Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Hair and Scalp

12 User Reviews
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Posted by Breann (St. Louis, Mo) on 01/26/2010

Hi. I am addicted to this site, and I've found many helpful posts. So, I wanted to quickly respond to the amount of Borax to use for hair and scalp. Obviously, I'm only speaking from my experience. I use a palmful of borax (2 or 3 TBS.), which I rub into my scalp. I rinse it out and then clean my hair, as normal. At the end, I use a final rinse of 1/8 C Borax mixed in 1 Liter of water (I keep the solution in a rinsed plastic soda bottle). I do not rinse out this mixture. I, then, dry and style my hair as usual. Since the first application, I have no longer suffered with an itchy, flaking scalp. It's been wonderful!

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 12/28/2009

i've been using borax for a hair wash too. i've used it a couple of different ways - 1 teaspoon in a pint of warm water stired and poured on wet hair, then rinse with water - followed by a 1 teaspoon of ACV in a pint of warm water; rinse again with cold water - and i've used it saturated - which means i put about 1/2 inch in a bottle and filled it with warm water, shook it, and let it sit until no more borax would dissolve (they will be some white crystals which is ok) (then used the same as above) - and i really couldn't tell the difference!!!

both methods leave my hair very full, shiny, smooth, soft - better than anything else i have used!!! before this i was using soap bars which started leaving white residue in my hair when our water quality changed. this is not a problem with borax!

it does seem that the saturated solution may be more prone to 'build up' which means that my hair wasn't quite as shiny (still shiny though) as with the less saturated solution - but this could be because i'm only using ACV to rinse - 1/4 teaspoon citric acid in a pint of water is supposed to be a better rinse - but i have yet to find any and love my ACV rinse. also i like the idea of using less borax since i use it for my laundry and other things.

the other wonderful thing borax has done for me is i have a rat named eric who has always had itchy skin!!! i have tried everything - VCO rubs (to kill mites - he hates VCO) - olive oil, ACV, neem soap, etc. and while some of these work the itchies always come back when it is cold and dry.

the last time this happened he was chewing his skin off and i was desperate and decided to try the borax.

i put about a tablespoon or so into the sink and filled it with warm water and soaked him and massaged his itchy spots. then i rinsed him with plain water.

immediately he stopped itching! he was able to sleep all night that night and has been better since. i have only had to do it once more and it has been a few weeks!!! this time i made sure to get it on his head and this has worked even better.

and rats often suffer from a respitory illness called myco - which seems to me to be similar to pnuemonia - and suprise of suprises! eric's breathing is much better after his borax baths!!! he is an older rattie and has allergies - and while i don't think he has active myco - most ratties do carry myco and they can come down with it if their immune system is compromised.

hope this helps someone! my rattie boy now has much energy and is acting like a young rattie again in spite of being almost 2 years old!!! :)

also my bf has had athletes foot for ever. i finally gave him some borax and he wet his feet in warm water and just scrubbed them with the borax granules. he says his feet haven't itched since he did this!!! and if they do he now knows what to do!!! this is funny to me because he was initially very afraid to use borax LOL

borax rocks!!! YAY!

Replied by Ratgirldjh
(Austin, Texas, Usa)

UPDATE: i have been using borax for several weeks once a week to wash my hair with an ACV rinse and i started getting build up on my hair and scalp.

so i went and got the citric acid of which 1/4 tsp. in a pint of water is recommended to rinse borax away since supposedly vinegar and lime or lemon juice is not strong enough to remove the borax.

after i washed again and used the recommended 1/4 tsp. citric acid in a pint of water and then rinsed again my hair was VERY slimy feeling. and then it took over 5 hours to dry.

the next day it felt limp and coated.

finally i washed again and did a stronger citric acid rinse and had the same problem - slimy, coated hair that refused to dry :(

eventually i clarified my hair using clay and i am now afraid to use the borax because it obviously was building up on my hair.

so if you use this method keep an eye out for the borax building up on your hair. in my hair this was evident by it becoming limper and limper and less shiny and feeling very soft and smoother than usual (at first a good thing LOL) and feeling like i had coated it in fabric softener.

then i had little white hard things coming out of my scalp as well as a weird waxy coating on my brush bristles when i would brush.

Replied by Dianna
(Austin, Tx)

another update!!!

ok so i started using the borax again since everything else i have tried, eggs, my soap bars, all leave residue on my hair.

what i've found is that if i put 1 tsp. of borax in a pint of warm water and stir it up good and then use it to wash it works great - with no build up!

and i can still use my ACV rinse - 1 tsp. ACV in a pint of warm water!

i think the key is to rinse very well after the borax and then leave the acid rinse on for a few minutes.

citric acid did not work at all for me :(

also the saturated solution built up on my hair very fast - but at this dilution (perhaps because it is not totally saturated) does not appear to be building up on my hair or my scalp.

and i occasionally use this same measurement on my rattie boy if he gets itchy!!!

Replied by Sandra

It is possible borax is helping rattie if he has demodex mites in his hair follicles. Dogs and humans have demodex mites. In dogs it causes mange. Borax kills the mites. They come out of hair follicles to breed at night. They itch like crazy and can even cause rosacea in humans it is said. People are allergic to the mites droppings in the hair follicles or even the mite itself as it dies in the follicle.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Kantuckee (Green Road, Kentucky, Usa) on 10/21/2009

Years ago I picked up a small book of old timey cleaning recipes from the 1900s. In the last century before there was store bought bottles of cleaning concoctions people made their own products. Women with the long hair used Borax Water to clean their hair very efficiently. The recipe I use is 1 cup of Borax to 1 gal of very hot water. Let it sit for 24 hours and shake it occasionally. Use only the water from this jug to wet your hair and just squeeze through, don't scrub. Rinse throughly and if needed do a vinegar rinse to clean any buildup.

