Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Strep Throat
Posted by Kay Butler (Philadelphia, PA) on 12/28/2007

Gargling for 30sec to 1 min with pure HP twice in 4 hours completely cured my strep throat infection.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007

We have been using hydrogen peroxide for years to fight off earaches and colds. My kids and I used to go to the dr. all the time for earaches and end up with a big dr. bill and antibiotics. Then we heard about peroxide. I keep the peroxide in a small glass bottle with an eyedropper. The moment anyone starts to get a sore throat or their ears hurt even a tiny bit, we put one eyedropper full in each ear. Hold the bottle in your hand to warm the peroxide a bit (otherwise it feels like ice water going in) and have the person lie flat on their side. I like to leave the peroxide in until it stops bubbling, but even a few minutes may be enough to help. Drain the peroxide out when you are done and dry the ear thoroughly. A nurse told me that the peroxide would burn a hole through the lining of the ear(Has anyone ever heard of this before?), but we have done this for almost 10 years with no problems.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Rodica (Mableton, Georgia) on 10/07/2007

12 yrs. ago I've read a book from _____ about H2O2. I was hooked. I found 35%H2O2 through mail order. I started to drink it diluted about 10 drops in a glass of 10-12 oz. I usually drink it if I had flu or bad colds. In every case the cold cleared in one day. What a blessing was that book for me. I told it to many people about my experience but they were skeptical. Make sure you follow the right amount and it should not be a problem.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 09/25/2007

Just wanted to let you know that I started the H202, treatments tonight. I have been told that I have COPD. I have so many medicines around the house it is depressing. But this is about my ears. Since March I have been dealing with a hyper sensitivity to sound, smells etc. This manifested itself in the form of my entire body vibrating in response to noise. After days of the vibrating for 24 hrs a day for 6 days I was on the edge of sanity. I thought I was reacting to an external source, like a generator or something like that. I met with some friends and I was telling them about what was happening. One of them asked if I might have an inner ear infection. WOW, I never would have guess that. As it turns out, I do have an infection in the left ear canal. I was trying to find something on vibrating when I saw something on HP. I went to your site and read most of the responses. I was in such bad shape and I couldn't get in to see the doctor and no money for an emergency room visit, so, I decided to "go for it".

First I created a bowl of water, mixed 3%, over the counter peroxide in, then I used the cap to pour it up my nose. It burned since I didn't have distilled water at that time. Using the distilled water won't sting. Within 5 mins. the vibrations had stopped. I was able to breathe through my left nostril for the first time in months. Then I pored some in my left ear. I experienced vertigo, never had that before. But, it did tell me I was dealing with an ear infection. The vibrations stopped. It has been 24 hrs since I started the treatments. When the vibrating starts, I know it's time for another dose.

I also created the spray for my throat and added some to my water. It is amazing how much clearer my airways are. I can also see a very small improvement in my vision. I've been told that I need cataract surgery. Hopefully all of this will help that clear up some too. And! I have had a hugh reduction in my desire for a cigarette. I've smoked 15 cigs. today, whereas I normally smoke 2 packs. I just haven't wanted one. Amazing. I believe the infection is coming from a tooth, so I've also started rising my mouth with HP. At least it is giving me some relief until I can get to the doctor. I will continue use and I will keep you posted. I'm also passing your web address to family and friends. Hopefully they will check you out. Thank you so much for your site and I am so grateful for all the people who have taken the time to share the experiences.

Posted by PAM (Kansas Ctiy, MO) on 08/24/2007

I love this website. the thought of losing so many loved ones recently makes me very sad. had i known about earth clinic, perhaps they would still be here. i have been using several different remedies. i tried the hydrogen peroxide method first. i use it in my water mostly, but sometimes i use the spray pump. i smoke heavily and my breathing has changed so much for the better. i have much more energy and overall feel good. i am diabetic and have very dry peeling feet. i soak my feet in enough water to cover the top of my feet and add about 1/2 c. peroxide to the water and soak about 30 minutes or longer if i have the time. after 2 times, i could see my feet start to heal. also, i found 3% peroxide without stabalizers at the family dollar. i can taste the difference. thank you so much.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Lynn (Washington Dc, Unites States) on 09/06/2010

Hi Patrick, it is my understanding that you should keep your intake at or around 3% if you're taking H2O2 in several ways and losing count of your intake. I guess if you're awesome at math you could use the highest recommended intake and calculate what your highest (combined) dosage should be according to that... Not sure how you would 'count' the humidifier, but I would just count it as having been ingested to be on the safe side... If you go above 10% I've seen neurological damage cited as a side effect. Also, I wanted to add that I've been doing h2O2 for about 2 weeks now (I'm using 12% FGHP diluted). I didn't realize any obvious WOW factors--until I carried my 2 year old up the HUGE hill where I live from the park today! Usually I'll tell my husband to take him and struggle to get to the half-way point (it's a fairly steep incline and a good 12-15 minute walk)... But even though I HAVEN'T (unfortunately) quit smoking, I had NO issues and was like this is WEIRD, as I think I could carry Omar and maybe even a fat kid right up another similar hill (I carried him for the entire walk)... It was absolutely nuts and amazing... I imagine what my body could achieve WITHOUT smoking...

Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Julie S. (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) on 05/02/2007

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution has cured my toothache. I had a nasty cavity that was causing a lot of pain. I couldn't chew or put any pressure on my teeth on the left hand side. I read about the amazing cures with hydrogen peroxide & decided to try it. I took a shot glass and diluted it 50/50. From the first time I swished the rinse to the present, it has worked like magic! Not only has my toothache gone away, but my gums look & feel so much better! I also put hydrogen peroxide drops in my ears to prevent cold & visrus. It has taken away earaches and sore throats.

Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Arazak (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 04/14/2007

H202 for toothache: I was recommended by a friend to gargle for one minute with H2O2 3% solution 2 or 3 times per day and repeat for three or so days to relieve throbbing pain. And IT WORKED.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, Missouri, USA) on 04/04/2007

Just wanted to send an update from my previous comments...I have actually been drinking the hydrogen peroxide now instead of inhaling and have had great results. The first time I drank it I mixed a full cap with about 20 ounces of water. I developed a terrible headache, like someone had hit me in the head with a Louisville Slugger, and the taste wasn't so great either. I figured my body was immediately going into a deep detox and decided this amount is too much for me all at once. So now I mix about 1/3 to 1/2 capful with water and it works much better. I will do this first thing in the morning and 3-4 more times during the day. This mixture gives me a lot of energy and definitely improves my mood. It works best on an empty stomach. I get the 3% grade from CVS, and it doesn't appear to have any stabalizers added. They aren't listed on the ingredients label, and my water doesn't turn cloudy. I have been doing this for over a week now and haven't died yet, haha. Just don't swallow an entire 'mouthful' at once. ;-) Cheers!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jo Ana (Norwich, CT) on 03/25/2007

For many years, I would wake up at night, with a rapidly beating heart, gasping for breathe, etc. I have tried many remedies and again, over the years had developed high blood pressure perhaps, as a result of poor respiration at night, kidney and gallstones. Minor surgery for an impacted kidney stone and then major infirmities probably as a result of the surgery, antibiotics, HBP meds, and infections. Found your site, and I have started using food-grade H2O2 again orally and through inhalation, also extra virgin coconut oil, iodine, and cider vinegar. Within 2 weeks, HBP gone, no liver/GB pain or distress, and a major increase in energy and a returning sense of well-being. Sleeping through the night like a baby. Please be aware that I tried EDT suppositories and ionic footbaths for relief from toxicity, with only an increase in distress. I credit my body's healing to the H202, cider vinegar, coconut oil, iodine, and coffee enemas to eliminate the toxins. I truly appreciate this website and my return to health, after all these years of less than optimal functioning. I had had a normal body temp of 96.8 for years and after initiated Lugol's iodine footpainting, within this time period as well, my normal body temp is up to 98 from below 97, which is also a really good thing. Thanks to all of you for all your suggestions, and I wish this level of body optimization for all of you who suffer needlessly. God Bless You All. Jo Ana

Multiple Cures
Posted by ens ^j^ (North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) on 03/16/2007

August 2001, I began using H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) seriously. My Doctor was vehemently against it (he is no longer my Doctor). The reason I began using it was because of extreme fatigue which he wished to treat with antibiotics. I'd seen that bad movie before with some of my friends, long term use of Doctor Drugs getting better but never really getting well. So I started the hydrogen peroxide instead of the "approved" regimen. Got pills?

It tastes terrible, so I had to make it more palatable or this was not going to fly. I began to disguise it in my morning tea (recipe to follow). The first couple of weeks I started to have more energy. Then my physical craving for tobacco (I had quit smoking a year earlier). Next my allergies became sensitivities and my sensitivities disappeared. Colds, flu and food poisoning now pass through me with little or no effect. I may drain for awhile or just eliminate it (a good poop). This winter a cold came through and a lot of people were off for over a week, it bit me but only drained away. No other ill effects not sick not tired nor achy, which others cannot say.

At my last physical my Doctor could find nothing wrong (again). Even my old physical injuries are getting better with less and less aches and pains. Feeling and looking younger is great! My white hair is being replaced by my old color, My bald spot dissapeared, and the new hair growth is keeping up with the natural loss.

