Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zoohead1 (Newnan, Ga) on 05/08/2012

This started in 2008-9. Thanks to the internet I diagnosed myself w/ bv. never heard of it, went 2 Dr. tried pill(metronidazole) 1st time worked, tried gel. Waste of time, money & energy. They only think ur crazy on the 3rd or n my case 10th visit. My doc cld nt understand why it kept comin bk & whn it came bk it was worst everytime. So I left the problem alone 4 awhile until I met a new guy I was feelin. Its now 2012, so I got serious about it & went 2 the internet did some research again. Went 2 visit my local herb shop & got some useful info. The (metro pills & gel) kill good & bad bacteria. Thats why it comes back. Most of your vitamins(folic acid 800mcg, olive leaf, hydro 3%, cranberry pill & cran body wash, etc. ) can b purchased from wal-mart or cvs. Bt get probiotic acidoplius (cold) frm your local herb shop. They go up to 80bill. ($20-$30per bottle). When inserting the pill n ur vajay-jay. Put them n water 2 soften them. I scoop them up w/ a spoon, put it at the tip of my vajay & push up w/ my fingers. Right nw I'm trying all the above. Thanks Earth Clinic you guys at least got me stated & feeling like I can beat this.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Misty (Clermont, Fl) on 04/04/2012

1/4 tsp. of baking soda to your douch, I was told about this and it really works the discharge was gone and the smell after the first 2 times I used it. I did 1 on Monday and 1 on Wednesday and after the shower I blowed dried down their each time. And you can also put Some baking soda right into your bath on a regular basis to keep you ph balanced and its also good for your skin :)

General Feedback
Posted by There Is Hope (Pensacola, Fl) on 06/04/2012

Hello ladies just wanted to give you an update so far I have been free from BV a few months now Yea!!!!!! And also I am having sex with no problem. I am not sure if it was the antibiotic which was climdi mycin are if its the ALKALETE ph enhancer I told you abt. But once I did the antibiotic I continued to douche with HP only after sex and I still take pro b capsules orally daily also I still take my folic acid once daily with my multi vitamin and I have not had BV since so I hope this helps.

Essential Oils
Posted by Barbara (New York) on 03/12/2012

I'm recently dealing with BV and wanted to share the treatment that my MD, who is also a naturopath, prescribed: purchase a natural sea sponge from the health food store (I found them at whole foods being sold as "cosmetic" sponge), then cut it to tampon sized pieces. Get the highest quality you can find of Thyme and Frankincense essential oils and mix 2 drops Thyme oil 4 drops Frankincense oil in 10 drops Extra Virgin olive oil. Soak up the oil with the sea sponge (after you washed it thoroughly with antibacterial soap- the water also makes it very soft) then insert. Leave in for 2 hours, 2 x day. Repeat for 7 days.

I looked up the medicinal uses of these oils and they are for bacterial infections, inflammation, and regulating female hormonal system. I suspect that the hormone imbalance is the real root of the BV. It is working for me with 80% improvement after 4 days - though I think I will get the boric acid capsules and better probiotics tomorrow. I have also done a few days of alternating tea tree oil suppository and probiotic inserted at night but the oils are the only thing I have been doing consistently.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bella_vista2 (San Mateo, Ca) on 12/28/2011

I'm so thankful for this website. I tried the remedies I read and I just had to post my own story.

A few weeks ago I was at work and I noticed a putrid smell. After sniffing around my desk, I was mortified to discover it was coming from my crotch. I haven't been sexually active in months and I hadn't changed laundry detergents or soaps. I also haven't been sick or changed my diet. I don't even take pain relievers when I have headaches. The only changes I experienced in the prior two months was excessive watery discharge, but my body does things like that from time to time (excessive discharge, occasional spotting) and I just wear pantyliners - no big deal. It usually goes away after a couple of cycles. I figured my body is just doing it's thing since I am in my mid-thirities and I've read that in midlife hormone levels change as a natural process of aging.

Anyway, I noticed the odor would penetrate everything - it was absolutely disgusting. I decided to go onto the internet and self-diagnose. I don't normally recommend this, but I've always been an information hound and I research EVERYTHING and the earliest I could see my gynecologist was a few weeks out.

Based on the symptoms and what I've read, I'm pretty sure I have a mild form of BV.

