Acid Reflux
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erin (Glen Ellyn, Il, 60137) on 06/28/2010

I am 34 years old and have had acid reflux for a couple of years, and possibly longer. I ignored the symptoms until 3 months ago when I experienced throat tightening. I am a teacher, and suddenly I would get extremely congested and my vocal cords would cramp up every day after breakfast and lunch. I would try to drink glass after glass of water just to make it through the day, but at one point I wasn't able to finish reading a story to my students. At the same time, the symptoms started piling on: heartburn, coughing, sneezing, and acid in the back of my throat after eating. I would also wake up with a sore throat every morning.

Since then, I've gotten an upper endoscopy and stopped caffeine, alcohol, chewing mint gum, and limited dairy products. Also, I don't eat 2 to 3 hours before bedtime and sleep on a bed that is elevated 7 inches. Due to this, all of my symptoms stopped except for the throat tightening. At that point, I was desperate, because I didn't know how I was going to be able to teach. I tried two medications, one of which I'm on currently, but neither has helped.

So three weeks ago, at the beginning of my summer school session, I discovered this website and I started drinking ACV. What a relief! When I drink it, my throat and vocal cords immediately relax. For three weeks straight, I have sipped ACV water throughout the day and I have been able to teach and read books out loud. I mix 1 tablespoon ACV with 20 ounces of water and sip it through a straw so as not to have it touch my teeth. I drink this three times a day after every meal. Every day I try to make it without drinking the ACV to see if the medication is going to kick in, but my vocal cord cramping becomes so extreme that I quickly start drinking the ACV just to be able to talk to my students. I'm thinking of going off the medicine since I only needed it for this one symptom and it's not even helping.

Thanks to this website, my tears of frustration have stopped. I will keep drinking ACV for as long as I need to because it works! It saved my summer session and probably my next year of teaching as well!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adefemi (London) on 05/17/2022

Try blackstrap molasses organic for your throat. Put it in the fridge and lick a full tsp when your throat feels locked. Worked for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Grammie (Lawton, Oklahoma) on 12/02/2011

I am trying to get off Prevacid again. I tried last year and when I had horrible pain (which never happened BEFORE the Prevacid), I juiced cabbages and drank that. It was like balm the first time. But later I got another stricture and the endoscopy showed HEALED ulcers all over the esophagus and I was told I must stay on the Prevacid. I worry about the dangers of staying on it over eight years so now I am trying the ACV and Aloe Vera juice. I wondered if drinking cabbage juice might help you to heal. It doesn't taste as bad as you might think if you drink it right down. However you have to thoroughly clean up the juicer and even then your house will smell!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marie (Santa Monica, Ca) on 02/17/2010

Has anyone felt bad after they have taken ACV? I have GERD and have tried 1 tsp of ACV 1 tsp of honey in a glass of water 3 times a day for the past 2 and 1/2 days and I feel bloated and some slight burning in my tummy. I have mild gastritis so this may be the cause of it. It's hard to tell if my reflux is better because I have a cold and my chest is congested. I hope the cough and congestion is not being caused by the Apple Cider Vinegar!!! Has anyone felt bad at first, then felt better after sticking to the ACV? I'm hoping that as I continue with this "remedy," I will feel better. Please help!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Calsunshine (La Mesa, California) on 10/09/2009

Well, its been four weeks I've been taking the ACV and honey. My cough is better! not gone, but better! This may be the answer.;-)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Galina (Chicago, Il) on 10/14/2009

hi there, i have ben struggling with moderate gastritis and esophgitis for years, using prevacid and nexium does not work, i read about one spoon apple cide vinegar 20 min before meals but i am scared to further damage the lining...can you provide any feedback how has it worked for you? thanks galina

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 08/25/2010

Hi Wendy, Nexium is very bad for your digestion and for your first line defense which is the stomach acid. The stomach acid is crucial for proper digestion and immune system function. There is an article that talks about the link between Candida and the use of PPI. Your acid reflux could be due to a lot of things like:

1-Hiatal hernia. For that I will recommend you to avoid surgery because they have a high rate failure. Some people get the hernia back right after the surgery.

