Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Posted by Calgary1979 (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 03/06/2012

Long story short... Add 5 or 6 drops of H2O2 to one glass of water everyday. Long story starts here.

I am generally a healthy person, but I've had gout since my High School days. It comes and it goes. My dad has also had gout for a number of years. It is the same for both of us. It comes, we stop drinking beer, cut out red meat and take some of the prescribed pills from a doctor and then it comes back in 4 - 6 months when we start drinking beer and eating red meat. I was diagnosed with Cancer a few years ago (long story, gone now, all's good) but a friend of mine recommeded I start taking H2O2. He said it will help get rid of the cancer and help with general health. I didn't really look into it until after I was given a clean bill of health, and came back to work and started talking to this friend again. He had this H2O2 at work and would add 4 or 5 drops of it to his morning glass of water. I got on board and starting doing the same, but not all the time. I'd go months with out taking it, and then I'd remember oh I should take it. So off and on for a year I was taking H2O2. On one of my "off" cycles I had a brutal case of gout. I just wanted to cut my foot off to make the pain go away. I was mad, the pills took too long to kick in(days), so I decided to try the H2O2. Took it every morning 3 days in a row. After the first day the pain was still there but not as bad, by the third day the pain was gone.

Lung Issues
Posted by George (Ks) on 05/11/2015

I am on a cpap and use a dropper full ( 10 to 15 drops) of 35 % food grade h2o2, in a quart of distilled water constantly. This keeps my cpap and hose cleaner. I believe it helps when I have a cold or sinus to get rid of it. Sometimes I also add a few drops of colloidal silver to the mix. In 7 years I have never had a problem with this.

Posted by Dan (Carvel, Alberta, Canada) on 03/24/2012

This reply is directed to Sandy regarding alternative options for cancer. Sandy! ..... Over the course of a few months I have been researching alternative cancer treatments. One of the treatments that I have read about was developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig. She specialized in oil's. She was a doctor in Germany and unfortunately she passed away at the age of 91. She developed what today is known as the Budwig Protocol. This protocol involves two food sources that are mixed together using an electric hand blender. The two food sources blended together are; Organic Flax Oil and organic cottage cheese (low fat or 1%) cottage cheese or some other similar food store can be used. Blend together 3 table spoons of the flax oil along with 6 table spoons of the cottage cheese. Blend this for about 1 minute so that ALL of the oil is well blended with the cottage cheese. The mixture will appear like creamy whipped cream. If you find that this is too thick to blend you can add a bit of milk to it. This protocol has been TESTED and RESEARCHED by many medical professionals and even though it sounds quite unbelieveable it works. Apparently this mixture creates a new molecule that is delivered to the cancerous cells surrounding them with lots of oxygen. If I was diagnosed with cancer myself I would take this protocol as well as the H202 as they both increase the oxygen level in the blood stream and cancerous cells can not survive in an aerobic (oxygen rich) environment. Read the complete protocol online as there are things that you can add to the mixture that will improve the taste. Make sure that you strive to use organic ingredients. I take this mixture for preventative measures and I add 2 tablespoons of ground up organic brown flax seeds (use a coffee bean grinder) along with a teaspoon of Organic Raw Honey (due to the live enzymes in the honey). You can also add berries of your preference to sort of make a smoothie out of this mixture. My research into alternative cancer treatments has ofter lead me to this protocol. Do not worry about the dairy aspect of the cottage cheese as this gets neutralized by the blending of the flaxseed oil.

Colds, Sinus Infections
Posted by Gary (Granite Falls, N.c.) on 11/03/2011

I saw your article and the warning "do not spray in nose". I do. I have been doing so for almost three years and I have only had one very minor cold since. Before that I has sinus infection after sinus infection. I used to use half and half saline nose spray with peroxide, now I just use 3% peroxide. If I feel the slightest cold symptom (congestion, that funny taste, ect) I use it three to six times daily and usually kill the cold before I start feeling bad. The last little cold I got was because I hadn't done my regular one or twice a week regimen for about a month. Everyone who I have told about this and actually tried it has had some positive results with no negative results yet.

General Feedback
Posted by Valrena (Burlington, Ontario) on 05/16/2011

My husband and I have started on the H20. We are up to nine drops in distilled water. Is is ok to premix it in distilled water in smaller bottles? My husbands schedule is so crazy as a trucker I thought could mix it before he goes so he can have it handy during his drive.

