Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide, Probiotics
Posted by Nikki (Milwaukee, Wi) on 04/12/2010

WOW!!! I'm so glad I came across this site! I'm a married (faithfully) 30yr old that has been suffering from BV for at least a year. At first I didn't know what was wrong w/me. My main symptom was pain and burning during and after intercourse. Doc diagnosed me with bacterial vaginosis after a pap smear. She game me the pill, I think called metronidazole (or close to that) and an antifungal cream. I guess it helped slightly relieve symptoms for a week or so but not much relief. I didn't go back to the doc, it was embarrassing and I didn't want to take the pills again. they made me feel sick and didn't work anyways.

3 days ago I tried the hydrogen peroxide mixed with distilled H20 (1/2 and 1/2 mix) and douched (never done that before!) and IMMEDIATELY the smell was gone and my vagina felt like it did years ago! I was thrilled! I went to the store and bought probiotics took one orally and upon others recommendations put one in my vagina at bedtime. I used the pearl capsules. The next morning I woke up burning and itching like I had a major yeast infection. I douched with the peroxide mix and felt better. I took another probiotic that day orally, NO MORE in the crotch! I think that did me in for the yeast infection.I also used a dose of monistat the 2nd night to fight any yeast infection that may have been brewing down there. So I'm on day 4 of taking probiotic once a day orally and douching maybe once a day with the peroxide mix. I have to say I think this is working!!!! I'm so happy I have my normal happy good smelling crotch back! It was so embarrassing before. I always worried about the smell and the pain during sex. My husband and I had sex on day 3 and I had 0 pain!!! I made him wash himself downthere very good before sex.

I'm really hoping this continues to work for me, I'm so scared to get BV back. It's nasty, embarrassing and just plain miserable.I'm going to try to continue taking the acidophilus pill (probiotic) daily, and only douche when I feel BV coming on.

PLEASE...if your having the same problems give the hydrogen peroxide mixed with distilled water a try! I couldn't believe the IMMEDIATE relief I had. On a side note, don't be afraid that the hydrogen peroxide is bad for you. It occurs naturally in the vagina and we get yeast and bacterial infections when levels are too low. The point of the acidophilus pills (probiotics) is to increase these good bacteria that produce hydrogen peroxide.

Vitamin D
Posted by Sunriselady (Sunrise, Florida) on 12/23/2009

Hello fellow lady members...on this forum: I have not been a poster here. But I've learned tremendously from other's comments/questions and trials. I take probiotics regularly. And then stopped. Right I still take regular multivitamin.

I tried the Hydrogen Peroxide douches, this worked but only temporarily. The next thing are the boric acid capsules inserted twice a week vaginally. The boric acid worked a bit longer. But as soon as I stopped inserting them vaginally, the vaginosis returned.

Here is the only thing that worked for me... MY CURE. I am a very studious person, love to research in the library. Doctors always told me my labwork came back normal. You will not believe how simple it turned out to be. I increased the amount of Vitamin D. I added Vitamin D3 to the regular multivitamin that I take daily. I went to WholeFoods Supermarket and purchased VITAMIN D3 (IT MUST BE D3). I take 2000 IU of Vitamin D3. And I also still take the multivitamin. LADIES THIS WORKED for me. We american's dont get enough sunshine cause we drive everywhere and wear sunblock, etc. Also I have always worked fulltime in a desk job. NO SUNLIGHT. EVER. Only get sun during the minutes I drive. Also I've stopped drinking milk due to intolerance, so I don't get vitamin D from milk either.

I researched at a medical library, the effects of being low on sunshine (or vitamin D)....and BV (vaginosis) is a side-effect of not getting enough vitamin D !!!! The medical article said that women with this BV (fishy odor) condition should be taking at least 2000 IU per day.

Warning is you should not take over 5000 IU. THE GOOD NEWS is, I've been BV free ever since. No odor, not even after sexual relations, NO ODOR at all. One thing is to take it religiously along with a multivitamin and a probiotic. And wait at least one month to see results. Also I stopped douching anymore. But this did it for me! Try it it's worth a try! I was desperate and Ifinally found this CURE for me personally after having this awful BV for almost one year and a half....have a happy holiday! Spread this solution to other ladies suffering unnecessarily.