2- You might also have H. Pylori infection. Some mastic gum with monolaurin and broccoli will do the job.

3- low acid: Yes, the low acid causes heartburn even if it seems strange. The food will be undigested and comes back to the cardia sphincter and that make you feel the burning. If I will have time, I will share with you the article about the link between candida and the use of PPI. Wish you good health.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Coral (Indianapolis, IN) on 07/01/2009

Just found out I have acid reflux causing my throat feel like there is something stuck in it all the time.I will be sure to try the acv tonight and tomorrow as soon as I get home from work to see if it helps. I am ready to try anything before I break down and go to the doctor. I am glad to see another Coral recommends this!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Portland, Oregon) on 04/16/2009

I was on PPIs (gastritis) for around 10 years. I've taken them all. Decided to give the ACV a try to get off of Nexium. I'll be a monkey's uncle, this is the 4th day off and I feel OK. The second day rebound was hell but a little zantac quelled it. The main thing is this acv keep the acid from splashing back up. I don't know/care why it works but it does (at least with me.) I take a tablespoon 3x daily with 8 oz water. It took me about 2 weeks to work up to this level. I started off slowly and a very weak solution (around 1 teaspoon a day with a lot of water.) Too much would make me nauseous. It may be too early to tell if this is a long term fix, but going off Nexium was unthinkable a month ago. My inner alarm clock keeps reminding me to take my purple pill, but I don't need to! I am a little pissed at my doctors and drug industry at this point. All that $$, all that misery could have been avoided by drinking a little vinegar? Wow!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by MK (Washington, DC) on 04/21/2009

Hang in there Rob. I have a similar story, (see below) and have been using the ACV since the beginning of March. I'm happy to report that I am doing great. It takes awhile to figure out how much and how often you need it and it can vary depending on what you eat and how much. The best part is like you said, the acid no longer comes up into your esophagus/throat. I'm even able to tolerate an occasional glass of wine now. I have been drug free for almost 2 months and I too am angry that in 15 years of seeing GI specialists, not 1 suggested that I might not be producing enough acid. I don't care if I see another GI doctor as long as I live. They are all in bed with the drug companies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jill (Albrightsville, Pennsylvania/us) on 04/02/2009

I have been using 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, and a little water about 1/2 hour before I eat breakfast. Is it supposed to be 2 tablespoons or 2 teaspoons. I read many other sites that said 2 teaspoons....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Manila, Philippines) on 09/27/2008

I have a question. What if the cause of the reflux is wound on the esophagus? will ACV be alright?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julian (Willow Grove, Pennsylvania) on 10/09/2008

The wound in your esophagus didn't cause your acid reflux. It is the result of the acid creeping back up your throat and damaging your esophagus. Prevacid takes care of my acid reflux, and when I run out of it, I swallow a spoonful of balsamic vinegar. Try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Washington, DC) on 09/24/2008

Huge NAY for Apple Cider Vinegar to treat Acid Reflux. I tried it after reading the site. The cider hurt my stomach and made my symptoms much worse It kept me up until 3am. Tread carefully.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dana (Los Angeles, USA) on 09/09/2008

I have been on omeprazole for about 6 months, after an endoscope revealed an esophageal ulcer. It healed after a couple of months, and I've been trying to wean myself off the pills ever since, without success. So I tried the ACV, first time about 5 days ago, and so far, so good.

Now, my question is this: Do I need to keep taking ACV? If so, for how long? Forever? Or does it "reset" the stomach to go back to "normal" amounts of acid production?

So in my mind, a "treatment" would necessitate taking this continually, whereas a "cure" would mean that you take it for some duration, then you are able to stop taking it without further symptoms.

And second question: I have been unable to find a consensus about dosage. I have been taking two teaspoons about 4x each day, spread throughout the day. This seems to be working, but is there a better, optimal protocol?


