Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy for Viruses

| Modified on Dec 16, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Angie (America) on 12/25/2021

Editor's Choice

I used Mercola's basic peroxide recipe:

Using 3% H2O2, using 1/4 tsp., mix with 7 1/4 tsp of normal saline to equal a .1% solution. You can add 1 drop of 5% Lugol's solution to the nebulizer cup with the peroxide solution. I add a drop of 10% Povidine Iodine. Use only saline water, never just straight distilled water.

The past two weeks I've gotten some congestion and a slight dry cough, and so I have used this recipe two days in a row, each time I had symptoms, and within hours I start to feel better and within 24 hours I'm almost all better.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 12/25/2021

Hi earth clinic, I need help nebulizing for virus. I just bought a nebulizer, and a bottle of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, and a box .9% saline solution 5ml unit single doses (100 per box). I want to nebulize for virus. How much 3% peroxide should I put in the medicine cup and do I put the entire tube of 5ml saline with it in the cup? I have 1/16,1/8 and 1/4 size measuring spoons to measure the peroxide amount. Thank you very much for your help!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jordan (Wilmington ) on 12/23/2021

We have a nebulizer but I'm looking for the recipe for each small dose container. I thought I saw somewhere it said 1/4 teaspoon 3% Peroxide and 5ml saline solution. Does anyone have a per use recipe?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by REBA (NY) on 12/17/2021

Hello, You can buy nebulizers on Amazon and other places, it usually comes with a mask that you hold to your face.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Koys (Sofia) on 12/06/2021

And this was originally given by Dr Bernstein on his website, who used it for clearing up of hundreds of Covid patients. As a result of that, his website was closed (for some reason Mercola was not affected). Dr Bernstein commented, that many sick patients did not improve until the day when they put to the H2O2 0.5% also a drop of Lugol iodine!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/05/2021

BRENT, ORH here and you are tougher than I because I can do 3% the Bill Munro way, but only 1 1/2% using a nebulizer. Different strokes for different folks and that is hard for some folks to understand. You a thinker and state that in your post. ATS...... have trained our Rat Terrier to keep our chickens off the cabin porch, otherwise, she leaves them alone. ====ORH====

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Brent (Tigard, OR) on 12/05/2021

Most people, including myself, can tolerate a 3% solution straight out of a drugstore brown bottle. Dr. Levy, who wrote Rapid Virus Recovery (you can find the PDF version on the internet for free), relates cases from Cali, Columbia where a 3% solution was safely nebulized for half an hour, three times a day. Try it first at 3% and if it is irritating you can cut it in half with a saline solution or just purified water.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by gail (wisc) on 12/03/2021

Better to do some research to find out store bought H2O2 has preservatives and a lot more that isn't good for you in it. it is not food grade unless it says so. I hope you will seek out food grade.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Faith (NY) on 11/29/2021

The video isn't there, fyi.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Momma J (Elizabethton, TN) on 11/27/2021

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Kristy (Michigan) on 11/19/2021

Bill Munro used it, as I understand, daily for 30 years, so based on his experience, it sounds safe to use daily.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Shannon Martinez (Texas) on 11/17/2021

Is it ok to use this all the time? I see some say only when sick. I have a friend that was sick months ago with the virus and his lungs have never been the same… would it be good for him?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Tracy (Tucson, AZ) on 11/15/2021

Have you listened to Dr. Mercola and Dr. Brownstein's interview on this treatment? Google their names and the H202 treatment protocol. Last I saw it on Vimeo.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Gina (NY) on 11/13/2021

The manufacturer on my desktop jet nebulizer recommends replacing the nebulizer set every 6 months. I do not need to nebulize regularly, but rather just a few days now and then for prevention OR perhaps for a couple of weeks daily if ill. So does it still make sense to throw the nebulizer set away just because 6 months passed even though it hasn't been used very much? I do not understand how to gauge when to throw the nebulizer set away rather than just clean it. Any suggestions from someone knowledgeable on this matter would be appreciated.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Eileen (Tennessee ) on 11/10/2021

Where do you get your h202? I'm asking because we are essentially neighbors


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Anna (Milwaukee, Wisco) on 11/09/2021

I and my family inhaled food grade 3% h2o2 from a little spritzer bottle (i.e a travel size bottle for hairspray) during covid. It ended a few weeks ago for us. And we had no problems with breathing. We actually did limited vitamins as we were pretty exhausted. I appreciate the info from your book. Just started it today. Vive la liberté!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by David (California) on 11/09/2021

That's nonsense. When you nebulize, the mist goes through your pulmonary/respiratory system. What does that have to do with one's digestive system?

I have been nebulizing for six months now without any problem, and with dramatic results at improving the smoothness of my breathing like never before.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 11/05/2021

I bought mine on amazon :)

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by David (Alberta) on 11/05/2021


Actually, Mercola states that this recipe will make H2O2 0.1% effective solution not 0.01%. One might want to experiment with increasing the concentration of the mixture to H2O2 0.25% and even 0.5% solution, but he recommends to not go over H2O2 1.0% effective concentration.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Buddy (USA) on 11/03/2021

Do you know of some reputable places (e.g., online) one can order the sterile saline nebulizer vials? Thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sylvia (Holland) on 11/02/2021

I have had asthma for over 60 years, after reading last year I started to use 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% and add that to 5mg of physiological saline water. The saline water you can buy in the baby department of a supermarket in prepacked containers. Or at any pharmacy. I just mix both in my nebulizer. For a year now no antibiotics. Quite odd because I always have several rounds every year. For years I took doxycycline daily until I became resistant. And now no antibiotics, very odd. My lungspecialist does not like me doing this… I replied that I would not stop as this is the first thing that has ever really helped me … to which she had no answer… Just make sure your nebulizer is not the mesh type but has a little cup. The mesh gets clogged with the saline water, the salt clogs it.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sandyu (Midland, Mich) on 10/31/2021

I also purchased a facial mister. Saved a bunch of money and works well to nebulize hydrogen peroxide!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Glenn (Easthampton, MA) on 10/30/2021

i saw someone recommending that you should not eat 90 minutes before or after nebulizing - has anyone had problems nebulizing right after eating, or eating right after nebulizing?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jeannie (ID) on 10/30/2021

