Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Liver and Gallbladder Flush

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Posted by Tokyoempress (San Francisco, Ca) on 10/14/2014

Hello ladies,

I have discovered a cure for BV. I suffered from it for 4 months after unprotected sex. It wasn't STD. It was not going anywhere until I did what I suggest here.

BV is fundamentally a problem arising from body's pH imbalances. You need to get your vagina ACIDIC to make it healthy and keep the infection away. (Inserting something acidic like Vitamin C powder or vinegar or yogurt is NOT the permanent solution.)

I tried many remedies suggested here on this site for BV which worked temporarily to be symptom-free. But not cured. It came back shortly after stopping the remedy.

KILLING THE BACTERIA WORKS TEMPORARILY, in most cases. Because, Bacteria is NOT the problem - they are everywhere. Healthy state of the body keeps them harmless or we all will perish from infections instantly. You need to know body has to have proper pH balance and different acidity/alkalinity at different locations. When we lose this natural balance, problem happens.

Also, ADDING good bacteria ALSO WORKS TEMPORARILY in most cases of chronic BV. Why? Again, because the cause is still there. pH imbalance.

Ok, so how we restore the natural pH balance FAST?

One very effective way is to do a series of Liver/ Gallbladder Flush, suggested by Dr. Hulda Clark. There are many websites with detailed instructions on how to perform this.

One IMPORTANT THING I MUST ADD is, absolute necessity to do Parasite Cleanse prior to doing Liver Flush. At least 2 weeks of good parasite cleanse is necessary. If you have a "Zapper" (electric device that kills off all parasites), you can put it over the liver area over night. (Move it if it ever starts to tingle or sting, or it can burn your skin. I normally am ok with over night zapping there without any problem). Also, you can take parasite cleanse herbs like Paratrex sold on the internet. If you don't do this, you won't get nearly as good results when you do the liver flush. Microscopic parasites live inside your liver and everywhere in your body. And they secrete sticky thing that make them stick inside of liver and gallbladder. They will prevent things getting cleansed and flushed out of your liver. After parasite cleanse, when you do the liver flush, you will definitely see stuff (stones and waste materials) coming out of your liver/ gallbladder. Sounds nasty, yes, but you want that out of your body. Then your liver will start to perform more optimally. It detoxifies waste, which is ACID in nature, and the body just KNOWS how to do its job properly - balancing itself out! (My theory for this).

Please try the Parasite Cleanse and Liver Flush to cure BV for good.

Replied by Allison

I've been researching cleanses for weeks now and my head is spinning... Recommendation?

Replied by Steve

The liver flush would be helpful indirectly but I would consider direct application of colloidal silver as it is a natural antibiotic and you should see improvements within a few days.

Replied by Mihoko
(US - NV)

The most effective method to cure this condition is by treating the liver (and consequently kidney, since it's closely connected to liver). 100% success rate for me and I never get it again since 6 years ago. Had it 2 times in my life and used this method. What's fantastic about it is that it works immediately. (Smell is gone right after doing it, and stay gone for good unlike other methods.)

Low Carb Diet

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1 star (2) 

Posted by Jennifer (Atlanta, Ga) on 04/08/2010

OK...this is crazy! I have been battling with BV for at least 6 months. I have tried absolutely everything that I've read from this site (and then some). Nothing seemed to completely work...only for a day or so. I was sick of taking things and shoving stuff up there! I had about given up, until I had an unexpected discovery. This is so weird and I'm curious to see if this has worked for anyone else out there. Last Sunday (so 5 days ago) my husband and I decided to hit the NO CARB diet trying to get swim suit ready. I kid you not, the next day, that horrible spell was almost absolutely GONE! I way! So it's been 5 days and NO itching, NO smell, NO discharge...i cannot believe it! And I feel like a new person. I really want to know if anyone else has experienced relief this way. Apparently, the SUGARs were doing my body wrong and giving the Bacteria a feeding frenzy. Now my body can fight back on it's pills, no douche, no nothing!!

I love this new discovery....anyone else out there tried this. You should try it if nothing else has worked...I could tell something good was happening the very next day!

Good luck and I wish you all the BEST!