Also if you miss a day should you start over from 3 drops? Already we both feel our breathing is better and I have much more energy. Thank you in advance

Reader Feedback
Posted by Rolf (Carson, Ca) on 03/03/2011

Just for readers information. I read "flood your body with oxygen" and became interested in H2O2. I was going to try the drinking it process but I mentioned to someone who had done much more research and he mentioned that there is truth in the experiences of those who ingest it, in that reoccurrences of former symptoms happen. He suggested that starting by merely spreading the HP on skin surface is a better way to start. I tried that one night and was unable to sleep for hours and hours. I don't recommend trying it in the evening for that reason. I have been utilizing Bill Munro's inhalation method for about 6 months now. I have mild intermittent asthma. I was using Advair, Singular and nebulizer with Albuterol. Now only use the Albuterol. Would give that up too but my spouse doesn't know of my inhalation regimen. She does not believe in anything that is not doctor recommended. In order to keep peace in the house I sneakily remain quiet. My breathing is noticeably better and I have had no colds or flu symptoms since doing the inhalation method. I did have a recurrence of a boil on my nether cheek which I hadn't had for 6 months or so before starting inhalation. I have had no negative reactions. I purchased 8% food grade and diluted it 2 parts distilled water to l part HP. That was the instruction on bottle. I am only doing it once a day as everything seems to be ok and my purpose is as a preventative. I purchased 32% FG about a year ago but was so alarmed over warnings about handling it that I went to the 8%. I use a glass pyrex measuring cup to mix it. To find a health store that sold FG, I just googled FG HP (abbreviations spelle out on google) and found stores in my area. Southern California. I bought from Great Earth.

Would like to recommend to other members of my family but wife's reaction might lead to an unsought psychological hold on me. There are lots of people out there who only rely on allopathic doctors who know no other treatments and who would be defrocked if they used or advocated any treatment other than allopathic. Hope this is of some value to readers of this site.

Posted by George (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/01/2011

Joslyn, I am still not 100 per cent.... I have been to a qualified GP but practices eastern medicine and he seems to think the HP killed off all of the good bacteria in my stomach and lowered my immune system thus why I became sick...... I definitely have not been this sick for at last 15 years..... My personnel view is if you take HP make sure you take a probiotic, don't take it for a long period of time and take some form of antioxidant.... I will never use this stuff again.... P. S... I have a friend of mine who has been on HP for over 12 months and he swears it is the best thing... No side effects or anything...... Maybe my immune system could not cope with the cleansing process..... I really don't know.......

Posted by Whisperingsage (N Ca) on 07/25/2018 45 posts

The difficulty is a herximer reaction. AKA detox. I usually power through those, but you can reduce your dose to make it more tolerable. There's always the chance that that therapy is not for you, we are all different, but that is up to you to decide.

Posted by Paul (AR) on 12/01/2022

I've been drinking it for 30 plus years and I'm fine.

Posted by Cosmo (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 10/29/2011

To : Valetta, Malta - you stated: "You could even use the water from a dehumidifier if you wanted."

That is very dangerous. Water from a dehumidifier is condensate which is different than distillate. Water from a dehumidifier has been condensed out of the air and with it any airborne particles, bacteria, molds, and or viruses. Distilled water has been boiled in a closed system (no dust or air born particles) and then cooled to be condensed. So while the physics is the same, the outcome is quite different.

Never drink water from a dehumidifier.

Just my 2 cents -

Ciao! Cosmo

Posted by Whisperingsage (N Ca) on 07/25/2018 45 posts

There are lots of protocols mentioned so everyone seems to be able to modify it to their own. Just make sure you take it on an empty stomach and let it soak in for an hour before taking any food or supplements. I take 3% H2O2 from Walmart, colorless so no stabilizers, 3 drops to 16 ounces of water- I am using distilled now, but one of the commenters said it can be normal water as long as no chlorine. Mine is from my well.

You can also take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 16 ounces of water, also on empty stomach. Ted said you can put both together in water. I may try that, But it doesn't hurt to drink more water. It's just a pill going so long without eating.