Robin, can you please tell me where to start. My father is 77 years old they won't even admit him to the hospital because when he is sitting his oxygen is 97-98 but when he gets up to walk to the bathroom or the kitchen he is winded and he cannot have long conversations even while sitting. He is diabetic and I believe his comorbidity will keep him from healing quickly. Tell me what to buy please and how to do this. TY so much

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Buddy (USA) on 10/28/2021

The manufacturer on my desktop jet nebulizer recommends replacing the nebulizer set every 6 months. I do not need to nebulize regularly, but rather just a few days now and then for prevention OR perhaps for a couple of weeks daily if ill. So does it still make sense to throw the nebulizer set away just because 6 months passed even though it hasn't been used very much? I do not understand how to gauge when to throw the nebulizer set away rather than just clean it. Any suggestions from someone knowledgeable on this matter would be appreciated.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by MissM (NY) on 10/26/2021

For my long term Covid I bought salt nose spray Ayr, emptied it out and put in 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide food grade and used method to inhale here. It's less intimidating than using nebulizer.

Another bottle on nasal salt spray, I added two drops of lugols 2 percent iodine and used for my nose. I still use it as preventative when I am out and about.

I also found dairy products made me much much worse in chest. When I stopped dairy most of the congestion reduced dramatically. This has never happened before with dairy, but I highly recommend not using it if you have lung issues of any kind or Covid, flu.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by MissM (NY) on 10/26/2021

An additional helpful solution if you are having lung issues is to use eucalyptus essential oil steam. This has been written about in medical journals. Make sure it's the essential oil not a synthetic fragrance oil! Two drops only in hot boiled distilled water. Let water cool enough where it's manageable for steam on face. This opens up lungs, and penetrates deeply. I used twice a day for about 20 minutes each. Very helpful, and not expensive.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Susan (Houston, Texas ) on 10/25/2021

Even the saline kills viruses!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 10/19/2021 33 posts

You have to go out of mainstream media to get the truth. Why do you think they're censoring everyone? Look up Stew Peters, X22 Reports, Nicholas Viniamin, etc. Then Google Chemtrails or you tube chemtrails and 5G. It's all out there!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 10/18/2021 33 posts

You can get nebulizer a on or just do a search on Amazon, but make sure you buy a table top model and not a hand-held. The hand-helds don't have enough power according to the Mercola video. I got mine for 39.00 and got it in three days!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 10/18/2021 33 posts

He's not doing it, he's being censored.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Rita Montague (California) on 10/18/2021

Here is a chart regarding Food Grade Peroxide solutions.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/16/2021

I use 3% brown bottle H2O2 from the drugstore/walmart/where-ever. It works fine for me.

Dr Mercola Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulizer Protocol

In a video put out by Dr Mercola, he talks about how to use H2O2 for Covid of the Lungs.

His recipe is as follows:

* 1 pint mason jar

* 8oz Distilled water

* 1 level teaspoon sea salt

* 3 teaspoon Hydrogen peroxide 3% (brown bottle) or ¾ teaspoon if using 12% Food Grade H2O2

Either formula will make H2O2 0.01% dilution.

How to use: Nebulize mixture for 5-10 minutes. Repeat every hour if currently sick.

Note: Mercola states in the video to use Food grade Hydrogen peroxide. However, I'm old school. Drugstore brown bottle 3% works and can be ingested by mouth in small doses with no serious side effects and is easy to find.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Tonyp (UK) on 10/16/2021

I'm in Belgium and the only Hydrogen Peroxide I could get from a pharmacist is 3% Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide. Is it OK to inhale with the stabilised stuff?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jeny (Arizona) on 10/16/2021

WOW Rob I'm impressed. These times call for DIY measures! Right on Here are some links I've saved for folks over this past year. Saved them because Mercola is now banned from YTube and most other outlets. Sad times But his videos and interviews still seem to be out there on a couple other sites. Hip Hip Hurray~

1- If people have not seen Dr. Thomas Levy's interview with Mercola it is so worth a view! 3/2021 He goes over the nebulizer usage plus Dr. Levy has put out a FREE E-book on the subject. Link to interview with Mercola and Levy


2-Free copy of Levy's e-book (has nebulizing instructions) "Rapid Virus Recovery"

3-Interview with Dr. Brownstein on his protocol and nebulizing protocol. This is with Dr. Mercola also 2/2021

Hope this helps someone ❤

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by donald (san diego) on 10/13/2021 3 posts

Could you recommend a specific brand of nebulizer? What type did you use? Sounds amazing and I want to try it.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by ivybridge (TN) on 10/08/2021

Not erased, just ghosted from public viewing. He still maintains a copy of all his publications. If one reads his articles he states the article is being updated and was posted previously.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Katherine (South Florida) on 10/07/2021

Yes, the powers that be have threatened him badly for fighting against current government protocols (vaccines) for covid. Such a shame his info is erased.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 10/04/2021

Janet, look up Bill Munro right here on EC.

What I do is simpler: put some water in my mouth, squirt in a squirt of h2o2, and breathe 6-7 breaths "through" the water. (On the exhale, I swish it around my mouth to help whiten teeth, heal any sores etc.)

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Janet (Vancouver, BC) on 10/03/2021

What's the exact preparation and what to do for the hydrogen peroxide solution? I need it now. Thanks so much!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Marshagail (Georgia) on 09/27/2021

I recently started using 3% food grade hp mixed ½ & ½ with distilled water several times a day. I bought a 2 piece facial mister for about $9 and am using that as it seems quite economical & efficient and I'm very pleased & encouraged as I haven't had to resort to 6muvus pills/day to breathe nor have I used my prescription inhaler once! I'm stickin' with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Paula B (Hawaii) on 09/25/2021

Has this been tried for asthma?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Roy Quinby (Philippines ) on 09/24/2021

Nice find!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Dee (Florida) on 09/23/2021

This is the Nebulizer recipe I have: 1 pint mason jar * 8oz Distilled water * 1 level teaspoon Sea salt * 3 teaspoons Hydrogen peroxide 3% (brown bottle) or ¾ teaspoonif using 12%.

