Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Posted by Aminta (Charlotte, NC) on 10/11/2008

I want to thank for starting this website. It has truly been a blessing to me. I am writing to let you ladies know that, although no one commented that they used fresh garlic as a cure, it really works. I have suffered from BV for 3 yrs (since my husband cheated on me). Every other month after that I was getting recurrences of BV. Like the rest of you, neither the cream's nor pill's got rid of the BV for good. I recently was reading up on how natural garlic heal's so many ailment's. So, I bought so garlic, peeled it and wrapped it in gauze. I tied it with dental floss and inserted it in my vagina once a day, preferably at night before bed. I would remove the garlic every morning before taking my shower. I did this for 7 day's and I am symptom free still today. The bad thing about it is that the smell of garlic doesn't wear off for a while so if you are sexually active often then I wouldn't recommend this home remedy. I hope this remedy help's you ladies. It is alot cheaper on your pocket's. I bought 2 bulb's of garlic for under $1.00.

EC: That's true, Aminta -- hundreds of responses, but no mention of garlic for bacterial vaginosis. Thanks for the new remedy!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marcy (Waterford, MI) on 08/14/2008

I do believe that bacterial vaginosis can be caused by oral sex, I read some research on this. I'm a dental hygienist, and I know that many poeple do not brush and floss properly to control the harmful bacteria in thier mouth. Diet, also can be a big factor with many people who consume processed foods, and refined carbs.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Millbury, Massachusetts) on 05/12/2008

Bacterial Vaginosis: Mixed Cure. Hi! I want to thank all of you ladies and the owners of this site for all of the help! I have had BV for a few months now and I feel like I'm finally free of this horrible infection. I started with Flagyl thinking that this would be the only way to get rid of it and after getting another infection, I decided it was war! I refused to go back on that strong drug so I did all that was recommended and more. Here's what I did... I bought 800mg.of folic acid and took 3 a day along with live probiotics, Activia yogurt twice a day and used tea tree oil diluted with water at the start to ease the pain and redness. I also bought Yeastgard douche and used the 2 bottles of that just one per day. It was inexpensive and you can get it at any major drug store. I also bought hydrogen peroxide and povodine and did a douche with that diluted with water. I also broke open a capsule of the probiotic and used my finger to put it inside of my vagina. I have been proactive about eating my garlic in soup and drinking unsweetened cranberry juice with seltzer water.It's all working! It seems like I'm feeling better than I have in years! I'll bet I've had this for a very long time since I thought it was 'normal' to wear pantiliners all the time! Well, it will be a new way of life for me but a much healthier one. I hope I've helped someone else who is suffering from this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robin (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 05/05/2008

I have been suffering for years (about 5) with what seemed a bit like a yeast infection (but no yeasty discharge), fishy/unpleasant smell, itching and a lot of burning upon urination. Sex is difficult because it almost always ends up with me fighting all the old symptoms mentioned above. I just felt that my health was going down the tubes- there was no spark and the constant pain made me a regular at my doctor's office. I had many swabs which showed a heavy population of Gardnerella and you know what that means- more antibiotics. Of course, when I was feeling at my worst- burning/itching/discharge that was greyish, and sometimes there was an oder- I would take the antibiotics. However, it never helped for very long. I finally got tired of taking the antibiotics and suffering with all the stomach problems that ensued. So, I thought I would take control of my own health and I searched various websites for information. Last year, I found Earth Clinic and read all the messages from miserable women all over the world suffering from what I assume to be b.v. I tried all sorts of things because I wanted to be healed of this monster. Here are things which have helped:

a. tea tree oil and vitamin E on a tampon. The tea tree oil worked well and the Vitamin E kept me from drying out. I am peri-menopausal and do not need a dried out vagina.

b. eating lots of plain yogurt and taking acidophilus powder dissolved in water each day.

c. Wiping myself off with 3% hydrogen peroxide a few times a week. It nukes the bacteria brilliantly! e. I took cranberry tablets to help against bladder infections that often seem to accompany the b.v.

