Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Posted by Shenequa (Texas) on 06/28/2015

I have tried Chlorophyll concentrate for BV and it has cured me and I have been dealing with this since I was 16.

Posted by Angiemb (Calgary, Ab) on 10/26/2015

Thanks for this. I am wondering if I am in the minority as someone who has few to no symptoms, but still has persistent infection. I am hoping the lemon water will help. I am pretty upset that I was told 3 YEARS ago by my doctor not to treat this after it was found during a routine pap. I had zero symptoms except a few days (an this was WEEKS before my pap) that I had a heavier watery discharge with a bit of a smell, but this quickly went away on its own and did not return. I continued to have no symptoms after my diagnosis, so I figured it had cleared itself as the doctor said it would. I just recently went in for a pap and was told I still have it, after all this time! So now I know I must do something. After seeing all the stuff about how antibiotics are only a very temporary cure, I am very hesitant to pick up my prescription as I don't want it to come back worse, WITH symptoms next time. I just want to be rid of this, but it's hard to even know if and when that will happen since I don't experience symptoms, it's just ... there. The only thing I have ever noticed in recent months was an occasional "off" smelling discharge or a very faint odor after sex, and even then it was usually a very slight odor, nothing major at all. Most days everything smells perfectly healthy, with absolutely no itch or unusual discharge, so I am alarmed to find out it is actually not healthy, and has not been for so long. It's a very distressing experience, and I'm sad to hear there is no cure, just management. I wish I knew what had caused this - I was celibate at the time of my first diagnosis and do not douche or have a poor diet.

Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
Posted by Lightt ( Us) on 04/30/2015

I always said that I would post once I found something that truly worked for me. I hope that this information also blesses others that have suffered with BV. After lots of research and the combination of trying many things I have found that the following really works and my BV symptoms have not come back even through sexually intercourse, menstrual cycles, and heavy excercise. I first douched with a 3% hydrogen peroxide, that same evening I inserted a boric acid capsule and allowed that to work and drain over night. The next day there was plenty of discharge so be prepared with a liner. That evening I inserted a probiotic directly into the vagina there maybe some slight discomfort. I have not had any BV issues since. No daily maintenance required, which is truly amazing if you have been through what I have been through. Hope this helps! God Bless!

Liver and Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Tokyoempress (San Francisco, Ca) on 10/14/2014

Hello ladies,

I have discovered a cure for BV. I suffered from it for 4 months after unprotected sex. It wasn't STD. It was not going anywhere until I did what I suggest here.

BV is fundamentally a problem arising from body's pH imbalances. You need to get your vagina ACIDIC to make it healthy and keep the infection away. (Inserting something acidic like Vitamin C powder or vinegar or yogurt is NOT the permanent solution.)

I tried many remedies suggested here on this site for BV which worked temporarily to be symptom-free. But not cured. It came back shortly after stopping the remedy.

KILLING THE BACTERIA WORKS TEMPORARILY, in most cases. Because, Bacteria is NOT the problem - they are everywhere. Healthy state of the body keeps them harmless or we all will perish from infections instantly. You need to know body has to have proper pH balance and different acidity/alkalinity at different locations. When we lose this natural balance, problem happens.

Also, ADDING good bacteria ALSO WORKS TEMPORARILY in most cases of chronic BV. Why? Again, because the cause is still there. pH imbalance.

Ok, so how we restore the natural pH balance FAST?

One very effective way is to do a series of Liver/ Gallbladder Flush, suggested by Dr. Hulda Clark. There are many websites with detailed instructions on how to perform this.