BUT I would encourage you to take optimal doses of the 90 essential nutrients. Learn about these free on Youtube, Dead Doctors Don't Lie, and Somebody Needs to Go to Jail, and Dead Athletes Don't Lie and Black Gene Lies, Also books (get used) Epigenetics; Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures; Immortality. These all cover the 10 centenarian cultures that have the dumb luck to live on soils or have glacial melt that contain 60-72 trace minerals. He covers each mineral and research so far on them. (most promote growth and development in animals and plants). He also is the selenium research doctor and always recommends 600 mcg of selenium to most people and also believes everybody needs to supplement calcium, but the right ones are calcium citrate and calcium hydroxyapatite (bone meal purified), we can absorb 25% of those, whereas the others we only absorb 14 mg out of every gram taken. So most of the calcium we nurses hand out when passing meds are not any good, and nurses are uneducated about this. But get the 90 essential nutrients, they don't have to be Youngevity but there are many good companies now putting out good complete multiples.

General Feedback
Posted by Mary (Portland, Tn) on 07/24/2010

35% Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide is absolutely a miracle cure. . . . Over time. So many benefits! ! ! ! -and not the side effects that synthetic drugs come with. Take the opportunity to research ALL FG H2O information and see for yourself the results that arise after using. Big Pharma cannot patent H2O therefore it does not add to their bottom line as do all the synthetic "garbage" they produce, thus the discredit manuevers they have successfully employed to sabotague FG H2O. Don't listen to someone else, find your own information to make your OWN decision. All The Best!

Posted by Mary (Oudtshoorn, Sa) on 09/18/2017

My husband has prostate cancer and is using HP Foodgrade. He is currently taking 25 drops and feels a bit nauseous after taking it but he is determined to continue. I will post the results when he has his next PSA test.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/19/2017

Mary, sounds like too much to me.

I read somewhere that h2o2 does not get diluted. So a lesser amount will still have the same potency. Maybe on a lesser area, I don't know. But I do know that side effects warrant a smaller dosage.

Posted by Mary (Oudtshoorn, SA) on 09/20/2017


HP does get diluted. We started with 3 drops and gradually increased to 25 drops in a glass of water. My brother (65) who is one of the healthiest people that I know, has been taking HP for years. He takes a teaspoon full in a beer mug of water every morning. He has no side-effects and is of the opinion that 25 drops is too little. 1 teaspoon is equal to 99 drops.

Artificial Joints
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 07/19/2013

I will put this on my original thread, I have not seen anyone post this. I believe H202 is good for many things. But I found I can't go out in to the SUN, as I get 'instant sunburn' when I use it. I've never had this problem as I am mixed raced, as I type this MY CALVES ARE BURNING!!!!! My oxygen levels when I was taken in to the hospital were that high.. The paramedics said 'We expect to see a reading of 95-97... Which is good... We never see 99-100???? I was convinced I couldn't be breathing properly. OK!! Good news. Down side is the above mentioned. I also get this with Cell Food. To be honest, it's freaking me out!!!! Also my blood, is very thin. I bleed like mad when they put any needles in my body. Here in UK, the put silicone ones in your veins. There was a warning 14 years ago about not "Do not feed your babies with a silicon teat on the bottle" because it leaks into their bodies. The Med Fraternity, issued this YET it's still allowed? Look, I don't have the answer to everything. AIl I am just trying to let you know THE UK GOVERNMENT DRS ISSUED THIS WARNING yet every time they JAB a silicone 1 in your vein? in an AMBULANCE? I keep begging them 'DON'T DO IT IT'S TYPICAL PROCEDURE HERE. If You Can, STAY HOME and sort it out!! Do not put 'DISPOSABLE NAPPIES/DIAPERS ON YOUR KIDS!!! THAT'S SILICONE AS WELL!! Also CHEAP 'SCHOOL CLOTHING is bloody 'TEFLON' All I want to do is go to Bed, but this is all on my mind, and if I don't tell, who will, or know's?????? xxxxxxx I am in my 50's, it's unreal what's happened to me..... I am just trying to save someone else suffering xxxx Go 'GOOGLE' or what ever 'Search Engine' of your choice about it. I still believe our BODIES can kick it, but it's not easy. I refuse to believe the HIGHER POWER did not see 'THIS' coming. And did not equipped us for it???? How many people/Animals, coz that's what we ARE ALL... We're not, pre-programmed to deny the 'NEGATIVE'??? Which wasn't even invented??? I watched my Auntie 45 year's ago sent home to die????? Yet she's still here??? She did EVERYTHING against the 'RULE'S OF 'SURVIVAL'. And I have seen it time and time again, in-side, AND, outside my own Family. WE ALL GO DOWN but some of us want to get back up. OK!!!! We ALL FEEL LIKE GIVING UP!! BUT... Do not that be your EVERY DAY WISH.... EVEN when you think NO ONE CARE'S!!!!! At least CARE, about YOUR SELF like you would CARE, for some one that don't deserve it. I only got this far by 'REMEMBERING THAT!!!!! Do not 'HATE' your self. Just get PISSED OFF... With thinking like that. Blessed are those who are Loved when they are broken... Most of us are not.