All these things worked fairly well, but then I stumbled upon cayenne pepper, and this seems to be the key ingredient- the cherry on the cake. Here is what helps me- I find the hottest chilipepper sauce that I can find- Tabasco or Sriracha sauce. I put about 2 tablespoons of the hotsauce, or even cayenne pepper powder, in a cup and add some hot water. I drink this about 3-4 times per day and eat a lot of chili peppers when I can. I have found that the addition of the chilies/chili sauce/cayenne pepper has been a marvelous tonic. It gives me a bit of a warm pepper 'rush', it alkalizes my blood and it helps against the burning and itching pain that always seems to be present. Chilies are great for the circulation and I suppose for that reason alone, it seems to get to the inflammation that always seems present with b.v

Oh yes- I blow dry myself each morning after a shower and I do not use soap anymore when washing the vaginal area.I use something like a non-soap, Ph balanced product. Just to keep the area moist, I use Vitamin E once a week as a vaginal lubricant. It is also important to cut down on sugar, as that feeds bacteria. I drink lots of water and cut down on coffee and alcohol. It helps to consider why you might be run down to the point of having this annoying infection. Be gentle on your self. These things have helped me immeasurably and I thank all the angels out there who offered up their remedies. One did not do the trick, but many have helped. Perhaps my remedies will help someone. Thanks Earth Clinic!

Posted by Anonymous (La Plata, MD) on 04/28/2008

O.K. I'd first like to say, that is completely absurd to think that all causes of BV are STD related! If that was the case how do we explain the millions of women how haven't had sex that have BV. And as far as I'm concerned I don't think that BV is sex related, but that's my opinion. A couple of months ago I bought some Hydrogen Peroxide, Probiotic tablets, folic acid, and zinc. Needles to say the hydrogen peroxide caused a horrible smell and the probiotic upset my stomach. But I continued to use the folic acid and the zinc; I actually noticed a mild difference. Not entirely satisfied I figured I needed to do something more soooo.... I threw out all my detergents and soaps! I now use Purell (Allergy free ) detergent on my clothes and Aquaphor baby soap and VOILA... nothing! So What Worked For Me: 1 dose of zinc 1 dose of folic acid 800mg Allergy free detergent (Purell) Allergy free soap (Aquaphor).

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kris (Orlando, FL) on 10/26/2007

I have suffered from recurring BV. I always use Tea tree oil soaked tampons for a day. I've also used no rub saline solution (yes the ones for contacts) a douche. This sterile solution is safe enough for my eyes, plus it contains boric acid. I noticed a change immediately.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Reese (California) on 11/18/2023

This is my first and hopefully last encounter with BV and it's been just awful. It took me a while to be certain things were off and it progressed to a nightmarish state really quickly. Everything was so swollen and raw and irritated down there. Even my urethra was so swollen and irritated I could barely urinate and it burned like crazy when I did. I tried the top remedies, and hydrogen peroxide definitely helped ease the symptoms, but after 10 days it wasn't getting better and I did the whole process of douche with hips up to let it simmer a bit. Eventually this became too painful as I was too swollen to even insert the nozzle. Boric acid just made the burn unbearable and I quit after 2 tries. I don't know if I was just too acidic or how it works, but I know boric acid shouldn't burn but it DID, a lot. Diluted ACV also burned, of course, but it did bring relief after the burn subsided. Not for very long, unfortunately. I only somewhat had faith in colloidal silver but I had it (homemade) so I figured I might as well try it. I drank about a tablespoon every 4 hours and after just a few hours things felt better, and after one day my symptoms nearly vanished. Finally day 12, day 2 of colloidal silver, my symptoms are completely gone and everything is back to normal. I'm so mad I didn't try this first! I let all the stuff online about it being useless get to my head. It works!

Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 01/15/2024

Hi Norma, is the NAET course you're referring to something you need to see a practitioner for, or a learning course that you can take and then treat yourself?

