The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Ms.911 (Baltimore, Md, Usa) on 10/05/2010
I was looking on here and a few women said they used garlic up there VJ and it made there bv go away. So I went and got me some garlic capsule 546mg. I put 2 capsules up n my VJ and went to bed the night morning I had no sign of BV. The garlic I could smell alil got to me I was like ugh @ work lol. But when I got home I took a hot/ warm bath opened up took my clean finger and let clean water go up n there by that night the garlic smell was bout gone and I didnt smell any Bv or have anymore discharge :)
Posted by Ms. Remy (Eastern, North Carolina) on 11/04/2009
I have been dealing with I thought was a yeast infection then all of a sudden I noticed a foul smelling odor afterwards that was hard to get rid of, however; I just used the garlic gel pills that is 1,000 mg and inserted (2 pills) in my vagina for two days in between those days a discharged occurred but I guess it was normal for that to happen but I am now odor and discharge free. Why? did I do this because when you go to the doctor they give you pencillin and next to that if you can't afford the visit garlic is next in line to cure you. I read this site whereas everyone is using gel pills so I went home and inserted the garlic gel pills instead remind you I had this infection for about a good 3 months and it was getting worse now. I am cured. Just keep washing with dove unscented soap and keep a dry unscented pantiliner on day and night to keep yourself dry. Remember garlic eats yeast and purifies. I advise you all not to douche just keep your system flush with fluid because that vinegar/water douche by equate irritated me that caused this to happen.
Replied by Lyra
(Sydney, Australia)
Posted by Kennedy (Broomeville, SC) on 07/06/2009
Hi ladies I have to say thanks for all of your input. I thought I was the only one in the world struggling with this problem. I've also researched that if you have an IUD that may be the cause of the BV as well. I've been taking one garlic pill twice a day. One in the morning and one at night. I've also been drinking a probiotic drink that has lots of bacteria that's similar to yogurt. I consume one every morning. So far for about a month, I've noticed some changes. I have little to no odor after intercourse and after my cycle. The discharge has decreased significantly! Hardly any at all.
Posted by Aminta (Charlotte, NC) on 10/11/2008
I want to thank for starting this website. It has truly been a blessing to me. I am writing to let you ladies know that, although no one commented that they used fresh garlic as a cure, it really works. I have suffered from BV for 3 yrs (since my husband cheated on me). Every other month after that I was getting recurrences of BV. Like the rest of you, neither the cream's nor pill's got rid of the BV for good. I recently was reading up on how natural garlic heal's so many ailment's. So, I bought so garlic, peeled it and wrapped it in gauze. I tied it with dental floss and inserted it in my vagina once a day, preferably at night before bed. I would remove the garlic every morning before taking my shower. I did this for 7 day's and I am symptom free still today. The bad thing about it is that the smell of garlic doesn't wear off for a while so if you are sexually active often then I wouldn't recommend this home remedy. I hope this remedy help's you ladies. It is alot cheaper on your pocket's. I bought 2 bulb's of garlic for under $1.00.
EC: That's true, Aminta -- hundreds of responses, but no mention of garlic for bacterial vaginosis. Thanks for the new remedy!
Replied by Mary
(Houston, Texas, United States)
Replied by Danielle
(Rancho Cucamonga, Ca)
General Feedback
Posted by There Is Hope!!! (Pensacola, Florida) on 04/03/2012
WOW is all I can say about all the Women who is suffering from this crazy bacteria, I thought something was wrong with me. I went to my Dr several times and was told about BV.. I knew what it was but never understand it until I came across this site. Thank God because I have been dealing with this and not understanding how to beat it. Its been off an on since I first got pregnant at 30. Yes Ive been through the antibiotics a few times and it would clear up awhile then finally I notice a few months ago it would reoccur even after antibiotics. Tried all the over counter BV meds worked only temporary, So I went to my Dr once again to make sure it was BV and she confirmed it was and prescribe me more antibiotics and I decided ok I will get the antibiotics just in case my home remedies didnt work. Here is what I did, brought pro b probiotics, multi vitamins for women, folic acid, goldenseal which I take once orally everyday, and I do HP douche after period and sex or when ever I feel it creeping back. I must say after first HP douche smell and discharge was gone but of course I did the 7 days 1/2 water. My only neg about HP douche is it can cause alil itch, and make you a lil dry which I take vit E daily to help with that and you will need something for yeast at hand for any flare ups. Finally after doing more research I found online this product called yeast away and Alkalete an acid neutralizer which also balance your ph to wean myself off the stuff that I dont really need. I plan to still do HP when neccesary. So I hope this help someone because this site has helped me and I have been on the right track for 1 month now.. Ladies you have to be patient to find what works for you it does take sometime to get this under control. I am still working to stay free from this monster and I will give you an update on how well the last two I mentioned to my BV cure!! :) Thanks again because I feel refreshed once again and I am very grateful for all of you!!