Replied by Cici
(Orlando, Fl)

Well when I first thought this was a yeast infection, I tried all the eliminating carbs, sugars, anything that could feed bacteria and was eating more veggies and lean protein meats. I know this is BV now and I did that for a whole month. Now yes this did help me get rid of the crazy itching and burning, but til this day i still have nasty icky discharge and swelling in the vaginal area. I've tried several herbs garlic, grapefruit seed extract, echinacea/goldenseal, olive leaf extract, probiotic acidophilus, more vitamin supplements. And i still have discharge. I have now starting eating regular again incorporated carbs and sugars but i eat them more moderately and i still dont have the itching and burning. So I don't know what is the problem, but i'm going back to the doctor soon anyway. I can't take this anymore.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Cici, Actually, you were on the right track! And the progress is that you are no longer burning and itching but there is still more progress to be had to rid yourself of the BV and going to the dr. will not help unless it is a naturopath who will help through diet. The dr. will most likely give you antibiotics or some other allopathic medication which may cover up the syptoms(MAYBE)but in the end will only exacerbate the problem. The "nasty, icky discharge" is most likely some of the die-off of the candida and yes, this is not a fun place to be but the candida must die in order to restore harmony in your vagina and most likely throughout your whole body. As women, our bodies have an especially delicate balance because of our female organs so candida becomes quite apparent in us as opposed to men. This is both a blessing and a curse because it brings the problem to our awareness pretty quickly and gets our attention whereas, a man with candida can go very far until it is extreme and harming many of his organs.

Do not go back to sugar and carbs- you were on the right track! If you go to you will find a protocol and answers to BV there. Just do a search when you're there and Donna Gates will give a very good explanation in an article she has written. Don't give up!

Sincerely, Lisa

Replied by Jennifer
(Atlanta, Ga)

Cici....that's a bummer on the no carb thing. I've been smell and discharge free for over a week now and the only thing I've changed is what I eat....only meat, cheese, and green veggies. I was hoping that this would work for others like it has for me. I'll let you all know if I'm still BV free in a month or so.

I love all the posts and everyone helping eachother.

Replied by Cici
(Orlando, Fl)

Thanks Jennifer and Lisa for your replies. Yes i've really been struggling with this since October 2009. I know i've done something right because of losing two symptoms itching and burning. I guess I need to find the right combo of things for my body. I realize all of our bodies are different and react differently to certain things. I also realize when doing things naturally it's not always a quick fix. I've been patient this long so i might as well keep going. I will check out the site you posted. Have you all heard of any homeopathic remedies that help. I've been doing more research and read up on Sepia, Pulsatilla, Sulfur, and Kali. I am thinking of adding these to try. Thanks again. We must continue to support each other in this fight.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Cici, Good for you for continuing in a holistic manner! I am certain you can bring your body back to a balanced state through diet. You can make your own kefir (I make young coconut water kefir) which helps to re-populate your body with the good bacteria that keeps our body healthy. Wishing you the best on your journey, Lisa

Replied by Ikatcure
(Hamden, Ct, Uas)

I tried this for about 8 months. I think it's a great thing to do and it definitely helped me lose weight and I felt very healthy. Without the carbs in meals and snacks to make me feel full easily I worked harder at planning meals and eating more fruits and vegetables. There were plenty of good things that happened and my discharge and smell were greatly reduced. However, that kinda slimy "wet" look that my labia had while sick with bv never fully went away and I could just tell that I still had an active infection. This helped alleviate symptoms but when I started eating simple healthy carbs, not junk food, my symptoms came back with a vengence. This was a nay as a cure but a good thing for my general health.

Men and BV

Posted by Specialk (Washington Dc) on 01/31/2017

I have been a long time sufferer of BV. This time – both me and my man are getting treatment. He was prescribed Flagyl by his doctor and I will also take the pills and metro gel. I will take them both at the same time. I plan to follow instructions and keep a chart to track OUR progress. One thing I noticed – While single, I got treated after ending a 4 year relationship I didn't suffer AT ALL for two years. As soon as I had sex, unprotected with my new partner – it came back! So – theory is, men can't be tested for it, but ITS BACTERIA – they can be carriers. If a woman he dated prior to me had it, but showed no symptoms and men are constantly being told they can't get it or have it – it's obviously not true. However, again – no studies to prove it. My hope is that once we complete our treatment – we are BV free for good! He's a really gem – he's been suffering alongside with me. I will get the folic acid pills and take them too. I hope this works. Since both vaginal intercourse and oral sex can increase your risk of BV – we plan to obtain from it all until we finish – no kissing, no oral, no nothing until we are done and we plan to wait about two weeks after treatment. From that point, I'll chart our progress. Keep us in prayer.

