Colds and Flu
I have never ever recommended the use of Hydrogen peroxide in the ears. Yes H2O2 works very well, but not by the ear. It works best when taken internally. Especially when you also add a small amount of vinegar. (It becomes peracetic acid, which is great medicine against SARS - sars don't like acid). For me the most efficient way to get H2O2 into my system without doing dubious things such as IV is to slosh or spray 3% H2O2 on my arms, legs, feet, hands, neck, chest and back. It is much more efficient than putting them in your ears. Of course if you want to get rid of ear wax using H2O2 this is o.k. but not as a cold prevention. A cold prevention or viral outbreak would have been much more effective to use it via mouth wash and putting on skin. Simple reason: your body's skin have the largest areas for H2O2 absorption. H2O2 gets absorbed through the skin quite more efficiently than the intestinal tract, but intestinal tract is also important to take some H2O2 to clear up the pathogens. By the way, viruses also get absorbed through the skin this way to by actions of Langerhan's cells, which unfortunately goes directly to the lymph system and destroys your immune system just the same. To prevent tricky viruses, use H2O2 frequently on the skin. It prevents such from destroying your most prized possession of your body necessary to maintain health your immune system. My favorite way to rid of pathogens, at least no. 1 is to slosh my mouth (after brushing teeth WITHOUT fluoride) using 3% H2O2. I now do this every day. Foams just come shooting out, just to show you how much bacteria I have. I will not recommend anyone doing 3% just start with 0.5-1% H2O2 and once you get use to it you can work yourself up as best as you see fit. A majority of people are much more sensitive than me therefore please lean on the safe side. I am not totally successful in killing of pathogens with a clear rate of success, but H2O2 is the best I have seen so far.
(Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Please do A VERY THOROUGH research for the truth - before posting any untruth, half truth or unguided opinion to influence others either knowingly or un-knowingly. Lets clarify one point here - The body does hydrate, dehydrate and detox thru its largest organ the skin with a tremendous surface area. That does not make the ears any less important to treat with hydrogen peroxide. There is overwhelming evidence that colds, flu & virus do enter the body thru the ears. Some postings are from individuals who are either new to this or are convinced there personal experience or opinion is correct although contrary to most and that is ok. Caution is needed as some who visit this site and read what is posted are willing to try everything and some others are afraid to try anything - and to you I say please do your research as if you were going to treat your own beautiful newborn baby before you type as though your words wont matter to anyone. Please study all of the information for yourself first - you must make educated decisions and it is imperative that you educate yourself first before taking foolhardy advice posted on the web from around the world.
This is a great site with great information readily available and with personal experiences too and those are powerful but when hundreds are saying that the ears are the best way to kill a cold and many have this wonderful result, but two of you have a contrary opinion one because he really felt the pain of the infection he had and the other just thinks the skin is a larger surface area but is also afraid of the iv treatment - we dont need to hear it.... We need facts...what was the problem/symptom, what did you do, what was the dose, what was the before and after. THIS WAS NOT STATED TO MAKE ANYONE FEEL BAD OR ACCUSE ANYONE. THERE ARE DANGERS WITH EVERYTHING AND UNLESS YOU ARE UNDER THE CARE OF A DOCTOR WHO PRACTICES IN THIS AREA YOU CANNOT BE TOO CAREFUL - IT WILL BE VERY DIFFICULT TO REGAIN A MEASURE OF HEALTH ONCE YOU DESTROY IT.
Peace and Blessings to all may you find health and happiness and always speak positively and be optimistic about yourself and others.
Colds, Plantar's Wart
So far so good! 3% FG H2O2, 3 drops in each ear for 3 minutes! Diluted 35% into 3% by 1:11 H2O2 to distilled water (pure home distilled). I used it for months as toothpaste 3% 1:2 H2O2 to bicarbonate of soda - fresh, smooth and white teeth! I also use it as an occasional mouthwash/ gargle -- yuck but effective.
Never knew I had any issues with hearing until I used H2O2 when I felt a cold coming on. Boy, was the TV loud!