Replied by There Is Hope
(Pensacola, Fl)
General Feedback
Posted by Shandy (Limerick, Ireland) on 02/16/2010
I started having problems a few years ago. Went to the dr. got precribed the medicine, it healed, but then was back within 2 months. I have 4 teen daughters so we're a very 'in touch with our feminine side' household. Everyone knows how to wash, wipe etc. This was my first experience with an STD since I was a teen. I am also married so there's no multiple partners. On my second trip to the drs. where I was almost in tears I was so frustrated about being back in his office so soon he took the time to explain a bit more. He told me in medical circles BV is often known as the 'clean freaks disease' (!) He asked me a bit about my bathing habits. I shower every day and at that time was washing that area with shower gel. I was also ice-skating alot and taking long baths with bath oils afterwards to ease the sore muscles. Basically he explained some women's vagina's ph level is very sensitive - and almost anything can throw it off, which then opens it up to the bacteria to invade - in my case it was probably perfumed shower gel and bath oils, but also sanitary products etct! I dropped the washing my privates with perfumed stuff and only use water and sometimes 'simple' or sensitive soap with no perfume. A private midwife friend suggested using a tampon dipped in live bio yogurt, which I now do after periods, and for a few hours after sex as a preventitive - and so far it's worked.
General Feedback
Posted by Kim (New York, Ny) on 12/24/2009
I wrote a post on BV sometime last year. The acidophilous and folic acid worked temporarily, but then sometimes it had no effect at all, esp after sexual intercourse or after my period. Then, I really changed a lot of habits and so far so good.
Bottom line: REALLY had to change my lifestyle.
No alcohol, very little sugar in my diet (including sweet fruits), fresh organic foods, quit smoking, reduced coffee, wear less tight-fitting pants, keep lower body warm, switched to CLOTH sanitary pads, take acidophilous and folic acid every day.
Also! NO birth control pills or antibiotics!
I think this whole thing has a lot to do with contemporary lifestyle. Most of our foods are very processed unless you're extra conscious to make an effort to eat organic foods, and I heard from a guy who works at a cracker company that the additives they use in order to keep the food looking like new is very dangerous. For instance, they might use on ingredient to prevent decay, and something else to give it a certain flavor; okay separately, but toxic if taken together. They don't take this into consideration. I think it's called "chemical coctail effect," and it will cause an imbalance to your natural hormone level; even impotence or prenatal deformity.
Second, I was ill about 9 years ago and the hospital gave me a lot of antibiotics. This completely killed my immune system. This is important b/c the acidophilous is a PRObiotic, which is a natural substance that helps boost your body's own immune system, whereas antibiotics will lower your body's immune system and kill the external virus through the medication's strength. If you've taken a lot of cold medicines, allergy meds, acne creams/meds etc, your natural immune system will likely be very weak! Therefore, don't look for a quick fix. It will only take you a step back from all the hard work you put into the acidophilous and folic acid.
Also, birth control pills will cause BV, too.