When you are low on the borax water I add water and/or borax to keep the level right in the jug.

I hope this helps.

Replied by Mark
(Exeter, United Kingdom)
12 posts

Hi, its recommended that only citric acid is powerful enough to remove borax from the hair.

Here is the section on diy borax shampoo by

Dr Hulda Clarke (Ph.D., N.D)

'The cure for all diseases' page 528 (free ebook)


Borax liquid is ready to use as shampoo, too. It does not lather but goes right to work removing sweat and soil without stripping your color or natural oils. It inhibits scalp bacteria and stops flaking and itching. Hair gets squeaky clean so quickly (just a few squirts does it) that you might think nothing has happened! You will soon be accustomed to non-lathery soap.

Rinse very thoroughly because you should leave your scalp slightly acidic. Take a pint container to the shower with you. Put ÂÂ1/4 tsp. citric (not ascorbic) acid crystals (see Sources) in it. For long hair use a quart of rinse. Only citric acid is strong enough to get the borax out, lemon juice and vinegar are not.

After shampooing, fill the container with water and rinse.

Rinse your whole body, too, since citric acid is also anti-bacterial. All hair shampoo penetrates the eye lids and gets into the eyes although you do not feel it. It is important to use this natural rinse to neutralize the shampoo in your eyes.

(Some people have stated that citric acid makes their hair curlier or reddens it. If this is undesirable, use only half as much citric acid.) Citric acid also conditions and gives body and sheen to hair."


Hair and Scalp
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 04/22/2009

Hi Everyone that reads this,

I've been using the Borax and Water for shampooing my hair for well over a year now. It's kind of hard to get use to in the beginning because it does not foam up but it does get slippery. I am 48 years old, with naturally curly hair, and it is always tangle free and smooth, not dry or oily at all. My one fault is I use a lot of hairspray to keep my hair in place for the day, but the borax and water keeps any buildup from occurring due to the hairspray. I thought why stop there, why not use it all over like a body wash, it's cheap, easy an all in one kind of thing. I can shave my underarms and legs with no problem because it is a slippery solution and the razor just glides on through. I do not have dandruff but never did to begin with so I don't know if it would help with this condition or not.

As far as measurements go, that's hard to say because due to the size of container you are using. Just simply go to the point of saturation, and if there is still some crystals from the borax in the bottom, so what no big deal.

Peace, Rena.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Marty (Nashville, Tennessee -- Music City, USA) on 04/21/2009

I, too, have long hair. I ran out yesterday and bought some Borax after reading all of the comments here regarding its use. I'll have to get really brave before I think about ingesting it though! I tried washing my hair in two quarts of warm water with two Tablespoons of Borax. I do give it credit for detangling my hair. Brushing it out wet has always been a chore. Borax simplified that! However, the end result didn't impress me. My hair seemed heavy and wouldn't move. It appeared matted down after dry. I think adding a tiny bit of shampoo will work for me. I am going to try bathing in it for all of the noted benefits, but I truly am the type that needs some shampoo of some sort.

Maybe I'll try adding a bit to some Baby Shampoo. I love this website!

Replied by WhollyFool
(Farmington, MI)

Hi there,

I had similar problems the first time I used Dr Bronners soap: my hair felt like one big stuck together mass. I wanted to cry I was so upset. Then I used the vinegar rinse (just a splash of white vinegar in some tap water) and my hair smoothed out perfectly. From what I've read, it's a PH problem, so I'm assuming that would be the same with the Borax.

For the record, I tried the castille/vinegar combo out of desperation with my frizzy hair. I don't notice a big difference between my hair with the various high priced shampoo and conditioners I was trying, so I'll stick with the castille/vinegar. At least I know what's in it!

Replied by Tabitha

Your hair is accustomed to the detergents from shampoo. It may take several washings to get it used to borax. It needs to detox. Keep using the borax.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Lynn (USA) on 01/04/2008

What a wonderful site! I find so much honest mindblowing information on this site. I already know quite a bit about herbs and vitamins but I am really being educated to some incredible healing therapies here. I have fallen in love with borax. I have had an itchy scalp for 10 years. When I say that it sounds pretty benign, but it has dominated my existence, alternating between itching, inflammation, tenderness, prickliness, numbness and downright pain. I noticed that it had a hormonal connection, but because my head "talked to me" with all of the above symptoms, I touched and tugged on individual hairs to calm my head. Of course I knew it wasn't working and it only made matters worse, but there was a "reaction".

I have purchased rogaine, shampoos, conditioners, pills, anti itch sprays, etc and the list goes on. I happened on a diatribe on curezone, and they mentioned borax and also earthclinic. so I went to this site and found a ton of amazing information. Of course the light bulb goes off. The next morning I mixed some borax in water and poured it on my scalp. Small amounts of tingling pain. My hair felt silky but stronger and thicker. My hair looked fantastic, but the other noticeable thing was that my scalp didn't itch. Later on in the day, there were tiny scabs where the small bumps would show up.(I know I didn't mention that earlier, but neither did I mention that my hair didn't feel like it was firmly connected into my scalp either) I knew that I had found a solution to what has been driving me crazy.

