Latest Research
Please read this article to have a greater understanding on why BV and candida are so difficult to treat.
It angers me to no end that women are on the low end of the spectrum when it comes to research. We have plenty of options for male sexual dysfunction on the market but ask big pharm how the research into biofilms for vaginal health is coming along and you will hear crickets.
Discuss these ideas with your doctors and midwives, some of them are researchers and perhaps you will the plant the seed in their mind. They may not agree at first but the more we talk about this the more chance we have of finding a cure.
Coconut Oil
I decided to try my own approach. This is what has helped me more than anything else:
Take Goldenseal root capsules twice a day for a week. This kills only the bad bacteria and fungi ( if you have a yeast infection too)
Take Folic acid once a day everyday to boost your immune system to fight off bad bacteria.
Take a probotic called Ultimate Flora 50 Billion count by mouth once a day, everyday. (I also would crack open the capsule and pour the powder in my vagina. This puts the good bacteria in you. Also make sure you buy it cold at a vitamin store (EX: I get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe) and put it in the fridge first thing. It has to stay cold to keep the bacteria alive or it will not work as good... :(
Avoid sugar, bread (anything with yeast), and high carb foods.
So far I seem to be system free. I'm waiting for my period to come to see if my symptoms come back. I hasn't been a easy road for me since I can't hardly use any medication vaginally but hopefully this will work for everybody and me. Also I am getting help now for the vaginimus now. I may have to get Botox shots down there but thats another chapter. X(
I hope this works for somebody out there. This is a nightmarish infection that needs more studying.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I finally found a cure.
It may seem like a lot, but I have been BV free for 3 months now and I cant believe it! The secret is goldenseal root. It is a natural antibiotic. I take one goldenseal root pill, 2 cranberry pills (healthy urinary tract-not meant to help BV), one folic acid, one garlic pill, and one probiotic every morning and one goldenseal root, one garlic and 2 cranberry pills everynight. I did that for the first month and have been only taking the morning set of pills for the last 2 months. I have no bv, no abnormal discharge, or cramping like I used to get! It is amazing! My boyfriend and I are finally able to be intimate without having to worry about the dreaded BV. I had a friend recommend Goldenseal root and also, when I was buying it, there was a lady that asked me if I was using it for BV and she told me it was a godsend for her! I am so happy I found this product! I hope it can help other women out as well!
Coconut Oil
Alkaline Water
I did a lot of reading here about 2-3 years ago and I ran across this specific one *Alkalize*…… Hardheaded…. Went on to try some of the harder remedies like garlic and other things like that….. when it all could've been SO simple. ALKALINE WATER. I normally drink spring water because I thought it would be better or healthier for me…… nahh. I'm talking 6 bottles a day. Ran out of spring water one day so I went to the store and all they had was Alkaline water so I grabbed a few big bottles. As the days go on, I'm noticing that my bv symptoms are gone……. Ran out of alkaline water, back to spring water……. The symptoms came back………. I'm thinking hard about what I did and what had changed. 💡— alkaline water……. Now I start thinking back to this forum right here where I read a few women saying that *that* water got rid of bv for them and it just CLICKED… I've been doing all the wrong things all of these years when it could've been so simple… I'm already a BIG water drinker anyway, I don't drink sodas, I may have a small cup of juice every blue moon. But this doggone alkaline water, magic 🪄. I haven't stopped drinking it since and I've had little to no problems since, either. Right before my period I may get a slight smell, but NOTHING compared to the symptoms I used to have. And I've only been drinking it for 2 months now. So so so so so so simple. I don't even have to take prebiotics or probiotics anymore. I actually took one last week for the 1st time in 2 months and I got bv symptoms, crazy right? I knowwwww lol. Definitely definitely definitely definitely if you have recurrent bv, pls give it a try, it's only water. I'm not self conscious about people smelling me or those horrible smells and symptoms that come with bv, I'm really out here living my life carefree and smelling fresher than a………
I've been looking for this site for a while, have not been able to find it til tonight. I was happy because I just had to come share this with yall. This is fr.