Another thing, I saw this documentary that sanitary pads and esp tampons, panty liners etc are very toxic. The cotton is bleached. Second, they use a lot of chemicals to keep the pads or tampons "clean." Artificial fragrances, chemicals to absorb more liquid etc. The thinner the pad, the more toxic it is b/c the chemicals are more condensed on a smaller surface. They tested the amount of toxins that emit from the pads. At first, before menstral blood seeped into the pad was ok, but more and more toxins were emitted as time lapsed. These toxins go into your vag, pores and harm the uterus and ovaries. Also, this is a big reason why we get that rotton smell when we menstrate. It's not really the menstral blood that will cause such a smell, it's because the toxins mix with the blood and cause this, not to mentin cramps. Of course, tampons are worse because it's like you've corked yourself up. The smell, cramps, bloating will be worse than when using pads. I changed to organic cloth sanitary pads. They feel amazing! No sticking to skin, no scraping, cramps are almost nonexistent, smell is gone.
I've been away from my bf for a month and a half and the BV is gone. Don't know if it's b/c I'm taking better care of my diet or if it's b/c I'm not having sex. Maybe both. I will update again after I see my bf again.
General Feedback
Posted by Notbv! (Kenosha, Wi) on 09/14/2009
It is SOOOOO important that you go to the doctor and get tested for BV or STDs!!!! I was going to Planned Parenthood for a very long time. I was getting exam after exam and every time I went in there, they told me I had BV and gave me meds that never worked. So finally I decided enough was enough and went to my Gyno doctor, where she told me I did not have BV but I have PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE! This can cause infertility and pregnancy complications that can cause death! Please please get to the doctor before you self medicate yourself! Some of the symptoms of BV are similiar to PID and if you have any pain what so ever, get to the doctor and get checked out!
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Posted by Lus (Amherst, MA) on 07/05/2009
I'm curious if anyone has recurring BV while with IUD? I've had an IUD for about 2 months, and since then had BV 3 times.
Replied by Vera
General Feedback
Posted by Sandhi (USA) on 09/21/2007
I want to point something about the Baking Soda remedy for increasing the alkalinity of body. Unfortunately, this remedy worked for me in the beginning, as I noticed improved digestion, but then I noticed I came down with a chronic case of Bacterial Vaginosis. A fishy odor coming from the vagina. I have heard, women who are on Birth Control Pill get BV. But I have never used BCPs. Further reading, I found out that Baking Soda, and for that matter most anta-acids can lead to the depletion of B-vitamins in the body. ( including Folic Acid & B12). And no wonder Folic Acid is recommended as a cure for BV
I am taking Folic Acid ( 1 mg) and B-complex now, but the fishy odor is not gone completely! I am really stuck with this odor which I NEVER had before. So could it be, my folic acid levels are depleted and I am unable to get them to a healthy level. As of now, I am suspecting Baking Soda has done this to me. And I am abstaining from using it anymore. I would be interested to hear what other female users have to say about this.
Replied by Tracy
(Frederick, MD)
General Feedback
Posted by Sandhi (USA) on 09/21/2007
I want to point something about the Baking Soda remedy for increasing the alkalinity of body. Unfortunately, this remedy worked for me in the beginning, as I noticed improved digestion, but then I noticed I came down with a chronic case of Bacterial Vaginosis. A fishy odor coming from the vagina. I have heard, women who are on Birth Control Pill get BV. But I have never used BCPs. Further reading, I found out that Baking Soda, and for that matter most anta-acids can lead to the depletion of B-vitamins in the body. ( including Folic Acid & B12). And no wonder Folic Acid is recommended as a cure for BV.
I am taking Folic Acid ( 1 mg) and B-complex now, but the fishy odor is not gone completely! I am really stuck with this odor which I NEVER had before. So could it be, my folic acid levels are depleted and I am unable to get them to a healthy level. As of now, I am suspecting Baking Soda has done this to me. And I am abstaining from using it anymore. I would be interested to hear what other female users have to say about this.
General Feedback
Posted by Christine (Georgia) on 09/08/2006
Bacterial Vaginosis vs Yeast Infections. I came across this website while searching for holistic cures for bacterial vaginosis. I think its really important to identify which infection you might have as what works for curing yeast might actually make the bacterial vaginosis worse. A trained physician who is up-to date with the literature should help diagnose you. I have thought that I had yeast recurring for years while the whole time I have had Bacterial Vaginosis, a COMMON condition. Be sure to get diagnosed correctly, ladies! I am going to try taking oral folic acid and the vaginal yogurt insertion to see if either helps BV.
