Alkaline Water
I did a lot of reading here about 2-3 years ago and I ran across this specific one *Alkalize*…… Hardheaded…. Went on to try some of the harder remedies like garlic and other things like that….. when it all could've been SO simple. ALKALINE WATER. I normally drink spring water because I thought it would be better or healthier for me…… nahh. I'm talking 6 bottles a day. Ran out of spring water one day so I went to the store and all they had was Alkaline water so I grabbed a few big bottles. As the days go on, I'm noticing that my bv symptoms are gone……. Ran out of alkaline water, back to spring water……. The symptoms came back………. I'm thinking hard about what I did and what had changed. 💡— alkaline water……. Now I start thinking back to this forum right here where I read a few women saying that *that* water got rid of bv for them and it just CLICKED… I've been doing all the wrong things all of these years when it could've been so simple… I'm already a BIG water drinker anyway, I don't drink sodas, I may have a small cup of juice every blue moon. But this doggone alkaline water, magic 🪄. I haven't stopped drinking it since and I've had little to no problems since, either. Right before my period I may get a slight smell, but NOTHING compared to the symptoms I used to have. And I've only been drinking it for 2 months now. So so so so so so simple. I don't even have to take prebiotics or probiotics anymore. I actually took one last week for the 1st time in 2 months and I got bv symptoms, crazy right? I knowwwww lol. Definitely definitely definitely definitely if you have recurrent bv, pls give it a try, it's only water. I'm not self conscious about people smelling me or those horrible smells and symptoms that come with bv, I'm really out here living my life carefree and smelling fresher than a………
I've been looking for this site for a while, have not been able to find it til tonight. I was happy because I just had to come share this with yall. This is fr.
Thank yall so much ✊🏾
"I know this is an old post but hoping someone sees this comment and has an answer. I don't understand how alkalizing the body works for BV. BV happens when your vaginal pH is more alkaline. Normal is 3.4 - 4.5 and once it goes over 4.5, then you start to see bacteria taking hold and developing BV. So if you alkalize yourself even more, how does that stop the BV? My pH is currently 6.5 and was told it's due to menopause (3.5 yrs post menopause now) which can lead to BV (which I seem to have right now based on symptoms). Menopause dryness can lead to a higher pH. Just wondering how this works."
BV occurs when the body becomes acidic and reduces the oxygen needed for the necessary concentrations of the good bacteria lactobacillus and facilitates the the growth and increase on concentrations of the anaerobic bacteria, that is responsible for causing BV. The increased intake of alkaline increases oxygen production, which in turn increases the growth the lactobacillus bacteria that keeps the vaginal ph balance in check. Therefore, the alkalized water works on the same premise as nutrients, antibiotics, medications, supplements, etc. The alkaline in the water enters one's blood stream, system, and tissues, like anything a person consumes will do, reduces its acidity which regulates the ph balance, returning it to normal.
I hope this helps you understand how it works. It is pretty simple really if you know the difference between acidity (acidosis) and alkalinity (alkalosis) and the role each plays in maintaining and/or damaging the health of the human body.
So I've had BV for a long long time. 16 years. Honestly.
An old bf messed my pH up and it's been a battle ever since.
Years of month after month of antibiotics making my pee brown and not being able to have s3x for days on end and then when having s3x again... it would come back the next day.... I had enough.
I've done almost all of it. Everything helped but nothing got rid of it.
A pharmacist after seeing my script list said I'd be a candidate for boric acid. It helped but always came back.
Found out about biofilms. And started researching. Could get relief, finally, for up to a week at a time with 6% hydrogen peroxide straight up there. I know a lot of places say only use 3% but it's not enough to cut the BS.
6% is good. Burns skin a Lil bit but a Lil water and the burning goes away. I do not feel a burn inside though.
Found out about mycoplasma? or whatever and tried to get tested for that but no one tests for it around me unless I wanna shell out a lot of money..
Ugh. So again with the tears and frustrations....
I went on another google search for hours and stumbled across this... and saying whytf not....
I have been drinking 9.5 ph water for about 2 to 3 months now. I do still get paranoid and clean myself out with 6% after s3x but the pH water keeps it amazing! I check and check and nothing is gross! My normal consistency is back!!!!!!
My period does still throw me off but not as bad or as harsh and a quick 6% clean out works wonders. And I'm back to normal.
Next test will be no 6% after s3x to see just what happens.
This alkaline water is amazing. I'm guessing by changing my pH of my gut, urine etc that it helped. This is amazing and a game changer.
Now if only my microbiome can handle regular spring water eventually because alk water is expensive and sometimes hard to find. Sheesh.
Try it. You won't be disappointed if you give it sometime to work it's magic.
I drink lemon water everyday. I squeeze 2 fresh lemons into water and add a little sugar (when I drink it raw my stomach hurts, the sugar helps ALOT) and it just tastes like lemonade! I have done this for almost 3 months and I am discharge and smell free!