Optional can add 2 drops of Iodine in recipe.

Also can add 2 drops of Iodine in water to gargle with.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Bob H. (Memphis TN) on 09/19/2021

I started using the h202 inhalation method many years ago. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I start using the spray many times per day and I also will put h202 in each ear canal and let it sit for 5 min on each side. By doing this I have not had a full blown cold in probably 10 years.

So, during this covid thing, being as it attacks the lungs, I have had now several periods where out of the blue my lungs start bothering me. Burning when I tried to do my walking and just a shortness of breath. It made me think, I am coming down with this stuff.

I used the h202 inhalation method throughout the day and even carried it with me when I went places. I was probably using it 12 or more times per day. As soon as I got up, last thing before bed and all during the day. My way of doing it is to blow all the air out of your lungs and then spray the mist and keep inhaling until you can't inhale anymore. Then, hold your breath and count to 30.

I got both vaccines but, I still felt like I was coming down with it.

I kept doing my walking everyday, made a point of that, and after a couple of days of using the h202 my lungs felt back to normal.

So, for any out there that feel a discomfort in your lungs you may want to give it a try...

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Edy (CA) on 09/18/2021

Yes. To make 3% from food grade it's 11 to 1. Always use distilled water. 11 Tbs water to 1 Tbs food grade H2O2.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Mare (CA) on 09/17/2021

Sadly yes. Dr. Mercola has been identified as 1 of the 12 "disinformation doctors" and has been misquoted and forced to take down his YouTube channel and others I am sure. But he still very active and sends out a mailing quite often if you get on his email list.

Use to download his stuff before it comes down.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/17/2021

If you want to build your own ultrasonic nebulizer at home for nebulizing colloidal silver or hydrogen peroxide, it is simple to do by using a pond fogger device available thru amazon or ebay for $15.00. Goggle search “AGPTEK Mist Maker Fogger Water Fountain Pond Fog Machine Atomizer Air Humidifier with 12 LED Light Color Change” This device puts out some serious fog for your lungs! When people see it operating, they think it's an electric bong! This very detailed video shows you how to build one. I've built over a dozen of them for friends and clients.

Video: DIY Colloidal Silver Nebulizer Https://

I build them out of a sports water bottle bought at Dollartree. The clear tubing at Ace Hardware. And aquarium grade silicone at Dollar General. I fixed a face cup/mask to the end of the tubing from an old broken nebulizer that works perfect so I can inhale through my nose to disinfect my sinuses at the same time. Now that the Plandemic is really taking off and the vaccinated are spreading the disease to the healthy un-vaccinated, this nebulizer is a great backup if you develop covid lungs.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Heatger (Tennessee) on 09/16/2021


Do you use 12%, 5%, or 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide? I have read many articles and they all suggest different %

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/16/2021

Hi Kenneth Ridgeway (England):

Here is the link to why Dr. Mercola is removing his articles after 48 hours and why he deleted all of his previous articles.

Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours

This greatly saddens me.

I've used Mercola and Earth Clinic exclusively for my health.

It's never a good thing when choices are removed.

Take care,


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Kenneth Ridgeway (England) on 09/16/2021

Why would Dr Mercola take down this information. I have followed him for five yrs now and thought he was on the side of the patient. Has someone in a high place got to him.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Maria (MO) on 09/16/2021

From Mercola videos:

16oz distilled water, 1 tsp sea salt, ¾ tsp food grade (12%) hydrogen peroxide. Mix and keep in fridge.

Use ½ tsp in nebulizer every hour if sick. Reduce to every 4-6 hrs when better. Should feel better after 2-3 treatment.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/15/2021

Thanks Paul for posting the Dr. Mercola video. I watched it a few months ago and this is what I got out of his H2O2 protocal. This is what I got out for his video. In this video put out by Dr Mercola, he talks about how to use H2O2 for Covid of the Lungs.

His recipe is as follows: * 1 pint mason jar * 8oz Distilled water * 1 level teaspoon Sea salt * 3 teaspoons Hydrogen peroxide 3% (brown bottle) or ¾ teaspoon if using 12% FG H2O2 Either formula will make H2O2 0.01% dilution.

How to use: Nebulize mixture for 5-10 minutes. Repeat every hour if currently sick.

Note: Mercola states in the video to use Food grade Hydrogen peroxide.

However, I'm old school. Drugstore brown bottle 3% works and can be ingested by mouth in small doses with no serious side effects and is easy to find.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Teresa (NC) on 09/15/2021

Thank you, Paul, for posting the link to his video. I just got a nebulizer in the mail and needed the correct recipe. BTW, I bought my tabletop nebulizer at on sale for $30. Amazon and their sellers are just taking advantage.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Angela (NC) on 09/15/2021

Hi there, the ratio is a 2/1 ratio of 2 parts distilled water to 1 part 3% Human Grade Peroxide. Many docs are saying if you can't nebulize that the virus stays in your nose 3-6 days then moves on. So each time you go out come home and take a 8oz glass of filtered water and place 2-3 drops of povidine in it and then swab each nostril. Then take the mixture and swish and gargle for about a minute and spit don't swallow. Hope this helps! Glad nebulizing helped you!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Lori (TX) on 09/15/2021

The peroxide amount is 1/4 teaspoon for either 3%, 12%, or 36% strength. The saline amount is the one that changes, according to the peroxide strength. Attempting to send the link for the article. Scroll down until you see the chart. (Dr Mercola removes content after 48 hours. This is his article reposted by a different website:) Https://

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jan (TX) on 09/15/2021

I bought a box of 100 individual 5ml sterile saline vials for nebulizers. 3% food grade peroxide which I put in a dropper bottle. I use 1 ( 5ml ) vial, 5 drops of peroxide which equals .25ml & 1 drop of Lugol's iodine. Dr Brownstein recommend 5% iodine, said it's hard to find so use 2 drops of 2% iodine. I only use 1 drop as it burns my throat.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Judy (Tenessee) on 09/15/2021