Posted by Chrysalis (Los Angeles, California) on 04/14/2012

Hello sisters. I just came down with BV for the first time in my life. I feel all of your pain. BV is unacceptable! I strongly believe the underlying problem that causes BV (and tons of other ailments) is an overly acidic body. The standard American diet (SAD) perpetuates an acidic body, which is a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses. Healthy body functions depends on an ALKALINE environment. You do need to shift your diet if you want to beat BV for the long haul. There is lots of info online about which foods help promote an alkaline body. You need to eliminate all of the things that we intuitively know are bad - sugar, coffee, processed foods, dairy, meats, bread. Sorry, I know this sounds impossible. Also, try reading "The pH Miracle" by Robert Young. A quick way to alkalize your body is a lemon/baking soda concoction. Add about a 1/2 tsp of baking soda to a glass of water with half or whole fresh lemon. Sweeten with a couple drops of stevia if necessary. I drink this twice a day when I feel a cold coming on and it stops it every time. I also eat several cloves of raw garlic. So the moral of the story - ALKALIZE ALKALIZE ALKALIZE. I promise you will feel better. Good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cheri (Titletown, FL) on 10/08/2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Cures: This is long, but I hope VERY helpful. The reason I listed the subject as I did is because this post is based on weeks of research on various websites, forums and personal experimentation. I have tried my best to condense all of the best and most useful info I could find on this subject.

I DO encourage anyone suffering from this to do as much research as they can, but if you are not good at research or do not have the time, I think this post will be helpful to you.

First,my story/symptoms- i am 40 and have had yeast infections from time to time during my adulthood. Have always treated them with OTC treatment that has worked well for me. A few weeks ago I felt that unmistakable itch that has always, for me, signaled a yeast infection. I tried the usual OTC. Didn't work...hmmmmmmmm. tried it again, didn't work again. That's when I realized I'm dealing with something else this time. Begin with the research and reading- I'm 99.9% sure I have BV. Looked at the "official" info websites on the subject. They give great info on the causes but all treatment suggestions send you to your Dr, where they promptly give you a pelvic and a dose of antibiotics. After reading hundreds of posts from ladies that followed that course-went to Dr, got antibiotics, got temporary relief and BV keeps coming back; I decided to try and treat myself from the get-go. If you make that choice also, please do it carefully. I am NOT one of those folks who doesn't believe in going to the Dr. But after all I've read, it is my strong opinion that the general medical community has really dropped the ball on this problem. All they seem to do is throw antibiotics at you; which at best gives you temporary relief only to have BV return. At worst, temp relief of BV, but a lovely yeast infection in it's place.
OK, Off the soapbox and on with the info....

First I'm going to talk about the WHY. If you've been to other sites you may know this already, so skip it. If not read on.

The vagina is an interesting little ecosystem. Basically you have "good" bacteria that live there and keep everything happy. The environment of the vagina needs to be acidic (3.5-4.5) Just a little primer on the PH scale...0-14, 0 is extreme acidic, 14 is extreme alkaline. If your PH gets off and moves toward the higher end, your Good bacteria die and bad bacteria take over-thus BV. Or a yeast infection. Either one lives at the more alkaline. The acidity/good bacteria is a circle. The good bacteria help keep the acid right and the acid keeps the good bacteria alive. If you need more info on whether you have a bacterial infection or a yeast infection, that is pretty easy to find here and all over the web. My info is designed for gals that pretty much know they have BV.

OK...what now??? Another gal put the treatment process very succinctly and I'm basically repeating her thoughts.

1. Kill bad bacteria
2. Make environment in vagina more acidic.
3. Re-introduce good bacteria.
4. Find out what is causing yours and prevent. This is a mystery, I think there may be more to BV than what we currently know. There are Soooooo many ways your ph can become unbalanced and cause this. Educate yourself as much as possible and try to figure out your why.

The tools I have found that seem to work the best for the most people are these:
(I will tell you how to use each) You can find all of this at a health food store.