Good to know…

Folic Acid 1000 mg (can be found at an organic market or online)

Tea Tree Oil Suppositories work – funny smell, but better than FISH! (can be found at an organic market or online)

There are two really good probiotics for BV which can be found at CVS or online/Amazon.

Vitamin B Complex

I pray for all those on this site.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chris (Albuquerque, NM) on 10/10/2019

Had a mild case going on for over a year. Boric Acid suppositories DO work, but it'd come back a week later. My Acupuncture Dr recommended Monolaurin, which is a capsule you take orally. It is the antibacterial factor in coconuts. She thought I had too much gut bacteria, so the acidopholis was fighting my gut health, and unable to make it to my female area. She told me I'd have bad stomach pain from the die off in my gut. Oh and was she right. I was drinking Pepto Bismal for a week. Then, I was fine, and my BV has never come back! Now my probiotics can get to where they need to go. I take the Monolaurin every day now. Has helped clear up my constant sinus issues as well.

Replied by Su

How did u cope with the die off?
Did u have to take a week off work?
What were the symptons?
Where did u get this tablet from?
Thank you for your comments ... I have a feeling I'm going to be needing this soon.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by suzie (london) on 09/30/2022

till 2 years ago I was dealing with bv/ yeast infection every month for a very long time what's helped was drinking over 1 litre of strong ginger green tea (grated raw ginger) and one otc treatment. I was free for like 2 years, but then I got my first UTI and after couple weeks the worst bv& yeast infection ever. got rid of yeast inf quickly, bv on the contrary.

i used two packs of bv treatment from pharmacy that always helped me before, and nothing! Oregano oil suppositories, folic acid, Apple Cider Vinegar on tampon, coconut oil sup, garlic, ginger, probiotics, nothing helped when used by itself.

but then I started putting one vit C tablet 1000mg inside my vag for a night, one probiotic in vag (focus on rhamnosus& reuteri VERY IMPORTANT acidophilus doesnt work that good) 30 billion cfu for a day.

I also changed my diet, drank almost 1 litre of kefir per day (it's muuuch more powerful probiotic than any pill) added cinnamon as it is antimicrobial, no coffee, if alcohol then only red wine as it is a prebiotic in small amounts, sugar only from natural sources, one tablespoon of baking soda in glass of water on empty stomach to alkalize my body, no junk food, lots of liquids( try green tea/peppermint with turmeric, ginger and pepper very very healthy) and in general my diet was full of probiotics, prebiotics& veggies, pills like vit D or omega3. that finally cured me. I know its very complex treatment, but I think that if you're dealing with bv for a long time and nothing seems to be working you need to drastically change your diet, most of the diseases start in gut.

I'm over 2 months bv free& had 2 periods:) I decided to share this because the last 3 weeks ive been eating junk food, lots of sugar and sweet alcohol and it still hasnt come back so I guess I truly am bv free. although tomorrow im getting back to healthy diet, dont wanna tempt the fate aha.

Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alyssa (Orlando, FL) on 01/27/2019

Hi guys! Love Earth clinic, for BV sleep in a tampon soaked in two to three drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of water every night for one week. Also take a 1000mg garlic extract supplement (odorless is great!) 4 times daily and a 400mcg folic acid supplement twice daily. Should be all fixed up in a week! Garlic extract can be substituted with fresh garlic, just take one clove roughly chopped in a tablespoon of water in the morning and at night for a week. This is a natural antibiotic basically, but can cause various smells and such which can be unpleasant hehe. Continue taking folic acid once a day and garlic extract once or twice daily (whatever works for you) for as long as needed/always (it's great for ya anyways) . If symptoms persist, see a doctor and get a full sex check as you may be dealing with something other than BV that could be harmful to your reproductive health xx Drink lots of water and work ACV into your diet whenever possible. Good luck!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by She Ready (Mo) on 08/15/2018

Hello ladies, I'm a naturalist and believe in holistic approaches first. Disclaimer: there may come a point where the infection may be out of control so you need to go see OBGYN right away. First I will say everyone is different, our bodies and our lifestyle makes a huge impact on the Vagina. Most ladies misdiagnose themselves which leads to more problems. It's important to know what you dealing with to treat it properly.

With that being said one of the best and quickest cures for Yeast and Bacteria is boric acid. It's important that you use quality boric acid and the correct dosage otherwise you will not get any relief.