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA) on 10/08/2009

Personally, I have never used the food grade hydrogen peroxide, only the 3% that you can get from the store. I did the regimen of adding a drop a day for about 3 weeks as I seemed to have a lot of mucus problems. In Chinese medicine it is well known that phlegm can wreak absolute havoc throughout the body and is what can cause arthritis and body pain. I know that there have been times when that was the only way the amount of mucus that needed to come out came out! Perhaps that was what your mom experienced. I'm curious if it seems to be helping to reduce the arthritic pain. I know I felt a lot of relief in my lungs, sinuses, body pain and stomach upon reducing the phlegm. Periodically, I will consciously do a regimen for just this. I hope this helps.

Posted by Robert L (South Carolina) on 08/08/2020


You've got to be joking, Get off of Lisa's back! I have 2 jumbo containers of Topical Solution Hydrogen Peroxide, it also says “oral debriding agent for use as a gargle or rinse”. Ingredients Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and Purified Water. Two different companies same ingredients Walgreens and Walmart. Guess what without stabilizers the O2 evolves out over time and you will have to buy more ... Companies like that. But if you are a small company trying to spread the good word about the healing value of common household products you might find a Peroxide product or 2 with “stabilizers” and emphasize that in your presentation so you can have some cash flow and thus continue to preach practical good health to the masses.

I just reviewed 5 different 3% Topical Hydrogen Peroxide's on Amazon all of them had the same ingredient listing Purified water and Hydrogen Peroxide. Also odds are very good that those “stabilizers” you are so frightened of, if you can find them, are already in your diet elsewhere but you shamed poor Lisa for nothin.

Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Joanofarc83 (Morton, Il) on 12/06/2009

I combine Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, & 5 drops of fgH202. I also add Lugol's solution (6drops). This is all added with 4 oz of filtered water. I have had no ill effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Matt (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 01/11/2010

Hi Noel,

i have not used HP with ACV but I use HP regularly as a nasal/sinus flush. it's brilliant. I add 4 mls of 35% food grade HP to 500ml distilled water and snort it into each nostril every morning. Then I gargle. It's an instant shot of alertness and clarity alnd clears my sinuses. Just like an early morning surf. the recipe above is less than 0.50% in strength. i find anything stronger burns my nasal passage. I've seen some posts recommend 3% but it is way too strong for me.

I also take H2o2 internally and use it baths.

Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Sharon (Uk) on 06/18/2018

To make it taste better you can take HP with pure grape juice as it has no vitamin c to react with..

Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Andy S (Ellicottville, Ny Usa) on 12/28/2010

To Eddie for Port Erin, According to This article by Dr. David G. Williams "The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide" http://educateyourself.org/cancer/benefitsofhydrogenperozide17jul03.shtml
Taking HP with Aloe is fine.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Will I am (Seaside, OR) on 06/25/2009

I have had a basil cell carcinoma on my back for about a year.

It got a little bigger and I decided to get rid of it.

I have been using food grade h2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide (25-35%)

It burns but works great. Just use a cue tip dip it into the h2o2 and it burns the top layers of over a few weeks. It's better than the doctor and cost's about $1.00 worth of the food grade peroxide.

I will tolerate a little pain, no pain no gain.

Posted by Mink (Vallejo, Ca) on 02/19/2010

Its true that undiluted 35% FGHP is dangerous if handled or ingested. That's why you must dilute it to a 3% solution. And that's easy enough to accomplish its just an 11 to 1 ratio. So 11 ounces of distilled water to 1 ounce FGHP will give you a 3% solution.