Recipe: Using a two cup travel mug mix together Yerba Mate tea (use loose tea in a coffee maker, two heaping table spoons for a pot full) Apple cider vinegar (three capfuls) Honey to taste (unpasteurized, liquid) (I use about 1/4 inch or - in the mug) Vitamin C powder (a pile about 1 1/2 inches across the palm of my hand) (about 5 grams) Drops of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) (start small and add a couple more drops of 35% every week, I now use 20 to 50 drops depending on what is needed, 20 is a maintenance level).

This will clean you out! Some things you have loved the taste of (through the fog of a polluted body) or craved (my favorite was an Oh Henry with a Skor Bar chaser) may no longer be so appealing. Overall I am now a lot more sensitive to my environment and yet I also feel less impacted by the contaminants I eat, breath and drink.

Since starting this journey my life has improved because my Health has improved. There are other things I now do on a regular basis which reinforce those benefits from H2O2. Those I will write about in other sections of this most intriguing Web Site. My wife prefers to bathe with two cups 35% H2O2 (start small) to a tub full of water. We now make our own household cleaning solutions with H2O2 as a prime ingredient.

Life is not sitting with a great hand, but rather playing a bad hand well! (Old Danish Proverb)

Thank you, thank you, thank you jens ^j^

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Rhonda (San Antonio, TX) on 03/11/2007

Many years ago I met a man whom I mistook for a high school boy, he was actually in his 40's. He told me about a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution he made by mixing food grade hydrogen peroxide with aloe very gel. He told me how to mix it (I don't remember now) and to rub it onto the entire body (except face) 20 or 30 min before shower, daily. I did this for a while and noticed many improvements in my appearance as well as energy levels, however I got busy with life and forgot after a while. Now I'm told by the local health food store where I once bought it that they no longer sell the food grade hydrogen peroxide because it is illegal now? Is this true or is there still places this food grade peroxide can be purchased?

Colds and Flu
Posted by Susan (Atlanta, GA) on 02/05/2007

Re: Peroxide & Eucalyptus oil in a cool mist humidifier: My 11 year-old daughter is very resistant to trying home remedies other than the little pellets under the tongue (Boiron's products are awesome). Oscillo works AMAZINGLY well if you can take it within a few hours of the onset of flu symptoms. But, a friend told me to mix about 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water into a cool (not hot) mist humidifier and run it at night for her. It is great for breathing, though it does "highlight" the hair and eyebrows (we think it's great :o). I've used this method for years now for the whole family with great results for everything from sinus trouble to the flu. She's been antibiotic-free for about 6 years now. Very impressive for a child that was on about two to three rounds per year.

Posted by Cindy (Austin, TX) on 01/15/2007

My friend who cured his cancer (huge 2 grapefruit tumor in stomach) used food grade h202 in a bath (2 cups per bath) and soaking in it (not eyes) for 20 minutes to infuse vessels with oxygen. this combined with ozone water 2x's a day, diet and exercise and he has eliminated cancer. Do you know of any other people using Hydrogen peroxide (food grade) this way?

Posted by Lucy (Racine, WI) on 01/14/2007

Thanks so much for the suggestions. Me and my husband use 3% h2o2in the ear whenever we feel the onset of a cold or flu. We have not had a cold in two years since using this method. Before my husband would get a flu that would keep him from work for 2-3 days in a week but no more. I had intestinal issues (loose stools). Went to Dr. diagnosed with IBS. Next went to homeopath. took saliva test, had sensitivity to wheat change eating habits improved but still loose stools frequently. This transpired over a year. After finding this site and reading about h2o2 had the courage to try h20s internally. I started with 5 drops in distilled water, the goal was three times a day I usually hit twice a day. By the tenth day my stools were consistently solid and well formed. It has now been over a month since the big improvement for me. Even when I eat wheat I do not get bloated or have the loose stools hardly ever. I still try to stay away from a lot of wheat but I now am the proud producer of solid log like stools!

Posted by S (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/28/2006

Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water and also the inhaling method cured my emphysema; wow what a difference in an hour and half or so... very chronic for about week, could hardly breath.

Posted by Statix (Sydney, New South Wales) on 09/08/2011

Hi, You guys have probably found the answer by now. Whilst the strength of your dosage is dependent on your condition and its severity, you could do 5 drops of 35% Food grade hydrogen peroxide with 6 - 8 ounces of water. You can take this every day. There are other regiments you can go on for this and other conditions. Here is one I found http://www.foodgrade-hydrogenperoxide.com/ there is a free ebook you can download.

Good luck

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Boubou (Southwest Harbor, Maine) on 06/18/2012

I am a reed instrument musician and keep a glass of regular drug store around to keep mouthpieces and reeds healthy. I have found the habit completely avoids mouth ulceration and cold sores which wind players often suffer from and which used to be the bain of my life.

My wife drank a glass of this by mistake. - she doesn't waste drinking water. There were no detectable effects whatsoever.