My recipe for the nebulizer cup is 1 teaspoon of saline and 1/4 teaspoon 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide as a preventative. When sick or feeling like a cough is coming on, I raise the hydrogen peroxide level to 1/2 teaspoon. For prevention, I nebulize 1-2 times per day. When getting sick, minimum of 3 times a day,

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Marcia (IL) on 09/15/2021

Dr David Brownstein (sub of Detroit), Dr. Thomas Levy MD, JD, & Dr. Joseph Mercola all use hydrogen peroxide nebulizing protocols. Dr. Levy's is much stronger that the other 2's protocol. Dr. Levy's latest book (with protocol) is available free at

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Marcia (IL) on 09/15/2021

If you use 3% food grade hydrogen then take 1/4 tsp of it and add it to 7 1/4 tsp filter water to make 0.01% ending concentration for nebulizing.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Katherine (Calif) on 09/15/2021


The instructions on my nebulizer say to clean after each use. I use hand held and got rid of COVID symptoms after one use of Dr David Brownstein's H2O2 and saline solution recipe. (1 cup distilled water. Add 1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt. Let sediment fall to bottom. Put 2/3 tsp of food grade 3% H2O2 into salt solution. Use water from top of salt solution. Put 2/3 tsp of combined salt solution into nebulizer. Nebulizer 3-5 x per day if sick and 1-2 x if preventative.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 09/15/2021

I too used H2O2 inhalation therapy early in the COVID situation. I had trouble breathing and some mild symptoms, but it was the breathing that was the only real problem. I wasn't able to get much oxygen exchange. I sprayed some 3% regular hydrogen peroxide from the store along with the short fast inhalation. The method was crude as the sprayer was not much good for this application the drops were far too large. But it still worked so well that a minute later I was happily surprised at the effectiveness of it. I slept fine that night and continued a few more applications in the next few days to be on the safe side. I haven't been troubled by anything since. It's been over a year.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Paul (ME) on 09/14/2021 - Dr. Mercola's video.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by JS (Grants Pass, OR) on 09/12/2021

I am going nuts trying to determine how much 3% H2O2 to add to a saline solution. I bought 3% before discovering most instructions use 12%.

Dr. Mercola said, 16 oz. water and 1 tsp. salt for the saline. Then add 3/4 tsp. Food Grade H2O2. Put about 1/2 tsp. of this into the nebulizer cup.

Does anyone have a recipe using 3%?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by LarJam (ID) on 09/10/2021

Editor's Choice

I have chronic Asthma and Congestive Heart Failure and have had Swine Flu (Sars-1) 4 years ago and now have early symptoms of Covid. My roommate brought Covid home 3 days ago. My wife told me about this HP therapy.

I used my nebulizer, which only has one setting. Filled up with any store purchased Hydrogen Peroxide 3 percent says ok to use as a gargle so that means its food grade. The actual brand is Equate .(Walmart I think) I didn't dilute it or add anything.

I did the treatment for 2-3 minutes and could feel it working once it hit my lungs. Since I only have a mouthpiece, I would inhale in my mouth and exhale out my nose. Then at the end, I allowed straight vapors out of the mouthpiece to flow into my nostrils for about a minute.

I then took an emergence Vitamin C treatment in hot water and drank it. With just one treatment I felt it working like a miracle. I will do this every morning at night I will add some to my CPAP at night to kill germs in my hose and face mask. Thank God for the internet to learn about these solutions.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Volker (Berlin (Germany)) on 09/09/2021

In this book, Dr. Thomas Levy (MD) describes the nebulizing peroxide. He says, get as close to 3% as you can get, dilute (with saline) if it irritates you too much.
You can download a free copy here:

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Buddy (USA) on 09/06/2021

I can only find distilled water in 1 gallon opaque plastic jugs--not in a high quality clear plastic bottle. Are the opaque jugs what everyone here using store bought distilled water uses for nebulizing? Also, if one just uses a nebulizer sporadically (i.e., after an exposure for a day or so, a week or so if sick, etc.) how often should it be cleaned or replaced?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Francine (Mount Bethel, Pa ) on 09/02/2021

Don't forget the salt in your distilled water!!!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Glenn (Easthampton, MA) on 09/02/2021

Would an inhaler work as well as a nebulizer? They seem to be much more available at stores I've checked - haven't found a nebulizer yet.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Glenn (Easthampton, MA) on 09/02/2021

Any evidence of this, or did it just sound good so you went with it? "The COVID is hidden in the spiked vaccines and swab stick tests that they rub on the cribriform plate inside the skull underneath the brain to inoculate people with the synthetic bioweapon"

If you just state stuff with absolutely no proof, that's no better than the BS that the pharmaceutical companies, governments, and corporate media lies.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Glenn (Easthampton, MA) on 09/02/2021

I doubt that would help. A previous commenter suggested that even the portable, battery-powered nebulizer was not powerful enough to get it into your lungs (and suggested the more powerful tabletop jet nebulizer).

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Katherine (FL) on 09/02/2021

Dr. Mercola says mask only. I trust him.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Katherine (FL) on 09/02/2021

Dr. M's protocol is on website. google nebulized hydrogen peroxide and you should find this site.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Deb (Maryville, TN) on 08/31/2021

Dr. Mercola recommends using 1 pint distilled water, add 1 tsp Celtic or Redmond's Real Salt to make saline. His preferred hydrogen peroxide solution is .1%.
1/4 tsp 3% hp + 7 14 tsp saline = .1% solution

I distill my own but store bought is fine. In his new book he says filtered water fine also.

Dr. Levy recommends using straight 3% standard hp. If too much fizzing cut by half with water.

