Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Probiotics Plus
Posted by Christina (Queensland) on 01/12/2014

I have had BV for about 5 months. About 12 visits to 3 different doctors and 3 lots of Antibiotic Vaginal cream. I thought I was ok until each time after having sex with my partner the burning pain would begin again. Went to another doctor and got prescribed more anti biotic cream, this is after she told me I had no good bacteria in my vagina at all. This time I refused to take it and decided to do something different. I knew that by having more anti biotics was not going to help just make things worse. I did heaps of research over the 5 months and finally went for a natural remedy. I started inserting natural yoghurt and a probiotic specifically for vaginal health. Mixing the contents of the capsule with the yoghurt and using a plasic syringe inserting it at night. I also took one of the capsules in the morning as well. Had instant results, the burn stopped immediately. I have also been drinking Apple cider vinegar once a day in the morning, 1 desertspoon in a cup of hot water and eating a clove of raw garlic with one of meals. If you know for sure that you have BV

If you have been diagnosed with BV try the natural remedies, it will save lots of money and trips to the Doctors. The anti biotics are just killing off any good bacteia you have to help you fight it.

Try 2 teaspoons of Natural yoghurt the one with live culture in it, mix the contents of I capsule of probiotic. I use a plastic syringe ( no needle attatched ) to insert the mixture into my vagina at night. In the morning I take a probiotic orally, and repeat the yoghurt again at night. I got instant relief from this as I was recolonizing my vagina of good bacteria that all the anti biotics had killed.

You can apparently insert the capsules directly into the Vagina if you dont want to do the yoghurt thing. I found the yoghurt very soothing. I will also be trying folic acid as well. I have also been eating one clove of raw garlic with my main meal each day and drinking a dessertspoon of Apple Cider vinegar in a cup of hot water in the morning as well.

Good Health and happy sex life once again.

Posted by Cherybark (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/13/2013

Hi there, I too have battled BV infections for years. Countless times to the doctor's office. Only to have my symptoms back a few months later. I came across this website a few years ago.. I've tried everything listed here and still my symptoms came back.. So I did my own research and found out the reasons these home remedies only worked for a short time is because I didn't have the proper knowledge of how and why these home remedies work... The 1st thing I learned is too much Acidophilus is also bad. Too much good bacteria causes a condition known as Cyclotic Vaniitis, an over growth of too much good bacteria. The symptoms are EXACTLY the same as BV. 2nd Acidophilus produces Hydrogen Peroxide naturally. Too much naturally produced Peroxide = too much antiseptic, killing off the bad bacteria also. 3rd douching with Peroxide adds more antiseptic killing bad bacteria and creating good bacteria. So Douching and using Acidophilus together creates twice as much antiseptic.. When I read this I was at a loss. All the money I spent. All the knowledge I thought I had wasn't enough. So I decided to talk to someone who has the knowledge of Herbal and Natural remedies an Acupuncturist who also sells Chinese Medical Herbs and Homeopathic treatments... She told me the research I did was correct and that I needed to reboot my flora. Basically start from scratch. Insert 1 garlic clove 1-2 hours for 2 nights then 7 days of inserting Yogurt. We also went over my diet.. You need a good foundation in order to cure BV.. I'm on a fruit and vegetable powder supplement as well as an anti oxidant and enzyme supplement and I'm taking vitamin D. A vitamin deficiency will also cause BV infections. I was told to drink lemon water before drinking coffee. This will balance the Alkaline vs. Acidity imbalance that coffee can create. I will check back in 6 months and let you know if this works.

Posted by Compelledtotell (South Carolina) on 12/03/2013

I suffered for years before I found an herb called Kacip Fatimah. My sister and I both suffered from BV for so long that the clinic that we went to refused to keep treating us. Can you believe that! ?! ? Well I don't remember how I came upon the herb Kacip Fatimah and it's kind of hard to get (I order mine from another country). But that one bottle is literally a life saver! Anytime I feel a little strange down south I take a pill. It's also good for urinary prolapse which I think is what led me to the herb in the first place after giving birth to my daughter. It was then that I realized that I hadnt had BV in a while. I should've come to this site to tell you guys about these cures. I've used Earth Clinic for years and I just feel compelled to share my cures. I hope they work for you like they did for me.

