AND FINALLY....Apple Cider Vinegar. BINGO!! We had a winner. 3 days later cured!
DAY ONE, I mixed equal portions of ACV and water, douched. Then flushed out with plain water, took acidophilus 2 a day and cleansed the outer labial portions with teatree oil and water (just to catch any potential smells).
DAY TWO, about a 3rd of ACV and water, flushed again with plain water, still taking acidophilus twice per day and tea tree oil for the outside. At this point, the symptoms were gone as far as bloat and ache, no smell. Still discharge, but no smell. DAY THREE, a teaspoon of ACV and water, flushed again with plain water, Acidophilus and tea tree oil rinse.
Done! No discharge, no symptoms, no smells...Just back to good ole me. I cried. Yes ladies, finally. I am a woman and whole free for a month now. Did it work...I'm going with yes. Are we all different, yes. I have not had to douche since and honestly I really won't unless absolutely necessary. I just watch my ph and make sure it stays balanced. I have maintained a healthy diet and I drink of plenty of water. I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Oh and by the way...I found it funny that $.50 is all it would cost to cure me. Dear Lord help us all! Best of luck.
Use tampons and buy cottonelle wipes! Keeping the blood away will help. Also I keep the hair region very short. Just keep scissors for this purpose, and clean them with alcohol wipes every time.
NEVER re-use your towels!! I actually feel better when I dry off with the hair dryer anyway.
Take vitamins. Mostly time release C. The brand doesn't matter. You do need the sustained (or time) release, tho and I thought with rose hips helped.
I take the cheap garlic supplements in gel capsules from wally world, but I take 3 or 4 instead of one and twice a day!
I take turmeric twice a day (wally world) and neem seed also. I had to get the neem capsules at Family nutrition, but I think they might be good.
Stop eating cheese and dairy for a while ( I mean a few months), and when you do start back, keep it to just a small amount and NOT every day. Avoid sugar! And for sure, no artificial sweeteners! Stop consuming alcohol (that's a sugar) except I think red wine is not so bad, there's a balance somehow in that.
Omygosh NO BEER. Believe me I know this from experience.
And NO BREAD!!! This is pretty hard, cuz it means no subway unless you get a salad. And NO pizza, till you get better. Then only once a month.
I am 60 now, and it's over. Mainly because of no sex and no menstral cycle. Been over about 10 years now. Maybe only 5 yrs idk, Just soooo relieved.
I wore a panty liner daily. I feel the wicking away thing helps greatly. I still wear a panty liner daily!
Take pro biotics! I had a whitish tongue for years.
it's almost pink now, but I have to take the probiotic every day. I also had to do a diet yeast cleanse. Lost 15 lbs, because the first few days are clear liquids only. Then only one green veggie. Later I made myself stir fry with a lot of fresh ginger, garlic, and onions. No coffee (thats a bummer, but caffeine WILL help any yeasts bond to your system.) Get rid of any dark colored fillings. I had them replaced as they needed it, but if you can afford, get them out! And do not eat tuna or salmon At least for a while. Mercury is a bonding agent for Yeast!
Wash off all fruits and veggies and I even wash the "pre washed" bagged salad. Do not put anything in your mouth that you think might not be washed off.
Avoid antibiotics, unless you just cannot get well.
If you are on antibiotics. Take probiotics in-between the drugs. Like a few hours after your meds. To put back the Good bacteria that gets destroyed! Drs will tell you this now, but they told me it was hogwash in the 70's and 80's. I did it anyway (most the time), glad I did!
If your tummy is rumbly or you have gas, you better get on my program!
Then take the probiotics (lactobicillious, acidophiulus, or both) They should come in a dark glass bottle. Best if you can find a health store that keeps the LIVE cultures in the fridge. Keep yours in the fridge, even if you buy some that was on the shelf. Lately I take Probiotic 10 which I found at vitamin world. It was not refrigerated, but I store it in my frige.
Work out!!!! I love Zumba (mainly becuz I have the best trainer on the planet, She is highly motivated and it's contagious) while you are dancing there will be little or no symptoms, Or at least that's a great mind trick. You have got to sweat! So get moving!!!
Avoid chocolate, I know! But at least for a while.
Treat this as a body invasion! It is! Do a cleanse of some type. Starve the thing to death!
Cilantro is a natural cleansing herb and if you can eat some every day, it'll sure help your body regain it's immunities. It will also keep arthritis away!
