Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Aloe Vera

27 User Reviews
5 star (27) 

Posted by Peggy (USA) on 01/25/2008

I've read many of your questions on Acid Reflux. I was diagnosed with Bleeding Stomach ulcers, and was on many Antibiotics and Prevacid, acidix,to my surprise helped towards my osterprosis. I was on this for several years. There is really something that works better then anything I have read. It is 99.9% Aloe Juice. Take a little before each meal and it helps the stomach and digestive tract. After using it for several weeks then u only need it for morning and evening. I just read all the things like mentioned in your blogs here,but thought I should pass along about Aloe Juice. Thank you Peggy

Aloe Vera
Posted by Ellen (Scott City, Kansas) on 01/10/2008

Take Aloe vera for acid reflux treatment

Replied by Mostrefulxcannotbecured
(Houston, Texas)

My reflux cannot be cured and most cannot be cured because most reflux is from hiatal hernias. Mine is a sliding hernia which causes acid to come up my esophagus, so how can that be cured? The acid can be nuetralized so it does not come up but not cured!!

Replied by E.s.
(Gulf Shores, Al)

I was recently diagnosed with Diverticulitis, Barrett's Esophagus and a Hiatal Hernia. I am a Disabled American Veteran and one of my problems has been GERD, which I have suffered with for many years. Some nights it got so bad I would wake up and jump out of bed, choking for air. I have been on a regime of Omniprozole for many years as well, but have recently starting takin Aloe Vera Gel, ACV, Slippery Elm, Papaya Enzyme and a Probiotic and can say I've had the most restful sleep I've had in a long time. Plus the bloated, hard and puffed out stomach is no longer there. I am not sure if one thing is doing it or a combination of all of them, but for now I am going to stick with it.

Replied by Taco13
(Millard, Ne)

To: E. S. From Gulf Shores, AL; Just curious, did your symptoms start shortly after any military service or vacinations? An earlier post said his started right after a flu shot. The first time I remember having any reflux was during the gulf war right after we received all of our vacinations. I also experinced food getting lodged in my throat and having to vomit so I could breathe during this same time. Wondering if there is a connection.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Ellen D (USA) on 01/10/2008

I got acid reflux after having taken aspirin daily for about two weeks (for chronic headache). That was many years ago but my stomach is still sensitive to spicy foods, too much grease, etc. I have found that if I cut a leaf off my Aloe vera plant, peel off the leathery skin and eat the slimy jelly-like inner part of the leaf, it soothes my throat and settles my stomach. (This remedy was told to me by a Japanese friend, who said that's what people do in Japan.)

Replied by Teresa
(Rockford, Iowa)

Just read your thread and had to reply. Have been taking the ACV for months and it's great and my husband is also a big fan but recently my acid reflux has returned with a vengence. I snipped a leaf off my aloe plant out of desparation and chewed it. Lo and behold, I am writing this to say that immediatley my ar is gone and I am going to need to find another plant as mine is a bit small and may not survive me!! LOL

Replied by Diane
(Scottsdale, Az)

Try the aloe vera capsules - available on line or at your health food store - work well and cheaper too.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Zinnia (Wappingers Falls, New York) on 06/04/2007

My daughter Stefanie developed an acid reflux. She was given an anti acid Rx. It temporarity stopped. I researched the wonders of Aloe Vera and found that it treated her. Since then whenever it occurs, I give her juice mixed with Aloe Vera juice. It works wonder.

Replied by Lisa
(Middle Village, New York)

I am 49 years old and diagnosed with Gerd about 2 years ago I am on 40mg of Nexium 2x a day, Baclofen 10mg 3 x a day (which they give to people with MS, it helps tighten the sphincter so the acid doesn't come up) and a medication called Domperidome 10mg which comes from England to Canada then to me in the states. The medication that they would give in the states has to many side effects that my Dr. recommended that instead. I still have severe trouble breathing, pain in chest in the rib cage. I feel the acid constantly coming up my throat all day long and burning in my throat. I have a constant bad odor and taste in my mouth and nothing helps. I can't sleep. I need to lose 40 lbs and that should help relieve the pressure from my abdomen.