I researched the postive/negative effects of Acidophilus, Folic Acid, vitamin B-Complex, effects of excess sugar (I realized my soda consumption had increased significantly the last two months due to free drinks offered at work, etc. ). I read up on whether or not too much is good or bad for you, etc. Do your research and I'm sure you will come to some of my same conclusions.

From everything I read, I decided my diet was the first place to start. The first day I took 1 multivitamin that I had onhand. It's the brand that starts with C and I took it because it had 400mg of Folic Acid in it. Within an hour or two I noticed the smell had significantly gone away. I was super excited to see these results, so the next day I decided to go out and purchase Acidophilus and a bottle of just 400mg Folic Acid. I started a regimen and I am happy to say there is no smell and no excessive discharge.

This is what worked for me:

Day 1: 1 multivitamin that has 400mg Folic Acid plus B-vitamins (taken at noon)

Day 2: 1 multivitamin, 1 400mg tablet of Folic Acid 1 Acidophilus 25 Billion CFUs inserted vaginally (taken/inserted right before bed). I wore a pantyliner since some people had posted there might be discharge from the capsule. Also, be sure your Acidophilus has multiple strains in it. I read somewhere that not all Acidophilus products are the same.

Day 3: 1 multivitamin 400 mg tablet of Folic Acid 1 Acidiophilus tablet taken orally (I took these at noon on an empty stomach and waited about 20 minutes before eating lunch. My research concluded it was better to take the probiotic on an empty stomach since food can affect the absorption and potency). I also had no discharge or smell this day.

Day 4: 1 multivitamin 1 400 mg Folic Acid. I skipped the Acidophilus altogether. Today my vagina discharged what was left of the capsule I had inserted. It was no big deal - just some granules (the mucous was kind of gritty), but it was noticeable when I wiped after going to the bathroom.

During this time I also cut back on soda and drank more water and soy milk. I can't exactly go cold turkey with the diet, you know? Baby steps and small changes!

I'm not sure if I will continue taking all of these pills daily, but I'm certainly paying more attention to my diet and what it's doing to my vagina. I'll probably continue with the multivitamin every few days and maybe throw in the additional Folic Acid from time to time and take an Acidophilus occasionally too, for maintenance purposes.

Thank you all for posting your stories. I'm a firm believer in natural remedies and that knowledge is power.

Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Crazycrazycrazy (Tampa, Fl) on 01/09/2012

Thank you to all the wonderful women on here that share the same nightmare! So after months of wondering what the hell was going on, finally I google searched and found it was BV. The only way I could hide the smell at work was tampons, which sucked wearing all the time. So I got the BV Vh essentials from CVS, which does work. But only for a day, then you must use again. At $28 a box of 6 is crazy!!! Plus by the last day it ended up giving me a yeast infection. :( so then I tried the acidophilus, orally and inserting. Just basic stuff, I think it does make a difference of the strain of bacteria. Anyway, The inserting was so weird! You end up having gritty stuff come out all day. Gross! And it didn't seem to work either.

Next!!! Then I got some Kefir plain unsweetened cultured milk. Took a turkey baster, laid down and inserted. I ended up putting a tampon in. Low and behold! It's gone! I'm not sure for how long since I just did this yesterday. I'm going to try again and see. I'm still going to keep up the pills, and folic acid. But I will always keep the $4 bottle of kefir!! I'll update in a few hopefully with good results. Thank you so much for everyone sharing!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bella_vista2 (San Mateo, Ca) on 01/15/2012

Here's an update...

It's been a few weeks now and my BV/odor/discharge is pretty much gone. I haven't been on any regular regimen since my post in December. My only actions at this point are to take a multi-vitamin once every few days, and an occasional probiotic orally. I think I've taken only two probiotics in the last three weeks.

I've been adjusting my diet a bit by cutting down on sodas, which is my main source of sugars. The rest is common sense - more water, more veggies, more fruit.

