Peroxide seems to help the "mother cells" grow a new nail. I apply it once every day with a cotton ball saturated with the peroxide. Naturally it dries it out, but I do see some growth on the nail. Time will tell and I will keep in touch with the results.
I don't know if it because I have a 9 1/2 shoe size that my wonderful grand kids keep stepping/jumping on the "trying to heal" big toes of mine ..........or what. But, it certainly slows it down.
Also, my primary Dr. didn't know how to cure a "root type" ....which could be a cyst on a node on my ring finger. I used a prescribed ointment called HYDROCORTISONE CREAM USP 2.5% strength. The sac became irritated again. I use this "lightly" as directed about 3 times per day with the results that it has cured the irritation although I can still see the dried up tiny sac. The cream I use is comparable to the "off the shelf" hydrocortisone cream USP but, it has a stronger effect on the affected area.
Hope this feedback helps and you can pass it on. These are only my ways of curing and rather experimental.
Non Food Grade 3% Vs Food Grade 35%
The label on the 3% drug store version says you can use it as an oral debridement but not to drink it. Imo, that label is simply there to protect the manufacturer from being sued by people who think you should be drinking H2O2 like soda or water in massive amounts. It is inevitable that you will ingest a few drops each time you rinse your mouth with H2O2.
Also, don't fret if you can't find 35% solution. You can use a lower concentration but you just have to increase the dosage. E.g. if you get the 12% concentration, then you just triple the number of drops in the same amount of water (3x12%=36%). Same for the 3%. Just multiply by 12 x.
(North Vancouver, Bc Canada)
I was inquiring about the "dark blue" appearing on my feet.
Since home from the hospital (April 2, 2009), I was informed by my brother-in-law I should start taking the Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade. I had 3 operations, the last one being a Cancerous Tumor removed because it triggered Epileptic Seizures.
I started taking it orally (diluted using the Food Grade H202 with a dropper and demineralized water.) Later, I found that the H202 Food Grade also helps Arthritis (which I had) and is now gone. Hurray!! Then, out of the blue, a certain spot on my feet started to go slightly red. So I sprayed it and it gradually went away. Just a tad bit left now. (The only reason why I spray my feet - but I do spray on the legs for varicose veins). Works great.
As I mentioned in the very beginning, blue spots started appearing on my right foot (mainly the big toe) then slowly my left foot started to go the same way. When I saw my doctor (regarding the cancer, I asked her if she knew if this was from Neuropathy - had it since 2004). She said "its varicose veins" - which I know its not.
I'm going to try and not spray the feet at all now. See if the blueness goes away.
I thought I was the only person with this problem.
Thanks for your help.
I started ingesting food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, the correct dosage, and it got rid of all my problems within a year.
Have been doing same for eight years now and have not had a cold or sore throat all this time which I suffer at least once every year. Only reaction was the normal reaction in the early stages in the first month and at 76, I am doing fine.
For those that do not know, HP was the antiseptic of the 40's just after I was born.
I still take 10 drops of 3% food grade every day and will continue till my sun sets. If you suffer any reactions I think you are over dosing, so watch it.
(Reno, Nv)
Probiotics and H2O2
Probiotics Produce Hydrogen Peroxide
(Virudhunagar, Tn, India)
Some probiotic strains releases hydrogen peroxide to kill the bad bacteria in the digestive system. To kill probiotic bacteria, it needs to release about 4 times more hydrogen peroxide. This will not happen. That is why they can kill selectively the bad bacteria but not other probiotic bacteria.
Best wishes.
P. Raghavan.
Pulmonary Fibrosis
For the past 11 days I have been taken 35% up to 75 drops daily. My lungs are in the process of being cured. my ears are begining to open once again. My chest is beginning to feel almost in order once again. Amen! I have additional energy, breathing is coming back in short spans, yet it is coming back... The Doctors reports as of 2 weeks back is Cancer in the Lung... Yet, I mentioned the product to him, and he made another apointment for the 31st of this month. I will let you know.
(Dallas, Tx 75243)
My name is Jimmy Vou... I've had Pulmonary Fibrosis since 2005... A little over five (5) years.. February 2008 I can to the point that my chest started to cave in... You could hear my breathing down the street... I thought I was in the pathway of Going Home to meet my Jesus... Amen...! But something told me to start searching the Net for some type of solution that could either help "me" or just say goodbye...
It was about 3 days after I started taking Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade... that my lungs started to become normal once again... My breathing was starting to open up once again... My throat and face started to feel much better... About 4 months later I stopped, and I believe approximately 30 days later the latter was returning... so I immediately started taking Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade...
Since then, I have been wonderment to many people including my Doctors... They at first told me to stop taking H.P. 35% Food Grade, that it wasn't any good for me. I asked them if they had the same disease as mine would you at least try something that might help... Each one at different time shut-up... Now they are asking me how I feel. I tell them all... I'm still here doing all I can to strengthen my ability to stay in the condition until I get better then I am today... The last doctor I talked with, he told me that I had about another 3 to 4 years left... I just turned 70. And I feel good... Amen!
If there is any information that could be helpful, please don't hesitate to contact me...
(Ft Lauderdale, Fl)
(Norcross, GA)
Razor Bumps
Reader Feedback
Would like to recommend to other members of my family but wife's reaction might lead to an unsought psychological hold on me. There are lots of people out there who only rely on allopathic doctors who know no other treatments and who would be defrocked if they used or advocated any treatment other than allopathic. Hope this is of some value to readers of this site.