Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Posted by Valerie (Houston, Tx) on 06/07/2014

This cure has worked for me for over 15 years ... until this time. This is an Edgar Cayce cure. I use a Glyco-Thymoline soaked tampon at night and then also during the day. The longest it ever took to clear up was a week. But this time it wasn't working which sent me on-line to find other remedies. I had no idea so many suffer with this. After trying a couple of different methods, like tea tree and H2O, it still wasn't working. So, I did more research and started taking the probiotics that are recommended. In my research, I thought maybe it wasn't clearing up because my body was too acidic. Bingo!! -- this seemed to be the issue that was delaying my progress. I looked up foods that are highly alkaline and very acidic and found the culprit -- Apple Cider Vinegar, which I had been taking every morning. I stopped that, started having Lemon water in the morning and filling up with all kinds of good fruits & veggies that are very alkaline. I do highly recommend Glyco-Thymoline but if it's not working for you, check your diet. :)
