx.) on 07/17/2008


I have certainly enjoyed reading the comments. Just warning on taking Nexum for long periods of time. I have suffered Acid Reflux for years and was prescribed Nexum and the Doctor never took me off it. Well I have a new Doctor and I told her how I had been having Pain in my Hip joints seemed like where the ball of it is. She then told me that was one of the side effects of Nexum on bones. So we decided it was best to get off of it. Tried Zantac and by the 3rd day I returned to Nexum. Well now I'm about to take the ACV challenge! After so many years of abusing Aspirin etc. for Migraines that was the effect on my stomach, esophogus was Acid Reflux. My daughter and friend suggested ACV and so will let you all know how it helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Arthur (Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin) on 07/15/2008

I am age 83. I suffered from canker sores continuously my whole life until 2 years ago when by accident I discovered that I had celiac disease, that is gluten intolerance. Since going on a gluten-free diet I have not had even one canker sore. NADA! Also the acid reflux that I had all my adult life has also almost completely gone away.
