Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by Clyde (Chesapeake, VA) on 06/21/2008

Fresh Ginger Root also helps Acid reflux and IBS. peel off a small teaspoon size chunk of the root (after peeling and rinsing) chew it well
NOTE: the root is very spicy (hot) but not too bad.

Posted by Mike (Chicago, IL) on 06/17/2008

Banana is the only thing besides Pepcid AC that has cured my acid reflux. I always eat one or two before I drink any alchohol and it works great every time.

Posted by Ross (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 06/14/2008

I used Ibuprofin for at least 20 years ( Ate them like candy.Thought they were like crack for pain) Then I developed Reflux. Tried everything. Until I stopped taking any NSAIDS there was no respite. What has worked for me is boiled ginger root tea, strained and kept cool, after a meal.(3oz). This has really helped me and the reflux is now barely noticable. I now use tramadol and Tylenol for pain. ( I have diabetic neropathy (sp?) so I need some relief for that). No connection with those painkillers, but definitely with Ibuprofin.

Reduce Stress
Posted by Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 05/19/2008

Stress was cause of my Acid Reflux:

3 weeks ago today after lunch at work, I had experienced some acid reflux pain. It was beyond heartburn and made me concerned. I wasn't sure why I was having this so I researched online. The cause: Not digesting my food properly.

So I spent money on digestive enzymes and stress reduction supplements - $50. Then I returned the next morning buying a Chinese herbal remedy supplement - $30. After not sleeping still from the pain at night, I decided to see the doctor and get a prescription for Prevacid - $25. I tested my ph and it was 5.5 so I bought a body ph reduction supplement - $25. Then another supplement - $20. All of this with no relief.

Finally, I tried Apple Cider Vinegar which helped ($4) and allowed me to sleep at night, but during the day and in the evenings, the suffering continued. I couldn't eat this and can't eat that. I overall dropped 10 pounds in almost 3 weeks. I was convinced I had an ulcer or maybe CANCER!

Finally after consulting with family and self-evaluation and insufficient funds at the bank, I found the root-cause of my Acid Reflux - Stress and Worrying!!! I tried relaxation techniques and positive thinking, and last night at dinner, I ate a veggie burger with a WHEAT bun and salad with RANCH DRESSING and FRIED SHRIMP and HOT SOUP and had almost zero problems afterwards. Today, I have had no Apple Cider Vinegar and the stress is down. My Acid Reflux is so much better and is improving. My esophagus is so imflammed still and will need time to fully heal. But in my case, my Stress and Worry caused my problem. Before you decide that you are stuck with Acid Reflux forever, try relaxing first. That may be your problem - Stress!!

I was having stress at work and tend to be a worry-wart at heart. I am my mother's child. She died of pancreatic cancer at age 51. She was under constant stress all her life. I'll be 25 next month and plan on living a long time. Stress will not kill me!

Also, another important thing too is to be calm when I eat. That makes such a big difference!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Laurie (Springfield, Va) on 05/14/2008

Just a note about Aloe juice. The best brand, in my experience, is George's as it has no taste. The only warning I would have about aloe for acid reflux, is that it can, as it did in my case, act as a pretty potent laxative so just be aware of that if you are planning to try it. Thanks for all the helpful ideas.

Posted by Mike (Raleigh, NC) on 05/12/2008

For Acid Reflux: Bananas, folks. Eat them for breakfast and before bedtime. Works better than anything else I've tried and they're good for you, too.

Reader Theories
Posted by Patricia (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/09/2008

Wow! Have been on Pantoloc for over a year for acid reflux that was caused by SSRI anitdepressants - even on the Pantoloc I have pain. Didn't realize the sore throat was related until I checked in on your site - thought I had throat cancer!! So thanks for that! Am going to try the ACV. And yes, as many of you have said there are two causes of this disease too much vs not enough stomach acid. Have done a lot of research on the acid/alkaline aspect once I discovered that prolonged use of antacids can actually cause stomach or pancreatic cancer - the reason being that for those with too little acid, taking antacids to neutralize the stomach causes your body to keep producing more acid to try to make up the difference. Cancer thrives in acidic conditions. Thanks for the info - will report back with results!