Thanks, everyone!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by C. Marie (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/16/2011

I am 29 years old and have been suffering from BV for about 2 years now... It started when I went off BC pills... But I could always control it... Then I had a miscarriage and my hormones went all wacky and I think thats what messed up my PH balance really badly... now I have it all the freakin time....24/7. I just had the Mirena IUD placed in May and they put me on Clindamycin so I'm sure that didnt help AT ALL. I feel like its gotten even worse. (I have done all the Flagly pills, etc... With the same effect at everone else.... Helps for a while but then it comes back) This condition is really starting to have an effect on my sex life.... My boyfriend wants sex ALL THE TIME, and luckily he is supportive and doesnt seem to mind (or so he says) the potent smell.... Its not really fishy... Just a very strong smell.... Lots of discharge... I find that I have to wipe myself several times during the day.... GROSS. I am on the verge of tears. I have done hours and hours of research and came across Fem-adophilus... I have been taking it for about 2 weeks now with not much improvement yet but alot of women said it took about a month to see results. It has the two main stains of bacteria that are found in healthy vaginas... L. Reuteri and L. Ramonus (not sure if I spelled that right). LADIES IF YOU GET THIS PRODUCT, KEEP IT REFRIDGERATED, and if you have it shipped make sure it is shipped with ice packs. I also just ordered a product called Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support.. Should be here by tomorrow so I'm excited to try it. I just started taking Folic acid too... I've heard good things about it when combined with a probiotic. I dont think I am going to try the Peroxide douche.. I think any kind of douche is bad... Its just flushing everything out... However, this evening I am trying the tampon method... Mix hlaf water half peroxide and soak a tampon in it and then insert... Not sure how long I will leave it in... But It seems like a good idea since the good bacteria need a more acidic environment. Anyhow, I will keep everyone updated on how everything goes!! Fingers crossed!!!

P.S. The Fem-dophilus might not have worked as well as I have hoped probably because my BF has been ejaculating in me which messes up the PH... We have stopped doing that about a week ago so hopefully that helps too!!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/30/2013

Dear Channel,

I am sorry you have dealt with this for so long with no permanent cure!

I would try what Timh suggests for dealing with underlying causes.

One thing I have not seen mentioned yet on the BV page is activated charcoal. I know it has been used successfully for uterine infection. You could get some charcoal tablets and insert a couple at bedtime daily (which may end up being messy by morning--you would want to use pantyliners until the charcoal has all passed.) Alternately, you could soak a tampon in a charcoal water solution. Maybe 1 teaspoon of charcoal in a couple of ounces of water and use this over night. Either thing you try, I would try for at least a week.

Perhaps it will take multiple remedies for your cure, and perhaps it will be necessary to continue treatment long after symptoms improve.

I hope you find a permanent solution. Let us know what you find out!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nicole (New York, Ny) on 08/09/2011

I suffered from BV on and off for 6 years. I got it after a miscarriage which led to me bleeding and spotting for a period of 3 months. I also went on birth control at that time which increased the bleeding. My hormones were out of whack and taking Flagyl only worked for a short period of time. Every doctor I went to didn't know how to stop me from bleeding and this resulted in me smelling like fish 24/7. I cried every day! I knew people could smell me and I hated myself. I looked at other women and for some reason envied their vagina.. lol (stupid but valid at the time).

After years of trying Flagyl, acidophilus, douches, potions, and spells.. I tried Gy-Na-Tren( You can get it at Whole Foods, GNC, or the Vitamin Shoppe if you're in NYC). It took away the smell right away, however, I still had discharge and violent itching when it was finished ( I think it might have been thrush). I decided to try Gy-Na-Tren again and also take 1 Acidopilus (PR8 brand), 1 Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse (Also at the same places I found the Gy-Na-Tren), 1 Multivitamin, and Sublingual b12 which contains folic acid. I take these every morning. I have been BV free for a long time with no discharge or smell!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dayleeyah (Ontario, Canada) on 01/14/2014

Hi, try taking MSM as a supplement. It's great for many things but balancing the PH in the body is one of them. I also just read about Silica gel. It works for vaginal discharge. The folic acid and Vitamin D work for the smell. Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Willow (Lexington, Ky) on 06/09/2011


I've been dealing with a lot of minor health issues over the past couple of years. Most of the time, you just kind of deal with things as they come. However, my immunity (due to a great deal of environmental/life stress) was compromised. I'm 33, female, and consider myself healthy. Once I found this site, I was ADDICTED to it. I started doing the research and found what I think is a perfect solution for BV. I developed BV as (I think) as reaction to a recent diagnosis of HPV. Everything was out of whack and I thought my sex life had ended. After some experimentation, here's what I ended up with and has worked for me for 3 months now. No creeping smell, no discharge, no anything BV related. At first, I took care of things on an immediate level by doing the Hydrogen Peroxide douche. Literally just a tad bit with a great deal of warm water. Then, I did the acidphilus both orally and vaginally. Once you do this, the rest is kind of body maintenance. I do this on a daily basis:

ACV - read about it if you don't know anything about it. It just improves so much of your overall health - not to mention helps restore your pH.