I would like to warn you against using 1% or 3% solutions found at your local pharmacy. They contain harmful stabilizers. Stabilizers are added to give Peroxide a longer shelf life since FGHP will lose potency at approx 1% per year. These stabilizers include chemicals like Acetanilide that are an irritant and can make your asthma worse over time. And there are no studies that document what ingested Acetanilide does to the body. Its best to just get the pure stuff that we know is good for you.


Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/11/2009

Glenys, I have been using 3% H2O2 Orally for just over a month working my way up to 25 Drops/3 times a day for 2 weeks now, and I feel great. I have been recently diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis, and living with it for 1.5 yrs. It was sudden onset, and extreamly painful, to the point where I was suddenly using a cane to walk short distance's. I started feeling the positive effects right off the bat, and would definatly recomend it as worth a try. I have gone from taking a handful of pills every morning just to walk to stopping all med's including my allergy medication. The only side effects I have experienced are extreme thirst, high energy and weight loss. Also recently my muscles have become sore, because after a year and a half, I am actually using them again. I say Yeah to H2O2. Deffinatly give it a try, just remember to take on an empty stomach, and follow the drop schedule.

Dental Care
Posted by Mel (Garner, NC) on 08/01/2008

I have been brushing my teeth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for years, especially since new information is out about the harmful effects of flouride.

For those who have been warning that hydrogen peroxide should not be taken orally, why is it that so many over-the-counter toothpastes now advertise hydrogen peroxide as a beneficial ingredient?

Keep up the good work EC!

Posted by Danielle (Chicago, IL) on 07/19/2008

Acne Remedies: I tried hydrogen peroxide with the assumption that it was an antiseptic that would aid in killing bacteria, infection, etc. (essentially what pimples are when inflamed). It definitely works. As others recommended, soak a cotton ball and hold for several min. For spot treatment and to avoid overdrying & light eyebrows, I use a q-tip. I will do this 2-3x's a day. If you have already squeezed or picked, the peroxide will often cause drying, flaking, or scabbing on that pimple so I recommend using baby oil on that spot (overnight). For day, I recommend Eucerin since it heals very dry skin and is non-irritating. I never realized how much dirt is still on your face, even after you thought you washed it well. Witch Hazel is a great toner, after washing. This will remove all excess dirt without overdrying.

Posted by James (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/12/2012

An effective way to get rid of Acne is to use plain white vinegar!

My daughter had had some problems with Acne for some years until I found a little advertised secret on the net about the uses for vinegar.

I thought it seemed harmless enough and recommended that she try it.

You have to be careful not to get it in your eyes but otherwise it works like wonders! You use it as it is not diluted! Remember this is Vinegar not H202. I have also used H202 food grade for years but for different applications and I have found it to be very useful for the majoity of the applications recomended. To get rid of any burns on your hands you can use vitamin C in the powdered form and mix with water just enough water to disolve and give coverage to the burned area! What you will see is the burning feeling will stop within a few short minutes and the white color will disappear! As we all know H202 is an Oxidizer. And Vitamin C is a powerful Anti-oxident the one will quickly neutralize the other! Try it it works!

Pulmonary Fibrosis
Posted by Jimmy (Dallas, Tx 75243) on 09/14/2009

My name is Jimmy Vou... I've had Pulmonary Fibrosis since 2005... A little over five (5) years.. February 2008 I can to the point that my chest started to cave in... You could hear my breathing down the street... I thought I was in the pathway of Going Home to meet my Jesus... Amen...! But something told me to start searching the Net for some type of solution that could either help "me" or just say goodbye...

It was about 3 days after I started taking Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade... that my lungs started to become normal once again... My breathing was starting to open up once again... My throat and face started to feel much better... About 4 months later I stopped, and I believe approximately 30 days later the latter was returning... so I immediately started taking Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade...

Since then, I have been wonderment to many people including my Doctors... They at first told me to stop taking H.P. 35% Food Grade, that it wasn't any good for me. I asked them if they had the same disease as mine would you at least try something that might help... Each one at different time shut-up... Now they are asking me how I feel. I tell them all... I'm still here doing all I can to strengthen my ability to stay in the condition until I get better then I am today... The last doctor I talked with, he told me that I had about another 3 to 4 years left... I just turned 70. And I feel good... Amen!