I really wonder if the people who pull out their hair are reacting to some of the same conditions that I have been experiencing for so long. I no longer feel like I need to "play" with my hair. when I say play with it, I actually mean that I was pulling a lot of it out. I was not trying to pull it out, but I felt that if I just ran my nail down the length of it that I would somehow "fix the individual hairs, and sometimes they would come out, because as I said they were not firmly rooted into my scalp. I take away the symptoms with the borax and I no longer need to touch the hair. I think they call it tricholotomia or something like that.

I have a question and I don't know if anyone has an answer, but my brother in law has a bone chip on his ankle. He has had surgery once to "fix" it but it didn't work, the pain is back, and he is once again, walking with a cane. I don't know how big this bone chip is, but is there anyway to either dissolve the bone chip, or to get the bone chip to attach to his ankle?

anyway, I am glad this site is out here in cyberspace where people can get real and helpful information and not have to pay 150.00 for either a non answer from a doctor ( I brought my scalp problem up 3 times with 2 different doctors and they would look at my scalp and offer zero advice or help) or an answer which doesn't do crap or hurts you. I don't know about you but when I pay a doctor 150.00 and they either don't answer my question or whatever they do doesn't work, I think I should get my money back. Speaking of doctors, I went to one once because I was sick two days before I was going on a long vacation. I diagnosed myself and knew that I had rocky mountain fever. My father in law had gone hunting and his wife cooked some of the meat that he brought back. They both had come down with it. I had heard my mother in law say how hard it was to diagnose. I had all the symptoms but I tend to get really gassy and nausous. I DID not want to be sick on christmas vacation around family.

I went to dr. before I left, explained what I had, symptoms, and why. He said absolutely nothing to me, gave me some anti nausea meds and sent me on my way. They did nothing. I got some charcoal pills before I left because the dr. hadn't helped at all. I spent 10 days in bend ore. sick as a dog, Toward the end I felt like my insides were starting to dissintegrate. I separated myself from everyone because of the terrible gas. I finally started to have diahhrea just before we left (I have always been constipated) It took us two days driving home in the snow. I went to a check medical as soon as I got home (different doctor) I told the doctor, I know I have rocky mountain fever, just give me the meds, you can run the tests but I can not live with this another day. He gave me the drugs. Two days later, they called to say indeed I had rocky mountain fever. I was so pissed at the other doctor for ruining my vacation. Of course this was about 17 years ago before wonderful access to web information. But that doctor was so arrogant he could not stand having a patient telling him what was wrong. Thank god for the second doctor because I was ready to kill myself by then rather than feel like my insides were literally pulling away from their internal walls, feeling constantly nauseated, but not being able to throw up. Sorry, I am still pretty angry about it and I have never called or said anything directly to that doctor. I simply never went to his office again. sincerely. me.

Replied by Dickens
(Brockville, Ontario, Canada)

As I find your symptoms of scalp itching, sensitive scalp, etc. I'm wanting more info [please] on the process of using Borax to wash the hair - how much Borax/water, do you leave it on rinse it out, use it every day, etc . Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated . Regards.

Replied by Sandee Palm Coast
(Palm Coast, Florida)

RE- BORAX and water for rinse - ITCHY SCALP

Thanks for the simple remedy - wondering when you said "small" amount of Borax what you mean - IE: Tablespoon - or smaller - in a jug I presume to pour over the head - and is this LEFT on - or rinsed out. Last Week - I tried Apple Cidar Vinegar and that too make my hair thicker with more body - but the Borax sounds better for continual itch. Thank you -

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)

Hi Earth Clinic Readers,

I just want to inform readers that my beautician did finally tell me that she could tell my hair is getting dry, so I had to cut back on the use of borax and use regular shampoo and conditioner again. Still good stuff to use, but just not as often, Peace, Rena.

Replied by Marie
(Clover. Sc)

Thank God I found this site. I've been to 5 Drs and they said no infestation but little black things fall out of my hair. What can I do?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Marie from Clover

Re mites...

Go to Earth Clinic's "Ailments" section and click to "M" and scroll to "Mites"...

378 posts are there to give you lots of information.

Replied by Mark

This is to your question about your brother-in-law's bone chip. I had two bone spurs on my fingers and I ran rife frequencies for bone spurs in a frequency program I made for a PC and used the rife frequencies I found online and I woke up one morning and the bone spurs were gone. I was quite pleased.

Charles and Linda

rife frequencies?


Hi Charles and Linda,

Answering your question as it is very up to date and sure you will be reading for any replies? You seem to be wondering what "rife frequencies are" There was a guy many years ago called Royal Rife, and he built a machine. It cured many people of ailments. There is a very interesting story surrounding this very famous man" If you type into google something like: Information on Royal Rife, you will see lots of websites, I actually printed off a very very large amount of papers telling his story. The machine he built contains many many parts, and although there are machines about today? None of them would ever equal this genius machine that Royal Rife invented. Look his name up, I think you will find it very interesting, and that is how you will learn about the famous Royal Rife! Hope you found this of interest. Rosina from London, UK.


I purchased rife machine, Spooky2, and am very pleased with results for insomnia, add, ocd, and weight loss. I use mine to imprint holographic stickers, which I then put in my bra or sock so it's close to me pretty much 24/7. I gave several for back pain to some co-workers and didn't tell them what it was for, just told them put it in your pocket and I'll explain later. One got so much relief she is purchasing her own unit, the other is skeptical that it did anything--may have been having a good day, etc. Ok. Your mileage may vary but, for me, I think there is something to it.