Lactic Acid, Prebiotics
Posted by Notjanedoe (Colorado) on 09/06/2013

Bacterial vaginosis is caused from an imbalance in the pH, period (no pun intended). Therefore, any treatment should focus on balancing the pH. I've narrowed my causes down to ANYTHING that alters the pH with blood, lubricants, & soap as my biggest culprits.

I spent years doing allopathic remedies for BV and at-home experiments, to no avail. I briefly got rid of the BV for a couple of months after a painful experiment putting an ascorbic acid suppository internally, but it came back. A few months back I moved to a cervical barrier method of BC, but refused to use that N9 spermicide. After much research I located an approved contraceptive gel out of Canada (Contragel) that used ALL naturally derived ingredients. It is pricey, but I figured it was worth not using N9. The main ingredient, "lactic acid". At the time, I had no idea it would work to treat BV. I did a "test" by using a medicine syringe as an applicator (discard after use or sterilize) to put the gel internally and see if I had any reactions, prior to putting it to "formal" use. I woke up the next morning with ZERO BV symptoms and at the time I had both BV and a yeast infection confirmed through a pap, but I had refused to take the pills this time. BOTH were gone and I was actually left with a pleasant sweet odor (the lactic acid).

What I've learned after extensive research that focused on actual lab studies and NOT person dependent testimonials:

*Stop putting ANYTHING that is not pH balanced anywhere near your lady parts. This includes lubricants used by doctors or rad. techs for U/S. Medical professionals think I am crazy for refusing, but it's not that uncomfortable or I bring my own lubricant (recipe below).

*Use water to wash yourself or make your own lactic acid based soap (recipe below). You can also buy Vagisil pH balanced type washes, but they have a bunch of chemicals in them usually or rip you off price wise.

*Probiotics will NOT make their way to your lady parts, so that is a waste of money and you should take ones that will colonize your GI track or use them vaginally (OBGYN taught me this).

*PREbiotics (FOS and GOS) WILL make their way into the lower colon to feed the good bacteria that will make their way to your lady parts. There are many effective studies on the use of PREbiotics for BV treatment (orally & vaginally).

*Use non-lubricated condoms with a homemade pH balanced lubricant or the Contragel spermicide (more expensive). After much research I came up with the following recipe: 91% Distilled water, 5% coconut water, 1% ACV, . 16% non-GMO glycerin, 2% lactic acid, 0.25-3.0% Sorbic Acid until pH is at 4. You can use non-aluminum baking soda to increase pH if you get it too low. Store in fridge or add appropriate broad-spectrum antimicrobial, if concerned. Put it in a container that will not expose the lubricant to air or your hands (like a bottle with pump or serum bottle).

*Make suppositories or gel to use vaginally AFTER you've been exposed to anything that may increase your pH above 4. 5. With research I developed this recipe: 73% Coconut oil, 25% FOS and/or GOS (hard to find, but Bimuno is 100% GOS from Europe), 2% lactic acid. A study also showed that the EO, Palmarosa, was beneficial in combatting candida strains, in vitro, so you could add a few drops of this too, if you're worried about yeast. This is oil based, so do not use it before intercourse, if using a latex condom.

*Take FOS and/or GOS daily to feed probiotics

That's it. The protocol you use should focus on pH, no matter what. You can buy pH strips to test everything too. Good luck and I hope this helps you.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sucitysu (Jax, Fl) on 07/29/2013

Hi all you ladies out there who are suffering with this horrible BV! I've been there too... The vicious cycle of going to the doc and getting antibiotics that cause yeast infections as well... Only to have it all come back! Ugh!