If there is any information that could be helpful, please don't hesitate to contact me...


Posted by Boubou (Coral Gables, Florida) on 06/20/2012

As a wind instrument musician, I had frequent damge to the lips and mouth resulting in sores etc.. It is a common problem. Rinsing mouthpieces, reeds etc in H2O2 completely eliminated the problem for me and I have had zero occurences for years.

In the tropics minor wounds when working or hiking, for example have a tendency to persist and not heal. H2O2 solved this problem for me and my hands and legs are free from wound sites. From my experience I cannot confirm these warnings.

Posted by Sharon (Park City, Utah) on 08/31/2010

Hi Tina,

I'm just starting the H2O2 therapy, I'm now at 11 drops 3x a day. I'm trying to cure my rheumatoid arthritis. My affected areas are more inflamed and swollen that they were before going on this therapy. I'm hoping that things will kick in soon. Can you tell me what you eventually did? Did you stop your therapy or continue, did you have your surgery?

I hope you were able to resolve your issues.

Take care,

Multiple Cures
Posted by Joyce (Bloomfield, CT) on 11/17/2007

H2o2 really works!!! it's nothing less than a blessing. Have tried it as a mouth wash and plaque remover, with maximum benefit. Have sprayed it on mold in the basement, and it really, really destroys mold on contact. Am in the process of trying it on cutaneous horns/facial warts and they are drying up slowly, but drying up nonetheless. Use a cup of it in every load of wash and the result is amazing. Soaked a bag of baby wipes with it, carry that bag around with me to wipe grocery cart handles, restroom door handles, public faucets, etc. Just to fight off any of the new and highly publicized viruses. Lastly, I buy 10 small bottles of h2o2 at our local price rite supermarket where it costs only $.46/bottle. Thank god for h2o2!

Foot Care
Posted by Indian in the machine (Saskatoon, Canada) on 11/13/2007

I regularly use hydrogen peroxide footbaths.....1/2 oz in 1/2gallon of hot water with a dash of seasalt.....my feet look and feel great. Last week after several baths, I walked over 120 city blocks in one day, and my feet weren't tired! Stay in the Light, Dieter

Multiple Cures
Posted by Delia (Vancouver, Canada) on 11/08/2007

I used hydrogen peroxide for:
* Ear infection
* Colds & Flue very effective than garlic.

I used to have a very bad cold that will turn to bronchitis, since i am using hydrogen I dont get bronchitis.

Used it for my pimples, used to get big pimples I am drinking a drop of hydrogen peroxide with my water after drinking it I dont feel the pain aroung my leg going towards my hip. I used it for my gum & teeth infection. Love hydrogen peroxide its so cheap and I dont know why? those dentist told me that it can cause more damage, i dont see the reason why. Dentist are very expensive.

Bad Breath
Posted by Amie (Reston, Va) on 09/03/2017

Regarding the oral mouth rinse use of drug/general store hydrogen peroxide (with additives 3% & 35%). I couldn't take it anymore and needed to comment after reading about the evils of cheap store bought peroxide and ultimately, the black tongue thing.

I have been using non food grade, store bought, less than 1 US dollar hydrogen peroxide as part of my dental care routine for over 20 years with no ill effects or black tongue. As I am always in a rush and have become more complacent over the years, I just take a swig (full strength) to rinse my mouth after flossing and before brushing. I've accidentally swallowed it before. I don't use it daily, just a couple times per week. I also put it on my toothbrush before putting baking soda on it (my tooth whitening paste used before regular brushing). An acquaintance asked me just a couple days ago how I kept my teeth so white. My dentist even comments on how good my teeth look.

I was well aware when I began to experiment with it for dental care, that peroxide can bleach fabrics and skin, could burn, eat holes through some fabric, etc. I was very careful and slowly reached the point of testing it as a mouth rinse, used very briefly (20 seconds or less) and often followed by a quick rinse with water. So, I did not start off by putting a quantity of regular peroxide straight into my mouth. Well, I may have dabbed a q-tip in it and tested it on a canker sore or applied it directly to a stubborn spot on a tooth.