Replied by Brooke

I am having a hard time locating the exact protocol regarding borax. My 5 yr old daughter has a fungal infection on her scalp. Ted replied to me to used a borax saturated solution, but I still haven't read exactly what ratio to use for topical use. Lastly night I mixed 1/8 tsp with 1 liter of water and rinsed her hair and let sit for 5 min, then rinsed off with reverse osmosis water. so could someone please help me...I'd greatly appreciate it as her scalp has been suffering for a year and it's really been stressful for our family. Here are my questions.

1)What ratio do I use topically?

2) Do I only mix with water? or include something else..I've been reading about the dryness?

3) How often do I do this? I read something about 4 days on 2 days off?

4) Do I use this as the/instead of the shampoo (we always use natural/minimal shampoo) ? Do I leave borax on or rinse off?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Brooke,

You have tried so many things for your daughter. (I read your initial post that outlined the many things you have tried.) I am sorry this is dragging on so long for you and for your daughter!

Regarding the borax mixture - I have used a borax recipe from Ted on my goats (with great success, I might add! ) On his recipe for animals he uses 3 heaping Tablespoons of Borax in 4 cups of water. We did not wash this off of the goats. We put it into a spray bottle and sprayed them twice a day. I think 4 days on and 2 days off sounds reasonable. It did not irritate or dry their skin and they had new hair growth in a remarkable amount of time.

I know you have tried castor oil and coconut oil, but I would consider trying them again. On one of the two days off, try gently massing into the scalp equal parts of castor oil and coconut oil (if you still have tea tree essential oil around you could add a few drops of that per tablespoon of oil) and letting it sit on the head for an hour or two, (I wrap the head with plastic wrap and a towel to protect furniture and keep the oils from spreading.) Then gently wash out using the natural shampoo you use. It may take 2 shampoos to get it to not look greasy.

I have read about the late Dr. Christopher using black walnut tincture on a serious scalp fungal infection with great success. If I were going to try that, I would get a good quality black walnut tincture (I trust Herb Pharm.) Put one dropperful of the tincture into 2 ounces of water and apply to the scalp daily. Interestingly, Black Walnut does contain iodine, which has seemed to help your daughter some in the past. Because this could cause a stain, you could try this at night. Perhaps use the borax in the morning?

I would also try some things internally. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has anti-fungal properties. If you could get her to take 3/4 teaspoon of this twice a day, that may be helpful.

Also, in my house, "When in doubt, try turmeric." I give turmeric daily for something or other. One day I had three children complain of three different ailments and turmeric was the answer for all three! Turmeric is a blood purifier. It has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. I give a five year old about 1/4 teaspoon a day. In yogurt or applesauce or mixed in a smoothie. (I put 1/4 teaspoon into my 3 year old's breakfast smoothie this morning and he didn't even know it! He was attacked by a mosquito last night and had a lot of itchy bites, so I wanted to get some turmeric into him.) Some say turmeric can be constipating, so it should be taken with plenty of water.

A probiotic or daily consumption of kefir may be helpful, too.

Please let us know how things go for your daughter. And let me know if something I wrote was not clear.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Dear Mama to Many ----

Your response resonates well with me specially since my big water dog has the red mange again and Neem Oil did not made the grade even though it may have interrupted their breeding cycle. I will use your goat remedy.

For my hair I will add Dr. Christopher's black walnut oil treatment. Being vegan for a year did much damage to my metabolism and am living vegetarian with goats milk again, hoping my hair will grow again and my body will recover.

As to turmeric, I have had a glass hot goat milk with one tsp. turmeric twice a day for two weeks now and on some days the turmeric elixir that I posted on EC recently.

This was to mitigate muscle pain from an old injury from the groin of my right leg down to the entire leg. Gradually the pain is diminishing as well I feel more flexibility. But the unexpected results with the "Golden Queen" is the disappearance of three abscesses causing trouble and now all is quiet. I did not expect that.

Also, in the last two days I perceived turmeric working in both breasts, which reminds me of Ayurvedic medical comments that T. will prevent and heal breast cancer. This can be felt if one is resting very quietly. I also have an inflammation from the old injury in my groin and it is also diminishing.

This is good news and so pleasant to administer.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U BROOKE, , , , , , , , , when the term saturated appears, it means that the solution can no longer absorb any more . Take yo sweet tea. It can only take so much sugar, and the rest goes to the bottom of the glass. It can only get so sweet for the temperature and that's the reason Southern folks sweeten their tea when it's hot so it's super saturated when ice is added. It's a Redneck thing.

I can't speak for Ted, but I think he meant for you to add Borax until it would no longer be absorbed and the crystals would end up in the bottom of the jar. The supernate, or clear part, would them be saturated.

I'm just a passer by, but I think you just need to use your common sense. You have a trail, so follow it. You want instant success and that does not always happen. Just get started and you will find success.


Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Om,

I always love to hear of your successes and progress. While I am not surprised at the great results you are getting with turmeric, it always makes me happy to hear more good news with it!

Regarding treating your dog with mange - we did also use hydrogen peroxide in the mix with borax and water as per Ted's mange treatment. It seems that his borax treatment for scalp infections in humans does not include the peroxide.



