The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Daniel (Rocky River) on 11/18/2006
I thought you would be VERY interested in the link below. A company in my area, Steris (A world leader in fighting infection and contamination.), is using Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize hospitals, emergency rooms, emergency response vehicles, etc.. I saw a demonstration of the unit to sterilize emergency vehicles. they close up the unit tight, all doors and windows. They then pump a dry vapor form of hydrogen peroxide through the vehicle. After, they simply open the vehicle , and let out the vapor. Done. I asked why they weren't using regular hydrogen peroxide. I was told it could corrode medical devices, and electrical connections. Thought it would greatly interest you guys.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Joel (Calgary, Alberta) on 11/18/2006
I use H202/baking soda, H202/colloidal silver. It has cured bad breath, whitened teeth and healed gum sores. The H202/colloidal silver cured a stomach ulcer caused by h pylori bacteria. H202 is marvelous. I have been using it to water my plants for about a year and only recently learned about it's other wonderful uses. I am going to start using Bill Munro's inhalation method shortly. Joel, Calgary, Alberta
Broad Benefits
Posted by Agathe (San Francisco, CA) on 05/19/2008
How exactly did this person get rid of their candida? I am curious to find out if it was ingested, and at what dose? also want to know is you can douche with it?
Broad Benefits
Posted by Gloria (Toronto, Canada) on 06/18/2008
Yes, I too, would like to know the home remedy for relieving intestinal candida. It has been my issue for about 20years, due to sugar overload. I have had periods of relief, through prescription medication and a strict anti-candida diet, but would like to have relief without prescription medication.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/19/2008 490 posts
SSKI (potassium iodide) used to be the thing for treating systemic candida. It is still available without prescription.Sam's will order it for you for $32.78 for 8 ouncne bottle.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Gloria (Toronto, Canada) on 06/30/2008
I was thinking of ordering 35% Food grade H2O2 when I read Joyce's response. SSKI [potassium iodide] is new to me, so I need more information, please. In what form is it sold and for how long would 8oz last, if used daily? I doubt that in Toronto it would be readily available, however, I will investigate.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/01/2008 490 posts
To Gloria from Toronto and all others wanting information on SSKI (Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide) For great information on SSKI google "potassium iodide" and pull out Dr. Jonathan Wright's Tahoma Clinic 6 page article on "One Mineral Can Help A Myriad of Conditions from Atherosclerosis to "COPD" to Zits". Also included in his article is it's use in Peyronie's disease, fibrocystic breast problems, and those "just swollen glands" problems in groin & neck area.
Also in a google search, you will find lots of additional information, including sources for both tablets and solutions. It is recommended for thyroid protection in event of nuclear exposure. I suggest they start with Wikipedia for a list of uses for it.
Stained Teeth
Posted by Maryanna (Highlands Ranch, Colorado) on 09/14/2006
I use peroxide 3-5 times a week as a mouth wash/gargle. It helps to keep my mouth feeling fresh, and it is a natural teeth whitener.
Posted by Yolanda (Tampa, FL) on 09/12/2006
At first sight of ringworm, I used store bought hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball, placed it on the ringworm, taped down with a band aid. By morning it was completely gone.
Posted by Carol (Calgary, Canada) on 08/10/2006
Well, this is going to sound a little unorthodox but i thought about why do my plants grow better when it rains than when I water them from my tap? You said there is no oxygen in the water so I am putting some peroxide in the water I use to water them with. just experimenting here right now but I don't have cancer and I have recommended it to friends. this is an awesome website. I use peroxide to whiten my teeth. just put it on a piece of cotton and leave it on my teeth for 10 min. works good.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria (Boston, MA) on 06/20/2006
I use H202 to cure fungus, clean wounds, i use it to dye my hair -- put a whole bottle and sit outside by the sun to get my hair blonde -- mouthwash, for clean breath, half of that and half of water.
Posted by Tammi (Oak Hills, Ca, Usa) on 11/07/2009
When using the 3% peroxide in the nazonex bottle. Did you dilute the peroxide or use straight 3% peroxide in the bottle?
Yeast Infections
Posted by Silviu1 (Timisoara, Timis, Romania) on 02/13/2011
I want to now if tuberculosis is a anaerob or aerob bacteria. TB is cured with peroxide?
