Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Jock Itch
Posted by Thomas (Homewood, Il / usa) on 02/17/2009

I've had 'jock itch' now for around 20 years. It comes and goes and is always worse in the summer. I've tried all the creams and sprays and all they do is suppress it and control it. I ordered some food grade H202 on line, 35% and just dabbed it on with a cotton ball and it immediately turned white and started to burn, I let it burn for about 20 seconds then jumped in the shower and rinsed it off. I did this again at night.The next day I diluted it by half and applied it again for as long as I could stand it, no longer then a minute. As I did this I noticed that the fungus was spread around a larger area then I ever imagined. I had small areas that went from my inner leg all the way up above my pubic hair. Anyway after about 10 days the insidious fungus was eradicated and hasn't come back! Thank you Earth Clinic. I am now huffing H202 a few times a day and I gargle with it twice a day and notice my teeth are getting whiter and cleaner. Who knew?

Stomach Ailments
Posted by Sheri (Laughlin, Nevada) on 12/17/2008

I just turned 41 and started getting horrible indigestion, as painful as the worst freezer brain ever, but in the center of my chest. After trying Prilosec for a month, what a joke. I called my nurse after an 8 agonizing hour bout of indigestion, she prescribed Prevacid @ $178 for a 30 day supply, this was also crap! I was laying on my floor in agony and could hardly breathe it hurt so bad after taking 2 doses. 3-4 hours later I felt no improvement. I don't know why, but I got up and decided out of desparation to try drinking a few drops of regular bathroom peroxide, 4-5 looking drops worth from the cap, into a half full water bottle, less than 1 minute later, no exagerration, try for yourself, there wasn't even the faintest bit of pain! I went to bed and laid there waiting for it to return, it never came back, I was asleep within minutes! Everybody should give this a try, its amazing! This stuff is some kind of miracle concoction, I don't know what else to say, just try it!

Cold Sores
Posted by Carol (Greenville, USA) on 06/23/2008

I too have had cold sores all my life and am 50 yrs old now. I had a sore in the inside of my nose for 3 days , first I dapped peroxide.3% on the outside and the inside where I felt it sore and there was no change into the 3rd day. On the 3rd day I inhaled 3 or 4 puffs of a mix of half water and half .3% peroxide cheap kind, from a 2 oz spray bottle that you can buy for .50 in the toothpaste aisle where they have travel size items, and 2 hours later all the nose pain was GONE and no longer had a sore in my nose , it vanished. I also used Apple cider Vinegar. I take the pinch or 1/4th tsp of Baking Soda and 2 TBLS of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR in 4 oz of COLD WATER and it has lowered my heart rate from 117 to 72.This has also lowered my BLOOD PRESSURE from to 112/60 I feel full of energy and I do this before I eat first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I sometimes take it at NOON for a pick me up. I no longer have acid reflux/ GERD. I sleep and breathe better as I have sleep apnea.

Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex Uk) on 07/10/2010

I noticed a cautionary message in the section on H2O2 which reported it is no longer safe as a cleansing protocol for wounds. When I worked on a geriatric ward many years ago we routinely used it for open bedsores and ulcers. After daily syringing with 3% HP to thoroughly clear necrotic material wounds were packed with gauze soaked in cod liver oil. (Matron's own remedy! ) In patients where health was not too severely compromised, within a few weeks this resulted healthy new pink tissue even in very deep cavities brought on by pressure sores. And the lady whose ulcerated leg had become gangrenous was delighted when the regeneration saved her from an amputation. The oil is rather smelly, of course, but how bad if it works?

Bon sante. Nickie

Posted by Zo (Pattaya, Chonburi) on 06/24/2022

I don't believe in changing guidelines. Thank God old remedies that have been proved to be successful are still in use. Family history tells me HP is a potent tool in healthcare. I don't trust any industry driven decisions.

Posted by Chw777 (Atlanta, GA) on 04/06/2014

No, no, no. You do not dilute the 35% down to 3%. You dilute the 35% by putting drops into 6 ounces of water. THe 3% is only for the spray method that Bill Munroe does.

Posted by Ella (Alberta, Canada) on 09/14/2007

I tried the hydrogen peroxide remedy for acne and it has been simply amazing! I was in the bath one evening and I had a bad flare up on my right cheek of probably about 5 or 6 pimples that I had popped, got out some hydrogen peroxide (I use stronger percent than 3 though) and poured a bit on to a piece of tissue paper and held it to my cheek for roughly 10 minutes. Yes it stung! But it went away quickly. The stuff literally flattened all those inflamed pimples I had which felt super smooth, I was SO relieved! I thought, hey..I'm going to try this every day! I rub the solution on my face about 3 times per day. My face is so clear now with no pimples!! I have a history of red marks left over from 10 years of acne and the HP has lightened them significantly and it's only been about a week since I've been doing it! Since it bleaches hair I thought well hey, it would probably have some effect in fading red marks too, makes sense right? If I get a breakout, I hold a soaked cotton ball to the area for a few minutes, then later on the redness is gone and the pimple is flat. I LOVE this stuff and I think all acne sufferers should try it. Works so fast!!!