Acidophilus - I started with "millions" and wound up with a refrigerated version of the "3 billion" capsules.

B-12 complex - just overall metabolism support. however, it can be harmful on your kidneys so don't use in excess.

Multivitamin - just because, well, duh.

Folic Acid - I figured it couldn't hurt and it helps overall immunity.

I also take lysine daily because I'm prone to fever blisters in the sun or under stress. This keeps it under control and when I do have a flare-up, it remedies it very quickly.

Just get to know your body. It's hard dealing with these things but I truly believe that starting in the root of the cause (e.g., the gut) is the best way to have a long lasting effect.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Denise H (Tn., US) on 04/06/2015

I suffered with a horrible odor for 4 years, many doctors, many different prescriptions and natural cures....finally, oil of oregano worked, a few drops diluted in about 10 drops of avocado oil, applied for 3 weeks, but started working right was amazing. I cannot believe how long I suffered with this problem!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sabrina (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 04/27/2011

This is what I have found to work for the stubborn BV that I had. I never thought it would go away.

In the morning before breakfast, I have:

2 folic acid tablets

1 heaped teaspoon green barley grass powder

1 cap of Tahitian Noni Juice

1 cap of Kefir yogurt

(Sometimes B5 tablet, or olive leaf, vitamin C powder and acidophilis on other days).

Then I repeat the above morning routine around 4pm before a snack and dinner. I try not to eat sugar but I can still get away with eating chocolate as well as wine if I stick to the barley grass powder and Noni juice. (And I like to eat organic and more natural foods now anyway).

I have a hunch that the Barley Grass powder is working better than the Noni Juice (as Noni is $45/bottle). And before I tried the Barley Grass powder, the BV was coming back anyway. With the Barley Grass powder I ate chocolate over Easter (and 3 glasses of wine - which would aggravate BV like crazy) and I STILL smell clean and fresh. Never thought it would go away. (Please note I'm not a sales agent for the powder either - I just know how depressing it is to have BV).

So overall I think Barley Grass Powder, Folic Acid and kefir yogurt is the key. When I was shopping, I felt intuitively to get the bottle of chrolyphyll (but it's watered down too much) so now I take the green powder in water). Works wonders.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Sophi (Bellevue) on 11/05/2018

BV I believe is caused from PH change in the vagina I started sleeping on a bio-mat and set it for medium which is pretty warm and sometimes I sweat from it . Then I got BV. I stopped using the bio-mat and I started taking cold showers at night, and I take high doses of probiotics, and folic acid

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Yolanda (Stockton , Ca) on 02/21/2011

Hi there, I was diagnoised with BV in October 2010. It appears my Dr. Knows nothing about BV since she kept prescribing antibiotics which made matters worse! I was scared and depressed and in December 2010 I started to look for a remedy online. I came across this website and decided to treat myself. I started by dipping a tampon into plain yogurt then opening a capsule of acidophilus and sprinkling it over the yogurt before insertion. I left the tampon in for 3 hours then douched with 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 vinegar and water. I also took one acidophilus capsule orally before bed. I continued this for FOUR nights. On the fifth day I had no symptoms at all! My only side affect was vaginal dryness for about 2 days. I havent had any reoccurrence since! I am thankful for all your information! I wouldnt have been able to get through this without your help!

Thank you so much. Yolanda

Posted by Anjel03 (Akron, Ohio) on 02/18/2011

I have been dealing with BV on and off every since my hysterectomy. Makes me believe it might be related to a hormonal imbalance. However, after researching this condition I found that taking a high potency B complex supplement that contains 400mg of folic acid helped my symptoms. I take two tablets daily. I hope this will help anyone else with this problem.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lionaess (Healthier, Usa) on 02/06/2011

Any combination of these treatments can be quite beneficial in treating/battling bv. Once you find a combo that works for you, keep with it and maybe even alternate. However none it will be very effective in the long run if you dont change your diet-and fast! The candida diet is best to follow, HOWEVER, it is impossible (and very unhealthy) to avoid sugar altogether. Sugars to definitely avoid are refined sugars. Now this includes all the 'good' stuff we ladies love to indulge in. You really must do your research as refined sugars are are in more typical grocery store products than you probably think there are.