1.Hydrogen Peroxide
2.Folic Acid
3.Tea Tree Oil
4.Apple Cider Vinegar

1.Peroxide-Good all around cleasing agent. The bad bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in the absence of oxygen. The good bacteria are aerobic, the opposite. Peroxide floods the vagina with an environment that the bad stuff hates.
2.Folic Acid-I don't know why or really if this actually works, but a LOT of women swear by it and it can't hurt you-so why not.If anyone has more info on why Folic acid works please let me know.
3.Tea Tree Oil- This is a great natural TOPICAL antibiotic. There are others also, but Tea Tree is easy to come by and inexpensive and goes a long way.
4.Apple Cider Vinegar-This is a natural, inexpensive acid. Some gals insist on getting the kind with the "mother". You can find this at natural food stores.
5.Probiotics- I cannot (because this would be unbearibly long) go into all the details of the various strains of bacteria that should be living in your vagina. There is soooo much info out there to read on this(and I suggest you do)So I'm going to be VERY basic. Lactobacillus Acidolphis is one of the strains you need and can be easliy bought and administered.

OK, now for actual treatment. Other tools you will need other than the ones listed above are-
1. A small syringe. Get the type that has a bulb on the end. Designed for giving children medicine. Looks like a large eye dropper or a tiny turkey baster. Found mine at Wallgreens.
2. Tampons- get the kind that have different sizes. You will use the small tampon in the large applicator.

How to use these tools for treatment:
Take 800 mg of Folic Acid in the morning and 400mg at night.

You can rinse with the Peroxide first or anytime the discharge is bad. I found no problem with using it full strength. You can dilute if it bothers you. Draw it up into the syringe, insert as you would a tampon and squeeze it out while the syringe is inside. You can repeat this a couple of times.

Tea Tree Oil. This is where you use the tampons. Take out a small one and a large one, remove both tampons from their applicators. Throw out the small applicator and the large tampon. The reason you are doing this is(duh) a tampon swells when it is wet, so you have to get it saturated with oil THEN insert. Use the syringe to draw up some of the oil. saturate the small tampon with the oil. place the tampon in the large applicator and insert. leave in for up to 3 hrs. This is the A-Bomb for the bad bacteria! Take out and wait a few hours before the vinegar.

Vinegar. I found that the vinegar will burn if you do not dilute heavily. Find a level that is comfortable for you. You can either use your diluted mixture to rinse inside as you did with the peroxide or can saturate a tampon as you did with the oil. This will bring your Ph over to the acid side and make it a nice place for the good stuff to grow.

Acidophilus. This one has the most latitude. Probiotics come in capsules, tablets, "liquid", and in various foods. Most strains cannot migrate from your digestive tract to your vagina. Sooooo, the best way to adminiser these babies is to put them right where they need to be. i found that the capsules didn't disolve in the vagina as they would in the stomach, so I found an Acidophilus that is in a kind of liquid form. It actually looks like a runny yogurt. This is an easy method to get the little guys where they need to be. Use the syringe and insert a couple of teaspoons inside.

I found it best to use the Peroxide, Oil, and Vinegar during the day and the acidophilus in the evening before bed. That way it's not so messy (put on a pair of COTTON undies) also allows the whole night for them to multiply.
As for taking probiotics orally, certianly can't hurt and may help a lot. So take them orally in conjuction with vaginally.

I had results from this treatment plan in one day. I hope to get some feedback with others experiences. Sorry this was so long, but I hope it helps. This is such an awful problem and there aren't that many real answers out there.

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by MARIE (BOCA RATON, FLORIDA) on 07/16/2007

I've had the bacterial infection for over 5 years and i tried everything from cream to gel. i finally took the time to look into this and see what else can be done. i used the apple cider vinegar with yogurt and the smell and discharge was gone instantly, i still cant believe it worked that fast. when i shower i just splash a little of acv on my private area to keep the bacteria from comin back. this remedy definetly works so if anyone wants to know what to do they can use this remedy it works. i though that i would never get rid of this and it has been a blessing.