The problem that I am having is I am in pre-menopause and I believe the medication that I am on makes me swell up so When I try and lose the weight I am always swelling with water and I can't get passed my 5lb mark that I lost 2 weeks ago. This is becoming very fustrating. I am afraid to try the apple cider vinager because I am afraid that it will burn the hell out of me. I get severe pain in chest and throat, trouble breathing. The acid makes me so physically sick sometime that I am so out of it I do not know how I function days. I also experience severe burning and back pain, too. Anyone have similar symptoms especially with the breathing and back pain? I can use any suggestions and help.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Lisa, sounds like over-acidity. Try alkalizing.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Lisa... I am afraid the that medical thinking, concerning GERD and reflux problems, is simply not correct. The doctors will insist and simply assume that GERD and reflux problems are always caused by EXCESS acid. When, in actual fact, 90% of all reflux problems are usually caused by TOO LITTLE acid in your stomach.

See this link:

This link goes right through to describe the reasons and also tells you exactly how you can check properly if you have TOO LITTLE STOMACH ACID. You can confirm whether you have too little or too much stomach acid by The Heidelberg pH Test. But this is quite an invasive check. They can also assess your problems and tell using another less invasive method using urine analysis, hair analysis and blood chemistry. I think naturopaths can also do this latter test.

Generally, if you take PPI's or proton pump inhibitors -- this massively and dangerously inhibits your stomach acid production and usually makes the problem much worse. And so when the undigested food passes into the duodenum, the CCK hormone (cholecystokinin) will not be released (stomach pH not low enough because of no stomach acid) to trigger the enzymes for main stage digestion and so very little duodenal digestion occurs. The food then just sits there and stagnates and rots giving rise to a whole host of other digestive problems in the body that usually involves dysbiosis, candida and other pathogenic bacteria rapidly taking hold in the stomach and upper intestines.

I helped a woman from Africa who had very similar symptoms to you. She had GERD, esophigitis, gastritis, systemic candida, colitis, LES and a whole host of other serious problems besides. She was also on PPI's and in quite a bad way. See this link for her complete symptoms, daily protocol and cure story. Her protocol is identical to The Anti-Candida Protocol that I normally recommend for Candida problems but I also included and added pancreatin enzymes and betaine hydrochloride tablets daily with every meal to help with the lack of stomach acid.

First thing you should do is get a complete doctor's check-up including blood and liver work up. Also I would ask your doctor for a proper and more accurate stomach acid check by one of the above methods that I have already mentioned.

I suspect that you will be severely lacking in stomach acid, severely lacking in energy and you will also be severely mineral deficient -- especially magnesium and iodine deficient -- all caused by the PPI's. This means that your calcium levels will be way too high --> excess blood calcium causes tissue pain, blood problems and also inhibits the absorbtion of iodine in the body, so you may well have low thyroid or hypothyroid symptoms as well (low energy, intolerance to hot/cold, low basal body temperature etc.).

Replied by Joyce
(Lansdowne, Pa)

I had the same problem with acide reflux. The dr prescribed nexium which I was taking. I do not like medication and the many side effects they caused so I decided to find a natural alternative and started with apple cider vinegar. This helped tremendously and I am happy to say I do not suffer from acid reflux anymore. I remember years ago in college I was having the same problem and my doctor told me to drink milk. I am lactose intolerant and drinking milk only made the condition worsen. The only thing that could help was to drink orange juice. The dr was baffled as she beleived that the orange juice would aggravate the condition. That just goes to prove that it is not an excess of acid but too little acid in the stomach. Try the ACV and I hope it helps. Start out with a teaspoon in 8 ozs water and instead of juice with your meal have a glass of water with ACV.

Replied by Cachis
(Reno, Nv)

Lisa, I had similar problems as you mentioned. I had a colonoscopy done, but specialist did not find anything. My family doctor said that I had acid reflux but I could not afford the medicine and he prescribed one from over the counter. Since new technology and doctors' knowledge did not find the reason of my symptoms I decided to stop all medicine (I do not recommend this in your own, talk with your doctor first) and test which one was making me ill.