Yeast Infections
Posted by Kurt (Knoxville, Tn) on 09/27/2011
Where can I find the info about how much to take and how often and when? I have come to understand about getting the 35% h202.
thanks, Kurt
Yeast Infections
Posted by Danielle (St Louis, Mo) on 10/23/2012
Kurt, Another member posted this:
H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2... And so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount. ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)
** They also went on to explain that supplements may be needed to counteract any affects this method could have, being taken internally. It suggests Vitamin C - I would research what others should be taken, as I read it breaks down the iron in your body. Also, it states that they purchased their 35% Food Safe HP at their local natural grocer. Check your health food, whole food, and vitamin retailers and they may also sell it in your area.
Canker Sores
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/23/2009
Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a detergent used in 99% of toothpastes. Its on the EPA's list of "Possible Carcinogens" and has been linked to CANKER SORES. Change your toothpaste to a natural one that is FREE of Fluoride and FREE of SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE. While you're at it, check the label of your body wash and shampoo too... SLS's are very dangerous.
They're bad for you and they're bad for the environment (after they do down the drain, they've been linked to infertility in whales).
Please switch from any product that has SLS in it.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Kathy (Mooresville, Indiana) on 01/09/2010
reply to the ones drinking 3% hydrogen peroxide. You should be using 35% food grade. Please do your home work. Thanks Kathy
Broad Benefits
Posted by Jane (Portland, Oregon) on 07/14/2010
Where is food grade H202 found and purchased?
Broad Benefits
Posted by California (Orlando, Fl) on 02/02/2016
Thank you. I've done my homework, and continued reading. Have answers to all my questions. Sorry to trouble you. Your site is 'THE' best site I've come across as yet, Will share. California
Colds and Flu
Posted by Pahlee (Phila, Pa) on 09/12/2009
Good for you, if it really worked, but I would like to pass this on, but I need to know how much of the h202 did you use for your treatment for the ears?
Colds and Flu
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/13/2009 490 posts
Answer to question re H202 in the ears:
Hello Pahlee,
I haven't used H202 for colds, but I do use it for external ear infections. For the amount, it depends on the ear. I just fill the ear canal, which for my ear takes about
1/2 capful (standard 1 pint drugstore bottle cap size).
The only contraindication I have heard of is a ruptured tympanic membrane (ear drum) which I question, in view of the fact that it can be taken internally (oral & inhalation methods according to our EC family members). Personally I find my stomach doesn't like H202, but what little goes to the stomach with Bill's inhalation method, so far, it will tolerate.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Yoland (Houston) on 05/25/2006
Hydrogen Peroxide cures sore throat, any bacteria blister in or around the teeth and gums, insects bites, and cuts. Hydrogen Peroxide is great for sterlizing the affected areas. Does not sting my kids and grand kids trust it and enjoy seeing the little form bubbling up. I tell them it is killing the germs. Thank YOU a bunch. I also am a believer of its cures and yes, it was passed down by mom and grandmom and it will always be a very great cheap cure for people that cannot afford go to the doctor.
Gum Sensitivity
Posted by Liz (Killeen, Texas) on 04/26/2006
For years, when I get sensitive gums, bleeding or otherwise inflamed, I rinse my mouth with HP. After the rinse I also brush my tongue while the HP is still bubbling in my mouth. Mouth sores disappear in about a couple of days.
Posted by Tenaj (Nampa, Idaho) on 04/09/2006
After you cleanse the cut on your finger with hydrogen peroxide and find the blood got on your favorite shirt/blouse, use that same hydrogen peroxide to remove the blood from that article of clothing. Just soak the blood stain with undiluted hydrogen peroxide for a for a good five to ten minutes. You will be able to see the blood vanishing before your eyes. Rinse with cold water and wash the article of clothing as usual.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Lisa (Stamford, Ct) on 01/23/2011
By accident I put a couple of drops of the 29% H202 in my ear (forgot I had to dilute it down). My ear was fizzing and bubbling. It's been about 40 minutes the fizzing has just stopped but I'm not sure if my ear feels funny. Am I ok? Did I do something seriously wrong? Now, I see on this site they say to dilute it for putting in ears. Thank you for your help! Lisa
Bad Breath
Posted by Kate (Raleigh, Nc) on 06/17/2012 6 posts
Your boyfriend's bad breath symptoms sound suspiciously like tonsil stones. If he has white matter lodged in the crevices of his tonsils, the smell will kill an elephant.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Alan (Sydney, Australia)
Hydrogen Peroxide major turn around then not. I have been rebuilding my health following CFS for many years but in June 07 I had "Influenza A" which really knocked me around. I thought I was recovering ok but the old CFS symptoms re -emerged ie headaches, brain fog, unrefreshing sleep, fibromyalgia, blurred vision, sleeping all the time. In November 07 I found EC and tried H2O2 food grade. At first I tried the inhalation method for a couple of weeks but progress was not really fast enough so I took it internally. Due to my low energy and fogginess I managed to take the upper end dose on the first day (normally people build up to this over a few weeks) ie. 150ml of .50% 1/4 tsp baking soda three times in one day. This is equivalent to 25 drops in 150ml of water three times in a day.