Posted by The Doll (Lake Charles, La) on 06/17/2010

Okay, I thought WTH? I been suffering for days and can't get to the store to buy anything. I have tried Milk of Mag, and Tums. Although a couple of months ago I was taking Prevacid every day for about 30 days and had not problems for about a month after I stopped taking it. I decided to give vinegar a try because I had it on hand and it made it worse for me. I just tried the mustard about a minute before I started typing this email, and I pray it is not just my mind playing tricks on me, but I feel the difference... As of now, I would say IT WORKS!

Posted by Alita (USA) on 03/03/2008

I'll try to keep the history of my acid reflux short, as it pretty much reiterates many other people's experiences. Over the past 10 years I have figured out that my triggers are: 1st and foremost painkillers, particularly Ibuprofen, but the only thing I can take (IF I drink plenty of water or eat with it), is Tylenol. I can't do Sudafed either, and I try to stay away from meds as much as possible. 2nd trigger: dairy, plain and simple, it is very predictable. If I have too much dairy I can count on the fact that I'll be up that night. It's funny, there have been times I'm up struggling with this, and my husband will say "well, you had that ice cream (or whatever) earlier didn't you?", and then I remember, and know that it isn't all in my head, dairy does in fact aggravate it too. However, goats milk is much more tolerable in moderation, than cow products, I know that the proteins are different between the two, but other than that I don't know why it isn't so aggravating. I did Prevacid for a while initially, which controlled it slightly, but not enough. The turning point for me when I started being able to finally gain some control over this, was with an herbal product by "HERB PHARM" called "Neutralizing Cordial". Also, carbo veg homeopathic remedy has helped a lot, so lately I have been able to control it with that and/or Rolaids, (which I would prefer to get away from as well). By learning my triggers over the years and adding these natural remedies into my repertoire, I have been able to manage this and have found that when I'm doing ok I can eat anything, and that when I'm prone to this, anything will aggravate it. All that was prior to last week; THEN, the other day I followed a pop-up ad from (great web-site by the way) where a guy is selling some booklet about his acid reflux discovery (didn't by his book yet, where he claims to have a cure for it). But, he did vaguely mention his initial apple discovery helping acid reflux. I tried it that night, thinking "it can't really be this simple can it", and low and behold, it was. I kept expecting to wake up choking with acid, and it never happened. Every night (but 1) I have been eating an apple (or a few slices) after dinner/before bed and it is the first time anything has helped so completely!! The night I forgot, I had to take 2 Rolaids, which I realized had been helping me only minimally compared to the apple. What else is there to say, it certainly can't hurt! I fully expect that this will continue to help, as it's already proven to be far more effective than anything I've tried thus far. It just reminds me that in life, sometimes the best things don't have to be complicated or expensive to be valuable, we get so busy trying to "over-think" things sometimes, that we overlook the simple, basic things that are right in front of us. I wish you luck on your own journey of discovery.

Posted by Muktar (Minneapolis, MN) on 02/14/2008 5 posts

I am a 22 year old male and I have being struggling with acid reflux with sometime now. I have found that the cure for this disease is very simple. all you need is two eggs, two slices of bread and a long glass of milk. that's right just scramble some eggs with just a touch of salt and stick it between two slices of bread and wash it down with a large glass of cold milk and your cured, you will sleep like a baby.

Reader Theories
Posted by Mike (Chicago, IL) on 02/02/2008

Hi there, Wanted to thank you TREMENDOUSLY for this wonderful website! I've been a purple pill victim for about a year now. Until this past year, I used to get reflux on occasion, then I moved to Chicago last January and ever since, I've suffered from terrible reflux. Last November, I couldn't even enjoy Thanksgiving because the reflux was so bad. I would only consume water, soups and yogurt. After months of my own research and the pathetic research of quite a few western physicians, my problem seems to be going away. Granted, I'm still supposed to take 2 purple pills/day, but I only take 1 as of last week when I first encountered your site. After reading articles on your website last week, I decided to change 2 things:

--I stopped drinking the chlorinated tap water from the City of Chicago (which some claim is the cleanest/healthiest water in the US. Well, I can almost guarantee this water has been the main culprit of my reflux. I remember purchasing a water purifier that removes chlorine around March of last year. Then I used the water filter until about August, when it needed a new filter. During this time, my reflux was not too bad (but it was still present) and I was only taking 1 purple pill per day. Then after needing a new filter, time lapsed and I just went back to drinking city water. What do you know, I started suffering really bad around the end of October. At this time I went back to the doctor and they upped my purple pills to 2/day. I started to feel better, but never really recovered. After reading your articles, I bought a new water filter and a week's worth of spring water. All of a sudden, I'm feeling really really good -- Hmmmmm??

--The other change that I made just one week ago was the addition of Apple Cider Vinegar to my diet.

Because I made these changes at the same time, I'm not sure who should get the credit, but I really don't want to stop either one of them as I never want that feeling again! I cannot begin to express my gratitude but this site is awesome! Thank you!"

Aloe Vera
Posted by Ellen (Scott City, Kansas) on 01/10/2008

Take Aloe vera for acid reflux treatment

Aloe Vera
Posted by Taco13 (Millard, Ne) on 09/03/2012

To: E. S. From Gulf Shores, AL; Just curious, did your symptoms start shortly after any military service or vacinations? An earlier post said his started right after a flu shot. The first time I remember having any reflux was during the gulf war right after we received all of our vacinations. I also experinced food getting lodged in my throat and having to vomit so I could breathe during this same time. Wondering if there is a connection.

Posted by Mary (British Columbia, Canada) on 01/07/2008


For about a year I have been bothered periodically by acid reflux. In December 2007, it traumatized my throat and I was having trouble swallowing vitamin pills. The doctor urged me to take Pantaloc. I took one pill and within a day developed erythema nodosum with excruciatingly painful joints and red blotches all over my lower legs. The doctor tested for all other causes, but it was likely an allergic reaction to the sulfur in the drug. Ironically I took Ibuprofen for the joint pain which only made the acid reflux worse. I also now notice that I have developed vertical ridges on my nails and loss of the white half moon on all but the thumbs. The Internet tells me that this is due to a B12 deficiency due to use of antacids. Do a search on "B12 Antacids nail ridges" to read about the potential adverse effects (memory loss, etc). I immediately swore off antacids (even Tums) and went hunting online for natural acid reflux remedies and found your great site. Yesterday I used ACV in water and it cleared up the reflux almost immediately. I will be purchasing the organic today. MANY THANKS!

Posted by John (Slana, Alaska) on 01/07/2008

I just wanted to share the cure for Acid Reflux with y'all. I suffered with Acid Reflux for years; I couldn't drink a glass of water without an attack, until I tried the following method.

On a daily basis take a couple Papaya Enzyme tablets and a Fenugreek capsule with each meal; and once a day drink a 16oz fruit smoothy w/Aloe Vera juice replacing 2/3s the apple juice used to make the smoothy. Within three days, my reflux was gone. Within two weeks I was eating anything I wanted with no reflux at all. I haven't had Acid Reflux since then (four years.)

P.S. I'm the kind of guy who enjoys a bowl of chili at midnight; this cure works.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jaci (Fremont, CA) on 01/02/2008

Guess what I just learned. Instead of trying to calm the acid in our stomachs, it is timing of production of the acid. By taking a thumbnail amount of ginger (even if you chew and spit it out) before and after your meal, or cayenne pepper, it will release the acid so it can do it's job and get out of the stomach. And for healing the esophagus take 70% slippery elm back powder and licorice powder and mix in water till a consistency of light oatmeal. Take a tablespoon every hour. This heals the esophagus. Good Luck!

Cell Salts
Posted by Janine (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/26/2007

I had acid reflux during my first pregnancy and had some relief with over the counter alkalizers. This pregnancy I didn't want to alkalize my stomach acid so I can digest effectively - but I still needed some relief. My naturopath recommended nat phos, the cell salt (also called SP or sodium phosphate) which is working very well, at least as well as antacids without the worry of poor digestive side effects or aluminium additives. Be sure to chew the tablet, or dissolve it in warm water.