I would really try this before doing the hydrogen peroxide because the lemon water balances out your pH. You have to work on your whole body to find healing in your lady parts. I know it's a frustrating process but thanks to this website I'm able to find relief and I am no longer depressed and I can have sex with my boyfriend once again. I would also recommend not using any scented feminine soap for your vagina. WATER IS ENOUGH!!! I know that's hard especially because bv gives you an odor but your vagina is meant to clean itself. Good luck ladies! I truly feel your pain.
(Murfreesboro, Tn)
This works well for me! Thxs for sharing!
(Calgary, Ab)
Thanks for this. I am wondering if I am in the minority as someone who has few to no symptoms, but still has persistent infection. I am hoping the lemon water will help. I am pretty upset that I was told 3 YEARS ago by my doctor not to treat this after it was found during a routine pap. I had zero symptoms except a few days (an this was WEEKS before my pap) that I had a heavier watery discharge with a bit of a smell, but this quickly went away on its own and did not return. I continued to have no symptoms after my diagnosis, so I figured it had cleared itself as the doctor said it would. I just recently went in for a pap and was told I still have it, after all this time! So now I know I must do something. After seeing all the stuff about how antibiotics are only a very temporary cure, I am very hesitant to pick up my prescription as I don't want it to come back worse, WITH symptoms next time. I just want to be rid of this, but it's hard to even know if and when that will happen since I don't experience symptoms, it's just ... there. The only thing I have ever noticed in recent months was an occasional "off" smelling discharge or a very faint odor after sex, and even then it was usually a very slight odor, nothing major at all. Most days everything smells perfectly healthy, with absolutely no itch or unusual discharge, so I am alarmed to find out it is actually not healthy, and has not been for so long. It's a very distressing experience, and I'm sad to hear there is no cure, just management. I wish I knew what had caused this - I was celibate at the time of my first diagnosis and do not douche or have a poor diet.
Also, semen changes the pH of your vagina...that could contribute/cause the BV!!
Do you mix the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar together and spray it right on the area and dry it afterwards? Is this something you do every single day several times a day? Has the itchiness completely gone away? Can you use white vinegar instead? Thanks for the information on this!! I am done using antibiotics, I was on 3 different ones and nothing worked. I started changing my diet, no sugar, and taking baths with 3% peroxide, and baking soda, this has really helped!! I'm also looking into doing this remedy with the ACV and lemon juice.. thanks again!! God Bless!!
Will limes work just the same in water as lemons?
(Chicago, IL)
Where did you get the alkaline supplements? I've been drinking alkaline water for a week and the smell is completely gone but the discharge, now clear thank god, still won't go away. I think I need to take the supplements as well.
I found alkaline supplements (capsules) at the local health food store, thinking that would be a better option for me than buying alkaline water. However, I got terrible headaches when I'd take them. I don't know why, or if it was that particular brand, but I stopped taking them. I think like most things, it's trial and error. Good luck!
Baking soda is a natural chemical compound that restores health, cleanses the body and eradicates toxic substances and effective at restoring pH balance in the body without harsh chemicals or toxins
I eat healthy, and run 3-4 times a week however I drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee with a teaspoon of sugar in each cup a day. I realized that this might be the culprit but I LOVE COFFEE and SUGAR!
I started doing the Baking Soda Therapy and within days, the bv started clearing up and it has stayed that way for several months. Every morning I mix a teaspoon of baking soda into about 12 ounces of water (a tall cup) and drink. The only draw back is the taste, it is like drinking a tall cup of salt water however, the benefits are amazing! It has worked wonders for me. Give yourself at least half hour before or after a meal as to not mess with your digestive process. Maybe start with half a teaspoon and gradually increase as your body gets use to it.
I did not have to combine this with any other methods; however if it doesn't do the trick for you, perhaps combine it with probiotics and vh essentials. I hope this helps. Good luck!
I'm glad you've had such a great experience with the baking soda. I will try it this way, I tried using baking soda twice before and I didn't use any measurements. I'm sure it was way too much baking soda and not enough of water. But the first day I didn't see any difference. I did it a second day in a row; wowww! It worked as a laxative for me!! When I found that baking soda could remove toxins from the body I really went over board but I will definitely give it another shot with your measurements. Thank you!
I know this is an old post but hoping someone sees this comment and has an answer.
I don't understand how alkalizing the body works for BV. BV happens when your vaginal pH is more alkaline. Normal is 3.4 - 4.5 and once it goes over 4.5, then you start to see bacteria taking hold and developing BV. So if you alkalize yourself even more, how does that stop the BV?
My pH is currently 6.5 and was told it's due to menopause (3.5 yrs post menopause now) which can lead to BV (which I seem to have right now based on symptoms). Menopause dryness can lead to a higher pH.
Just wondering how this works.
From everything I am reading, BV means your ph balance is too alkaline though for every 3-4 sites of BV being from high pH (Alkaline), there is 1 site that says BV is cause by low pH (Acid). Confusing if you ask me.