If you can afford it, get a vitamix. Or at least a nutribullet.Even if all you use it for is green grapes with a little fresh parsley and some ice, you will be getting amazing cleansing.
If you have a sinus/allergy problem, do use a saline rinse, but I have been able to quit that, by using an alcohol wipe in each nose cavity twice a day, then a swab with a qtip of tea tree oil in each side. Amazing, no drip or odors. But I have to do that every day. I guess we breathe in all kinds of stuff. TTO is a natural antiseptic! You can get that at wally world, too. Get the pharmaceudical grade.
I had to stop eating corn. Wait till you read the labels of all the stuff you eat. Most of it has corn oil. I guess that is a cheap filler. I developed an allergy to corn, so no pop corn or cornbread (this tough here in the south). I stopped eating catsup and bottled pasta sauce, and bottled salad dressing. Instead, increase your olive oil and coconut oils.
I try to only drink bottled spring water. All kinds of parasites live in your faucet.
Keep the faith!
Dietary Changes
I believe the increase of alkaline veggies and fruit intake is the cause of this change. My ph is now balanced after so many years of being out of whack. All the years of have to do so much prep just to comfortably have sex with my husband are now gone. Bv is something that can make you feel less than a woman due to that horrid smell. I am and always have been a very clean person and still have no idea how the bv started but I'm now a raw foods lover for life.
Did I mention I also lost weight without trying. I was embarrassed to even write this hoping no one I know will be able to find out its me writing this. But after years of researching to try to find a cure I feel it would be an injustice if I didn't share my success story. The medicine is not a cure we have to fix the balance from the inside and it's all about incorporating the proper food that balances our insides.
Also I no longer have the pain staking irritable bowel syndrome, ulcer, and bloating that I was suffering from for years.
I drink lemon water everyday. I squeeze 2 fresh lemons into water and add a little sugar (when I drink it raw my stomach hurts, the sugar helps ALOT) and it just tastes like lemonade! I have done this for almost 3 months and I am discharge and smell free!
I would really try this before doing the hydrogen peroxide because the lemon water balances out your pH. You have to work on your whole body to find healing in your lady parts. I know it's a frustrating process but thanks to this website I'm able to find relief and I am no longer depressed and I can have sex with my boyfriend once again. I would also recommend not using any scented feminine soap for your vagina. WATER IS ENOUGH!!! I know that's hard especially because bv gives you an odor but your vagina is meant to clean itself. Good luck ladies! I truly feel your pain.
Chop up natural whole clove of garlic into tiny pieces
Get a big glass of water
Swallow the entire pieces of garlic like pills
Drink the full glass of water everyday
After wards (5 hours later ) after I step out the shower cleansing myself I would get a tampon covered in natural plain yogurt filled with natural probiotics and stick it in me leave it for 2 hours and remove and rinse myself with water. - once that is over I eat a 170 Gram probiotic yogurt to help balance my ph balance I've done this EVERYDAY for 2-3 weeks and bam! BV is gone!
I still take chopped garlic as pills but every other day because garlic is a natural disinfecting veggi . And making sure to take probiotic pills with rhetui that is found in the vagina strains to keep my ph balance healthy . I prayed to God and Jesus to heal me and please help me find a cure and I did I'm cured!
God is good all the time! Well time to eat some chopped up garlic :)
Then my boyfriend's mom told me to cut garlic into small pieces and swallow it with water before bed. Within a few weeks, my vagina was completely tamed, per se. No more BV or yeast infections at the drop of a hat. Life is so much easier now, and more pleasant. Garlic all the way.
I read a post on this site about a woman who suggested we follow an Alkaline diet. I sought information from my Aunt who was recently reading an alkaline diet book. Well the book listed all the foods that makes our body acidic causing our PH to be imbalanced. Coffee, Sodas, processed foods, sugars, red meat... Etc. Well I gave up most processed foods, coffee, and soda. Sugars I still eat but in moderation.
BUT WHAT REALLY HELPED, was ALKALINE WATER. I found some at my local health food store and within two days the dishcharge was barely noticable. Within a week it was gone! The smell and dishcharge disappeared! I've been drinking the water for a little over two weeks and no symptoms. I continue taking probiotics, vitamins, and acidopholus pills. I don't feel ashamed anymore. I can't wait to see my OBGYN and give him a piece of my mind.
I came across home remedies to cure this God forsaken oder and came across ACV and baking soda. Tried both (separately)and they both seemed to do the trick.