Very helpful article:

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Buddy (usa) on 08/31/2021

I saw several posts mention using distilled water in the nebulizers. Is this store-bought bottled distilled water or is it made with a home water distiller? If bottled, what brand is best to use for nebulizing? Same question for bottled reverse osmosis if that's okay to use too?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 08/30/2021

Hi, I would like to know if you have a heart issue can you use the Hydrogen Peroxide straight from a nasal pump bottle or in a nebulizer? Also, someone mentioned a humidifier. I would love to know about both.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Cam (Vallejo, CA) on 08/30/2021

How do I dilute 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to .1%, like Dr. Mercola suggested to be used in nebulizer? How much HP and how much saline solution?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Buddy (USA) on 08/25/2021

Is it okay to use Fiji water to nebulize HP? Seems that using Ayr Saline would be a bit impractical and expensive if one was going to nebulize very much. Also, is the desktop jet nebulizer best or is a handheld mesh better for HP?

I've read what Dr. Levy and Dr. Brownstein say on this issue and they seem--as I understood, at least, to disagree somewhat especially where the handheld mesh kind is concerned. Any thoughts would be appreciated as I am new to this subject and trying to learn how to go about it all. Thanks.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Angela (GA) on 08/22/2021

I was just searching for that info myself, as I have just purchased a nebulizer. I found the recommendation to nebulize 2-3 times a week for 1-3 minutes as a preventative measure.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Teresa (Jacksonville, Fla) on 08/18/2021

Dr Mercola took down all of his information. Can you please share what he recommended for preventative use. How often?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Craig (Lake Charles, LA) on 08/09/2021

The last time anyone made a glass cup for dispensing nebulized medication was in the 60's & those were called "atomizers" (remember grandma's perfume atomizer? Same thing). They didn't work very well. Plastic is the only thing used these days. As a Respiratory Therapist of 30 years, I have never had a patient be allergic to the plastic used (not saying you aren't, just saying I've never seen it).

If you're going to nebulize anything and want it to work make sure you use a mouthpiece and NOT a mask. Even with a mouthpiece you'll get, at best, about 10% of the nebulized solution. With a mask, you'll get NONE. Remember--your nose is a filter--breathe through your MOUTH only. Best of luck

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/08/2021 233 posts

Food grade.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Josef (Gibraltar) on 08/06/2021

May I ask for your advice please? I cannot get pure food grade H2O2. Can I use normal one? Btw the only food grade I can obtain is stabilized with H3PO3 acid. I think this would be wrong to use it. Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Josef (Gibraltar) on 08/06/2021

Hi, there are 2 types of nebulizers, air jet and mesh, ie ultrasonically made vapour. The ultrasound vapor is much smaller particles therefor I assume can reach deeper, to the very periphery or airways. I believe the mesh type should be preferred over air jet types. Let me know why you suggest otherwise. thx joe

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jackie (Namibia) on 08/06/2021

Is this the normal HP 3%? Not food grade?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Roxie (Grand Rapids Michigan ) on 07/26/2021

Can you find out what his protocol was and share it please. I know it's not medical advice, but would still like to know.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Robin (Pinckney, Mich) on 06/27/2021 2 posts

Editor's Choice

I was in the hospital for two weeks because I could not breathe. 14 days later I was sent home on oxygen. I could not take three steps without being extremely hypoxic. I thought I was sent home to die. I asked my friend who I have a share purchased for raw cow's milk if she heard what I might do...she said " look into nebulizing hydrogen peroxide with iodine in saline solution." Lugol's is better but could not buy it in time so I used 2 drops nascent iodine in a saline solution made from pink Himalayan salt and distilled water..

My husband diluted food grade hydrogen down to the correct protocol. I cannot give correct dosages at this point because I was very ill and my husband provided for me my care in this. All I can say is that after three weeks out of hospital nothing worked until this. I could breathe immediately and have been getting better ever since.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Veronica (ON) on 06/09/2021

Try taking Vitamin C (2g) with your nebulized HP. I use the passive type of nebulizer where I just fill the cup with 3% and breathe normally with the mask that came with the device. You don't need to use saline with it or dilute it unless you find yourself sneezing while you do it (sign that its too strong for you). I have severe asthma, and this helps enormously, as well as when I believed I had the covid. The vitamin C meant that I was sick one day and recovering within 36 hrs of going home sick.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Brian (California) on 06/04/2021 1 posts

Dr. Mercola Recommends Nebulized Peroxide Basics:

I've embraced nebulized peroxide since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and have received many anecdotal reports from people who have successfully used it, even at more advanced stages.

Based on Brownstein's experience, I now also recommend adding iodine when nebulizing, as it appears to make it even more effective. Keep in mind that the peroxide needs to be diluted with saline. I recommend diluting it down to 0.1%. Brownstein recommends diluting it to 0.04%. Tom Levy recommends 3% and higher. Ideally, use food grade hydrogen peroxide, as it does not have any harmful stabilizers.

If you pre-dilute to 0.04%, it will stay potent for about three months when kept refrigerated. If you do a 0.1% dilution, it may stay potent a bit longer. If you don't have access to saline, you could make your own by mixing one teaspoon of unprocessed salt (such as Himalayan salt, Celtic salt or Redmond's real salt) into a pint of water. This will give you a 0.9% saline solution, which is about the concentration found in body fluids. Using that saline, you will then dilute the hydrogen peroxide as described in this chart.

Do not mix the peroxide with straight distilled water, as this could potentially cause physiological damage. You need the salt in there. You can, however, make your saline using distilled water. Using small amounts of peroxide, either IV or nebulizer, only has a good clinical effect. I do not see negative effects with it. ~ Dr. David Brownstein

Also, to optimize your benefits, be sure to buy an electric tabletop jet nebulizer. The battery-driven handheld versions simply aren't as effective. As Brownstein points out, in nearly all cases where patients were not getting better, they were using a handheld nebulizer. Once they got a more powerful version that can drive the peroxide deep into the lungs, the treatment started working as it should.

I strongly recommend buying everything you need beforehand so that you can treat yourself or your family at a moment's notice. You don't want to wait days for your order to arrive before starting treatment.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Cherie (Camberwell) on 05/20/2021


you seem to know a bit so I'm hoping you can advise.

I had terrible breathing issues that came on suddenly and a month of noises coming from my chest, weird clicks and rales.