9/8/2008: Dana writes: "Hi again, another question. What are the long-term ramifications of taking the ACV?
And I am taking it plain, in water, with no baking soda. I have mild blood pressure issues, so I don't want to add sodium to my diet. Is there any problem with taking this ACV straight into the water, without sodium bicarbonate?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane (Noblesville, IN) on 07/27/2008

I am, at this very moment, trying the ACV cure for Acid Reflux. I developed reflux symptoms after a greasy meal 3 months ago. I don't eat much grease and I guess it was a shock to my system. I've been on Aciphex for 3 days and today I felt worse than ever. I really do not want to take another pill so, after reading all the praises of ACV and honey, I'm giving it a shot. I also have anxiety/panic disorder and the Aciphex and pain from reflux has made it much worse. I bought a bottle of ACV 3 weeks ago. Without reading about mixing it with water and honey, I just tried a spoonful of it and couldn't bear the taste so put it away. I'm desperate tonight as its 2:30 in the morning and I'm in such pain I don't know what else to do. I only used about a teaspoon in a cup of water, and a big squirt of honey and I'm sipping it. The taste is not great, but bearable. Part of my symptoms are esophageal spasms from my esophagus trying to keep the acid from leaking out. And today I have this horrible lump in the back of my throat that feels like a ball of acid. I've gotta say, I think I'm feeling a bit better from it. I will continue to take it 2 or 3 times a day, as well as the apples. I just can't take another PPI. I sure hope this works. Thanks so much for offering me some hope of a natural cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Florence, Texas) on 08/18/2008

Dear Jane and Jacky, I've only recently started having esophageal spasms myself (the first was 2 months ago), and they are so painful. My doctor had no idea what was causing them, but gave me prilosec anyway. Thanks doc. I've also been going to acupuncture every week for about a month and thought it might be helping until 2AM this morning when a severe spasm hit. Now, I'm scouring the internet in the middle of the night. After reading your postings about being fellow spasm sufferers, I tried my first glass of ACV and honey. The taste was certainly not great, but I think I feel a little relief already. Here's hoping that this inexpensive, natural remedy will be an end to the painful spasms.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Carrollton, VA) on 08/02/2008

Dear Laura from Calgary, Canada. If you have acid reflux you are at high risk for esophogeal cancer. Also, the proton inhibitors and the acid reducers being prescribed by most doctors are now proven to be risky for gastrointestinal cancer. Seeking main stream treatment is, at best, only a relief of symptoms. I have had severe GERD for many years and, unfortunately, relied on these drugs to ease the pain. Don't give up on the ACV!!! Remember, you swallowed an acid to treat acid (like fire with fire) you obviously have irritation and the ACV made it burn worse. This is only temporary. Once you get the problem under control the burn will stop and you should heal nicely. In the meantime, add honey for it's thick, soothing affect. Honey has natural antiseptics which can only help. Plus, it taste great!!! The first time I tried ACV, I burned so bad that I thought, NO WAY!! But, five hours later, I realized that my pain was completely gone and I had not needed any anti-acid. Awesome, wouldn't you think. The old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" applies here! Take care.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by dave (Tadoussac, Canada) on 03/03/2008

my wife has had a cough for seven years .doctors could not find the cause or the cure.we oveheard a nurse talking about a stomach cough .so we asked her what it was.she said its caused by acid search led me here .apple cider vingear baking soda before bed cough has gone .thank you . we can finally sleep again.thank you again

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tim (Kent, WA) on 11/18/2007

I have been on acid reflux medications for a year and a half. First I was on Ranitidine, then Prevacid, then Omeprazole, which I take each night just before I go to bed. I also have been using HCTZ and Lisinopril for high blood pressure. Recently, for about 6 weeks I got very sick. I felt dizzy, nausea, headache, and lost appetite completely. I went 5 days with almost no food and lost about 10 lbs in 10 days. I changed diet, tried everything but nothing worked. At the end of this episode I would get the "feeling" of high fever in my head plus headache. I also felt very cold and had to crank up the heat quite a bit. However, every time I took my temperature it was totally normal. If I took Advil or Tylenol for headache it didn't do anything because I really didn't had a headache or temperature, it was something else. In addition to all this, I also had severe itching all over my body as soon as I went to bed. It lasted for about 30-60 minutes. There was no redness or any other marks on my body.....just plain itching.