Posted by Nic (Biloxi, Mississippi ) on 08/11/2023

I've had bv for years. And I mean YEARS. It's hard to get rid of! It comes back after sex and my cycle. I've taken all types of antibiotics and creams— home remedies… Everything. IT. ALWAYS. COMES. BACK. But the ONLY THING that has worked is raw garlic.. a few women talked about this YEARS AGO and I was too scared to give it a try.. but I finally did and I'm so glad! I used to be self conscious about having sex because every single time I would have sex it would come back— it was really taking a toll on my sex life. All I can say is, I had sex the other day—- no smell and the smell still hasn't come back. If I have to eat raw garlic for the rest of my life, I'm fine with that. Its inexpensive and its literally an ingredient in a lot of the foods I eat anyway.. Thank you garlic! 🧄

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Susan (Hampton, Va) on 12/08/2022

After trying dozens of different treatments, I was able to cure bacterial vaginosis using maximum-strength GSE as a douche. One drop of liquid concentrate GSE per one ounce of water right before bedtime. After more than a month and no success with various treatments, I was losing my mind from the incessant itching. After the second night of douching with the Grapefruit Seed Extract solution, all itching was completely gone. I continued for five more nights to be sure it was truly gone. I hope this helps someone. It felt like a miracle to me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becca (Colorado) on 02/20/2020

I contracted BV after having my fallopian tubes removed and from then on having unprotected sex with my husband. This subtle shift changed the terrain and pH. I tried hydrogen peroxide tampons and probiotics for weeks to no avail. Within 24 hours of a wash/douche of ACV and water, the tides turned and the discharge is minimal and odorless. I used only 1/2 t. to 1 C water (yikes to the ladies using it straight!!) and this was enough to reboot my pH and system. Just that, nothing else. Truly fabulous.

Posted by Chris (Albuquerque, NM) on 10/10/2019

Had a mild case going on for over a year. Boric Acid suppositories DO work, but it'd come back a week later. My Acupuncture Dr recommended Monolaurin, which is a capsule you take orally. It is the antibacterial factor in coconuts. She thought I had too much gut bacteria, so the acidopholis was fighting my gut health, and unable to make it to my female area. She told me I'd have bad stomach pain from the die off in my gut. Oh and was she right. I was drinking Pepto Bismal for a week. Then, I was fine, and my BV has never come back! Now my probiotics can get to where they need to go. I take the Monolaurin every day now. Has helped clear up my constant sinus issues as well.

Posted by Becky (Boston, Massachusetts) on 12/01/2018

It worked. By day 5 I was cured. I finished the 7 days to be sure.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by She Ready (Mo) on 08/15/2018

Hello ladies, I'm a naturalist and believe in holistic approaches first. Disclaimer: there may come a point where the infection may be out of control so you need to go see OBGYN right away. First I will say everyone is different, our bodies and our lifestyle makes a huge impact on the Vagina. Most ladies misdiagnose themselves which leads to more problems. It's important to know what you dealing with to treat it properly.

With that being said one of the best and quickest cures for Yeast and Bacteria is boric acid. It's important that you use quality boric acid and the correct dosage otherwise you will not get any relief.

Also, another cure all is ACV (diluted) and sea salt. Never ever douche, either use suppositories or tampons soaked in the solution or take a sitz bath (twice a day). ACV does take a little longer to cure but it helps with any itching. I will also add tea tree oil is similar to ACV. None of these cures will work if you do not concentrate on your internal body.

Eating healthy, drinking water, cutting down on alcohol and sweets will make a tremendous difference but also adding vitamins. A vitamin that acts as a hormone that over 60% of the population is lacking is D3 and one of the many symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency is BV.

Also, it's good to add folic acid and calcium. A good multi-vitamin would be helpful everyday regardless if you have an infection. I guarantee if you start with prevention first you will not experience either infection and if you do it will be minor and will clear up within a week using the above methods. Lastly, be careful what you put into your vagina, you can cause more havoc then the original infection, one being vagina dermatitis similar to eczema from which so many products have stripped, dried and cause an infection of the actual skin.

Posted by Mrs. Canadian (Haverhill , Fl ) on 03/01/2018

You have to make sure you change your diet too. If you just insert garlic and still eat horrible I.e sweets, high carb then it is useless.

Posted by Abcde (Philippines) on 03/10/2018

Try drinking a 1 glass of water with small amount of baking soda before you sleep. The water must be cooled. Take vitamins too, this method help me a lot. I tried hydrogen peroxide, folic acid, probiotics, apple cider but this simple thing helps me. Hope you too.