I had an appointment at the hospital and they said it's bizarre but my breathing seems fine. ( I recorded my chest as it was waking me out of my sleep and then keeping me awake from worry) This was also continuous and not intermitant.

I started nebulising with HP mixed with saline twice a day and the symptoms disappeared that night and I slept like a baby.

I use it twice a day and tried to cut it down to once a day after 3 weeks but after 2 days, I started to hear my chest again.

I went back to neblising twice a day and the symptoms disappeared again.

I want to know if its safe to do it so often?


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by mattie (US) on 05/12/2021

Sincerest prayers for the rapid healing of Bharat & her people. Using many of India's traditional remedies and have Baba Ramdev's Coronil Kits on hand. I was advised by an allopath this was a good idea. Impressed by, the effectiveness of, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, remedies. I also want to try, the food-grade, hydrogen peroxide. Seems another wise item to keep on hand. Take good care of yourself, dear. My prayers are with you and yours there in India.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Savannah (Matching Tye) on 05/07/2021

Thanks for this information. Searching high & low, for a glass cup (medicine receptacle), for a regular nebulizer. It seems impossible to find. Everything's plastic these days! Did find food-grade hydrogen peroxide at 12% in glass bottles.

Can anyone suggest a glass cup & mouthpiece? Plastic (and latex) causes my skin to break out in itchy, red patches with small blisters. Can't even use vaseline or other petroleum-based products; same rash problems. Despite, taking Septilin, vegan D3&K2, china-free, non-synthetic Vit C & sitopaladi churna, daily and having corona kits on standby, I want to have the peroxide option also. Scared to use plastic products, tho. Sure hope someone can advise me!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Mike D. (Naples, FL) on 05/06/2021

I developed a fever of 102, at the height of the Covid period. Having sleep apnea and a Cpap machine, I added a few ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide to my distilled water. The fever went away and a subsequent test for Covid was negative. No way to know if I had Covid at the time, but had something....this was my first fever in well over twenty years.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Susan J. (Phoenix, AZ) on 05/04/2021

Do you just add 3 cc's of the 3% HP solution into the nebulizer or do you dilute it with saline?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by robob (Wash DC) on 05/02/2021

Never use tap water. there have been cases of parasitic infection and death. even municipal sources (cases in mississippi, texas, and washington states) can have contaminants that won't affect you through ingestion, but if given the chance to lodge in the dark damp nasal passages by inhalation or irrigation can develop into something dangerous. incredibly rare, but why risk it to save some money or time instead of using the right things

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Prakash (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 04/30/2021

3% Food Grade H202 Nebulizer inhalation works for Covid infection.

Mild Chest CT Scan infection with 100.8 fever was gone with 4 ten min nebulizer sessions of 3% H202 without any dilution.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by qquv (USA) on 04/30/2021

I have nebulized hydrogen peroxide at the start of flu symptoms, which quickly resolved. I found that a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution worked well and was easily tolerated.

For decades physicians have seen patients benefit from nebulization of hydrogen peroxide for short-term use during viral infection.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by mothman777 (LONDON) on 04/28/2021

The COVID is hidden in the spiked vaccines and swab stick tests that they rub on the cribriform plate inside the skull underneath the brain to inoculate people with the synthetic bioweapon, hence the sudden outbreak since the mass distribution of these 'vaccines' due to the Communist Party of India General Secretary Sitaram Yechury who wrote to PM Narendra Modi urging him to distribute vaccines, when before, India had one of the lowest death rates from COVID in the world in any case.

In India, surprisingly, Vitamin D3 deficiency is highly prevalent. To remedy this take 4,000 IU Vitamin D3 a day (combined with 250 mcg or so Vitamin K2 just to make the Vitamin D3 utilize calcium more appropriately) will prevent cytokine attacks which are the sole cause oof COVID deaths, at least with the present strain of the weapon.

Ivermectin for 6 days is also good to wipe out various flu-type respiratory viruses in the body. Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and Zinc (be extremely careful to balance this with copper as zinc pushes copper out of the body and copper is what keeps your veins elastic and stops them rupturing) are also very useful, and there are other things you can consider also.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sophie (Porttown ) on 04/26/2021

I watched Dr. Mercola's video demo. He used 3/4 teaspoon food grade 12% hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon sea salt and one pint of H20 (one pint is 16 ounces which is 2 cups). I live in a place that has clean water that is fluoride free. I boil the water for 12 minutes to sterilize it. I let it cool and then add the salt and HP then nebulize the sinuses and lungs.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Chandrika (Delhi) on 04/25/2021

While I find many case studies here very useful, I don't understand how 5G and Covid19 are connected. We don't have 5G in India, so what's everyone catching and dying of? And if don't call it COVID 19, we call it corona, the fact that it's spreading from person to person cannot be denied. Nor can we ignore the fact that it's affecting the lungs in the same manner and that people are, because of it, dying. Having said that, I'm very happy to try hydrogen peroxide and melatonin, to see if it works better than the mainstream protocols for everyone.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Love (Kentucky) on 04/08/2021

I couldn't breathe one night... I got up and doused my hand with peroxide from the store under my nose, in my ear, and gargled with water... I could breathe instantly. I also bent over and coughed up the mucus, and drink lemon, water, and cayenne pepper. If it was the flu, 5G, or corona (CV19 has never been identified in a lab)... I knocked it out in 10 minutes. It's like an asthma attack. Please don't panic.

I had no physical issues until 5G moved into my neighborhood. Never been sick in 20 years. So...

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/05/2021

Editor's Choice

I keep 2 nasal spray bottles filled with Bill Munro's HP Therapy. One is always in my travel bag along with a small container to refill. Haven't had a cold, flu, cold sore for 2 years since having pneumonia.