I found out that a medicine for diabetes was causing stomach and back pain; fatigue; depression; constipation, and other problems. I asked to stop all meds for diabetes and gave me insulin if I needed any medicine. I had to find a doctor who was willing to change from pills to injections. Three months later, my stomach problems were gone and I stopped taking any medicine for diabetes, but my stomach kept bleeding every day constipated or not. I made a drink with cabbage and water. I blended half of a head of cabbage with 2 cups of water, let it rest for 30 minutes, and ate the top mixture during the day, three table spoons every three or four hours, until I ate the whole mixture -- I did not drink the water or juice below the mixture. I drank this mixture for three days between meals or 15 minutes before meals.

The book of raw fruits and vegetables juices and drinks by William, H. Provides a list of juices that could help with many illness and stomach problems with back pain is one of them. Do not stop asking and looking until you get what your body is asking to recuperate. Also, try the water treatment based on a Japanese theory, which is working for me to get rid of many problems caused by my stomach problems.

Good luck to you!

Replied by Linda
(New Haven, Ct, United States)

@ Lisa I agree with Bill & Joyce. I too was given medication to reduce my acid & that only made it worse. The acid made me cough constantly. My customers thought I was a smoker & kept trying to persuade me to quit smoking but I don't smoke! LOL

I would cough so badly that I threw up 2 or 3 times a day at work. The burning pain was dreadful. I really wanted off the pills and onto something that worked! Came to this site and tried the ACV & it worked beautifully. I took it faithfully with each meal & the acid attacks stopped as well as the coughing. Then I became a bit lax & took it less frequently & the acid came back. Just recently bought another 1 gallon jug & it's back onto my regimen of 2 tsp in 8 oz water three times a day.

Ditch the pills & try the ACV. You won't be sorry. It will help, just give it a fair try.

Linda :-)

Replied by Heather

Hi Lisa, I would always recommend that anyone who has acid reflux symptoms and a swollen abdomen get a full check up from the doctor. My best friend had these symptoms before she was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer an early diagnosis is an advantage. Take Care and please follow Bills advice and get a thorough check up x

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Lisa, the posts about too LITTLE acid are probably right in the stomach acid department. What I am referring to is general acidity of your whole system. For that, alkalizing will slowly get to the root of the problem.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Linda (Palestine, TX) on 04/27/2007

I have LPR (Larngopharyngeal reflux). I drink 4 oz. of Aloe Vera juice each morning on an empty stomach. I am able to eat anything I like, without heartburn or indigestion, which also curbs the LPR created by the acid reflux.

Replied by Michele
(Los Angeles, California, Usa)

Response to Linda. I have LPR as well, and yours was the first post I have seen linking aloe vera as a cure for LPR. Thank you so much! I am going to get some on my way home tonight and give it a try.

Replied by New To All This
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I looked for aloe vera in Whole Foods and found so many versions I didn't know what to get. One brand has several formulas, including one that indicates it's for acid reflux but contains peppermint, which is supposed to be avoided for acid reflux. What should--or should not--be in the ingredients? I didn't see George's.

Replied by Janise
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I bought the most expensive Aloe Vera at Whole Foods and didn't notice a difference from the cheaper one I get at Trader Joes. But fresh aloe plant is the best. I talked to the people at Whole Foods and they found a company that delivers fresh juiced Aloe vera and said they would order it for me if I wanted. I haven't done it yet but plan to. It is very jelly like so it is best to water it down in the blender.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Shalese (Syracuse, Utah) on 03/11/2007

I started taking aloe vera juice 1 week ago I had come to the end of my rope after being on aciphex for heartburn for 5 years. then being told to double up on my dose. that did not even work anymore I had such bad heartburn I thought I would never make it through the day. I called my doctor and he told me to come pick up samples for other meds. I decided I was sick of the meds. so I went to my local Health foods store looking for answers. They told me to take aloe vera juice about 2oz- 8oz a day. I didn't think it would work,but i was desperate. I took it that day and it did nothing! I still slept like crap that night. but the next day i took it. after the second time i took it my heartburn just went away. It hasent returned for 1 week. I have not taken any meds whatsoever. but yet I feel gassy. But I still would rather have gas instead of heartburn anyday. if anyone knows anything how to get rid of severe gas contact me please.