One IMPORTANT THING I MUST ADD is, absolute necessity to do Parasite Cleanse prior to doing Liver Flush. At least 2 weeks of good parasite cleanse is necessary. If you have a "Zapper" (electric device that kills off all parasites), you can put it over the liver area over night. (Move it if it ever starts to tingle or sting, or it can burn your skin. I normally am ok with over night zapping there without any problem). Also, you can take parasite cleanse herbs like Paratrex sold on the internet. If you don't do this, you won't get nearly as good results when you do the liver flush. Microscopic parasites live inside your liver and everywhere in your body. And they secrete sticky thing that make them stick inside of liver and gallbladder. They will prevent things getting cleansed and flushed out of your liver. After parasite cleanse, when you do the liver flush, you will definitely see stuff (stones and waste materials) coming out of your liver/ gallbladder. Sounds nasty, yes, but you want that out of your body. Then your liver will start to perform more optimally. It detoxifies waste, which is ACID in nature, and the body just KNOWS how to do its job properly - balancing itself out! (My theory for this).

Please try the Parasite Cleanse and Liver Flush to cure BV for good.

Posted by Drea (South Carolina, US) on 07/22/2014

I suffered from BV for many years and nothing worked until I tried this and the BV is completely gone for good. No joke ladies. This is what worked for me: I take vitamin B6 daily and inserted 1 Prebiotic vaginally for one night. Prebiotic feed the good bacteria and all I used was one capsule which I ordered from Amazon. Try it ladies it cured me with no douching and my sex life with my husband is now wonderful! No more embarrassing odor or discharge. Praise God Almighty!

Cold Showers
Posted by Koko (Chicago, US) on 07/08/2014

I've had chronic and sometimes intense bv for a few years. Looking over different remedies here, I thought cold water cleansing sounded easy enough. Although it's not completely eliminated, this has had longer lasting results than any of the many things I've tried. No soap, just a quick and thorough rinse with a detachable shower head. Start warm to adjust and then gradually turn the water as cold as you can stand it. It gets tolerable fairly quick. I do it at night before bed usually and then sleep nude without underwear.

I have no idea why switching from warm to cold water has helped but results don't lie. Maybe warm and cold water has different pH? I know warmer water has more sediment in it so maybe cold is just..cleaner? Idk but it helps a lot and is really easy and free!

Posted by Jen (Kentucky) on 02/28/2022

Boric acid is an essential mineral for humans to be healthy and is not harmful if ingested in the very small amounts suggested. A lot of times, when someone adds even a very small amount of borax, which 95% is the salt and mineral of boric acid and 5% is trace minerals. Look into it and look at this using it. Yes, boric acid is good to use too, internally also, in the right dosage. Even potassium and other minerals and vitamins pose toxicity and other complications when too much is taken.

Pineapple Juice
Posted by Shaun (, Nashville, Tn,) on 01/14/2014

I'm 21 and I've had BV twice within 6 months. It might've been because me and boyfriend was having a lot of unprotected sex. I went to the Dr.I thought It would be cured the first time with flagyl and I was also drinking nothing but pineapple juice and water while I was on the medication. The smell of my vag actually smelled like pineapples and tasted like them too. But it was a very faint smell. It wasn't that odor you usually smell with BV. Soo after my meds we started using condoms for about 2, 3 months. After that we stopped using condoms and I got BV again but this time while I was meds I only drank water and I had a horrible yeast infection which was my first one. Yikes! So she put me on diflucan and it cleared up nicely. Until this day I drink about 3 little cans of organic pineapple juice and water. I've been BV free for 5 months.

Cold Showers
Posted by Gokhals (Ca, Usa) on 12/02/2013 34 posts

It's a near miracle, but cold showers have cured what nothing else did for me for over two years. My bacterial vaginosis is gone! Incredible.

I start hot and turn the water cold gradually. The final 30 seconds is stingingly cold. Its addictive, energizing and for a warm water wimp like me, a big departure in habit. The fact I have stuck with the program, is testament to the wonderful and unexpected results I have obtained from this.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Cindy (Dubai, Uae) on 09/16/2013

I've been suffering from Vaginosis and yeast infection for about 2 years now. I have used flagyl and Canesten 1 vaginal tablet which made me feel better for a few weeks but the infection was back again afterwards. I have also been avoiding food high in sugar and alcohol. So upon reading most of the remedies here in Earth Clinic, I have decided to try the Baking Soda douche last night. I think it's working great right now. The smell is gone and the itch went mild to none. I'll try to use it every other day for one week and will update you guys. The measurement I used was 2 tbsp of baking soda to 2 cups of distilled water. Hope this works for good!