Replied by James

You need more borax than that. Mix a half TSP of borax with a half-tsp of baking soda (not baking powder). Put the resulting powder in a cup or saucer and have it handy. Get your daughter's hair sopping wet. Wet your finger-tips and touch the powder to pick up a bit (about an 8th tsp) and work your fingers into her hair, all over her head. Her hair will soon feel slippery. That's fine. Leave it a bit then dry her hair. Her hair will be a bit stiffer due to the B&BS. The slight solution of borax and baking soda will also remain behind on her scalp and do the job. Repeat the next time you wash her hair. Results should be noticeable in a day.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

To James (Frostburg) ---

I read your post with interest. You also mentioned that you had good results using this mixture on your dogs. Other versions use H202 but my dog has a most beautiful black wavy coat and I cannot bring myself to ruin it. I did one treatment but will also make a spray. Thanks for posting.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Rick
(Los Angeles, California)

Hello everyone,

The layout of this site is very confusing to me and I am not certain that I am posting correctly.

Thanks for all of the useful information, it is much appreciated. I have couple of questions.

I've only read about half of the borax thread and I am interested in doing a borax shampoo for my scalp issues.


1. What is the exact recipe for the borax shampoo/ wash? From what I gather it would be 2 cups hot water and one tablespoon of borax.

2. How long do I leave it in?

That's about it! I plan on doing the ingestion with water method later, but I want to experiment with this first. Thanks again everyone!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn Sc)

I use about a tablespoon of borax disowned in about 2 cups of warm water. In the shower then pour the borax solution onto scalp. I scrub and let sit in scalp for five minutes then wash out. Pretty simple.

By the way...I've always found EC so easy to navigate.

Replied by Rick
(Los Angeles, California)

Thanks for the response Dave. I am finding the site easier to navigate the more that I use it.

Replied by Marianne

I have used borax water to clean my hair for years. I use 1 teaspoon of borax in a cup of hot water to dissolve. Then I put it in an empty 16 oz shampoo bottle and top it off with RO water - we're on well water which is extremely hard.
In the shower, I shake the bottle and use about 1/4 of it on my hair to clean it. Rinse, spray with ACV water (1 part apple cider vinegar to 5-10 parts water, in a spray bottle) and then do a final rinse.
The ACV in the spray bottle is not an exact science, seems to work just as well with the weaker amount, too.
Good luck!

Replied by Barbara
(Apison Tn.)

I understand that a Castor Oil poultice will dissolve bone spurs. Maybe he could try this. Just pour some Castor Oil on a thick cloth and put this on when he goes to bed at night. You could tape it on or use an ace bandage.

Replied by Tea
(New Zealand)

Actually not hair and scalp but the bone chip from the above lady. I heard of someone with a permanently brittle crushed spine and she was told to rub pure frankincense from neck to tailbone twice a day for 6 months from the founder of an essential oil company.

Later down the track, an X-ray revealed it has fused back together and repaired itself much to the shock of the doctors who could t explain it..... worth a try????

Replied by Sandy
(Pembroke Pines, Fl)

Re: bone chip - read about micro current device to heal fractures


could you explain about the imprinting holographic stickers?

Replied by Claire

Regarding Ankle with Bone Chip:

use Castol oil. Put like 6 drops on a piece of an old t-shirt...put it on his ankle, wrap it in plastic and put a warm water bottle on it for 30 min. Like 3x a week.

Replied by Gina
(Oshkosh WI)

I know you posted almost 15 yrs ago but here goes. Check out Barbara ONeill's youtube video on castor oil, she addresses bone spurs. She has other great videos too.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Rhonda (Seattle, WA) on 12/03/2007

I learned about borax on curezone for itchy painful scalp and decided to try it. Someone else on this site has mentioned how nice her hair is as a result of using the borax. I have NEVER used a hair product- a shampoo or a conditioner that has equalled the lustruous results I have achieved with borax. My hair was dry and straw like now it feels soft and silky and very manageable. The rats nest is gone! I can now comb and brush my hair again without fear of tearing my hair out. If for no other reason, I think everyone should abondon their shampoo and start using borax to wash the hair. As for my scalp? I was pretty desperate the day I tried the borax. My scalp was very sore, there was an inflamed (swollen) ridge on my part and there were tiny bumps like zits forming. I have a theory that hair pullers are reacting to whatever it is that causes these symptoms I experience. I started messing with my hair when I started experiencing all of the above. anyway. after using the borax, pain and itching subsided. bumps scabbed over that same day. soooo gentle. Have you noticed that if you get it in your eyes, it does not burn? I remember when I was a kid, I had some sort of eye infection so I went to the doc and he said I had pink eye and prescribed boric acid ointment. so of course it would be gentle to the eye. I am anxious to try it internally for some of the other issues I have read here on the site.(arthritis, tmj, fibromyalgia)."

Replied by Shauna
(sandwich, ma)

Sounds like a stupid and superficial question is it safe for color treated hair? I would love to try this remedy internaly and externaly but i am so scared. Also has anyone had experience with borox and dogs with pnemonia if so please post.

Replied by Linda
(Detroit, MI USA)

I used 20 Mule Borax on my color treated hair (1/2 cup disolved in 1 liter water) and experienced some fall out the first few times. If you have thick hair, I wouldn't worry too much since I think it was more or less because the hair was already damaged. Now it doesn't affect it at all when I used it.

Replied by Rachel
(Indianapolis, USA)

Hi! I tried using Borax today for the first time for an itchy, flaky scalp. I mixed some of the ___ brand with my shampoo. The strange part is that when I mixed some of it with the shampoo, it smelled a bit like ammonia. The shampoo I use is from Whole Foods Market. It is a fragrance free, paraben free shampoo. Does anyone know if I should be concerned about the smell? I like the way it lathers when mixed with a shampoo more than just the Borax itself. Also, how much should I be using? I think I may have used too much because my hair felt rough and un-combable at first and I had to use a lot of conditioner (which usually isn't the case), but I did like the result once it dried. Would I be better off doing a borax/water rinse before shampooing? Thanks for everyone's comments, and this website is SO helpful!