Also, another cure all is ACV (diluted) and sea salt. Never ever douche, either use suppositories or tampons soaked in the solution or take a sitz bath (twice a day). ACV does take a little longer to cure but it helps with any itching. I will also add tea tree oil is similar to ACV. None of these cures will work if you do not concentrate on your internal body.

Eating healthy, drinking water, cutting down on alcohol and sweets will make a tremendous difference but also adding vitamins. A vitamin that acts as a hormone that over 60% of the population is lacking is D3 and one of the many symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency is BV.

Also, it's good to add folic acid and calcium. A good multi-vitamin would be helpful everyday regardless if you have an infection. I guarantee if you start with prevention first you will not experience either infection and if you do it will be minor and will clear up within a week using the above methods. Lastly, be careful what you put into your vagina, you can cause more havoc then the original infection, one being vagina dermatitis similar to eczema from which so many products have stripped, dried and cause an infection of the actual skin.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Grace (Wash.) on 05/04/2018

I had right side pain and UTI symptoms so my doctor sent me for abdomen scan and mammogram nothing showed up. There was no odor or discharge of any sort. Found out my UTI symptoms was a yeast infection it was treated. I still felt like my liver, pelvic and lower back were inflamed and painful by the 7th month saw a new doctor I now had Bacterial Vaginitis with Complications because it took so long to diagnose it was in my liver! I took two rounds of mertronidozal and another antibiotic it went away came back .

After research, I did daily douche with 1/2 C purified water, 1/2 C 3% hydrogen peroxide and one probiotic capsule emptied into the douche as well. Everyday I would lay down on cotton towel and do the douche hold it inside for 15 minutes then release it out I did this for 9 days straight. I was already gluten, dairy free I stopped all sugar caffeine. I filled my glass water bottle with water added 1 juiced lemon ( I juice the lemon right down to rind since I believe their is healing properties in the rind), added 3-4 drops of oregano oil along with a pinch of baking soda in the water bottle. I drank this through a straw so the citric acid does not damage the enamel on my teeth. I drank this all day and made another batch to drink throughout the night. Wow, this really knocked the infection out so fast. I continued doing this for three weeks just to be on the safe side. I also took a high quality probiotics and folic acid. CURED!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Normal V. Girl (Warren Ohio) on 09/16/2017

I had a nasty case of bacterial vaginosis, and cured it in a week. I routinely consumed oil of oregano capsules, raw garlic cloves, caprilic acid pills, and acidophilus supplements. I also removed all foods that feed yeast (sugar, carbs, dairy, etc). At morning and night I applied virgin coconut oil inside and outside my vagina, at night I also put garlic inside vagina. No more smelly discharged pain, it's normal now, clear and natural musk smell :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ashlee (California) on 04/29/2017

I got BV for the first time when I got into a new relationship, we are very faithful to each other so that doesn't worry me. I noticed it by the fishy smell, the next day I was put onto those nasty pills Flagyl which eliminated the smell after two days, but before even finishing the pills, because I had unprotected sex, the smell came back. I was then put on the gels, metro works temporarily and I use it as a one time thing when I'm really desperate.

I decided to try EVERYTHING; coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, inserting acidophilus, inserting vitamin c, the only thing that got rid of the smell was apple cider vinegar but it hurt too much to have sex because of it and vitamin c worked temporarily. I luckily, knock on wood, am not experiencing severe itching, burning and pain, so maybe my case isn't as severe but if I... tmi... swab my v, there is a fishy odor. I went out and bought all the pills all the vitamins and heres what I am doing.

in the morning

-2 acidophilus pills

-3 vitamin d 1000 iu

-1 folic acid 800 mcg

-1 vitamin c rosehips 500 mg


-1 acidophilus

-3 vitamin d 1000 iu

-1 folic acid 800 mg

-1 vitamin c rosehips 500

Its only been 2 and a half days, im praying, hoping, everything this works. Its hard to tell because most people experienced the relief of itching and burning but I dont have that. I'm hoping this knocks out the smell. I'll let ya know, pray for me!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lizj (Nc ) on 01/27/2017

Thank you so much for this website guys! I don't know what I would have done if I didn't stumble upon it! I've had BV for 10 years and I've tried everything to fix it. I'm not a dirty person, so I'm guessing it's my diet. I'm only on my third day of using the hydrogen peroxide, acidophilus and folic acid remedy. I've also changed my diet, but I can say so far so good!! I DO NOT want to jinx myself, but (TMI) I did a wiff test and I didn't smell anything and usually I would smell at least a little bit of something.. But not this time! And no discharge! I'm so relieved!! I'm sure you guys understand!! I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now for the rest of my remedy (total of 7/10 days) and hopefully it'll stay away!!