Posted by C (Boston, Ma) on 11/11/2012

I have been struggling with BV for a few months now. I have been trying everything. I used the recommended honey solution and have been feeling great and fresh for a couple days now. I will be doing it again tomorrow to make sure but I this has been the best I solution I have tried so far. I used Manuka Honey too which is supposed to have more antimicrobial/antibacterial properties.

Posted by Amber (Los Angelos, California) on 09/17/2012

Hi my name is carol and I have had this BV crap for 12 years, I just do not know what to do anymore, I really do not, I have been to the gyn many times and tried just about evrything and Nothing has worked:(( my vagina smell was so bad it smelled up a whole room, that is beyond embarassing that is like sucide depresion for me, I wish I had known about bv , because the last thing a woman wants is a smell from down there, I never knew about ph balance down there, mine is 5.1 so that is bad, suppose to be lower, my diet is excellent and Im not a junk food person, no soda, just water and pure cranberry juice, Im so very sad and lonely, my friends have no idea what Im talking about, not even my mother, where did this bv come from? and start attacking all of us??? this thing is on the rise and soon it will be some sort of epidemic because it seems to have NO CURE!!! Im another person now, I do not even reconize me anymore, even at work I know they can smell me, u can not hide that fish smell, Im not gonna swallow a bunch of pills that do not work, the yogurt does not work because that is not the strain of lactobacillus u need :(( acv, tt oil cc oil did nothing, HP douche, no, I do not see anyone here who have really cured themselves:((( the gyn's need to do something, r we all suppose to live with discharge and fish odor till the day we die? frightning thought... Damn

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shomabe (Sheffield, Uk) on 09/12/2012

I too suffered with this for nearly a year and a half. I had various treatments including antibiotics for 5 days and also one dose of 5 tablets at once I also tried the internal creams but nothing cleared it completely. However, each treatment seemed to make it a little better each time. I did the common mistake of washing like mad with soap and this made the discharge worse. I finally got rid of it by going to my gp and asking for the 5 day course of metronidazole antibiotics and metronidazole gel as this worked better than the cream. I had aqueous cream to wash my vaginal area in the shower. I just put loads of this onto a flannel the same as I would shower gel as it is not perfumed. I also took 3 dried capsules of acidophilus in the morning with a yoghurt, 1 folic acid tablet and one of the dissolvable vitamin c tablets. I recently needed to have a smear done and while I was there I got the nurse to swab me for bv and the result came back clear..... Finally! :-). I hope this remedy helps anyone else unlucky enough to suffer with this as I know it's sooooo difficult to get rid of. Please let me know if it works for you.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Gm (Spring Hill, Fl - Florida) on 04/26/2012

I noticed that embarrassing, fishy smell that comes along with BV so I went to a clinic. The doctor who examined me said there was no odor or any signs of it but tested me, anyway. She returned with her tail between her legs and told me I tested positive for BV (it felt good being right! ) She gave me Flagyl, which I took as directed for 7 days. However, I noticed the other day that I wasn't feeling or smelling "right" again. I have a pH test kit for just such situations, so I used it last night and my pH was dangerously low, indicating another infection. I took out a new douche and carefully added some baking soda for alkalinity. This morning, there was no itch or odor, and my pH had risen to normal range. I would suggest buying pH test strips, which can be found at health food stores and are not expensive. You can monitor yourself at home and try home remedies before you drop $75 at the nearest clinic (and then God-know-how-much-more for a prescription! ) just to be told you have what you already thought you did. Be aware that I'm not a doctor and have no medical training. I'm going by how I felt when I saw a doctor only weeks ago and assumed that my condition didn't completely clear up. Good luck, ladies.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mel (Wash, Dc) on 05/23/2015

Works wonders- eliminate all carbs and sugar and you will cure BV

Posted by Jenniebee (Brooklyn, Ny, United States) on 01/07/2012

I had been suffering from bacterial vaginosis for several years. My doctor had suggested to me that it might be related to a hormone imbalance during my menstrual cycle (most likely caused by my years on birth control pills). I decided to insert a Goldenseal supplement into my vagina during my period. Afterwards, I realized that I had remained BV-free for the rest of the month. I've been doing this monthly and haven't had a problem since.