For the baking soda I poured about a spoonful into my hand and washed my "area" with it in the shower. Then rinsed it off after approx. 3-5 mins. Next day I had no symptoms. Then decided to try the ACV, for this method I poured the ACV on my wash cloth and rubbed it in and around the area. Left it on for as long as I could stand the burning sensation which was about 2 mins then washed it off. I know other methods suggest oral intake of water mixed with ACV or baking but I didn't drink it. Just wanted to inform of other methods. Hope this helps you guys. Good luck!!!
Aloe Vera and Cranberry Juice
Hotep (peace)
"I know this is an old post but hoping someone sees this comment and has an answer. I don't understand how alkalizing the body works for BV. BV happens when your vaginal pH is more alkaline. Normal is 3.4 - 4.5 and once it goes over 4.5, then you start to see bacteria taking hold and developing BV. So if you alkalize yourself even more, how does that stop the BV? My pH is currently 6.5 and was told it's due to menopause (3.5 yrs post menopause now) which can lead to BV (which I seem to have right now based on symptoms). Menopause dryness can lead to a higher pH. Just wondering how this works."
BV occurs when the body becomes acidic and reduces the oxygen needed for the necessary concentrations of the good bacteria lactobacillus and facilitates the the growth and increase on concentrations of the anaerobic bacteria, that is responsible for causing BV. The increased intake of alkaline increases oxygen production, which in turn increases the growth the lactobacillus bacteria that keeps the vaginal ph balance in check. Therefore, the alkalized water works on the same premise as nutrients, antibiotics, medications, supplements, etc. The alkaline in the water enters one's blood stream, system, and tissues, like anything a person consumes will do, reduces its acidity which regulates the ph balance, returning it to normal.
I hope this helps you understand how it works. It is pretty simple really if you know the difference between acidity (acidosis) and alkalinity (alkalosis) and the role each plays in maintaining and/or damaging the health of the human body.
If you want to just cut straight to the remedy scroll to my last paragraph.
SO I have tried " everything under the sun" to get rid of this bv, the only thing I probably haven't tried is the gnarly stuff like boric acid and hibiclens. I try the most natural stuff like acv, hydrogen peroxide, acidophilous , yogurt up the vjay. But nothing worked. For two years it was a long hard struggle but the third year I went gluten free, drank lots of water and started to take more vitamins because I felt maybe I'm lacking some nutrients from the way I eat. I started to take 50 billion count probiotics. b complex vitamins and a D2 or 3 vitamin. I felt better but not cured. I still had the hint of bv but discharge was different for sure.
I then tried the apple cider vinegar douche but mixed with mostly coconut oil. I was better for 3 days! Cured but then it came back. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar douche again with coco oil but more Apple Cider Vinegar this time. THE BV GOT WORSE.
SO then I started to get very frustrated and I thought about the coconut oil :D I was like lets just try the coconut oil ( Which is extra virgin and organic) . SO I laid on my back filled a small medicine syringe/dropper with coco oil and pushed it into my vagina and filled up the syringe again and repeated and continued to lay for 30 min. After 30 min I walked up to go pee and let out all the liquid and bv stuff and repeated this twice a day for 5 days and it was gone. Clear stretchy vaginal discharge with no smell. Gone after 3 years.
So the CURE :D
A LITTLE SYRINGE, MEDICINE THING (dosage per day is 2 syringes full for 30 min laying on your back) *ALSO DO NOT INSERT WITH FINGERS IT WONT GET TO THE PLACE WHERE IT NEEDS TO GO*
When doing the coco oil cure, Fill the little syringe up twice and put into vagina while lying down, lay for 30 min then empty liquids in bathroom. Do this for 5 days twice a day( If you feel you are getting better by 3 or 4th day u can reduce it to doing once a day)
Everyone is different but I really have hope for this cure coconut oil is supposed to be very good for bv and vaginas in general.
Last night I mixed Apple Cider Vinegar with distilled water bc tap water has chlorine and bottled water has other chemicals. Mix 50/50 % I duche'd. With that mix and then using an insert I pushed 1000mg Vit C pill as far up my vagina as I could get it. You must wear a pad and the Vit C must be done over night. This morning "No smell! Burn gone! Itch gone! " and yes this was overnight. I will continue this regimen for 3 days just to make sure all bacteria is gone.
This remedy does burn a little bit especially if you have a bad infection. But it was well worth it. 1 day and I am cured of symptoms. I knknow everyone's bodynamic is different but since I have tried so many of these other remedies and they didn't work just thought I'd be selfish if I didn't share this. :-:-) Thank you