I read a post on this site about a woman who suggested we follow an Alkaline diet. I sought information from my Aunt who was recently reading an alkaline diet book. Well the book listed all the foods that makes our body acidic causing our PH to be imbalanced. Coffee, Sodas, processed foods, sugars, red meat... Etc. Well I gave up most processed foods, coffee, and soda. Sugars I still eat but in moderation.
BUT WHAT REALLY HELPED, was ALKALINE WATER. I found some at my local health food store and within two days the dishcharge was barely noticable. Within a week it was gone! The smell and dishcharge disappeared! I've been drinking the water for a little over two weeks and no symptoms. I continue taking probiotics, vitamins, and acidopholus pills. I don't feel ashamed anymore. I can't wait to see my OBGYN and give him a piece of my mind.
Do you still drink Alkaline Water? How often do you drink it? Is your BV still gone? This is something I would like to try. Thanks!!
Reuben Clark
On my last trip to the doctor (after taking acidophilus for a while), tests revealed that I didnt have BV. But the symptoms remained so I was stumped. After more research on the internet, I stumbled across info on balancing the pH balance of acid and alkaline in the body. Too much acid in the body is a disease state called "Acidosis". Acidosis creates a lot of problems in the body including weak immune system, excess mucus, cold hands and feet, irritability and FUNGAL INFECTIONS. This (so far) has turned out to be the culprit! This also explains why some women find apple cider vinegar douches to be a cure... because ACV is highly alkaline, and reduces acid. So, I made a few tweaks in my diet. Water, OJ and an occasional coffee were my only beverages. So I have completely replaced the extremely acidic OJ with green juice.
You can determine if this might be your problem by taking a litmus test. Health food stores or vitamin shops have litmus strips. Put your saliva on it and it displays your body's pH balance. I took one a few days after discovering this info on Acidosis and found that I had the 2nd highest acidity level! Since changing to an alkaline diet all the symptoms have disappeared except 1. The discharge is still present but not as much and its odorless! I don't even have to wear panty liners everyday nor change them twice a day. Eating salad or drinking green juice is a small price to pay for eliminating this horrible condition!!
(Wixom, Michigan, United States)
A healthy vaginal environment has a pH of 3.8-4.5, which IS a highly acidic environment. So yes, healthy flora does exist in an acidic environment, in fact, it's the preferred vaginal environment. When BV is present the pH rises above 4.5, easily into the 5-7 range, which is highly alkaline.
Aloe Vera
I was recently diagnosed with BV & cervical polyps and legions on my cervix these are slow growing and can lead to cancer if you're not careful. As a side effect I began getting BV from the ph balance distress the lesions were causing. Then I got Trichomonas vaginalis from a sexual partner. My doctor said I had HSIL and a cone biopsy is my only option. I was able to heal my cervix and BV using home made vaginal suppositories made from pure Aloe Vera jelly. I want to have more children so I chose to try diet change, quitting smoking, juicing, herbal tonics & cleansing while I thought about surgery. I've had reoccurring bv for so many years, I really wanted to get rid of it. Well to ease my cervical lesions which were always spotting, I decided to try Aloe plant. I purchased the aloe plant stalks in the produce section of the market. To my surprise the bv was also cured after 3 days & my cervix feel less inflamed and no longer spotting. It feels so amazing! The odor stopped the second day of treatment.
Here's the remedy:
1. Brand new flexible ice tray (iKea has small rectangular ones that work great) - sterilize tray by boiling first
2. Use a small pearing knife to scrape the clear jelly from inside the aloe Vera stalk
3. Blend the jelly (only clear jelly) in a blender until the slippery mixture is fine and has no lumps . (Make sure you do not leave behind any of the green outside parts, as these can cause irritation to the outside areas of the vagina.
4. Pour mixture of pure blended aloe jelly into the ice tray and cover with parchment paper then seal in plasting zip loc. Freeze mixture.
5. Break frozen rectangles into half size manageable pieces. Insert small about (.5ml) frozen pieces into vagina at bed time and wear a thin pad.
6. use suppositories for 5-8 nights, preferably right after your menstrual cycle ends towards your next ovulation.
7. There can be slight irritation to the vulva & outside areas as the jelly first flushes out. This only last for a few minute when the suppository is first melting . That's why its good to be sleeping and lying down to skip this part ;)! Wipe clean and change pad for comfort.
8. Fishy odor caused by BV bacteria and Unbalanced PH will fade starting the second day. Enjoy! I'll be continuing to shrink down and soothe my cervix too!
Good luck!
Is this still working for you?
(Kansas City MO)
Worked very quick
Aloe Vera and Cranberry Juice
Hotep (peace)
Aloe Vera and Cranberry Juice
Hotep (peace)
I was told this exact thing by a holistic practitioner a few years ago and I know it works 100% for BV!!
Hi, thank you for sharing. Did you use aloe vera powder or gel in the juice? And to what severity did you have bv and how long did it take for it to cure?