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia)

Hi Rachel From Indianapolis, I am one that uses Borax daily, as a body wash and hair shampoo. You don't need to mix with anything but water. It is a wonderful and cheap body wash and hair shampoo as is. I know it's hard to get use to because it does not foam, but just pour on and massage into the scalp, and all over the body, rinse, and your done. I still don't need to even use any underarm deodorant, even more money saved, Peace, Rena.

Replied by Rachel
(Indianapolis, IN)

Thanks for your feedback! I will give that a try! Do you make a water/Borax solution to use on your hair and body? If so, what are the measurements you use? Thanks again!

Replied by Nooree
(Miami, Florida)

Hi , I also started to use borax with the whole food market shampoo and I can also smell ammonia in my hair when I have it one. Is it normal? I tried to use it with water but my hair was not soft. In how many days my hair will get use to it and how much should I use in a quart of water. Please let me know how much ratio is used of borax:water when you shampoo your hair. Thanks! I am already benefitting with borax remedy for Candida that I suspect I have. I might not but I did have burning mouth for 10 years without ill effects to my health but last year I was diagnosed with auto immune disease of Thyroid "GRAVES" and then I realized that it might be the flouride toxins in water that I am allergic to so I started to detox with borax. I know it will help me if I have candida.

I just take 1/8 tsp of borax and put is one liter of water which is approximately 4 and1/2 glsses and I drink that all day long till it lasts, in a day for 4 days than I rotate with iodine ( Lugal's) 2% 3 to 4 drops in a glass of water for four days and then I take Hydrogen peroxide 3%, 5 drops in water for 4 days and then I take propolis extract one dropper full in water for 4 days to boost my immune system and so on. I am also on candida diet for six months or so. I am feeling better but now I have heavy legs that is not going away even though I took Vitamin E and magnesium/potassium. If any one knows any thing I am doing wrong or should do more let me know. Thanks! I love this site and the people who made this site possible. God bless you all.

Replied by Tally
(Valencia, Ca)

I had alot of small bumps behind my upper arms, which a Naturopath said indicates Candida, so I took an anti-candida product and that's all I took, and it was gone well within 2 months. No special diets, etc. Love the stuff. Hope you try it & have the same experience.

Replied by Daniel
(Fresno, Ca)

Hi--- you say your legs are heavier-- I understand that to mean water retention or bloating water retention in your legs?

that means to me your liver is working slow or the liver is getting backed up---I will suggest a liver detox and milk thistle--super milk thistle will help detox the liver and help get the water out faster.

Google-- benefits of milk thistle.

Hope this info helps-- I use milk thistle everyday and my legs are doing well. I used to have water retention not anymore.

Borax detoxes the whole body and milk thistle helps the liver detox.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Katya (Grand Rapids, MI) on 09/06/2007

WOW! This is great i never knew Borax could do so much! I've been using it for almost two years to wash my hair and body with. My hair is soft and shiny, like baby hair and i'm 54 years old! I rinse with 1/4 teas. of citric acid mixed in a pint of water. Together they are the best! No more itchy scalp, no more chemically laden shampoo! Now i'm going to try using it to get rid of Candida!

Replied by Mary
(Regina, Canada)

To Kayta from Grand Rapids: Do you make some kind of shampoo with the borax or do you put it straight on your head? Thanks

Replied by Jean
(Traverse City, Michigan)

I bought a box of Borax this week after reading all the "Yeas" about its effectiveness with itchy scalp. I was a bit nervous about using it and so kept reading things on this site and on the web. After coming across this website, I decided not to risk it:

Replied by Susan P
(Illinois, US)


I looked at the article you posted and there is zero scientific study to back it up and the tone is all opinion of one individual; as in "It's also in slimy toys and some nutritional supplements.". Certainly not a statement one would find in a scientific article.

I believe this article is more the truth.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Jennifer (Windsor, CA) on 08/26/2007

Hi read Jackie's post a week or so ago regarding her results with borax and water to shampoo hair. I gave it a try and my hair felt great. I have long, heavy hair and it felt clean, soft and not dried out at all. Is anyone else doing this? I'm curious to see if anyone else had done this long-term as I want to make sure I'm not going to destroy my color-treated hair in the long run. I found a shampoo recipe online last week that included borax, castille soap, glycerin and a couple other ingredients. It turned out to be a disaster - after using a second time, my hair was a matted mess. I'm thinking it was the Dr. Bronner castille soap - which I love for face cleansing, but not on my hair. I used the straight borax and water this morning and my hair feels soft and clean again.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Minn.) on 08/12/2007

Hi, i'm using many of Ted's wonderful remedies. The latest is borax for a shampoo. I was scared at first, thought my hair would be a matted, tangled, dried out mess. Well it works better than any shampoo i've tried, and my stick straight thin hair has new thickness and body. So much so, that i was able to get a chin length haircut with bangs which i didn't dare do before. I don't know if i'm right but i use 2 tbsp borax to 2 qts. warm water and pour it over my head about 3 times then massage my scalp then rinse. i almost forgot to mention i don't need a conditioner or detangling rinse. This makes me really happy because i'm trying to reduce or eliminate chemicals on my skin and body.I use borax water to dampen my hair before a hairset too. I have very light gray hair and i'm trying blackstrap molasses everyday to see if i can get some darker hair back. several people who don't know i'm doing this have said my hair looks darker gray, it definetly is darkening at the hairline on the sides and on the nckline after a short time, so i'm hopeful, but just to be able to have body and thickness to my hair is just thrilling no matter what color it is. Thanks so many times for all this information. jackie

Replied by Cindy
(Kansas, USA)

I'd been trying to find the amount of borax to use for shampoo when I stumbled upon a website that sold borax shampoo in the form of 1/8 cup of dry borax in a bottle (appears to be a 1 quart or 1 liter bottle). You simply add water and use as shampoo so I'm going to try that.