Probiotics Plus
Posted by Bree (Toronto, On) on 08/06/2011

Hi there! I've been a chronic BV (and yeast infection) sufferer for years. I've tried antibiotics, antifungals, oral probiotics, and folic acid to no avail! So I conducted an extensive research on the matter (I have access to scholarly research databases) and cured myself. Here's what I've done:

1. Vitamin D (2000 IU/day). Recent research show a direct correlation between Vit D deficiency and increased risk for BV. Vitamin D also promotes the regeneration of squamous epithelials that consists the mucousal lining of the vagina.

2. Femina Flora (1 capsule/night for 10 nights). This is a vaginal probiotic capsule with 10Billion CFU's of Lactobacilli species including Lactobacillus Rhamnosus which has shown ability to adhere to and colonize the vaginal walls. It also contains lactose (to feed the Lactobacilli) and Vitamin C (to assist in lowering the vaginal pH).

3. Oral probiotics. I suggest using FemDophilus or Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support. FemDophilus contains Lactobacillus Reuteri and Rhamnosus while Ultimate Flora contains Rhamnosus and other Lactobacilli species. Both aforementioned species are excellent in adhering to and thriving in the vaginal environment.

Note: These remedies don't have to be permanent. For example, if you live near the equator 15-20 mins in the sun without suscreen will provide you with 10, 000 IU of Vitamin D. Otherwise, you can supplement with 1000 IU once you're symptoms alleviate. Also, you can wean yourself off or lower your probiotics dosage after your symptoms are gone -- you can take 1 capsule every other day, then 2 capsules/week, then 1cap/week.

Good luck! ;)

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Isis (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/17/2012

Tea Tree oil saved my life. I had a bad case of BV for over a year and all the medication in the world wasn't helping. I developed a severe anxiety problem from the constant embarassment of the wretched smell that followed me everywhere. One day in my desperation for a cure I read about T. T. O and took a 100 organic cotton tampon and dipped it in a small portion of water mixed with drops of T. T. O. I kid you not, within two hours the smell was gone! After paying $35 I don't know how many times to buy these random different types of medication that the doctor was giving me that didn't even work, the T. T. O that was sitting in my medicine cabinet for half a year did the trick. Before spending money you don't have try T. T. O. and if by the end of the day it's not working, then perhaps you should think about getting medication.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marigold (Usa) on 06/17/2014

The peroxide was too strong, you probably burned your tissues. The strongest you should use is diluted 3%. You'll need to do some healing before you try anything again.

Also, do not use apple cider vinegar - only white vinegar, also very diluted or you'll have more tissue damage. The apple cider vinegar has natural yeasts/bacteria which can add to the problem instead of helping. Good luck!

Posted by Bee (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/10/2014

i just would like to point out.... DO NOT put vanilla yogurt in your vagina. use PLAIN YOGURT. yeast feeds off the sugar in yogurt and can possibly make you situation worse.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Pure (New York, Ny) on 12/04/2010


So like many women I have also been suffering from BV! I tried lots of remedies and all but the medicine seem to work. The hydrogen peroxide was working well but as soon as I would miss a session all symptoms would return. So I went to my local natural food mart and received some of the best info ever. The man strongly recommended that I douche every other day with 1liter of distilled water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. In addition to this I was to drink twice a day- 8oz of distilled water, with a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 1tablespoon of lemon juice and a little honey.

From my experience this is the remedy that has worked best for me. I stuck with it for 2 months and then started to slow down because I was healed. The health food clerk did tell me consistency was most important but I should stop when my body felt normal. So here I am about 6months later and I feel like it's back slightly because I can't where my tights and feel comfortable but it's much more manageable. I started just douching every other day 2wks ago and back to feeling great. Please give this remedy a try I believe this is the most effective as well as least damaging to my body. All the best. Keep us posted if you try this remedy.