This is what I've been doing:

Starting in the morning.. I take one acidophilus probiotic. One folic acid. And I'm also taking a lot of vitamin C to boost my immune system. I also eat plain organic Greek yogurt and cut up some fruit into it to make it taste better. Apples work the best :). I take a shower and wash myself out with 1/4 cup of peroxide and 1/4 warm water. And then, instead of using my regular body wash, I wash my body with 2 tbs of baking soda and warm water to balance my pH. After I'm done I put one acidophilus into my vagina. At night.. I take more vitamin C and one more acidophilus. Wearing cotton undies and loose clothing helps! And that's it!!

I hope this helps someone, because I know how much this stupid infection sucks! My self-confidence is so low now, but I can already tell it's going to get better. I'll try to update on my 5th day. Stay healthy :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jane (Nyc, Ny) on 09/10/2016

Ok so I NEVER write on these things but this is something important I truly feel every woman battling with BV should read. This is gunna be long but just bear with me. I was diagnosed with BV for the first time in December 2010 when I was 18. The Dr. prescribed me the mertronidozal gel for 5 nights, did it all 5 nights and it was completely cleared..all up until this passed December 2015. I was with my now boyfriend who I was already with for 5 months at the time, we were having sex just like we usually do and afterwards I smelt that same horrible smell I smelt back in 2010 and knew I had to call my gyno. So I went got swabbed and of course it was BV..once again took metro gel for 5 nights and everything was fine..but what do ya know a few months later in March it happened again after sex, got the metro gel and it was fine..after that dose I ended up getting my period and the day my period was finished I had that same this point I'm freaking out and went to the dr got the metro and asked if she suggested I take anything to help prevent this..she told me acidophilus. So I went home with the metro gel and bought acidophilus 1 billion and started taking three a day along with doing the course of metro gel. the metro gel worked but right after my next period was over and after sex I would get the was literally ruining my sex life especially because I was trying to hide it from my bf. I was doing so much research on how to get rid of it and I found a multi-strain probiotic for women so I started taking those once a day along with acidophilus..i thought it was working but everytime after sex and after my period the horrible smell would come right now it's September 2016, still have the same issue but I finally came upon this website..i saw so much about folic acid and acidophilus mixed together..

so I went out and bought folic acid 400 mg, vitamin C with rose hips 1000 mg, and some organic ACV..

Thursday I took my normal 3 acidophilus a day, one multi-strain probiotic, three folic acid, one vitamin C pill..I then added 1 tbsp of ACV to my water bottle drank the entire thing and soaked a tampon in half ACV half water and put it in for an hour..

I repeated this for three days..

it is now Saturday there is no smell and to make things even more exciting I had sex with my boyfriend this afternoon and there was no smell just normal..idk if it's the folic acid or all these things combined but it really worked..I'm gunna keep doing the pills everyday along with ACV in my water bottle and try to lay off on the ACV soaked tampon until my period comes back, I will then do the soaked tampon a few days after it ends to make sure things are all in tact down there..keep trying to find what works best for you ladies this bv crap is no joke!

Replied by Angel

Omg This sounds just like what I'm going through. I've had BV off and on now for like two years. It has been ruining my life. I've been searching for different cures because the gel my doctor always prescribes doesn't work for long. I just came across this website and tried the ACV bath yesterday, it helped. I didn't have a smell anymore, or any gross discharge. But unfortunately it came back, I don't know what else to try. I guess I have to do some research about those pills.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lexieblue (North Carolina) on 01/21/2016

Hello all,

I have been struggling with chronic BV for almost 3 years and I always said that if I ever found a remedy, I would share it for all the world to know about. If I can help at least one person not have to go through what I've been through that would be enough for me.

So, my BV was brought on by sex with a new partner. And when I tell you I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to get rid of it, believe me I have! From hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar douches to tea tree oil tampons to vaginal insertion of boric acid capsules. EVERYTHING!!! And some of these regimens would give me temporary relief, but as soon as treatment was over, the BV would always come right back. I was also taking vitamins and supplements in conjunction with these home remedies but still nothing would work long term...