Apparently, several people use it but can only find one (Thanks Jackie!) who uses 2 tablespoons borax in 2 quarts of water. How about the others? How much do you use and how do you apply it?

Heavy Metal Detox

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nigel (New Mexico) on 07/24/2023

Life would not be possible without Boron. Boron binds to heavy metals, like the garbage they have been spraying on us for decades. Check out this PubMed article:

Heavy Metal Poisoning

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Most borax I buy is a B.P. grade and a U.S.P. grade borax from a chemical supplier. Those are grade are often used that are pharmaceutical grade. However, those that are gotten from natural sources (e.g. borax) and go relatively unprocessed, that is unadded of additives or anything are often labeled 100% Sodium tetraborate or Borax. Without anything else.

My experience is that free heavy metals found in these product found in supermarket, are not as high as those found in more processed foods (baked goods are off the charts with me) and tap water we usually drink (my toxic heavy metals come from the drinking water and rice cooker), or even in more Organic foods and fertilizers which is very high in heavy metals.

Most contaminants from the products I used are heavy metals and they often come from frying pans, aluminum tea pots, aluminum rice cookers, iron pots & pans, or foods that has gone through a lot of processing such as fast food and chocolates, for example. Even Diet Coke is actually very toxic to me, if I have all the appropriate diagnostic devices to find out people will know the real source of toxicity which is from the benzene (sodium benzoate), bisphenol A (plastic degenerates into a pseudoestrogen Bisphenol A) and aspartame (degrades in the body to formaldehyde) and causes me to be diabetic and other sickness- long term ingestion may be more permanent).

I have actually been offline for almost a week being quite sick of neural disorder, from accidentally ingesting this product hidden in some foods they actually have added in the food at a restaurant (aspartame, sometimes they hide in coffee, but they do not REQUIRE LABELING - secret formula and GRAS status of aspartame), but never have I experienced any sickness from the use of supermarket borax or sodium carbonate labeled at 100%.

I actually have a dithizone tests and other tests of heavy metal to check for presence of mercury, lead, cadmium, iron etc. and most of the problems I have encountered came more from fertilizers, tap water, insecticides, water filter, certain pots and pans (cadmium, iron, aluminum).

The reason for all the fear of chemicals and legal disclaimer is that the seller is not given permission by the government for internal consumption even IF THE products are ACTUALLY SAFE if we actuall DO THE CHEMICAL PURITIES TEST.

If people have the money to bother to do the impurity tests a lot of people will be surprise to find that quite often the opposite is true, most processed foods and processed water, drinks, etc. are actually more contaminated. I have seen pools of aluminum found in baking goods (they create a sort of electrolysis and the aluminum ends up in the bakery products, baked goods, whenever an aluminum foil is used. People are sick simply just preparing coffee and tea in aluminum tea pots. I have actually found a simple way to check by using a small laser pointer pointing in these liquids and see tyndall effect (which are like rays of light you can see when you drive headlights in a fog). The clearer the rays, the more contaminated is the boiled water. So I tend actually to worry more about processed food than I do getting borax, or sodium carbonate from the source.

The other reason why I don't worry a lot from their uses is I always take EDTA, or no sugar no milk Green Tea to remove whatever heavy metals I consumed, which is quite often from the office water tank, rice cooker, and other processed foods, rather than sources from natural borax. This is a very slow learning process for most people to unlearn what they have geen taught and I think it is going to take many decades not years for general consumer to realize this fact. I am not entirely optimistic that people will realize this unless they bother to do their own chemical analysis and get the facts straight. The SYSTEM as we know it is a monopoly on medicine and they don't want people to stray off this area, even if THE SYSTEM doesn't work.

In general, if I cannot get USP grade, Food Grade, or Analytical Grade borax, I usually end up having to purchase those found in supermarket. I have little choice. I never tell anyone what to buy, it must be noted that I only tell myself what I can or cannot buy. What you do buy, you just have to decide for yourself. There's a good reason for that, different countries has different standards. However, my own take on the problem is they are relatively pure for most purposes since the quantitities used is actually quite small, such as 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, so whatever contaminant in the parts per million is reduced fractionally of that amount to multibplied by .001 (about 0.1% percent) of whichever value of contaminant.

It must be noted that a lot of remedies I used is almost like 16th Century medicine and obviously 21st century products isn't selling anymore or hard to find. Therefore much of the decision, ulimately depends on you. If you want an authoritive figure to decide instead of you (if you trust him but I don't), then it is likely they will not recommend any natural remedies I post. Unfortunately for them, their treatment is actually killing me several times over, and I ended up saving my own life without much help from anyone else. That's at least my experience, perhaps, I am unlucky to rely on them.