Replied by Larry
(Arlington, Texas, Usa)

I've had acid reflux since 1989. Started drinking aloe vera and after 16 to 20 weeks of drinking twice daily, I don't have acid reflux anymore.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Toni (Palm Desert, CA) on 02/27/2007

I have bouts of acid reflux, and am therefore intrigued by the Apple Cider Vinegar remedy. Like a number of the people who responded to your posting, I, too, ended up in the emergency room on more than one occasion surrounded by perplexed physicians. Since I won't take pharmaceuticals, I began experimenting with natural remedies, and have found that taking an ounce of Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate before each meal stops any unpleasant symptoms. Interestingly, aloe tastes a little like ACV. In addition to the aloe, I have found that chewing each mouth-full of (wholesome) food thoroughly before swallowing helps enormously. This takes much of the digestive burden off of the stomach. It's important to eat your meal slowly, chewing each bite of food until it's totally pulverized. Too many of us eat under stressful conditions, devouring our meal like it's the first we've seen in days. DGL-500 (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), Ayurved series, is also quite helpful when taken between meals or at bedtime. It helps to protect the stomach lining, and unlike regular licorice, will not elevate blood-pressure.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Susan (Bayfield, CO) on 04/09/2006

I found that drinking a half cup of aloe vera juice mixed with apple or white grape juice in the morning relieved symptoms dramatically. I occasionally get symptoms if I over indulge spices or greasy foods!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Bill (Baguio City, Philippines) on 11/23/2008

I spent most of my 70 years suffering with an acid stomach. Tried everything. I couldn't even drink a glass of water without my stomach burning. One day I read an article in Reader's Digest about an Australian Doctor who discovered the Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria in the stomach. After reading his story I went to my doctor. They did an Endoscopy on my stomach and the biopsy proved I had the H. Pylori Bacteria. Took antibiotics for two weeks and since that time I have had NO stomach burning sensation except for when I eat flaming chili!!
They now have a test for this bacteria using your breath in a balloon an analyzing the breath. My stomach is GREAT and I'm so glad I read that article!! I hope your stomachs get cured so you can truly enjoy life.

Replied by Skinlady
(Ridgefield, Wa)

This is in comment to Bill from the Philipines...

My late husband developed stomach cancer as the result of the pylori ulcer. He had indigestion and heartburn for almost a year, being given all kinds of anti-acids products to no antibiotics were given, however. After he demanded that they put a tube down in his stomach and see what was going on, did he get an answer. And of course it wasnt a good one......cancer. He was gone within 5 months! My advice... if you have heartburn or any kind of continuing indigestion, get on it immediately!@!! (his general practioner apologized to me later for letting him slip through his fingers).

Replied by Dragon
(Nyc, New York)

I hear sangre de drago is known to kill H pylori.

Posted by Joe (Helena, Mt) on 04/09/2008

One year ago, I had a dentist appointment-Infected tooth. I was prescribed an antibiotic. About a year previously, on the news, was a story about a researcher discovering that some bacteria in your stomach could not be killed by antiboitics alone. Antibiotics and the metal barium combined could kill those bacterica.That story, for some"strange reason", did not become part of the medical lore surrounding the agony of common people involved in the extremely expensive fight with ACID REFLUX. One year later, ten days of antibiotics, one and one half ounce of Pepto Bismol each of seven of those days--I am free of agonizing sleepless hours. I'm 67 Years old- probably 10 of which I have suffered with acid reflux. Try it. It cost Me about 15 bucks. It could cost those who profit from "acid reflux" billions - Think for yourself! Good Luck. JDX

PS-Eat quality yogert for a few days afterward to re-establish friendly bacteria in your stomach.

Replied by Dr. Matt
(Gilbert, Az)

Just to clarify for the above anecdote: Pepto Bismol contains BISMUTH, not BARIUM. On occasion, antibiotics may temporarily eradicate acid causing bacteria if they are present. Barium and Bismuth are relatively inert elements. (unless they are of the radioactive kind)

Replied by Marie

Yes it is true that Bismuth will kill the h pylori bacteria. I have read about it. It works.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda

14 User Reviews
5 star (11) 
4 star (1) 
3 star (2) 

Posted by Jane (Folsom, CA) on 09/21/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar for acid reflux, GERD, sour stomach, etc.