I've been suffering off and on with this also for the last 8 years. And like you, I'm tired of the doctors and I'm trying homeopathic remedies. I've found the tea tree oil helps. I have found it in suppository form at Whole Foods. These have helped me tremendously and much easier in a suppository form. Not to mention the smell is sooo much better than that horrible fishy smell! And is soothing.

I've learned that our bodies need to be PH balanced of 7. 0 or better. It is proven that no disease, infection, or even cancer can live in a body that is PH balanced. Cancers thrive in acidic environments. But our vaggies are a different matter. Needing to be acidic.

I am trying these methods I've read on here too... Hoping they will be the answer!

Good luck to all of you! God Bless

Posted by Lynn (T, Maryland, Usa) on 02/18/2013

For BV I used honey, not raw, just regular honey from the grocery store. I washed and applied the honey and it cured it overnight. The odor was gone within an hour or so. I'm sure raw honey would be better.

Vitamin D
Posted by Nicola (Raleigh) on 02/15/2013

To all the ladies who have tried evrything for bacterial vaginosis. You may want to have your Vit D serum level checked. My vitamin d was extremely low... I was given 50,000 iu of vit d for 12 weeks and after taking the first capsule there was a calming, soothing sensation in my vagina. Vitamin D plays a big part in overall immunity. So definitely ask for that next time u visit the doctor. I think it will help in the fight against reoccurring bv

Probiotics Plus
Posted by Alley (Sydney, Australia) on 10/18/2011

WHY did it take me this long to learn about this???

Get yourself a vaginal ph test to test the acidity of your vagina. It should be slightly acidic (3.8 to 4.5). If it is higher than 4.5 this means your issues are most likely caused by bacteria (aka, BV), if it is in the normal range it is probably yeast. For a year I have been misdiagnosing myself as having a yeast infection! Even the doctor and pharmacists let me diagnose myself without doing any tests or asking more questions. The symptoms can be very similar. Although, it is possible to have both issues at the same time.

Then the next question is, how do I get my vagina back to being acidic again?

WELL, I ALSO found a product at the drug store that is nothing more than ascorbic acid inserts, that's right, Vitamin C! Now I'm not sure what kind of vit c you can insert up there but it might be best to get the specially made stuff with a slow release unless you won't to a bit more research on it. The stuff I got is called Vagicare in Australia.

When your ph is more alkaline (>4.5), the good bugs, Lactobacillus can't thrive, but the bad bugs can. This is why taking probiotics works for so many people. (note, I've also researched that L. Reuteri and L. Rhamnosus are the best Lactobacillus for down there). Make sure you get a good quality enteric coated acidophilus, so that it doesn't dissolve until it gets to your intestines. eg. Femdophillus or Nature's Way Reuteri Pearl.

And this is also why everyone goes on about not washing with soap or douching, because these products are more alkaline and create an environment more hospitable to bad bacteria.

I don't know why it took my SO long to learn this but I'm so glad I did! Tell everyone about ph tests and ascorbic acid inserts and L. Reuteri and Rhamnosus!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rose (Durham, North Carolina, United States) on 07/26/2011

Hello my name is Rose,

I have been battling "BV" for a few years now. In the beginning I would say that I was ignorant about the infection itself. I went to the doctors not knowing what this terrrible odor could be. I began getting BV after I became sexually active. I am not proned to getting yeast infections and do not know what it feels like to have one, but for some strange reason my body is inclined to getting Bacterial Vaginosis.

I have done extensive research on this bacterial infection and I have tryed every cure in the book, well almost. Very clean people can get BV, and I'm assuming that of course people with poor hygiene can get it as well. After being treated with anti-biotics, I came to the realization that the root of this problem was deeper than I thought. The anti-biotics would only cure me for about 7 months and then I'd be back to the clinic for more. Pity. I got depresed and I've even cryed a few times but I wouldn't give up on a natural cure.