The candida diet advises to avoid fruit, sweet potatoes, etc. But after becoming emaciated I realized this was not correct either. Keeping a well balanced blood sugar level is extremely important. My strong advice is to eat as natural and organic as possible. Processed foods I.E. Canned, boxed, preserved are a no-no. Yes this means pastas, chocolates, ground meats, deli meats, sodas, moldy foods such as cheese, Alcohol, yes I said alcohol, YEAST IS A DEFINITE NO, yes this includes just about all bread. No cakes, cookies, sodas, sugary juices, if you can't pronounce the ingredients you probably shouldn't have it. I know, I know but I assure you not all hope is lost. Yes it is an adjustment and definite lifestyle shift. After much research I've learned there is a lot you can have AND ENJOY! I've learned how to make my own cakes and desserts, breads - all much much less difficult and time consuming than you might think.. And much much healthier. has a wealth of dessert recipes that have truly saved my life (Love You Elana! ) Keep in mind, raw unpastuerized honey and agave I find are ok in moderation. I also use Earth Balance soy free butter when I must have it. Goats milk cheese (aged less than 3 months) when I must have cheese. So Delicious coconut milk ice cream (vanilla bean or vanilla mini bars) when I must have ice cream (you can also make your own) Ezekiel bread when I must have bread.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rs (Sf, Ca) on 01/10/2011

I have dealt with BV for over 2 years and just now finally found something that is 100% relief for me. I did the H202 and distilled water douche, I did the acidopholus and vaginal probiotics with folic acid and B12. All of that worked for awhile and then it stopped working. Out of desperation I tried something totally crazy and it worked and has been working for a year now. BV is NOT going away. You simply have to find a method of relief and keep doing for life, or until there is a cure. I read on this site that a woman used boric acid capsules and inserted one vaginally at night before bed. Do this for 3-4 consecutive nights or as long as you have symptoms. All my symptoms were gone the first morning I woke up after using this for the first time. I make my own boric acid capsules. I bought the boric acid from and the empty capsules and a capsule maker (you dont need the capsule maker, its actually easier to NOT use it). When I feel the symptoms coming on, I immediately insert a boric acid capsule AND you must insert one right after sex because having sex usually brings it on very quickly. I have had NO odor, no discharge, no smell, nothing..... For over a year. This is a long term solution for now.

Please note the you need to wear a panty liner the next day because as the capsule melts in your vagina, you will get a gush of liquid coming out after about 8 hours so you need to be prepared with your panty liners. I make about 50 capsules at a time and keep them stored in a tupperware container to keep them dry and put them in my cupboard in my kitchen. I insert one almost every night since I am in a sexual relationship with my boyfriend and the sex has never been better since the nasty smell and discharge is gone. Boric acid is used to kill rats and roaches. I was terrified to use it at first but there is no smell, no side effects except the "gush" from your vagina the next morning as it has melted. It really is a miracle and its totally safe to insert vaginally. I ready that boric acid suffocates the bacteria and kills it, just as it does to rats and roaches. Very odd, but it works and I will never stop using it unless it stops working. Then I dont know what I will do. Please try this and dont be afraid. I was afraid but Im very happy that I had the courage to try it. Good luck..........RS

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cbh (Pocatello, Idaho) on 01/11/2011

Try putting about 6 drops of tea tree on a tampon still in the applicator. Then add a few drops of water to dilute the tea tree oil just a bit. Push the tampon out of the applicator just a hair before you insert it into your vagina or you will have a difficult time inserting it because the tampon will swell. Wear the tampon for several hours for up to a week. You should get relief. I usually get relief after 1-2 days. This will also work for yeast infections.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Melanie (Chattanooga, Tennessee) on 08/16/2011

Hi. I have also tried the tea tree oil remedy and swear by it. I have tried many other remedies but this one worked immediately. I took the tampon out of the applicator and soaked it with the oil but dropping oil on the tops and sides. I inserted it and left for around 4 hours. Do this for a few days and you will see a remedy. BV still will come back every few months but one afternoon of the oil soaked tampon does the trick. If you have never used tea tree oil beware - it has a strong antiseptic quality and a very strong odor. Be careful that the tampon only touches your insides. Tea Tree oil can be purchased online, at health food stores or someplace retail like Trader Joe's. Good luck in your battles.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jessie (Wilmington, Nc) on 01/09/2011

I've been suffering from bv for a few months now. Didn't really think anything of it because the symptoms were hit or miss. Attributed the itch to shaving every day. Then came the smell. So, did a google search. Found this website. THANK YOU to everyone who has posted. Read quite a few pages. I hate taking Tylenol let alone anything else, so I was very glad to see some natural remedies. After reading what worked best for everyone else, I came up with my own regimen. So hope this helps someone else.