Posted by Lady B (Chicago, Il) on 06/11/2017

Hi Abby,

Since I've been taking the iron consistently (one tablet per day) I haven't had any more issues at all. No more odor, no more panty liners. It's been three months since I have posted here so I just wanted to come back and update everyone. Hope you gals find relief!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lizj (Nc ) on 01/27/2017

Thank you so much for this website guys! I don't know what I would have done if I didn't stumble upon it! I've had BV for 10 years and I've tried everything to fix it. I'm not a dirty person, so I'm guessing it's my diet. I'm only on my third day of using the hydrogen peroxide, acidophilus and folic acid remedy. I've also changed my diet, but I can say so far so good!! I DO NOT want to jinx myself, but (TMI) I did a wiff test and I didn't smell anything and usually I would smell at least a little bit of something.. But not this time! And no discharge! I'm so relieved!! I'm sure you guys understand!! I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now for the rest of my remedy (total of 7/10 days) and hopefully it'll stay away!!

This is what I've been doing:

Starting in the morning.. I take one acidophilus probiotic. One folic acid. And I'm also taking a lot of vitamin C to boost my immune system. I also eat plain organic Greek yogurt and cut up some fruit into it to make it taste better. Apples work the best :). I take a shower and wash myself out with 1/4 cup of peroxide and 1/4 warm water. And then, instead of using my regular body wash, I wash my body with 2 tbs of baking soda and warm water to balance my pH. After I'm done I put one acidophilus into my vagina. At night.. I take more vitamin C and one more acidophilus. Wearing cotton undies and loose clothing helps! And that's it!!

I hope this helps someone, because I know how much this stupid infection sucks! My self-confidence is so low now, but I can already tell it's going to get better. I'll try to update on my 5th day. Stay healthy :)

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by Hippie (North Georgia) on 11/08/2016

Did you take the acidophilus orally or insert vaginally?

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by Cocooh (Cincinnati, Oh) on 05/28/2017

OK, I didn't do the douche. That's the absolute last resort

Instead, I did a ACV and warm water sitz bath for 20 minutes- ish. Took shower (I use Dove Soap).

Vaginally inserted a diy suppository that consisted of organic unrefined coconut oil and tea tree oil. I put about 1.5 tsp (?) amount in ice cube tray and froze before hand. Placed a pad into cotton underwear and viola! I'm hoping this works. Will update.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Danielle (Atlanta ) on 01/05/2017

I am purchasing the Collodial Silver in the morning. I have been suffering from Bv since 12/1/14. I've seen 3 different OB/GYN and they always prescribe Flagyl, Clyndamicin and Metrogel all of these antibiotics used to work;but now I have been battling for a cure. I've spent over 1000.00 buying medicines that do not work. I think it is so sad that doctors and scientists will allow us to suffer. I pray that every woman battling this infection NEVER give up on their health. God knows we've suffered through childbirth and we should be able to live in peace without crying all night away from our family.

Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
Posted by Dr.sebibaby (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/18/2016

I kept having reoccurring episodes of bv. I wasn't having sex at the time, I only used mild, fragrance soap to wash my vaginal area and I used the same clothes detergent for years so why the reoccurance I have no idea. I did some research and figured that if it's an over growth of the bad bacteria why not add some of the good bacteria to balance it.

I bought a box of 2 vinegar and water douche bottles (I got the ones with the applicator that you can screw off and replace the top of the bottle with a cap), probiotics Acidophilus (capsules) and hydrogen peroxide. I emptied out one of the pre-filled douche bottles and rinsed it with warm water (I know I said vinegar and water like it mattered but I'd rather rinse out something natural then something that had artificial fragrance in it. And traces of vinegar wouldn't hurt much.)

I added maybe an inch to an inch and a half of hydrogen peroxide to the empty bottle; opened up a capsule of the probiotic Acidophilus and emptied the contents of that in the bottle and added warm water. Let the mixture dissolve before using. I would use it in the shower after I wash up, re-filling the bottle with just plain warm water and douching another 4-5 times.