Unfortunately, BV will most-likely continue to come back because I took anti-biotics for this infection at least 5 times. I think that the bacteria develop an immunity to the anti-biotics or a sort of resistance. My theory is that if we continue to cure our infections using natural remedies, not only will we kill the BV, but we'll also make our bodies stronger keeping BV away for longer periods of time and then eventually getting rid of this disgusting infection for good. Also, we must try to keep BV away on our own. My BV comes when I am on my menstrual cycle (sometimes) and when I have sex (if I don't use a condom). Both sperm and blood create alkaline envirornments. This is very harmful for our vaginas because our vaginas are meant to stay acidic. An Acidic envirornment is what kills harmful bacteria in the vagina. My tips for keeping the vagina acidic and aiding the vagina in keeping out alkaline fluids are:

  1. After sex, (if not using a condom) sit on the toilet and allow all sperm to flow out
  2. Shower after sex being cautious not get soap into the vagina
  3. Using a soap that is either acidic (cranberry or lemon) (can purchase at whole foods) or that is non scented
  4. Keeping non scented wipes to use while on menstrual cycle for frequent wiping
  5. Changing pads or tampons regularly (every 3 1/2 to 4 hours)
  6. Purchasing a syringe to rinse out the vagina
These are the cures that worked for me: Mixing two lemons (highly acidic) and a little apple cidar vinegar together. You will have to cut the lemons and empty the juice into a small container. Keep the container sealed and in the fridge. (Keep the syringe in a clean area and rinse with very hot water after use. After showering (while I'm still in the shower with the water running) I suck the mixture up until the surrenge is full, I insert it into the vagina, and I push the liquid up and out of the syringe. The syringe I'm refering to is the one that looks like it's meant for a needle. I guess it can be used for giving babies medicine. I am not a huge fan of douching and I've never douched before. I don't think that this technique is what one would call douching. The syringe only goes but so far but after two days or so the BV seems to die off. My discharge has that pure smell again and I feel much cleaner. I hope this works for women out there who can't seem to find anything that works. I would love to hear feedback from anyone who finds this tip helpful. Also, combining remedies is certainly more effective than just trying one at a time. For instance, I took probiotics at one time and combined it with a yogurt, berberine, and lemon mixture; that worked but I feel that the lemon/apple cidar vinegar attempt is better and quicker. Thanks for reading...

Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
Posted by 15yearstoolong (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) on 03/09/2011

First of all I'd like to say a huge Thank you to all of the women on this site for writing about your home remedies and making suggestions, giving the rest of us sufferers some hope. I am 40 years old and have had 5 children. I have suffered with BV since I was 25 yrs old (15 years in total). I have always taken the medication that my doctor has prescribed for me (Flagyl), and it has always worked in getting rid of the BV, but only temporarily. I really felt like I was the only one suffering with this, and always felt "dirty".

Up until I had my 3rd child, I had never ever had a vaginal problem. No odours, no discharge, nothing. I was with the same man for over 19 years, so multiple partners was never an issue. The first time I got BV, my doctor had very little advice or anything at all to tell me on how to fight this vicious infection. I would get it at least 3 times a year every year following that. Here in Canada we do have medical insurance and are able to see the doctor as frequently as we need to and Flagyl is covered by my insurance. For 15 years this medication has done nothing but temporarily make it go away. I am now in a new relationship and have only been sexually active twice in the past month. First time was 1 day before I started my menstrual cycle and there was absolutely no smell, however discharge was thick. The second time was 2 weeks afterwards and I could smell the BV was back and heard that "noise" that happens when I urinate while infected. I had told my doctor about this "sound" and he looked at me like I had 2 heads. However after reading the posts on this site, I have come to learn I was not alone. Other women have heard it too, and can tell when an outbreak of BV will or is happening because of that alone. So after having read each and every single post on here, I decided to try some of the remedies. I have done alot of online research and found out some things that certainly helped me. The very first thing I did was went to the drug store and bought a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide 3%. I also found a product by RePhresh called Pro-B caplets. Each caplet contains 2.5 billion Lactobacillus rhamnsous Gr-1, and 2.5 billion Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14. After very extensive research I came to learn that these 2 types of bacteria are the most important healthy bacteria that fight off the bad bacteria and is found naturally in the vagina. Each one has its own way of fighting, and are necessary to maintain a healthy vagina. So here is what I have done. I'm sure most of you already know that you need more of the healthy bacteria in your vagina than bad in order for you to get rid of the BV. I bought a douche from the drug store and emptied out its contents. I filled half of the bottle with the Hydrogen Peroxide and the other half with warm water. I douched with that and held it in for about 5 mins, then letting it all out and douched again but this time with only Hydrogen Peroxide and no water. Yes it burned a slight bit but barely noticeable. I then showered only using water to clean my womanly area. After the shower I used straight peroxide to clean the outer area. Make sure you dry the area soon afterwards. I took orally 1 of the capsules mentioned above. Just before bedtime I took a tampon and lowered it back down inside the tube to leave some room. I took one of the capsules, broke it open and poured the powdery content into the tampon applicator so that it would sit in a neat little pile on top of the tampon. I stood up to put the applicator in so it wouldn't pour out the powder before being inserted. Do not wet the tampon at all before insertion or it won't go in very easily. I left the tampon in for 2 hours. The second night, I only took 1 capsule orally and inserted one pill vaginally, same way as before.