Went to wallyworld and bought the following: Acidophilus- 2 billion active cultures Odorless garlic-1000mg 100% pure Australian tea tree oil I've been taking 1 acidophilus and 1 garlic 2x a day. I was really hesitant to douche because I've heard it's so bad. But for three days in a row, I made a mixture of 3/4 hot water, 1/2 an acidophilus pill, waited til the pill "dissolved" ( I say this in parenthesis because it never completely dissolved, just broke down), waited til it was broken down as much as possible, then filled the rest with hydrogen peroxide. Last I added a few drips of tea tree oil. Shook well and then used it. Kept the mix in there, released it, repeated til the mix was gone. The oil was very soothing and I was very pleased to find that this is a natural antiseptic. The smell is gone, my normal consistancy is back. I'm going to keep up with the pills 2x a day as it's making me feel good. I'll send another update in a week. Hope this helps y'all out there!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Angela (Newport News, Va, Usa) on 02/03/2011

I have suffered with some form of bv during my adulthood but mainly had more problems with yeast starting in my early teens it was very frustrating because I would get so sore and irritated down there. I always managed to go to the Drs to get the prescript meds that worked for the moment but at some point 2-3 months they were back again. Th bv epidemic did not start till my late 20's and could not figure out where this toxic aroma came from. Well I can tell you this if you ever get the bv and are still having sex with your partner all you are doing is having him to pass it back to you. I Have read so many stories on lines with women who have been long term avid sufferers as I had. Some DRs have told me that bv can not be transmitted to a man I strongly dont believe this because if this were this case and the woman takes the meds and clears up and she continues to have sex and it comes right back that should tell you that its been carried to your partner and he needs to be treated as well. I am married and had suffered with this nasty infection from time to time. I did some research online about natural remedies that have really helped alot of women and have decided to try some of these remedies.

I first heard about tea tree and how powerful this element is and let me tell your I brought the tea tree suppositories and they really do work for any kind of vaginal infection. The strong antiseptic aroma spells pure cleanliness to me. But you can use tea tree in any form does not have to be used as suppositories can be added to bath water 1-2 drops is all that is needed also can be used in a douche which I tried and it worked. It knocks the aroma out no smell down there just pure fresh.

Also the acidophillus tablets I have started taking daily and have noticed a difference. I also have stopped having my husband ejaculate in me when having sex noticed big difference. I only used unscented soaps that really keep me fresh down there no smell at all even after using the bathroom during the day. I drink several glasses of cranberry juice also since this really helps to keep bacteria under control.

I realize everyone is different and what works for one may not work for the next person. I guess you have to experiment to find out what works for you I willnever spend another penny on monistat or take a visit to my gyn for these annoying problems women what we have to go through. I hope this may be of help to some of you sufferers out there good luck to you.

Posted by Maria (Ponce, Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos) on 12/28/2011

I've been having BV since a few months ago. In October I think.... The gyn prescribed me with Metronidazole pills which were really difficult to swallow. It did nothing to me, nothing. Then she prescribed me with the Metronidazole gel. A week of treatment for nothing, my BV was as strong as ever. I had no symptoms before treatment except some occasional itching, after it the itching got worse and had various discharges in the day.

After I finished my menstruation I decided to try with the gel again, and this time I really got better but it was NOT gone. I really didnt wanted to waste money again so I checked some natural remedies. I used tea tree oil for some days, helped me but too slow then I used yogurt and got really better. Had sex and ruined it all. Right now I'm using tea tree oil and putting plain yogurt with an applicator at night. Symptoms are slowly getting better, I'm having like one discharge a day or nothing at all. The itching is killing me, but that is also slowly decreasing and it may be that I irritated it by having sex. I'm afraid to try other stuff because I'm really, really sensitive down there. I'm still wondering if there is some other safe remedy that is suitable for me but I do encourage to use yogurt and tea tree oil (diluted of course) it helps but it requires patience.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Traveler (Cary, Nc) on 12/04/2010

The frequent urination almost makes me wonder if you have a UTI as well. IF you have a UTI, getting D-Mannose (one of the more expensive health supplements at $36/bottle that should last you one or two UTIs) will give you relief within a couple of hours, and you continue taking it for a couple of days.