I did this daily for about 5-7 nights a week and even noticed the signature bad smell was gone the very next morning. By the end of the second day the discharge had lessened and the odor remained gone. I would skip a few days and do it again for another 3-4 days. I re used my douche bottle for about a month before I discarded it. I'd replace the cap on top of the bottle and would clean the applicator with plain warm water and my clean hands, wrap it in a clean paper towel and place it in a clean zip lock gallon bag and sealed it. (I'm a nurse and this is the closest I could come up with as far as a clean technique goes)

I'm still on the quest to find out just why women keep suffering from this. Maybe it's our diet or side effects from my birth control days, I don't know. But I hope this remedy gives helps someone out.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jane (Nyc, Ny) on 09/10/2016

Ok so I NEVER write on these things but this is something important I truly feel every woman battling with BV should read. This is gunna be long but just bear with me. I was diagnosed with BV for the first time in December 2010 when I was 18. The Dr. prescribed me the mertronidozal gel for 5 nights, did it all 5 nights and it was completely cleared..all up until this passed December 2015. I was with my now boyfriend who I was already with for 5 months at the time, we were having sex just like we usually do and afterwards I smelt that same horrible smell I smelt back in 2010 and knew I had to call my gyno. So I went got swabbed and of course it was BV..once again took metro gel for 5 nights and everything was fine..but what do ya know a few months later in March it happened again after sex, got the metro gel and it was fine..after that dose I ended up getting my period and the day my period was finished I had that same this point I'm freaking out and went to the dr got the metro and asked if she suggested I take anything to help prevent this..she told me acidophilus. So I went home with the metro gel and bought acidophilus 1 billion and started taking three a day along with doing the course of metro gel. the metro gel worked but right after my next period was over and after sex I would get the was literally ruining my sex life especially because I was trying to hide it from my bf. I was doing so much research on how to get rid of it and I found a multi-strain probiotic for women so I started taking those once a day along with acidophilus..i thought it was working but everytime after sex and after my period the horrible smell would come right now it's September 2016, still have the same issue but I finally came upon this website..i saw so much about folic acid and acidophilus mixed together..

so I went out and bought folic acid 400 mg, vitamin C with rose hips 1000 mg, and some organic ACV..

Thursday I took my normal 3 acidophilus a day, one multi-strain probiotic, three folic acid, one vitamin C pill..I then added 1 tbsp of ACV to my water bottle drank the entire thing and soaked a tampon in half ACV half water and put it in for an hour..

I repeated this for three days..

it is now Saturday there is no smell and to make things even more exciting I had sex with my boyfriend this afternoon and there was no smell just normal..idk if it's the folic acid or all these things combined but it really worked..I'm gunna keep doing the pills everyday along with ACV in my water bottle and try to lay off on the ACV soaked tampon until my period comes back, I will then do the soaked tampon a few days after it ends to make sure things are all in tact down there..keep trying to find what works best for you ladies this bv crap is no joke!

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by Jazz (Charlotte ) on 10/12/2016

thank you for sharing your experience. Yesterday I made the mistake of mixing Apple Cider Vinegar with tap water 60(acv)/40(tapwater), once inserted vaginally. I instantly felt a sharp pain. It continued and worsened terribly, over a three hour period. Finally my stomach pain started to subside, but then strangely when I went to urinate, a lightly bloody discharge was present. Confused I turned to google, and found your experience. Relieved to know the burning from the Apple Cider Vinegar is natural. I'm scheduling a doctor appointment for the new discharge that followed with the side effects and will update if any new discoveries are found as a result of using acv.

Prescription Medications
Posted by Anon (Arkansas) on 06/21/2015

I am telling my story because I swore if I ever got rid of BV I would share what my cure was. I had this condition for over a year. Saw a doctor, what he prescribed did not work. I couldnt afford to keep going back, no insurance. I tried anything and every home remedy, including the boric acid. Did not work. Very frusrating. Cried many nights. Was feeling like I would just have to live with it the rest of my life. Finally I did go back to the doctor, a different one, and he prescribed me: Fluconazole AND Metronidazole. THESE PRESCRIPTIONS WORKED. I have been healthy since February. The end.

Posted by Lynn (California) on 11/09/2017

I know this is an old post but hoping someone sees this comment and has an answer.

I don't understand how alkalizing the body works for BV. BV happens when your vaginal pH is more alkaline. Normal is 3.4 - 4.5 and once it goes over 4.5, then you start to see bacteria taking hold and developing BV. So if you alkalize yourself even more, how does that stop the BV?

My pH is currently 6.5 and was told it's due to menopause (3.5 yrs post menopause now) which can lead to BV (which I seem to have right now based on symptoms). Menopause dryness can lead to a higher pH.

Just wondering how this works.