BV Prevention Tips
Posted by Dena (New Orleans, LA) on 11/17/2022

Bv caused me to suffer for years since I was a teen. I made changes that has kept me bv free. Many women are reinfecting themselves and they don't know it. To avoid reinfection you have to kill bv in your underwear by washing them in hot water and unscented washing powder. Avoid all scented washing liquids and bath soaps. I use All brand unscented and dove unscented soap for bathing. Drink lots of Chlorophyll water and cranberry juice. This will balance the body ph. Drink lemon water warm with stevia or honey. Drink unsweetened teas and cut sugar out your diet until it's gone. Low sugar fruits are good to eat. Avoid breads and rice until the bv is gone. Douche with hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 cup of bottle water warm. I use a ear dropper for douching. You don't want to use too much water to avoid knocking out your good vaginal flora. Take probiotics and drink probiotics drinks like kumbachi tea at Walmart. Take all medication the doctor give you and make sure to get a wrap prep test regularly from doctor along with a G/C test to check for vaginal stds. Check for blood stds at stdcheck website. For vaginal stds a vaginal test is more accurate than a urine test.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Line (Denmark) on 03/22/2022

What do you mean by douche? did you lay down and leave the liquid up there for a while?

Probiotics, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 11/28/2020

Hi EC family!

I just want to tell you how happy I am and thank you for sharing all your experiences.
It all started two years ago, after I got the worse uti! My pee was blood red, in so much pain. I went to the doctor and she told me to take cefuroxine axetil 2x/day for 7 days. My uti cleared but noticed that I was having bad discharge n fishy smell.

I tried everything to no avail. On and off it went. I took antibiotic upon antibiotic, no cure. Worse than ever. The smell was just revolting and I slowly lost my confidence in bed and stayed away from my partner. He was very supportive and tried his best to understand me but at times he would mention the smell and how embarrassed I was!
I do know what you all went through and how horribly clean you all are and yet this thing happens.

Thank God I read all your wonderful testimonies. I would like to share my experience in hope that it would help many women going through this.

  • I bought probiotics specifically for womens health 9.8 billion cfu, several bottles of 3% hydrogen peroxide, tampons and a douche bottle.
  • I douched at night from 50/50 mix with distlled water. Going up till I could tolerate a pure 3%hydrogen peroxide douche.
  • In the morning id soak a tampon with hydrogen peroxide and insert it as far as I could and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • I took one probiotic pill by mouth and I'd insert another inside my vagina pushing it as far as I can.

I did that for a week. I noticed that the smell slowly diminished.

On the second week I did not douche as much anymore coz the discharge and smell was nearly gone. I douched only twice a week n did not insert any hydrogen peroxide soaked tampon. I continued taking the probiotics. For the probiotic vaginal insert, I just opened the capsule got about a pinch of the powder n inserted it inside as far back as I could.
Also after being intimate, douched wd hydrogen peroxide and probiotic inserts were done.

Now I have zero discharge, no smell at all even my partner said the smell is gone! Plus my backache has gone as well. I'm not using any panty liners anymore. I'm cured! Thank God!
Ah it did bleach my pubic hair blond lol!

Check Your Toilet Paper
Posted by MsKris (Philadelphia, PA) on 05/23/2022

Wow!! I'm wondering if that's the issue or panty liners. I've tried the Boric acid suppositories and thought it was going away but then it came right back. I need the liners for the discharge. I also used Lume to cleanse so I'm just going to stop everything when I have several days off and try the peroxide solution. Also I'll get different toilet paper.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 06/28/2020

Wrinse out the vag with pure water before starting the oils and it will probably work even better.