Posted by Pauline (Cairns, Australia) on 06/08/2007

Some years ago I lived in the Torres Strait Islands where the air is very salty and filled with microorganisms. Getting a nick or cut, particularly a coral cut, can lead to severe tropical ulcers on the skin. These ulcers can grow to the size of a dinner plate if left untreated. I used 3% hydrogen peroxide on some small ulcers on my leg and they cleared up in no time.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jens (North Vancouver, B.c.) on 08/09/2009

2 Year Update:

I have been consuming and using H2O2 for 8 years now and nothing has fallen off, never get colds or the flu, food poisoning affects me quickly and it is over soon after. I feed it to my pets when they are ill. I am also using colloidal silver.

I consume H2O2 (20-40 drops 35%) daily in my tea with honey, acv and vitamin C (see previous posting). It combines very naturally with honey (unpasturized). One of the best quality tests for raw honey is to dilute it and test for H2O2, the higher the H2O2 the higher the quality.

Recently an old neighbour moved back from Toronto after moving 10 years ago, he couldn't believe that I look younger now than I did then. jens ^j^

Age Spots
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 03/31/2007

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.

Multiple Cures
Posted by BERNADETTE (ROCKWOOD, MICHIGAN) on 03/21/2007

I use the 3% peroxide in my humidifier, which keeps it clean and perhaps improves the air. Also I have been using it in my ears for years.When my ears are bothering me, I get dizzy, this takes it away. I asked the pharmicist years ago if I could drink a little and he said a quarter cap, there was nothing in it to harm you. A half cap causes a little headache for a minute. I taste it in my coffee (decaf). I put some in my dad's water with some aloe vera juice and he drank it. He sure felt better.He was very ill, and is perking up, so I am going to keep it up.

Posted by Samuel (Florissant, MO) on 11/27/2006

I have used hydrogen peroxide for more than 40 years. My first encounter was from my dentist. I had the trench mouth and he told me to gargle with hydrogen peroxide. I have been using ever since. I would really like more information on hydrogen peroxide uses.

EC: Trench mouth is a painful form of gingivitis. The term "trench mouth" comes from WWI, when painful bacterial infection and ulceration of the gums was common among soldiers.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Daniel (Spokane, WA) on 09/21/2006

First, thank you for the great website--I've been searching for this type of confirmation for several days now. My story is that I use earplugs when I sleep, as I awake easily. About a week ago, I had taken a shower right before bed and dried ears with a towel (no q-tip). The earplug didn't seem to go in as usual (perhaps the wrong angle). The day after, about mid-day, I noticed that my ear was hurting. Two days later I was in a full-blown ear infection. I stopped working a few months ago to do some studies, as such, no money to go to the doctor. I prayed and the Lord said to read a book about hydrogen peroxide that was sitting on my shelf and decided that it wouldn't hurt. So, I put one cap of H2O2 into my ear and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I couldn't hear anything happening, at first. Then the bubbling started. Rather cool. I kept doing this every two to three hours. By the end of the night, the pain (so strong that I really couldn't touch the ear without feeling like I was going to throw up) was 90% gone. After two treatments the following day, there is no longer ANY pain whatsoever. Praise the Lord! Now, I must say that I don't know for certain if my immune system had typed the virus/bacteria by this point, as I had been sick for a few days by the time I started... Regardless, the pain appeared to decrease with each treatment--I thought I was imagining it until the 4th treatment--I then KNEW that there was a difference. By the way, I should mention that I also dried my ear out with q-tips, and then used a warm blow dryer for about 10 minutes after each treatment. Perhaps I had come down with swimmer's ear from using the earplugs on wet ears--drying is important. Anyway, thank God for hydrogen peroxide and a cured ear infection. I am now using 3% in a humidifier, breathing it in for multiple 5 minute sessions throughout the day, and have seen a big difference in my energy levels--very cool. I might add that I have to inhale with my eyes closed...else the stuff irritates my eyes. Pretty cool stuff! :o) :o) :o)

Multiple Cures
Posted by Peter (Bedford, Canada) on 05/29/2006

3.5% hydrogen peroxide cured skin tags, bacteria in the mouth & moles. Normally have to be burnt off- direct application twice daily causes the skin tag to completely disappear of a period of a week or two. Best mouthwash known to man- whitens your teeth, kills plaque and all mouth bacteria, actually allows receding gumline to stop and start to repair itself. Direct application twice daily has reduced a mole to 1/2 its former size and still shrinking.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ricardo (Denver, CO)

I've been using hydrogen peroxide for oral hygiene my entire adult life with no mouth disease, cavities, and sparkling clean teeth. I was concerned because I was feeling a pain in my left ventricle (I think), perhaps from stress and/or lifelong consumption of animal fat although I'm in pretty good shape for 45 yrs old. I felt that 3% store grade was ok and began inhaling it using an old perfume spray bottle. After only one week of therapy, the pain in my heart has gone away, my joints feel better, my muscles aren't sore anymore, and I don't feel like taking a nap during the day.

Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/04/2012

To Yannick, This site http://drinkh2o2.com/ has very good info about H202 and will explain what is going on.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Sheena (Granville, Ohio) on 05/15/2012

Hi Wendy and others: Food grade (35% H2O2) most definitely can be bought in health food stores--that is where I get mine. Call around.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Claudea (Washington) on 07/20/2016

Rich, I had a fast growing, beginning to choke lump in my throat that scared me into searching fro non-invasive ways to reverse it. That led me to HP, which I then soaked my mouth with 90 days several times a day, at 3% with the stabilizers. The lump disappeared in that 3 months and never returned.

The oxygen entered my blood through my thin mouth skin and that extra oxygen attacked the lump cells destroying them.

I found Medline sells HP through Amazon - 4 gallons at about $33 and shipping is cheap. I take it as a diluted drink in water.

Get Flood your body with oxygen by ed McCabe to see how to take internally for whole body health.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 02/20/2023 2156 posts


I mentioned it only because the question was posted. I do feel HP has health benefits myself and I use it, but only at 1% to a max of 1.5% max and only for very short durations. If I think I need a longer duration for effective treatment of a lung condition I will consider colloidal silver and possibly nebulized grapefruit seed extract.

An EC community member had asked me a few months ago about his use of oral intake of HP. He had reported following a posted dose escalation schedule, but before he could ever reach the max dose over time he said he started feeling sick, which wasn't supposed to happen. I think he said he was losing energy. I suggested he stop the HP for awhile to see how he felt after a few days as he could always restart the HP again later. He wrote back a few days later and said he was feeling better and his energy had returned. I asked him why he started taking the oral HP and he said to feel better and I said if it is not doing what you are taking it for, why continue taking it? I think he decided to stop because he was feeling good after taking a break from HP.

I explained to him that one of the purported benefits of HP is increased oxygenation that is derived from the breakdown of the HP by an antioxidant in the body called catalase, that breaks down HP into one oxygen molecule and two water molecules, but if a person does not have enough catalase available in their system to neutralize the HP in a timely manner, the HP can start to cause damage as it is a very potent oxidant. I suggested that perhaps his catalase levels were lower and unable to breakdown the HP.

Many people in the EC community have reported significant benefit from HP, but I think it is important to know that concentration is important and there may be some risks, at least in some people as the case reports suggest.


Posted by Coregon (Tennessee) on 09/05/2016

Try adding a bottle of 3% peroxide in cool mist humidifier then fill with water. Clears congestion, many times over night.

Hydrogen Peroxide Tips
Posted by Barb (Canada) on 04/05/2015

Hydrogen Peroxide must be taken on an empty stomach. Take 1 hour before you eat..

Store Bought (Not Food Grade) Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 09/17/2014

HI YA'LL DOIN TODAY, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Been reading all these posts to the fact that you must have have pharmaceutical grade Hydrogen Peroxide or the boggy man will get you. Ted and Bill tell us they have to compromise because the people they try to help are dirt poor. Also, Bill Munro was the fellow who educated us all on Hydrogen Peroxide and he lived from 64 to 89 and cured two cancers with the cheap store brand.

YEP, I use the pharmaceutical kind because I can afford it. What we are doing is preventing some folks from using hydrogen peroxide to improve their health situation. They accept this as fact when it's just your opinion.

Let's make a pact, don't insist that Hydrogen Peroxide must be pharmaceutical grade. Why? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T.


Posted by Abe (Los Angeles, California) on 05/20/2014

just want to comment that for those suffering from hemorrhoids. eat ten raw almonds a day. hemorrhoids will be a thing of the past. no need to suffer.

General Feedback
Posted by S (Australia) on 06/04/2016

@Timh: Suddenly I understand why Copper supplements are illegal in Australia (where politicians and lawmakers aren't too bright), yet zinc supplements can be bought off the shelf.

The soil is so depleted of nutritional value, that people are dropping like flies with all sorts of long term illnesses as they age (which means more profits for drug companies).

This is all big pharma's doing - and I see a day approaching where they will be held accountable, with no way for them to wriggle out of it.