Third day I took another pill orally, did the Peroxide douche and afterwards inserted another capsule. I will not douche every day, as I am afraid of washing away the "good" bacteria that I have inserted and also taking orally. You have to grow and maintain enough good bacteria down there, in order for it to be successful in overtaking the bad bacteria and combat BV. Also always wearing cotton undies, and keeping the area as dry & clean as possible is also an important factor. When you take the Flagyl or other anti-biotics, it kills the good bacteria along with the bad and upsets the acidity and PH levels in your vagina, therefore giving any bad bacteria that survives another chance of regrouping and re-infecting. I won't be doucing anymore and only taking the probiotics that I have bought..

Here in Canada the RePHresh pills I purchased were $35.00 for a 30 day supply, at one a day. However, I have been going through 2 a day as I am using them vaginally as well. It's been a while since I started this regimen and so far everything is working fantastic!!! I have never been drier down there in my life. Even after a very long hard day and no chance of a shower yet, I'm still completley dry down there.. There is absolutely no odour and no discharge. The real test will be after my menstrual cycle or sex... I will keep you updated on how things progress for me. This is trully one of the most horrible infections us women can get.. Not to mention embarrassing, degrading, and I'm tired of living the life of a nun just to keep from suffering the embarrassments. I ordinarily would never write on these kinds of forums especially about this kind of personal thing, however I'm hoping that I can help others out, the same way others on this site have certainly helped me! Good luck to all of you!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jackie (Maryland) on 10/17/2018

Wow, I was thinking of increasing my water intake. I have never had so many recurring bv issues until this year. I have taken 4 antibotics and the symptoms come back months later. The doctor just prescribed another antibotic but I am tired of the antibotics. I feel tired and upset stomach. I started taking a probotic with the last antibotics. I think the more water idea sounds the best.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miss (Pa, US) on 06/16/2014

The same thing happened to me! I kept reading about douching with Hydrogen Peroxide. It really helped with the scent but a week later it all came back 1,000 times worse! Douche just happened over and over. I really diluted it a lot. The douches were maybe 20% Hydrogen peroxide. I would get so itchy and burn it was unbearable! To be honest, the Hydrogen Peroxide made it worse. Everyone is different. I take daily vitamins, I tried Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, and acidophilus (twice daily) and so far they have helped with the symptoms but not cure. My diet is 80% fruits and veges. I eat little meat and exercise 5 days a week. I am a very healthy person. But this time, the natural cure route has not worked. I think I'm going to have to suck it up and use the antibiotic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by D.r (Jersey City, New Jersey) on 06/29/2018

You are so right, you have to use organic apple cider with the word (Mother). It gets rid of the bad bacteria while applying good bacteria and putting your pH at range. People, you also have to use the vinegar once a day at the same time in a row at least 3-4 days depending on severity. It really, really works!!!! Put 1- 2 tablespoon in a douche bottle and that add warm water to fill to the top or nearly top of the water bottle, then shake the bottle to mix it up. Then use it!!