Results: first intake - nothing
Second intake - my vision improved markedly over a ten minute period. It was as though a veil had been lifted from my eyes. Everything was sharper colors were brighter. I also began to feel more energy. (Since the flu my eyes have detiorated, I had to get a new prescription for my specs. And they had to make them 3 times because my vision varied so much from day to day. ) Third intake - nothing noticeable.
The following day I woke with a headache and fogginess and figured I was in for a detox reaction. This lasted until around 2pm and from then on I felt fantastic. I mean I felt exceptionally good. I felt like hugging strangers in the shopping mall. Giving money away, imagine no possessions and so on. It was exuberance, lightness, abundant energy. It lasted about 3-4 weeks. During this time I did some maintenance doses on a lower scale.
Results not: Anyway I have since had a garden variety bug and many of the symptoms have returned but to a lesser degree except for one debilitating condition that is worsening. When I eat - anything - I get a hangover and overwhelming fatigue for about 90mins. I have to sleep it off. I have tried various alternatives ie ACV & BS but to no avail. Does any one have any ideas what might cause this? I can't go out or for very long because if I have to eat I have to sleep.
I do not have any apparent digestive problems but it is probably connected in some way.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Tina (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 08/05/2010
To Fransix from Toronto. Thanks to your comment, I finally think I know why I feel so bad using the hydrogen peroxide therapy. (you can read my question if you scroll up to the candida section. ) But I feel alot better now knowing that there is a reason to why I am starting to feel bad. Have any more info on the peroxide hangover? I'd like to read more on how to procede with the therapy. Thank you, Tina
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Natalie (London) on 08/24/2016
Hi, I had the same symptoms after eating (i.e. heart pounding, needing to sleep) due to CF. For me D-ribose helped a lot as it gave my body more energy for digestion. It helped my energy levels generally too. (PQQ which stimulates the body to produce more mitochondria also seems to help but it's a more gradual improvement over time.)
Broad Benefits
Posted by Shelly (Louisiana)
I have often used peroxide in my ears for ear infections. My mom used it on me as a child and I have since done so. This week I had a severe bought of what I suppose is the flu. My jaws, ears, and throat ached extremely bad. After using peroxide in my ears, my symptoms would ease up. It did the same for my husband when I did this for him.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Christel (USA)
I tried using hydrogen peroxide in my ear last night to ward off the beginnings of a cold. It worked fabulously in my left ear; bubbled and fizzed, then drained out smoothly. Really quite pleasant. So I went on to my right ear. It will not drain out! My sinus issues are much improved, and I slept fine, but this morning my right ear is still clogged and beginning to ache. I tried the hydrogen peroxide again, hoping it would sort out whatever had gone wrong. But no luck. If it had worked the same in both ears I would be quite pleased with the home-cure, but as it's left me with a whole new pain to deal with ... I don't think I'll try it again.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Pahlee (Phila, Pa) on 09/12/2009
Colds and Flu
Posted by Jana (Columbus, In) on 10/17/2009
I was wondering if the ear that ached after using h202 may have been impacted with wax and the h202 made the wax swell.