Liver and Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 07/12/2017

The liver flush would be helpful indirectly but I would consider direct application of colloidal silver as it is a natural antibiotic and you should see improvements within a few days.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jane (Texas, US) on 08/30/2014

My problems with BV started several years ago when I was having unprotected sex with a particular partner. I'd never had any problems with it before. I think with age my vagina became more alkaline. Sperm is alkaline and the vagina is acidic so when the alkaline is introduced it can mess up the acidity of your vagina and cause the foul odor. Even though I haven't been having sex, I still have chronic BV. My vagina has never been the same. Ugh.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kim (Washington, US) on 10/22/2014

I can completely understand your misery! Another user recommended ingesting virgin coconut oil, but if that sounds icky, try swishing it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes every morning and then spitting it out. This is called oil pulling and I discovered quite by accident that it must balance either the good and bad bacteria or the pH of the vagina, because I'm cured after dealing with bv for four years! Before I discovered oil pulling, a few other things helped lessen my symptoms:

-avoiding sugar.

-using a mix of Apple cider vinegar and water as a douche and feminine wash.

-a homemade suppository of coconut oil mixed with the contents of an acidophilus capsule.

-daily probiotic supplements.

These things helped but didn't solve the problem. But since I began oil pulling I no longer douche, and I save tons of money because I no longer have to take tons of probiotics every day. What a huge relief! I hope this helps!

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by Unique (Woodbury) on 01/14/2017

Yes! I keep spray bottle of acv close to bathroom but not in it...acv sitting in bathroom may cause "it" to grow bacteria in it.... Just spraying it on tissue and dabbing it around to vaginal area then drying area works....anyone suffering needs to try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Posted by Chan (Texas) on 04/02/2017

How much lemon and ACV did you use in your spray bottle?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Daphil (Buffalo, Ny) on 01/24/2014

This helped me, and I came across it almost by accident. I have had bv for about 3 years, but never really understood it. Took antibiotics and assumed I was better. I consider myself lucky because I do not get a fishy smell...a somewhat unpleasant smell yes, but not fishy nor do I get copious amounts of milky white discharge...just some yellowish discharge that tends to be thick. I also get itchy. And it has caused me some pretty bad depression. I have also done the at home ph tests that have all said that my ph is normal down there. So I kept assuming it was a yeast problem. Until recently I went to the dr because I was very itchy down there, and also mentioned the unpleasant smell.

I was tested for bv, and lo and behold, yep I have it again. I was given Flagyl oral, which worked, but after a few weeks I felt that I was creeping back to bv again. So I did some research. Loaded up on information. Did the hydrogen peroxide douche and probiotics, vaginally and orally. This helped. I went back to my dr to see if I still had bv or if I had cleared it.

My results were inconclusive. What?! I was told I might have it...I might not. That there was nothing really specific on my culture. I was beyond frustrated, in tears. Where do I go from here? Am I starting to clear the infection or am I heading back to bv? I was told if I started having symptoms again to come back and get more antibiotics.

I was due for my period so I decided to wait until that was over and see how I felt. In the meantime, I decided to take charge of my health. I ate very poorly...sugars and breads were what I lived on. I was feeding the bacteria! I cut those out of my diet. Stopped drinking coffee. Drank lots of water. I was determined to get my body back in balance. I decided to do a natural herbal parasite detox. The first day of the detox, just hours after my first dose...I had little to no discharge, no odor, no itching! I have always had discharge, even when I was younger and did not have bv. The second day...little to no discharge, no odor, no itching! I was flabbergasted. But I got my period and thought that maybe it was just hopeful thinking. I continued the detox for the 10 days...and when my period was over...little to no discharge, no odor, no itching. I had not expected this to happen!

Some of the key ingredients to this detox were herbal remedies that I had read about that were supposed to help bv, but didn't know where to start with them...garlic, cranberry, black walnut, goldenseal, and Echinacea. All in one capsule. Just go online and search for natural parasite cleanse.

I am still taking a women's probiotic daily. I take vitamin D3, vitamin c, and folic acid along with a regular multivitamin daily. I have started to take several of the detox ingredients as supplements. I wash my vaginal area daily with white vinegar and water. So far, I do not feel I have any symptoms.

I don't know if this is a long term solution or not. I hope it is. I hope this might help someone else out there who is plagued by this awful condition. I think everybody responds differently to different treatments, but this one is worth a try!