Low Carb Diet
Posted by Jennifer (Atlanta, Ga) on 04/08/2010

OK...this is crazy! I have been battling with BV for at least 6 months. I have tried absolutely everything that I've read from this site (and then some). Nothing seemed to completely work...only for a day or so. I was sick of taking things and shoving stuff up there! I had about given up, until I had an unexpected discovery. This is so weird and I'm curious to see if this has worked for anyone else out there. Last Sunday (so 5 days ago) my husband and I decided to hit the NO CARB diet trying to get swim suit ready. I kid you not, the next day, that horrible spell was almost absolutely GONE! I way! So it's been 5 days and NO itching, NO smell, NO discharge...i cannot believe it! And I feel like a new person. I really want to know if anyone else has experienced relief this way. Apparently, the SUGARs were doing my body wrong and giving the Bacteria a feeding frenzy. Now my body can fight back on it's pills, no douche, no nothing!!

I love this new discovery....anyone else out there tried this. You should try it if nothing else has worked...I could tell something good was happening the very next day!

Good luck and I wish you all the BEST!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 06/29/2010

Tea tree oil works for BV. The douche however, (with 5 to 15 drops) did not work for me, made things worse. Douching upsets the vaginal flora TOO MUCH

Here's what I do: 4-5 drops tea tree oil in an empty 00 gel cap, and then fill to rim with Castor oil. Stick it in as deep as it will go. I usually only have to do this overnight

Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
Posted by Bmore76 (Baltimore, MD) on 07/26/2009

peroxide/water douche and 10ml of plain yogurt cured my frequent recurring bacterial vaginosis

Posted by Kennedy (Broomeville, SC) on 07/06/2009

Hi ladies I have to say thanks for all of your input. I thought I was the only one in the world struggling with this problem. I've also researched that if you have an IUD that may be the cause of the BV as well. I've been taking one garlic pill twice a day. One in the morning and one at night. I've also been drinking a probiotic drink that has lots of bacteria that's similar to yogurt. I consume one every morning. So far for about a month, I've noticed some changes. I have little to no odor after intercourse and after my cycle. The discharge has decreased significantly! Hardly any at all.

Posted by CleanNSexy (Los Angeles, California) on 04/22/2009

I got BV 4 yrs ago and the doctor prescribed an anti-biotic that cured it in a week but 10 months ago I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, the next morning I had the symptoms and have been dealing with it ever since because I have no medical insurance. I went through the terrible ordor that came through my clothes, more discharge than normal(went through a lot of panty liners) and minor vaginal itch. I've tried taking Folic Acid and Acidophillus as well as douching with Peroxide and water but the smell, irritation and discharge would come back in a couple of days. About three weeks ago before I started my cycle I inserted a capsule of Golden Seal(an anti-biotic used to cure infections) into my vagina every night before I went to sleep and wore a panty liner to keep from getting discharge stains in my underwear from the Golden Seal leaking out. It has been 3 weeks and there's no odor, no irritation and my discharge went back to normal. It's almost time for my cycle to begin again and there's still no signs of BV. Golden Seal can be bought at any Health food store and I advice all women who are having problems with BV to try it!

Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
Posted by Tani (East Hartford, Connecticut) on 03/01/2009

I am totally happy to find this site, I've had BV for 2 years and was at the end of my rope with Metro Gel and Flagyl. I was beginning to think I was immune to these drugs because they never worked for me. I was sick of being in the doctor's office 3 times a month and decided to do my own research. After reading everyone's post and what worked for them, I began my own experiment that totally worked for me. For 7 days I douched with half water and half 30cc peroxide every night with a douche bottle (which burned a little)and inserted plain Organic yogurt from Country Farm. I thought it was important to use that type of yogurt as it had the lactobacillus which we need to put back directly in the vagina to help kill the bad bacteria causing BV. Its been 6 weeks and I am BV free.