Saline Solution
Posted by N Epp (Ohio) on 06/16/2020

I just want to add my experience to this BV section so that it might help someone else, because all the input I have read has been very helpful to me. I was about to start taking Humira for Arthritis in March. Of course I got BV right before. Went to doctor because I knew I had to clear up quickly since the Humira would reduce my ability to fight infections. Even though the last time I was given antibiotics for BV they did not work, I tried again. They did not work! came back after 2 days off of antibiotics. Went back to Boric acid suppositories. They did not seem to be working, but I kept using and hoping and adding anything else that I read that I had in the house (lockdown was happening). Won't go into everything I tried, nothing was working. I saw a video on youtube where a young lady was talking about her cure. Then she made an additional video and mentioned that if her treatment didn't help others (salt in a sitzbath), it may be candida (yeast). At this point it is mid June. I started the infection in mid March. I was so frustrated and really about to breakdown. I realized that the smell had been gone for a long time, it was the discharge that kept coming back. It looked to have a color (greenish or yellowish) so I kept thinking it was infection. I decided one night at 3am when I was searching for cures to look at cures for yeast infections on this site. Some ladies mentioned using a douche of Dr. NeilMeds sinus powder (meant for sinus infections). I happened to have some from purchase of Neti pots for my husband. I started using that and am on day 3 of doing twice a day. I think it may be doing the trick. I will repost in a week or so to say if it worked. Going to use for another day or two. FYI Stopped Humira after 2,1/2 months because I thought it was preventing me from clearing infection. Now taking borax for arthritis too. I just wanted to add in case others may think they are not getting rid of infection it may be yeast. I know most BV treatments are supposed to work on yeast also, but may be not all forms. Thanks. Please give feedback if you have any.

Saline Solution
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 06/17/2020

Tea tree oil worked for me when other methods failed: Empty a gel cap and refill it with tea tree oil neat, recap the gelcap loosely, insert, and crush the gelcap open, stir it around to distribute. You may have to do it once a day for a few days. If it irritates the labia apply coconut oil there, but avoid diluting the tea tree oil.

Posted by Su (Dubai) on 10/31/2020

How did u cope with the die off?
Did u have to take a week off work?
What were the symptons?
Where did u get this tablet from?
Thank you for your comments ... I have a feeling I'm going to be needing this soon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alyssa (Orlando, FL) on 01/27/2019

Hi guys! Love Earth clinic, for BV sleep in a tampon soaked in two to three drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of water every night for one week. Also take a 1000mg garlic extract supplement (odorless is great!) 4 times daily and a 400mcg folic acid supplement twice daily. Should be all fixed up in a week! Garlic extract can be substituted with fresh garlic, just take one clove roughly chopped in a tablespoon of water in the morning and at night for a week. This is a natural antibiotic basically, but can cause various smells and such which can be unpleasant hehe. Continue taking folic acid once a day and garlic extract once or twice daily (whatever works for you) for as long as needed/always (it's great for ya anyways) . If symptoms persist, see a doctor and get a full sex check as you may be dealing with something other than BV that could be harmful to your reproductive health xx Drink lots of water and work ACV into your diet whenever possible. Good luck!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Twin mom (USA) on 01/26/2019

I literally have been coming to this website for over 10 years because I have been suffering from BV for that long. I've been prescribed antibiotics and have tried all sorts of remedies from this website. I've done extensive research online as well regarding this condition. It's unfortunate that more research isn't done regarding BV because so many women suffer from it. I mean, just look at the amount of “remedies” on this site. It's obvious that more focus needs to be placed on this condition. BV is embarrassing, depressing, and makes women very self conscious. It's just disheartening that a solution/cure hasn't been developed. But I honestly feel that my BV has been cured since eliminating dairy from my diet. After I gave birth, I became very focused on my diet and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and limiting the amount of meat I eat. It has literally stopped BV in its tracks. Dairy is so bad for you. People should really try to eliminate dairy in their diets and you'll see a big difference.