My son is a convert and loves H2O2 as fizz shows peroxide soldiers are battling nasty bugs! He has been a fan since the soldiers fought and vanquished his large and painful plantar's wart. The cure was 3% - easily applied with sport cap from drinking bottle isolating verruca and 'soldiers poured from above. No pain, no worry with spills ....easy!!
Colds, Sinus Infections
I saw your article and the warning "do not spray in nose". I do. I have been doing so for almost three years and I have only had one very minor cold since. Before that I has sinus infection after sinus infection. I used to use half and half saline nose spray with peroxide, now I just use 3% peroxide. If I feel the slightest cold symptom (congestion, that funny taste, ect) I use it three to six times daily and usually kill the cold before I start feeling bad. The last little cold I got was because I hadn't done my regular one or twice a week regimen for about a month. Everyone who I have told about this and actually tried it has had some positive results with no negative results yet.
Try adding a bottle of 3% peroxide in cool mist humidifier then fill with water. Clears congestion, many times over night.
I was Dx with COPD a few yrs back and none of the inhalers perscribed helped. I started doing a natural remedy and have been drinking the 35% food grade H2O2 diluted at a ratio of 5 drops H2O2 to 8 oz distilled water once a day and I have more energy and have not been on the inhalers for 2 months now. I can breathe alot easier. In this suffocating heat I did not have any trouble.
(N/a, Uae)
Thank you Marti, for sharing your ratio of 35% food grade to water. I too purchased the 35%, and wanted to know what others had tried. I appreciate the share.
COPD, Dry Peeling Feet
I love this website. The thought of losing so many loved ones recently makes me very sad. Had I known about Earth Clinic, perhaps they would still be here. I have been using several different remedies. I tried the hydrogen peroxide method first. I use it in my water mostly, but sometimes I use the spray pump. I smoke heavily and my breathing has changed so much for the better. I have much more energy and overall feel good. I am diabetic and have very dry peeling feet. I soak my feet in enough water to cover the top of my feet and add about 1/2 cup of peroxide to the water and soak about 30 minutes or longer if I have the time. After 2 times, I could see my feet start to heal.
Also, I found 3% peroxide without stabilizers at the family dollar store. I can taste the difference. Thank you so much.
Cracked Skin
3% Hydrogen Peroxide cured very dry cracking skin on top of big toe, which I had for years.
Dechlorinating Water
We all know that chlorine is in most tap water, and that it's not good for us. Furthermore, when chlorine meets water or H2O2, it generates chlorine gas, which is deadly and was used as a chemical weapon by the Germans in World War I (this is the awful smell you get when cleaning with bleach water and why you should use it in well-ventilated areas Because of this, it is not safe to add hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to chlorinated tap water and drink it right down for your oxygen therapy.
However, if your water ph is 7.0 or higher, H2O2 can be used to dechlorinate the water first, allow the chlorine gas to escape (, and then the water will be safe to use for oxygen/hydrogen peroxide therapy.
Further, it only takes a single drop per gallon to dechlorinate most drinking water. (See below for math ) I have not been able to discover the time necessary for the chlorine to be fully liberated, so to be safe, I would agitate the water periodically and not use it for 24 hours or so.
How I calculated 1 drop per gallon:
1.8mg/l Cl common post-treatment level (check with your water provider for specifics)
100000 gal H2Orequires 0.2 gal 50% H202 to dechlorinate (
There are 90840 drops in a gallon
0.2 gal = 18168 drops 50% H2O2 to treat 100000 gal H2O with Cl
Moving the decimal gets us 1.8168 drops for 10.0000 gal
3% H2O2 is 16.666% strength of 50% H2O2, so 3% hydrogen peroxide requires 6x amount of 50%
10.9008 drops for 10 gal = 1 drop per gallon
Simple and cheap to dechlorinate your tap water at home!
(Tacoma Wa)
One drop did not dechlorinate a gallon after 24 hours. I used a electronic sensor
Dental Care
I was accidentally sent a boatload of hydrogen peroxide through My OTC. Who knew! I've been using it on my teeth which they say kills the enamel, but my teeth are coated with dental material so perhaps not but in any case, it helps. There is no metal in my mouth. I made triple sure of that! Nonetheless, I have metal allergies and cellulitis which is significantly reduced and on the verge of disappearing at the skin level. I have worked unbelievably hard dietarily to make this happen plus I spent boat loads on natural remedies. I'm on a fixed income so you can imagine the consequences of that. I will be reading the hydrogen peroxide info shortly.