Wow, I'm just so happy that I have to share my experience with you and hope that it will help you. I was experiencing so much acid in my tummy to the point that I constantly had to eat to alleviate the discomfort. At night was the worst. It's when your stomach has no food, and that's when I felt so sick that I had to get something to eat, at night. Even that, in the morning I felt nauseous because of all the acid in the stomach. Luckily, I went to this lovely website. I read about Ted's remedies for GERD. I'm familiar with this site ten years ago and read a lot about Ted's remedies. I wonder how Ted is doing now. I learned so much from Ted. Sorry for getting off track. Back to this remedy, I mixed 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in an 8oz of water and drank it 3 times a day. This drink really tastes like Alka Seltzer without the aspirin. I felt a difference soon after I drank it. It really changed my well being. I was feeling so sick in the stomach and it made me lazy and not felt well.

I really hope this recipe will help you. I really think it will.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Roger (Philadelphia PA) on 08/15/2023

I have used the ACV & Baking Soda tonic for Acid Reflux for about 20 years. I use the raw organic version, with 'the mother'. It works really well, and feel it has other benefits. One caution is if you are monitoring your sodium intake as baking soda does have a fair amount.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Frederick (Tulip, Ar) on 10/14/2015

I have severe acid reflux. How long can I take apple cider vinegar/ baking soda, been taking 2Tb=vinegar with 1Tsp (3 times a day) 5 days on 2 days off now on my second wk.. How long does it take for results? Thank u kindly.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Frederick,

According to Earth Clinic's contributor Ted, whom I just visited in Bangkok a few weeks ago and the one who has written extensively on apple cider vinegar and baking soda on this site, a remedy should work within 3 days. If it doesn't, he said it's time to try something else. That is Ted's golden rule. He kept telling me this when I visited him.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Oh Deirdre, thank you so much for reminding me of this!

Replied by Frederick
(Tulip, Ar)

Can I take probiotics, aloe cure & ACV all in the same day course? Thank you kindly for your valued time; Frederick

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Kay (London, Uk) on 08/04/2013


Hi, I was told by by doctor that I have acid reflux, symptoms are sore throat, painful heart burn, lots of burping, I'm suffering from horrible bad breath as well, I got food coming up my throat into my mouth... Also lots of slimy smelly clear slime coming from the back of my throat.. I have been on lots of prescription drugs but none seems to work for the pass 2 yrs my condition seems to be getting worse.. I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar & baking soda 3 Times a day, for the pass 4wks, which calm it for a while, but all my symptoms remains the same.. I have change my diet completly pure veg no meat but I still have all these pain & discomfort, can anybody please help...Thanks

Replied by Ed2010

Take Betaine Hcl with Pepsin Supplements in between meals. This will solve the problem temporarily. Lower Stomach Acid can result in Acid Reflux. Good Health

Replied by Monica
(Atlanta, Georgia)

PLEASE seek professional medical help and do not stop until you find a doctor who will help you! You may have one of the severe cases that requires surgical intervention. This may sound scary, but it could save you from serious problems down the road. Even when you are without symptoms, GERD could still be causing difficulties internally. Please don't be disheartened. There IS help for you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Mike (London, Uk) on 02/13/2013

The Apple Cyder Vineger thing REALLY does work its astonishing, its a wonder why it isnt more widely known as a remedy. I've had GERD/bad heartburn for months (with Laryngitis)and it was making me miserable, after stumbling across this website by accident I'd thought what have I got to lose.

So after going to Tescos I took 1 tablespoon ACV, 1/8 spoon bicarb of soda, 1 spoon honey with a splash of water, downed in one (it tastes disgusting), and bobs yer uncle 2 hours later it was gone, 1 week later I've had slight symptoms but one dose of the elixer and it was gone again.

I only take it now as a cure and not prevention and fingers crossed I'll be OK.

I've never ever posted a message before on a forum, but was compelled to do so and will spread the word!

Replied by Nikkig

When did you take the ACV, BS & Honey, was it once a day, before or after meals or did you take it only when you felt the reflux.

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