I had a lot better luck with the store bought hydrogen peroxide when used for oral care, than when I previously attempted to lighten my hair with it as a teenager. :) I also use the non food grade on certain laundry stains or for specific cleaning applications.

Anyhow, never experienced any problems or issues with using it as I have and continue to do.

Black tongue - I do not know about the black tongue medical condition or its link to peroxide, just know that from my experience, it didn't affect my tongue. On some trip I took a pink pepto bismal like chewable tablet for a stomach complaint and wound up with a black tongue. As my friend had give me a small sleeve of these pink tablets, I kept them in my travel bag and on rare occasion while travelling have taken them. Get a black tongue every time.

Tongue discoloration - #2 - a Chinese medicine practitioner I saw years ago always noted the condition and color of the tongue before beginning treatment. Apparently, a lot could be determined, but I recall having the heavily coated or white, yellow or other colored tongue wasn't really good. I think my thick white coated tongue cleared up through dietary changes (basically nixing sodas and fast food).

Anyhow, caution is always a good thing. Paying attention to warnings and labels is always good too. Critical thinking is key, in my opinion, as is common sense. Know that what works for one person, may not work for you or in the same way, and there are so many factors contributing to the unique environment in ones body that it is worth doing your own research on natural remedies like hydrogen peroxide.

Now, that I am finally buying my first bottle of food grade peroxide, I am excited to try it internally. I don't expect to see the great pain relief or immune system results right away, as I might have to endure a period of toxin removal or some die off of something, but am optimistic I will see some benefit.

A vendor I've been working with swears by the food grade h2o2 in bottled water to keep the viruses at bay and stay healthy, especially when travelling by air every week.

Cold Sores
Posted by Joy (Denver, Colorado) on 07/17/2007

... I have tried plenty of the remedies on this site and they have all worked. H202 on a cold sore healed within 48 hours just dipped a q tip in 3%h2o2 and held on for 5 min 4 times a day. Baking Soda and water to gargle for extremely sore throat with swollen glands gone in 1 day. I gargled for about 10 minutes with my head tilted back 3 times thru out the day. Wow is all I can say about this one. thank you all so much this site is a blessing.

Bad Breath
Posted by Edith (Elizabeth, NJ) on 05/27/2007

Have you ever known somebody with bad breath? Here is the cure. 1-Do gargles with hydrogen peroxide. All the bacteria accumulated by years will be killed and your breath will be as fresh as it can be. 2-Do the same once a week or maybe once a month. If you still have any problem, that I doubt it, probiotics will be the solution for getting rid of bad breath if it is accompanied by body odor. But the first step is the gargles.

Bad Breath
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 12/19/2011

To Clarify:

Arm and Hammer Baking Soda does NOT contain aluminum.

*Some* baking POWDERS may still contain aluminum. This is easily available information on the web.


Bad Breath
Posted by Linda (New Haven, Connecticut) on 12/19/2011

Soozannah, it's baking powder that contains aluminum, not baking soda, but one can purchase baking powder without aluminum at the grocery store.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Riki (DaLian, China) on 05/13/2007

I have used H2O2 as a mouth wash and cleaning open wounds for nearly 40 years and it always work. I read about all the other remedies on this site! One idea I haven't seen is: I use shampoo out of a bottle until I can pour 100ml H2O2 into it. I have to shake the bottle when I want to use it. I have stayed blond and have no grey hairs and it keeps my scalp healthy.

Multiple Cures
Posted by L.A (Beirut, Lebanon) on 05/09/2007

Hydrogen peroxide cured my daughter's toes fungus, and sore pimples ..thank you earth clinic

Multiple Cures
Posted by Katie (Ames, IA) on 05/02/2007

One of my favorite H2O2 remedies is my homemade toothpaste. I take one part H2O2 and two parts baking soda (the measurements don't really matter, just get a consistency that you like). Stir them into a paste and brush as usual. It's a great fix for bad breath and whitens teeth just as well as those very expensive whitening kits, but with absolutely no pain. Another great recipe is for bad body odor. Take equal parts baking soda, H2O2, and water. Add a bit of dish soap and mix together. Scrub any place that the stink won't wash off. This remedy is great for athletes and sick people. Also works for people who have been skunked (it actually gave me the idea).