Thank yall so much ✊🏾
Oregano Oil
Thank you for sharing! It worked! I mixed 4 drops oregano oil with 1 tablespoon coconut oil, each night.
Also, every night before bed, I mix one teaspoon coconut oil with one drop oregano n rub it all over the external genitalia.
No more fishy smell or discharge!
You will notice this from the 3rd day onwards. No need for suppositories. Just do that regimen.
I take 1000 mg vit c and zinc per day and 2000 mg d3. Just to help my system. But It totally cleared after the coconut/ oregano oil mix.
Hope this helps.
Relax, don't give up, smile and be happy.
What worked for me was natural garlic pills which contained powder and at least 400mg. I took 3 pills every eight hours (3x a day) for a week. For the first time I didn't have to harm my body with flagyl.
On and off since then. I use to get it about 2-3 times a month. Right after I take the antibiotics it will come back. Sometimes it would come right after my menstrual went off. I would get so frustrated. I currently am pregnant. About 2 weeks ago I had BV following up with the antibiotics. I discovered I was pregnant about 53 days ago along with noticing 5 ago I had BV. So I went to the Dr and she told me it was the high level of acidity was high because of the hormones I'm producing from pregnancy and it's unbalancing my pH level but The “infection” Would go away on its own in a few days. No antibiotics were given. So I looked and looked on this BV situation.
I've been soaking a plastic tampon in coconut oil (CO) for 3 days then pushing the tampon up for a few hours. I saw you can do it for 2 hours but I kept it up there as long as possible 3x a day. The smell this morning was almost gone. no more weird discharge. I am kinda skeptical on maybe this will give me yeast infection But I read CO can be used for yeast also. So let's cross fingers, (it is now 8:53 AM) that by tonight the smell is completely gone! Try it ladies! I have no complaints. No itching no discomfort or anything with the coconut oil. And I am really really sensitive. I say give it a try!
Boric Acid and Coconut Oil
I've tried the conventional Flagyl treatments, ACV, Garlic, probiotics, etc. this is the winner.
I have been struggling with chronic BV for almost 3 years and I always said that if I ever found a remedy, I would share it for all the world to know about. If I can help at least one person not have to go through what I've been through that would be enough for me.
So, my BV was brought on by sex with a new partner. And when I tell you I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to get rid of it, believe me I have! From hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar douches to tea tree oil tampons to vaginal insertion of boric acid capsules. EVERYTHING!!! And some of these regimens would give me temporary relief, but as soon as treatment was over, the BV would always come right back. I was also taking vitamins and supplements in conjunction with these home remedies but still nothing would work long term...
UNTIL I came up with the perfect combination of vitamins and supplements that has finally tamed the chronic BV beast that had not only taken over my body but my entire life as well! I pray this regimen will work for you too:
1) Vitamin D (breaks down the bio-film that causes BV to keep reoccurring)
2) Super B Complex (builds up the immune system to help fight off the bad bacteria)
3) Probiotic (with at least 90 billion active probiotics to overtake the bad bacteria)
4) A really good prebiotic (to maintain the good bacteria that the probiotic is putting in your body)
*Take all of these vitamins and supplements ORALLY once a day. Also changing your diet to eliminate the bad stuff like sugar and alcohol wouldn't hurt either.
And as a side note: I also stopped seeing the guy who was the root of all of my problems to begin with! He was literally bad for my health!!!
So, please please please try this!!! It worked miracles for me and I pray that it will work for you too. Please reply with any questions, comments or concerns you may have and I will try my best to address them.
Take care :)
Povidone Iodine
You can use a Betadine douche twice daily for up to 14 days, (Ive done it myself and extensively researched on the internet the safety of this). Once in the morning for 1 to 2 weeks should be enough for most people though.
Also I make the solution pretty dark (like a dark red). I add quite a few drops in a little bit (maybe a half cup of water) and hold it in for a bit. Its wonderful. I read it stimulates the vagina to produce more lactobacilli, its very healing and very gentle. Ive nipped beginning yeast infections in the bud before.
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Oregano Oil