Posted by Valerie (Houston, Tx) on 06/07/2014
This cure has worked for me for over 15 years ... until this time. This is an Edgar Cayce cure. I use a Glyco-Thymoline soaked tampon at night and then also during the day. The longest it ever took to clear up was a week. But this time it wasn't working which sent me on-line to find other remedies. I had no idea so many suffer with this. After trying a couple of different methods, like tea tree and H2O, it still wasn't working. So, I did more research and started taking the probiotics that are recommended. In my research, I thought maybe it wasn't clearing up because my body was too acidic. Bingo!! -- this seemed to be the issue that was delaying my progress. I looked up foods that are highly alkaline and very acidic and found the culprit -- Apple Cider Vinegar, which I had been taking every morning. I stopped that, started having Lemon water in the morning and filling up with all kinds of good fruits & veggies that are very alkaline. I do highly recommend Glyco-Thymoline but if it's not working for you, check your diet. :)
Posted by Brittney (Ga, US) on 01/31/2015
I've had this BV crap for seven years. Reason I had it so long is because I have avoided the doctor because I have a muscle disorder called vaginimus. It's where I unable to insert tampons, suppositories or even have intercourse. My vaginal muscles clamp shut involuntary. I have went to the doctors a few times in the past but they were unable to perform a pap-smear on me due to my disorder. They diagnosed me as a yeast infection and sent me home with antibiotics and creams. Later I read about BV and that sounded like what I had more than a yeast infection. I tried another pap-smear (failed again) and tried to convince my doctor that perhaps my HP level is off due to BV. I had itching, slit burning, red and swollen, white thin discharge that smelled weird. This couldn't be yeast. They sent me home with Flagyl and it hardly did anything but temporary minimize my discharge and itching for three days, I was so disappointed... :(
I decided to try my own approach. This is what has helped me more than anything else:
Take Goldenseal root capsules twice a day for a week. This kills only the bad bacteria and fungi ( if you have a yeast infection too)
Take Folic acid once a day everyday to boost your immune system to fight off bad bacteria.
Take a probotic called Ultimate Flora 50 Billion count by mouth once a day, everyday. (I also would crack open the capsule and pour the powder in my vagina. This puts the good bacteria in you. Also make sure you buy it cold at a vitamin store (EX: I get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe) and put it in the fridge first thing. It has to stay cold to keep the bacteria alive or it will not work as good... :(
Avoid sugar, bread (anything with yeast), and high carb foods.
So far I seem to be system free. I'm waiting for my period to come to see if my symptoms come back. I hasn't been a easy road for me since I can't hardly use any medication vaginally but hopefully this will work for everybody and me. Also I am getting help now for the vaginimus now. I may have to get Botox shots down there but thats another chapter. X(
I hope this works for somebody out there. This is a nightmarish infection that needs more studying.
Posted by Meghan30 (Dresbach, Minnesota) on 10/15/2013
I have been suffering from chronic BV for a year and a half! I have tried everything from metronetizole, clindamycin, metro gel, boric acid, acidophilus, folic acid, vaginal probiotics, the list goes on and on.
I finally found a cure.
It may seem like a lot, but I have been BV free for 3 months now and I cant believe it! The secret is goldenseal root. It is a natural antibiotic. I take one goldenseal root pill, 2 cranberry pills (healthy urinary tract-not meant to help BV), one folic acid, one garlic pill, and one probiotic every morning and one goldenseal root, one garlic and 2 cranberry pills everynight. I did that for the first month and have been only taking the morning set of pills for the last 2 months. I have no bv, no abnormal discharge, or cramping like I used to get! It is amazing! My boyfriend and I are finally able to be intimate without having to worry about the dreaded BV. I had a friend recommend Goldenseal root and also, when I was buying it, there was a lady that asked me if I was using it for BV and she told me it was a godsend for her! I am so happy I found this product! I hope it can help other women out as well!