My doctor finally told me to get off of Omeprazole. The next day was a new day in my life. All the symptoms were completely gone as if were never sick in the first place. The nightly itching also went away completely the night I skipped Omeprazole. My doctor correctly predicted that it may take up to 7 days to get rid of all the symptoms. Well, on the second day some of the symptoms came back but at half the strength and things got progressively better each day. The bad thing was that my acid reflux really started to bother me the second day (48 hrs after quitting Omeprazole). I had lot of chest pain and rumbling activity in my stomach.... like a little storm inside my stomach. Unlike other people I do not have heartburn from acid reflux. I have chest pains in different part of my chest or sometime stomach. I also experience bloating and gas.

I found and tried 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 cup of water and it worked immediately. Three hours later the acid reflux came back and I experienced a lot of discomfort. I took another dose (1 tsp in 1 cup of water) and the rest of the night was perfect with no problems. The following day I increased the dosage to 1 TBSP of ACV in 1 cup of filtered water 3x a day just before each meal and have been using this dosage daily. So it took practically took one day for ACV to do its magic. For the past 10 days I feel I have acid reflux totally under control. My blood pressure is also going down every day. I expect to be off of blood pressure medication soon. As an added bonus the acne on my back is finally under control. I was on antibiotics for 15 years until I found a supplemental milk shake that helped me get off of antibiotics for the past 3 years. I had to stop using it to figure out what was causing my sickness and the acne flared up again. I read about hydrogen peroxide on this site and that worked amazingly well on the acne on my back. So the combination of hydrogen peroxide and ACV is working great.

I do feel some affect of ACV on the back of my tongue or sometimes in my throat. Luckily, in 10 days it is not too bad, maybe because I only use 1 TBSP instead of 2. My doctor has approved ACV and said that it doesn't have any harmful affects so I am free to try it for acid reflux. However, the doctor clearly said NO BAKING SODA because of high blood pressure. I see that baking soda and sea salt is mentioned a lot on this site to help reduce the acid taste but some of us can't use baking soda or salt. Does anyone have any suggestions? If you do, please email me. Because of sugar I would rather not use too much honey or apple juice if I can help it because I am taking this 3x times a day but if I have to then I will. May be I can add only a little bit apple juice in water rather than adding ACV to apple juice directly. Not sure if that's OK. If you could share any personal experiences in this regard that would be great. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jonas (Loveland, Colorado) on 05/14/2007

I have been on the "purple pill" for the last 11 years. Until 3 months ago when I read about ACV on this website. I bought the Apple Cider Vinegar and have been off the purple pill ever since. I started taking it 3x/day and am now down to a convient two. The cost is nill compared to my previous route and I am sure my digestive system is thanking me. I take it with water and use a straw as this is easier on the teeth. NO REFLUX!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bud ( Desert Hot Springs, CA) on 04/25/2007

This is a follow up of my march feed back. My Ascid Reflux, IS GONE. But have had Heart burns many times, not long after I eat. I tryed using only 1/4 tsp B S but this was worse, Had been taking my AVC drinks about 2 hrs before each meal. I changed back to 1/2 tsp of baking soda, and to taking the ACV 1 hour after Eating. good by heart burn. I know that we all have differnt systems, and this works best for me, Oh yes I have started using Honey in the morning on my toast. I Hope each of you will find the best way for you, to stop the Heart Burn Thank you very much, for Having this Web Site, your help, and the Feed backs, from so many others, who are also a great help to all of us, with the same problems. Bud