Posted by Daisy (Elk Grove Vlg. IL)
My BIG toes are victims of injuries from "new" shopping carts 2 summers ago. I was wearing sandals both times. Our visiting podiatrist said that due these injuries I may have a nail fungus. But, my nails are NOT yellow. They were only bruised and the "mother cells"/half-moon seem to be helping them to grow to the "free edge." The podiatrist removed the loose nails and now the left toe "new nail" has nearly reached the "free edge." The right toe was re-injured accidentally and only has grown 1/2 way to the "free edge." My Dr. said the remedy he had in mind would be unaffordable for me. I have resorted to "peroxide" treatments and my toenails look like they are healing.
Peroxide seems to help the "mother cells" grow a new nail. I apply it once every day with a cotton ball saturated with the peroxide. Naturally it dries it out, but I do see some growth on the nail. Time will tell and I will keep in touch with the results.
I don't know if it because I have a 9 1/2 shoe size that my wonderful grand kids keep stepping/jumping on the "trying to heal" big toes of mine ..........or what. But, it certainly slows it down.
Also, my primary Dr. didn't know how to cure a "root type" ....which could be a cyst on a node on my ring finger. I used a prescribed ointment called HYDROCORTISONE CREAM USP 2.5% strength. The sac became irritated again. I use this "lightly" as directed about 3 times per day with the results that it has cured the irritation although I can still see the dried up tiny sac. The cream I use is comparable to the "off the shelf" hydrocortisone cream USP but, it has a stronger effect on the affected area.
Hope this feedback helps and you can pass it on. These are only my ways of curing and rather experimental.
General Feedback
Posted by Solunas (Western, MA)
This article indicates that hydrogen peroxide increases in the early stages of disease which would seem to verify that H2O2 is a major if not THE major defense system in the body. Hydrogen peroxide may be disease indicator ATLANTA, Aug. 21 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists have, for the first time, imaged hydrogen peroxide in animals as an early indicator of disease.
General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts
People would really get confused in some cases on various articles saying whether H2O2 is good or bad, or acidity is good or bad.
It the same thing with apple cider vinegar thing where the alkalinity increases before the body gets sick. However, some people interpret this to mean that the body "likes acidity" not alkalinity. The truth actually unfolds that bacteria, viruses, and fungus persists whenever pH are more acid than healthy cells where the pH is below 7 while the healthy cells persists in 7.3 - 7.5.
It is the same with the story of Hydrogen peroxide, bacteria, fungus and viruses that is bubbled or stored in milk box containers, where THEY DON'T SPOIL and can be kept almost indefinitely whenever a low concentration of H2O2 is stored in foods. White blood cells uses H2O2 as a defense system, and I have time and time again managed to avoid fever by taking either H2O2 drops or aspirin. Few would really know that aspirin dissolved in a glass of water or 1/2 glass of water, where a low concentration of acetyl salicylic acid (chemical name of aspirin) actually dissolves the virus, pneumonia virus, viral cancer, tiny mycoplasma, infinitely many more easily than LARGER HEALTHY cells. The reason I know this was during my free time in laboratory class in microbiology that I get a chance to play with all those ideas when I was a college students - which obviously wasn't helpful in getting good grades, but it did help save my own health several times on that account alone. It would seem that acetyl salicylic acid works best in a buffered alkaline solution which would discourage such microbial growth, while the antioxidant activities of vitamin C for example were found to be helpful biochemically against such viral growth in itself.
For me the basis of microbiology principles are simple and straightforward but they make it unnecessarily complicated by also implying that an increase in white blood cells accompanies a major diseases. When in fact white blood cells are the body's major defense system and such defense system were not strong enough in a person whose immune system are already weakened. The same might also be said about alkalinity and peroxide.
It is my personal feelings that some of academic institutions are putting out misinformation so the public can be overdependent on the conventional medicine dogma.
Posted by Raquel (Id) on 05/27/2016
I have struggled with candida for years that had become immune. I finally found a solution which a liquid treatment soaked into sugar. It has worked wonders for me. Why is this significant for you? It is because that the H2O2 soaked into sugar no longer causes me any nausea. I may be suffering a peroxide hangover and will use food grade turpentine, or GSE for a few weeks and take a break from the peroxide.
Posted by Sharon (MI) on 09/27/2022
Are you still following this protocol? I'm wondering if it's still beneficial to you, any side effects or issues arising? I'd love to hear about your ongoing experience if possible! Thank you!!!
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Joe (Montreal Canada ) on 10/16/2024
hello where can I find the 35% version peroxide.