UNTIL I came up with the perfect combination of vitamins and supplements that has finally tamed the chronic BV beast that had not only taken over my body but my entire life as well! I pray this regimen will work for you too:

1) Vitamin D (breaks down the bio-film that causes BV to keep reoccurring)

2) Super B Complex (builds up the immune system to help fight off the bad bacteria)

3) Probiotic (with at least 90 billion active probiotics to overtake the bad bacteria)

4) A really good prebiotic (to maintain the good bacteria that the probiotic is putting in your body)

*Take all of these vitamins and supplements ORALLY once a day. Also changing your diet to eliminate the bad stuff like sugar and alcohol wouldn't hurt either.

And as a side note: I also stopped seeing the guy who was the root of all of my problems to begin with! He was literally bad for my health!!!

So, please please please try this!!! It worked miracles for me and I pray that it will work for you too. Please reply with any questions, comments or concerns you may have and I will try my best to address them.

Take care :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lm (Mn, US) on 01/18/2015

BV cure for me:

1. Stop drinking coffee. For some reason, this has always started problems when I drink coffee for a few months, then bam! I stop drinking coffee (along with a few other things, and no BV for years). Why I never learn and eventually go back to drinking it, I'll never know.

2. Good quality, refrigerated probiotics. The room-temp probiotics on the shelves never did anything for me. You must get the expensive refrigerated (fem, vag, etc.) stuff (over $20). Locally, I go to "the vitamin shoppe" to get mine.

3. vitamin C. also try vitamin D, zinc, and folic acid. These are cheap and you should prob take them anyway. I also hear Iron, but don't know... I am often low on Iron on my blood tests, so makes sense. Take Iron with Iodine to prevent constipation. Try to cut sugar and carbs too.

4. Important event? buy "RePHresh" over the counter. No smell! But it will come back in a day or two. I hear boric acid is similar temporary effect. Just helps with PH.

5. Douching with hydrogen peroxide may work well if you catch it right away, it had for me, but if it is gone too far, or re-occurs, it won't work.

6. In regards to cleaning....The smell literally didn't wash out of me undies with reg detergent... get a natural detergent, like 7th generation, works much better. I also like to clean my bathroom with "bac-out". You can try putting a few drops of tea tree oil in your tub too, if you like to take baths like I do.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (BC, Canada) on 09/27/2014

After reading most of the great posts, I have come to the conclusion that BV is a symptom of a systemic imbalance in the body. I was diagnosed with BV two years ago. I did not do anything about it, because I was asymptomatic. About half a year ago, I began experiencing discomfort while making love. Then the itching around my vagina began. Then the nasty smell. Several months ago, I began waking up because of the itching. It was at its worse just before my period began. I decided to do something about it a month ago. I did not go to my doctor, because I really do not want to use antibiotics. I waited with posting to see what would happen after my period had come and gone and I am happy to report that the smell and itching is gone. I'm so happy! So here is my approach:


I bought all new, cotton underwear. I do not wipe after urinating, but blot my area dry. I do not use soap around my vagina anymore. I clean with water and if I feel that I need extra cleaning, I spray my vaginal area with watered down lemon juice from a spray-bottle. I finish my warm shower with a cold shower, for increased blood flow.


I cut out most sugar and most wheat (yes, I was eating a lot of this; with the 'spit' test, I tested mid-range for candida). I do not eat too many fruits. No juices. I drink copious amounts of fermented milk kefir and home-made coconut kefir. And I eat more fermented foods to blast my body with pro-biotics. I drink several cups of water with lemon juice. I take 2 spoons of the best quality coconut oil per day. No eating after dinner. I don't drink alcohol.

Supplements - I do not take a regimented approach but it includes:

One or two cups of water with some raw apple cider vinegar. Some liquid chlorophyll diluted with water.

1/2 tsp pure psyllium husks in one cup water in the evening to help flush out my intestines.

1 1mg folic acid per day.

1 probiotic for women per day.

1 -2 tsp good quality fermented cod liver/butter oil per day for Vit. D, which I think is crucial.

1/2 tsp of bentonite clay in 1 cup of water (I let it sit for several hrs. before drinking) at night before bed to help flush out toxins. 3 days on 3 days off.

I also used Goldenseal tincture for seven days.