I truly believe the virus was covid as the ER docs said they didn't recognize the virus. I was so sick I couldn't remember what to take or do for myself. By the time the doctor (if you want to call him that) relented to my husband's concern, sepsis had set in. After that, I began keeping a notebook of natural treatments so my family will know what to do for me, and to continue caring for them naturally when I'm not around.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Victoria (California) on 04/01/2021

I use straight 3% - the cheap non food grade type from the drug store in a nebulizer full strength or occasionally diluted with distilled water when starting. I have done so for many years. I have administered the same with my teens since they were little and have had no problems. Cured the respiratory problems in my home...started it when I had bronchitis for 4 months and was about to get a COPD diagnosis (I have never smoked.) That bronchitis strain put my mom in the ICU and almost killed her. The nebulized H2O2 killed my bronchitis in 3 days after starting! Since then I use it for all respiratory and viral infections. I've read the nebulizing is a systemic mode of action so it may be beneficial for issues beyond the respiratory system. Since my remarkable recovery, my whole extended family uses nebulizers with H2O2 when they get respiratory bugs.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by New Reader (Texas) on 03/09/2021

Please use the DuckDuckGo search engine. Google is actively trying to suppress health information.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Koy (Sofia) on 03/04/2021

P.S. To prepare home made saline water, I'm using a cup of distilled water, just heat the water and put a pinch of Celtic salt to dissolve inside. Then wait to cool out, before placing 35% H2O2 food grade, diluted to 1% (34 drops of the saline water to 1 drop of H2O2). Then place this 1% in the nebulizer and in the last moment, before nebulizing, I add a drop of 5% Lugol iodine. Hope this helps.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by NANCY (TX) on 01/27/2021

Conrad, thanks so much for your informative info.

I've used HP for years in a small sprayer with a bit of distilled water and spray my mouth a few times a day, some days more some less. I use the drugstore kind and haven't had any bad side effects. I'm going to try your method as my lungs are a bit congested presently. I appreciate your sharing! Blessings to you!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Dianne (FL) on 01/14/2021

Pari Trek S Portable Compressor Nebulizer Aerosol System & Pari Adult Aerosol Mask for a total of $75.12

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Theresa (NC) on 01/09/2021

Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Master Mineral Solution, same thing by Jim Humble.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Diane (Toronto) on 01/07/2021

Thank you Conrad for this method of using H2O2 by soaking your feet for 5 minutes.

I have sinus issues and a chest congestion and they bother me a lot. I have tried different nasal sprays both natural and prescription but they work only temporarily. I did soak my feet today and I truly feel a difference. Will keep at it for at least a week and more if necessary, and hopefully I will be healed. Such a great site and such nice people here. Thank you all for sharing and God bless us all. Diane

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Lynn (Texas) on 12/22/2020

Earth clinic has an informative and instructional video on their website regarding hydrogen peroxide inhalation. I suggest you watch it more than once. It should answer all your questions. It is based on the original post by Bill who uses the hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore and puts it in a nasal spray bottle. Best to you!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by MissM (New York) on 12/21/2020

I tried dilutions of hydrogen peroxide, but found the dilution was not effective. Straight 3% FOOD GRADE is what you need.

Here is what you need to do.

Go to drugstore and purchase a nasal salt spray like Ayr.

Remove cap and dump out all the contents.

Rinse the emptied bottle several times with DISTILLED water. This is clean water!

Next add 3% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide.

Get the food grade at the health food store.

Do not use 35% - this will burn you, nor use the hydrogen peroxide from drugstore as it is meant for wounds only, it also has stabilizers in it you don't need in lungs.

For use as inhaler squeeze bottle into mouth while breathing in big breaths. I use three and that helps clear up my chest from remaining Covid.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by MissM (NY) on 12/08/2020

I had Covid in March. Symptoms for 7 months. My lungs were filled with fluid that I could t get rid of, and I coughed for 7 months. I did not start to get better until I started 3 per cent food grade hydrogen peroxide in mister. I started with 1% as I was scared of this treatment. The 3% loosened up the fluid and gunk enough where I was able to start getting rid of it.

I also used Ayr nasal salt spray with a couple drops of lugols iodine. This helped as well. I also used glutamine capsules as a steam, NAC, elecampane. After I used the hydrogen peroxide, I used mucinex twice and brought up the remaining fluids.

Warning: this is very uncomfortable. Each time I used mucinex, I had 45 minute sessions of coughing bringing up stuff out of lungs! My doctor was clueless about Covid.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Kelly (AZ) on 12/04/2020

Thanks for the idea. I'm always sitting next to a diffuser I don't even use, so I cleaned it, threw in a capful of 3% FG h2o2 and filled to line with distilled water and poof! Within minutes my labored breathing began subsiding, my sinuses started clearing and running down back of my throat! Fast! In fact my heart or respiratory system (not sure) began feeling overstimulated pretty quickly so I shut it off and will do in short intervals. You just saved me $45 on a nebulizer🙏

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Rose (CA) on 11/28/2020

J. Park mentions 2 soldiers... so there must be just 2 remedies and the other could be an ailment. MMS = Master Mineral Solution CDS = Chlorine Dioxide Solution This link shows where these two remedies could be purchased: But Paul from Meridian, MS listed a website from Jim Humble... and that website shows how to make MMS. I wonder if CDH is an ailment noted as Chronic Daily Headache... I found a link but it offers drugs as a solution for pain management.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Lisa Wawrzyniak (Arizona) on 11/23/2020

We use a nebulizer daily with our Colloidal Silver. We purchased one from Vitality Medical Supply and also a face mask to use with it. My husband prefers the mask to the mouth piece.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Marsh (Colo) on 11/14/2020

I agree. I carry a bottle at all times. Purchased a 2 pack of a popular 24 hr nasal spray that comes in a blue & white bottle. Empty the ingredients as these bottles provide a very fine mist. Easier than packing a nebulizer. Use after being in public, on planes as a precaution, or anyone who is sneezing or coughing. I've followed Bill Munro's protocol for over 4 years. (The nasal spray isn't cheap but it's difficult finding a spray bottle that delivers the fine mist.)

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Volker (Berlin (Germany)) on 11/12/2020

@Judy, who wrote "if high-arginine can trigger cold-sore viruses, why wouldn't they also replicate other viruses such as CV (coronavirus)?"

Yes! It seems that the same mechanisms work for CV as for the herpes virus.

=> L-Lysine vs. L-Arginine.

