I just wanted to share this one with you. I was talking with an older lady, my neighbor, I asked the question on BV home remedie cures. She told me to douche with buttermilk and a little water. I just wanted to share that with you, I will try this one and get back with you on it.
Multiple Remedies
Here's other remedies that can help cure BV : iodine or H2O2 or ACV tea tree oil douche for 4 weeks, a dose of silver once a week for a month, wash or douche with H202 your private area after sex or period, use Aci-jel, eat garlic, slice garlic cloves and insert them into your vagina for a day - do it for a 2-4 weeks. Also, a partner should be treated, too as BV is an STD. Also, have a bacterial culture. Good luck! And remember you should never give up never give up!
I am glad to have found this site. I AM NOT ALONE. I have suffered from BV for at least five years and nothing has worked. Flagyl, metrogel, clindamyacin, I've tried it all. I just went to the store when I read about the folic acid and I got some. I don't know if there is any relief as of yet but I'll keep ya posted. God I hope this works!!!
Multiple Remedies
I have very sensitive skin, so condoms, dryer sheets, and of course antibiotics can bring on a yeast infection. Step one is to avoid condoms and spermicide (for me) and using dryer sheets, particularly on underwear or athletic clothing that is close to the skin. To treat, I have had great success with bathing in lemon or lime water. This is probably more gentle than apple cider vinegar. Yeast needs a basic enviroment to live, and a healthy vagina is slightly acidic, so you want to return your environment gradually and gently to normal. Also - sperm is basic, so wash thoroughly after sexual activity to avoid creating a "good home" for excessive bacteria or yeast. There are also antifungal natural ear drops that are a little better than using a strong chemical treatment that you could try. For bacteria, I find that eating yogurt and probiotics during antibiotic courses, garlic, and avoiding triggers like dryer sheets helps as well. Hope this helps someone out there!
Right on!! Condoms, thong underwear, sweat, baths, non cotton underwear, just about anything can give me BV. One thing that helped alot was washing my cotton underwear seperately in a fragrance free, all natural, coconut oil based detergent (kind you get in the health food store, or the natural, "greenie" section of wal mart). I wash my other clothes in Gain. I use seventh generation brand. My infections stopped around the time I started doing this.
Multiple Remedies
hmmmm.... But not using the condoms will pass it back and forth to your partner and the condition will continue ;-( Sex with my husband was sparse when I was nursing the kids and I NEVER had discharge at all or even a yeast infection, now that we are back to as much as I can get (LOL) it seems EVERY time I have sex with him, I end up with an infection!!! Arghhh I've got both of us on GSE, oil of oregano and parasite herbs right now because I'm tired of this shit... I take really good care of myself, eat well, fast, zap, I've done Rife Therapy, ozone therapy, high dose vitamin c, fulvic/humic acid, had my amalgams removed blah blah and he now he is working on the road all the time, he eats like crap, gained weight, is cranky and has athletes foot and is probabably full of candida and who knows what else... I'm thinking condoms are the way to go LOL
Multiple Remedies
I think ur exactly right about this. I have sensitive skin thanks for the info because this bv condition is the worse
I tried monistat 1 day and it gave me 2nd degree burns and made me swell down there like you would not believe. I had to go to the ER and get it flushed out and be out on medication. After the burns healed, I used yogurt. Just put it in waited 20 min and then took a shower. Sleep with a pad so to catch any remaining yogurt.
General Feedback
Bacterial Vaginosis vs Yeast Infections. I came across this website while searching for holistic cures for bacterial vaginosis. I think its really important to identify which infection you might have as what works for curing yeast might actually make the bacterial vaginosis worse. A trained physician who is up-to date with the literature should help diagnose you. I have thought that I had yeast recurring for years while the whole time I have had Bacterial Vaginosis, a COMMON condition. Be sure to get diagnosed correctly, ladies! I am going to try taking oral folic acid and the vaginal yogurt insertion to see if either helps BV.
Insert plain yogurt with a syringe or turkey baster. lay down as much as possible so it will not come down. A pad should be worn to catch the leakage. It really works and the itching will also stop almost instantly!!!!
What kind of yogurt did you use? And how did u soak the tampon?
yogurts are available in our country but my wife wants to try acidophilus for her bv are there any substitute for acidophilus since it is not available here.thanks!!!
Rick, maybe you could try making one of these: rejuvelac, sauerkraut, kefir or kombucha. They all contain probiotics including acidophilus. Although each batch will differ in the amounts of acidophilus that they contain, these foods were being used sucessfully long before there were capsules of probiotics. Rejuvalac can be made from brown rice. All the best.
yogurt for vaginal smell did not work. Caused cramps and pain. My homeopathic dr recommended white oak tree bark. Boil, cool, and douche t. I. D. (3x/daily) for 7 days, then b. I. D. (2x/daily) the next 7 days, and lastly... Once daily for 7 days. Stop process while on period and pick up/continue process where you left off when period stops. The process took 2 months but I'm cured.
Multiple Remedies
Folic acid, acidophilus, hydrogen peroxide, tee tree oil, garlic and ACV have not worked for me at all. I have taken all of the gels and creams from the doctors too. I have suffered from BV for two years and there seems to be no end in site. As you all know it is very frustrating. In reading commits about Folic Acid it appears that women commented instantly after taking it, I would like to know if it worked long term. I did notice a change in my discharge hours after taking folic acid, but my BV was back to it's old self w/in a day. I am still taking it and acidophilus in hopes something will change! I would appreciate any feedback.