Dental Care
I recently bought a bottle of 3% HP because my tooth was in pain every day and night for about 2wks. And my dental appt. was exactly 1 month away, I would either have to find another dentist or fix the pain myself, since the pain killers I was taking wasn't effective enough to help. I started using the HP and the pain eased significantly, by the next day I really wasn't in any pain just uncomfortable feeling that the swelling left behind. After a couple of more days of swoshing it around in my mouth a few times a day, there wasn't anymore pain and know I have been pain free of this toothache now for the second wk. And I still have 11 more days until my dental appt. on Dec. 4th. Thanks for HP. It saved my toothache from aching.
Dental Care
I use HP in my water flooser (Water pik). I fill it almost up to the top with water, and put a splash of HP in the water pik cistern - that is the receptacle wtih the water in it. I do this about 2-3 times a week. Also keep the pressure setting at 50% or below. Don't focus too much on one tooth, move around quickly, and don't do this much more often, because eventually it will erode your gums if you use it to excess. I use my orthodontic tip to splay the pressure out more so the stream is less pointed. Doing this a few times a week keeps my teeth in great shape. Great before upcoming interviews, big social events etc. It is like the water jet in the dentist except better! You can add your own stuff to it, and change the pressure. I use non-alcoholic mouthwash in my W. P. On the off days. This is also brilliant if you have braces or other orthodontics and can't floss normally.
Dental Care
Just started with 3% solution mouthwash, Initially, there was a lot of foam and bubbles coming out from my gums and tongue. Must be the bacteria being killed by the H2O2. Subsequently after three days of rinsing twice a day, my swollen gums have receeded and the sore on the side of my tongue has turned white and the pain diasappeared. Even my toothache was gone. Except for the tingling sensation on the tongue, the only other unpreferred sensation was the taste. So I mixed it with a few drops of astringosol to have that minty taste. Is this OK? Has anyone out there tried this?
(Levin, New Zealand)
Hi good to hear someone is using hydrogen peroxide. I use it for brushing my teeth with baking soda. It's the main ingredient in tooth whitening products so its all good. I only use it a few times a week. I also have it in a spray bottle in a 3% diluted mixture and use it for a number of remedies. Great for killing nasty bacteria. I also spray it down my ear when I get a sore ear and throat and it bubbles and lie down for 10 minutes then tip it out and it heals the ear. Sorry I went off track a bit. Get excited when good products help people. :o)
Dental Care
Someone help me with this. I'm not able to find hp 3% anywhere so would using 5% to 7% as a mouthwash be harmful? pls rply at its earliest
(V Ville, Ca)
You will need to dilute it down to 3% minimum. So at 6%, just add the same amount of water, at 7% add more than that. Even start out diluting it a bit more.
Dental Care
Hydrogen Peroxide for dental care
I have been using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash after I brush and floss my teeth for the past 8 years. I just use the 3% solution that you can buy at any pharmacy. I take a swig of hydrogen peroxide straight from the bottle and keep it in my mouth for about 30-60 seconds before spitting it out. It bubbles up and sometimes tingles. If you are not used to it, it will feel weird but it won't hurt unless you have an exposed nerve. Make sure not to swallow it. I don't think that it will cause any huge problems but it will probably give you a stomach ache. This use of hydrogen peroxide is great because it not only kills bacteria and keeps by breath fresh but also makes my teeth sparkling white. One time my dentist commented on how white my teeth are and I told him about the hydrogen peroxide and he jokingly told me not to tell anyone about it or he would lose business.
Dental Care
I have been brushing my teeth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for years, especially since new information is out about the harmful effects of flouride.
For those who have been warning that hydrogen peroxide should not be taken orally, why is it that so many over-the-counter toothpastes now advertise hydrogen peroxide as a beneficial ingredient?
Keep up the good work EC!
All should use food grade HP!
Also to dilute HP should be using saline water or maybe distilled water....not tap water.