Posted by hthomps2 (GA) on 01/10/2019

How do I apply the honey for BV? What dosage? Is it external or internal? I have had issues with BV and urinary tract infections since I was 15. They went away after I had kids and now they have come back. I went to the Gyn and was diagnosed with both and given antibiotics and within two months it's back with a vengeance.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ella (London) on 12/01/2023


I'm dealing with BV for the first time. Coconut oil made things much worse for me. Just been reading that the vagina's pH must be slightly acidic to fight germs. To my horror, coconut oil is extremely alkaline. There must be warnings about this on Earth Clinic. Coconut oil can disrupt the vagina's protective acid pH.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Vlada (Miami) on 12/02/2023

Add Vitamin C (start with 2-5 g/day, up to 18g a day is fine - your tolerable level indication is lose stool) and L-Lysine. Cat's Claw is a natural antibiotic/antiviral. I'd not mess with intravaginal application of anything. In my home country they sell antibacterial vaginal suppositories-they're sterile. Also, intravaginal applications of seabuckthorn oil (medicinal quality, manufactured in a pharmaceutical facility) in a gynecologist' office using gynecological instruments (well at least they used to do that)- they would saturate a sterile gauze with the oil and apply on a cervix for 20 min. It was especially good for cervical neck erosions.

Posted by Tiffany (WI) on 02/09/2022

Are you still BV free? Do you still take liquid Chlorophyll everyday?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cindy (Markham, Il) on 09/05/2018

How often did you use this method? Can it be done weekly?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Grace (Wash.) on 05/04/2018

I had right side pain and UTI symptoms so my doctor sent me for abdomen scan and mammogram nothing showed up. There was no odor or discharge of any sort. Found out my UTI symptoms was a yeast infection it was treated. I still felt like my liver, pelvic and lower back were inflamed and painful by the 7th month saw a new doctor I now had Bacterial Vaginitis with Complications because it took so long to diagnose it was in my liver! I took two rounds of mertronidozal and another antibiotic it went away came back .

After research, I did daily douche with 1/2 C purified water, 1/2 C 3% hydrogen peroxide and one probiotic capsule emptied into the douche as well. Everyday I would lay down on cotton towel and do the douche hold it inside for 15 minutes then release it out I did this for 9 days straight. I was already gluten, dairy free I stopped all sugar caffeine. I filled my glass water bottle with water added 1 juiced lemon ( I juice the lemon right down to rind since I believe their is healing properties in the rind), added 3-4 drops of oregano oil along with a pinch of baking soda in the water bottle. I drank this through a straw so the citric acid does not damage the enamel on my teeth. I drank this all day and made another batch to drink throughout the night. Wow, this really knocked the infection out so fast. I continued doing this for three weeks just to be on the safe side. I also took a high quality probiotics and folic acid. CURED!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lisa (Memphis, Tn) on 05/07/2018

Thank You so much for this update! I have almost given up on myself and finding a way to get rid of these symptoms. How often should I do this treatment?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Angelica (Indonesia) on 05/09/2018

May I know what kind of coconut oil (the brand) that u use for the bv?

Posted by Joi (Chicago, I'll) on 08/28/2018

It actually does work.. I mean I don't think doctors know everything. In all honesty, if you think about how did we cure ourselves as humans with any types of infections when medication was not a source. I really believe in Natural Remedies.

Baking Soda in Water
Posted by Abcde (Canada) on 03/05/2018

Hello! I have a not so good smell down here. I went to my doctor and ask why, but she told me that its pretty normal. But I know to myself that I dont like what I'm smelling so I search over internet and found so many cure that could help me. At first I bought yogurt, I ate it and I even inserted some to my vagina and nothings happen. Like everything become worst. So I stopped that yogurt and search again tried Apple cider soaked my down there with warm and some apple cider but again nothings happen. I came across here at earth clinic and I found out so many cure that could help me. I looked for more easier way to remove the smell over me and I bought some folic acid I used it for almost 1 month and no improvement. So my last choice is the Hydrogen Peroxide it was extremely helpful but I observed after not douching the smells come back again but not as worse as before so I decided to stop and wait for a miracle.

I've decided to focus on how to gain more weight so I bought potencee an ascorbic acid I gain weight because I started to eat more and eat more healthy food then I search again to internet and found out some BAKING SODA can kill also a yeast infection so I started drinking a 1 glass of cold water with half a teaspoon of baking soda. I'm already in my 1 week and its make the smell go away not definely but Im working on it. I smell but its not like before. Have a try of baking soda. Its help me a lot.