Please watch the videos of Bo K. and also read the discussions in the forum Drugtargetreview:

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Koy (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 11/02/2020

H2O2 is extremely helpful for treating coronavirus, especially in the early stage (stopping the virus entering the lungs), but Never use 3% H2O2 - you have to dilute that to 0.5-1 % max and use it in saline water to nebulize it, please. (if not using saline, it is corrosive for the lungs)

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Paul (Meridian, MS) on 10/27/2020

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Dave (Dallas) on 10/09/2020

Which, if any, brand name nebulizer that are not made in China would be recommended?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Dave (Dallas) on 10/08/2020

So many nebulizers on the market, what are recommendations, if any?

I having been using homemade colloidal silver for 20 years, I think I know the answer to this, but can it be used in a nebulizer/

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by M.pittet (Oliver Bc) on 10/04/2020

What are CDS, CDH and MMS? Googled all three, unfortunately, only found a medically relevant application of MMS....

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Chris (San Carlos) on 08/15/2020

Hi Tracy,

Here is an excellent presentation by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD of the Riordan Clinic (IV Vitamin C and other functional treatments). He presents many research studies, plus clinical outcomes, on nebulizing 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for any virus including Covid. Its a bit long (2 hours) but well worth it. The presentation is from June 2020 at the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

In addition to Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide, he also discusses other virus treatments such as:
- IV Vitamin C
- Far Infrared Sauna
- Ozone (blood treatments or ultraviolet blood eradiation)
- Low-Dose Radiotherapy

Nebulized HP for Covid is a game changer and needs to be shared widely. Check it out and decide for yourself.


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Brendan (Dallas, Tx) on 08/01/2020


I am a DJ and before COVID-19 I would constantly be at events with hundreds of people. I was reading this and got the thought of making the hydrogen peroxide solution and inserting it in an oxidizer that's can spread the gas throughout the environment providing a clean environment so people would not be required to wear masks. I was wondering if this is a far fetched idea and there are other variables such as how big does the oxidizer have to be so ever person can breathe in the peroxide solution, also it gets hot when all those people get together, will that effect the effectiveness of the oxidized peroxide, also how long will it need to be on because it is not directly being inhaled through the nebulizer?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Ellen (Nevada) on 07/30/2020

Thank you for your input - I was worried about distilled water as I think I read somewhere in an article by Joseph Mercola that distilled water could have some kind of detrimental effect on the lungs but can't find anything else to support that. I am doing saline (homemade) and H2O2 (food grade). So far, so good.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/15/2020 46 posts

Simple and cheap solutions are my favorite.

Dr. Thomas Levy (Vitamin C expert) suggests using regular water from the faucet. I do agree that distilled or purified water is better if you have it. I would think that would also prolong the life of the nebulizer.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Patsy (Georgia ) on 07/14/2020

What is mms, cdh, & cds? pls share thks.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by J. Park (La, Ca) on 07/13/2020

Editor's Choice

Sorry for late response to the person who asked me about nebulizing with peroxide. I REGULARLY use nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide as follows:

it is commonly recommended that one use 1% HP food grade, which I also follow. The dilution is very simple. You put 1 part of HP3% into a container, and add 2 parts of pure water. Then you get 1% HP! If you have 35% of HP food grade, just 1 part of HP35% to 34 parts of pure water(total 35 parts) to make 1% food grade. Please be careful only to use pure/distilled water. The nebulizer & ultrasonic humidifier shoot tiny water particle as as a fog these are nothing but small water particles, never steam, therefore they carry all the contents of water. The unpure water do carry all the impurities including those metallic contents. I never recommend RO, "purified" water.

  • Put some into your nebulizer.
  • Breath the steam into your lung thru NOSE(if you do into mouth, it may irritate you until you are well used to it, esp. with 1%, lower % is more pleasant. But you will get use to it). I do this for any minutes up to 5. I don't count # of breaths, I use regular/natural breath, no particular tricks. If I feel like I could easily hold it for a while. All I care about is time.
  • I do this whenever I feel slight sign of cold/flu/COVID-19?? :) :) ... in my chest/lung. Whatever disease that was bugging me simply disappears. This does not mean I use one single session of nebulizing. I do it multiple session until I feel very good. These singlet oxygen atoms generated from HP are powerful enemies to these germs.
  • I always have this nebulizer next to my bed and do it regularly just to kill any infections including COVID-19. I do not believe they have any chance against me. Killing bugs in my lung, breathing channel is the most directly way of killing these shits.

I always maintain bottle of MMS, CDH, CDS to back up. With these 2 soldiers, I could defeat any lung disease at all. All I need is "persistence".

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Tom (Illinois) on 03/05/2020

I have a nebulizer and use 3% FG hydrogen peroxide, it's done wonders for my ailments in under a week's time..

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Craig (EC Facebook) on 02/27/2020

3% Hydrogen peroxide... 4x teaspoons in 8oz water.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Kru T (Usa) on 03/18/2020

Editor's Choice

I've been reading earthclinic comments and recommendations for years, but I've never commented on anything. I just read a study on hydrogen peroxide 3% on multiple viruses including Coronavirus. In 1-30 min, the h2o2 had inactivated all of the viruses. The tests were done in vitro, but that didn't stop me from using the hydrogen peroxide inhalation on my flu/ virus.

I did not get tested to see what I had, but all of a sudden I could not breathe. I couldn't walk to my kitchen or bathroom without gasping for air. I did not go to get tested because I immediately tried the h2o2 inhalation.

I used 3% food grade in a cleaned out sinus mister and sprayed in the back of my throat when I inhaled. Be careful not to swallow if you try this; spit out what you don't inhale.

In minutes I was spitting out white gunk.

Within two days, I was breathing almost 100%. Because I used this right away, I'm not exactly sure what virus I had.

The study showed that Coronavirus and influenza were the most sensitive to the h2o2. Even if I did NOT have Coronavirus, this method should be used or attempted on those who do test positive unless they have other issues that would cause further harm with this attempt. For those who are dying from Coronavirus who are elderly or have weakened immune systems, what is the harm? This may save lives. I want to know why others haven't tried this already.

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