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by 1st Time Mom (Houston, TX) on 01/06/2009

My one month old has reflux and I want to try the acv. How old is your infant, how much did you give him/her and for how long? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Fountain Hills, Arizona) on 04/15/2007

Seven days ago I was ready to put a gun to my head. I was continuously waking up, had difficulty breathing and swallowing. My self diagnosis search led me to this web site. I started taking two tablespoons of' ACV and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in about 4 ounces of apple juice.It actually tasted pretty good. Some relief was almost immediate, but one week later I am thrilled to report 2 consecutive good nights sleeps of about 7 hours. This is the best I have slept in two months as the throat problems caused me to snore badly when I could get to sleep. My wife has welcomed me back from the guest room, which I am also thrilled about. I have osteoarthritis which I WAS using a combination of CELEBREX (4 OR SO A MONTH) and IBUPROPHEN(whenever I wanted)I would get up in the morning and enjoy 6 or 7 cups of coffee on an empty stomach, then eat and have 3 or 4 diet sodas during the rest of the day. BAD BAD BAD. So I stopped the coffee and sodas, started taking B complex, large doses of Vitamin c, L Glutamine and traded the coffee for herbal teas, and the sodas for juice. NO MORE IBUPROFEN Tylenol only if I need it. Bottom line: In a week I feel totally different, much much better actually. THANK GOD for this web site. I wish you luck if you have a similar situation to mine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roxanne ( Fresno, CA) on 03/03/2007

I tried the apple vinegar on night after acid reflux and it work. I just wanted to get the bad taste out and acid back done the esophagus and it worked. Someone told me about vinegar for fungus, because my daughter had a ringworm. In most kid this get out of control. I prayed about it and sought out help from the school nurse on the best thing to do for it, but the nurse wasn't in and one of the ladies the work there told me what she read about vinegar on the internet because her grand daughter was prescribe meds that didn't work. Well, I know for my self it works. I use the vinegar first then the meds for the doctor. In my eyes the natural way is the best way.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joan (Elkton, VA) on 02/05/2007

The apple cider vinegar worked for my acid reflux. I took Protonix for 2 years until my insurance company had it switched to the cheaper omeprazole. They also halved the amount from 400 mg daily to 200 mg. The acid reflux pain returned, so my doctor prescribed two 200 mg. omeprazole daily. The acid reflux symptoms lessened, but I still experienced some nausea and stomach pain from time to time. I was desperate to get off prescription medications altogether, and then I found your web site. I've been using ACV for two weeks now, and I feel better than I have in years. No stomach pain or nausea. I can't thank you enough!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lea (Eau Claire, WI) on 01/31/2007

Thank You for your suggestion of ACV for acid reflux. My Acid Reflux symptoms came on very quickly. Within a week from my first symptom, I was miserable with a thick throat...a lump in my throat. It was difficult to swallow. I tried drinking an 8th of a cup of ACV combined with about 3/4 cup water. Within 1/2 hour, I felt relief. Thank you so much. Lea

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pam (Bellevue, WA) on 01/27/2007

I had the stomach flu this last weekend including vomiting. I hadn't really eaten much and was still feeling sick. I went home from work early and lied down. I started to get this horrible pain in my chest and all of the symptoms of acid reflux. My sister was just diagnosed with it which is the only reason I didn't panic and go to the Dr. I started searching on-line and glanced at something about apples. I grabbed an apple on my way out the door to get the kids. I felt instant relief. However, when I was finished it came back even worse. I stopped at a drug store and asked the pharmacist what they recommended and she said Pepcid AC. That didn't work either. I was in lots of pain and did not want to go another night without sleep. I found this site and went to Trader Joe's to pick up the apple cider vinegar. It took about 10 minutes to kick in and it completely got rid of all the symptoms. I have taken it this morning as well and felt more energy and am thinking this could replace my normal coffee in the morning. Thank you for all the stories. I am passing all of this information along to my sister as well.