As far as the BV goes, I tried a whole bunch of stuff similar to you last spring when I had a lot of repeat BV. What finally worked, though I did have some limited success with hydrogen peroxide douching, is to take a 10 cc syringe without the needle, fill it maybe 70% with cold pressed virgin coconut oil, and fill the remaining 30% with tea tree oil. Play with the ratio. I can put 100% tea tree oil inside me without burning (it actually feels good both hot and cold and excellent for sexual lubrication and stimulation) but another woman could feel burning with anything stronger than a 10% solution. Anyway, insert syringe into vagina as far as you can go, lay back with your hips slightly elevated and positioned over a towel. Empty contents of syringe into vagina and keep syringe in there for a few minutes to help keep plugging the liquid in there. Read or just hang out for twenty-plus minutes like that and then void your vagina with kegels over your towel or waddle to the toilet. Do that once or twice a day for five days. Also, keep in mind-- if you are having sexual relations, your partner needs to have daily treatment as well by rubbing his penis with this stuff especially at the opening to his urethra. Luckily, the mix makes an awesome sexual lubricant, so as long as you are in a monogamous relationship and are already foregoing condoms, you can have sex after your application and that should also help kill the BV on his junk as well.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Yola (Tx) on 05/24/2016

I must say that I've tried the yogurt and it did not work for me. Not sure how it does for others but I did try the peroxide and it works wonders. Yes it will come back if you stop but the medication they give you at the clinic doesn't work. I find for me the peroxide works better, at least you can be sure that you don't have odor.

Posted by Suzan (Lansing, Michigan) on 11/29/2010

Mix 1/2 c of plain yogurt (no sugar or fruit) with 5 drops of oil of oregano P73(full strength). Make sure to mix it well. A medicine syringe will be needed. Fill the syringe with the mixture. Lay on your back and insert cream into the vagina. Use 2x per day and wear a maxi pad (change pad often). Oil of Oregano is an anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti parasitic, so it will work for Trich, BV, and Yeast(fungus). Also make sure to soak the syringe in very hot soapy water for 45 minutes. This concoction makes a few doses, so keep it in the refrigerator.

Posted by Michelle (Miami, Fl) on 11/25/2010

Lady's please try the plain yogurt with live cultures. It worked for me-all better now!! No odor no discharge it's going on my fourth day since I been using this treatment. Nothing but HEAVEN!!! Just soak a tampon in the yogurt insert in in the vagina and wait to see results. It really worked for me. Try it ladies I think it's worth it. I'm so happy, I finally feel free. Now I can live again. Good luck ladies I wish you the best!

Posted by Abe (Belton, Tx, Usa) on 03/30/2011

I am 32 years old, and have had BV off and on for as long as I can remember.. I recently have taken flagyl more times then I can count.. I do have the Mirana IUD, and have had it for 4 years now.. I recently started getting a period again, and more BV.. I am assuming this is from the hormone becoming weaker in my IUD.. I have 1 sex partner, and he's all a women could ever need or want.. He says BV bothers me more then it bothers Him.. Either way, I don't like it.. He is the cleanest man I have ever met.. He has had a vasectomy and we don't use condoms.. Most of the time I don't know I have BV until the day after we have sex..

I started using a medicine syringe and plain natural yogurt.. My thiery is, it helps keep the vaginal pH level healthy.. From my research, semen can change the pH.. The plain yogurt really has helped my problem.. My partner agrees.. I hope this helps.

Vitamin D
Posted by Amanda (Toronto, Ontario) on 09/21/2010

Ladies start taking 3000IU of vitamin D daily. I tried 1000IU a day years ago and it wasnt enough, quit and forgot all about it. I suffered itchy discharge mid cycle, before and after period, after sex for 7 years. I tried everything like most of you. All tests came back negative. After two days on 3000IU vitamin D3 doses it went away overnight. I have been free of it for 6 months. There are studies done on vitamin d deficiency connected to BV and yeast infection. Just google it. Being in the sun is NOT going to provide sufficient amount of this much needed vitamin which most people are deficient in. According to Dr. Mercola, it is the angle of sunlight that makes the difference, and the further north you go, the less likely you are to get the right rays to make adequate vit D3. If you are in the right place to do so, just a half an hour in the sun is good enough, 15min won't do it.