Replied by Jess
(Bushey, UK)

Hi Ted, just read your comment about using green tea to remove heavy metals from the body. I was concerned as I have read that it contains higher levels of fluoride that black tea. I understand that borax removes fluoride but thought perhaps not best to add more by ingesting further? I have found that coriander removes mecurary at a good level and organic apples help aid removal of alumnium. have you any thought s to help my research further? Thanks. Jess

Replied by Lou
(Austin, Tx)

As far as I know, green tea contains calcium fluoride rather than the sodium fluoride or hydrofluoric acid (H.A. is even worse). I think that CaF may be not as readily absorbed by the body, because it is insoluble, whereas NaF (sodium fluoride) is soluble. It is important to note that even insoluble things such as biogenic silica can be absorbed into the body via the gastrointestinal tract.

However, since I do not know the form of fluoride in green tea, I cannot advocate its consumption. This is due to the fact, that modern agricultural techniques may increase the amount and diversity of the fluorides contained within the tea plant/final product.

Furthermore, I question the duration of many green tea studies showing its beneficial effects. Since fluorides are cumulative, long term studies are necessary to determine the overall impact green tea has on health. I also wonder about the forms of green tea used in many studies. Are they using fluoride free tea? If so then they should mention it.

Also, are there any benefits to using tea with natural fluorides? (I seriously want to know the answer to this.)

Many companies propose to sell fluoride free green tea.

For further reading on fluoride in green tea I recommend this article.

Replied by Teri
(Up North, Indiana)

I've been adding a pinch of borax to my green tea for awhile. I believe it is a tip I read from Ted. Helps neutralize the fluoride in green tea. If I take a bath, I also add borax (for fluoride) and sodium thiosulfate (for chlorine) to the water before getting in the tub. I had had no adverse affects to either practices.

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas, Usa)

Hi Teri, thanks for sharing. How much sodium thiosulfate are you adding to your bath water?

Replied by Peter
(Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Hi Ted, You sound like a knowledgeable fellow so perhaps I am wrong and you are right, however I took some time to find out that baking soda is what we in the UK call Bicarbonate of soda AND Borax is also what we call Bicarbonate of Soda. Baking powder is what we call Cream of Tarter. So as you can imagine your article on treating Rosacea with Borax and Baking Powder is somewhat confusing. Below is one of the articles I tracked down to clarify the terms:

What is Baking Powder and Baking Soda?

Baking Soda is pure Sodium Bicarbonate, also called Bicarbonate of Soda (NaHCO3). It is a white crystalline alkali which reacts by effervescing (fizzing) when it comes into contact with acids, thus producing gasses, namely carbon dioxide. Because of this chemical reaction, it is often used in fizzy drinks and antacid remedies and it's precisely this reaction which facilitates the rising action in baked goods.

Baking Powder is more complex. It is composite of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), one or more acid salts such as Cream of Tartar (Tartaric Acid), Sodium Aluminium Sulphate, Calcium Acid Phosphate plus a drying agent such as cornflour and the exact mix determines whether it is "Single" or "Double" acting. The difference between baking soda, single and double acting baking powders, is when the chemical reactions actually take place, and is explained below. However, the rising principal is the same in that a chemical reaction produces carbon dioxide bubbles which expand through the cooking mixture.

TAKEN FROM: and Holidays/Baking Powder and Soda Origin Uses Recipes.htm

EC: Peter, according to posts from contributors in the UK and Ireland, Borax is NOT called bicarbonate of soda in the UK, it's called Borax. However, it's been banned from shops and can only be bought online.

See this section:

Replied by Kaz
(Greenbank, Qld Australia)

Calcium Fluoride is a tissue salt used in homeopathic medicine. Sodium Fluoride is a poison used in the poison "1080" at 23 p.p.m as a rodenticide.

Replied by Mikael
(Stockholm, Sweden)

I just bought a package of what said Borax in my local pint supply store. On the label it says 100% Natriumtetraborat 10 hydrate and not Sodium tetraborate or sodium borate decahydrate that you and this site suggests. I am worried that I bought the wrong kind of product even though it does say Borax on the box. There are also all kinds of warning labels on it like "keep away from children", "contact doctor if ingested" and "use protective gear when handling". I guess I should have checked this in the store but I just asked for Borax and got a boc of borax and bought it. Now I just want to know if this is the same product that you recommend or if I bought something else. The content looks like salty powdery crystals. Please advise, thank you.

Replied by Kanotera
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Thank you for putting this information out there however I am confused about the topical solution dosages.

I have been using borax internally for a couple of weeks with little to no improvement for what has been diagnosed as rosacea, I mostly got very dry skin so now I want to try the topical version in combination with internally ingesting borax.

I also tried a candida cleanse (some suggest that excessive candida can be the cause of rosacea) using oil of oregano along with a mixture of natural ingredientssupposed to take care of the problem in a capsule. No luck there either so now I am looking back at the borax / hydrogen peroxide treatment.

I can get 3% hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy here, will it work?

To make a facial cream, how much peroxide should I use in combination with borax? Should I mix with water? I am most comfortable with measurements in ml or tsp / tbsp. Thank you in advance for any reply!

Replied by Ridge Runner
(Minor Hill, Tennessee. United States Of America)

Here is some thing that may be of interest to go along with these comments about borax. There is a alternative on the internet that is or was relative easy to get and it works because I have used it on myself and my dogs. It is called mms now and it used to be called by its chem name of sodium clorete, used in water treatment for years. This man named Jim humble used it here in the U.S., South America, Africa and other countrys and it is still being used extensively over seas. He has a web site and there was a free ebook down load(over i20 pages. There was a doctor over 50 years ago that used this, I had a sister and a uncle that did the treatment and was cured. It works but it tastes horrible to me. I had a dog that I think contacted this west nile virus and after 3 trips to the vet that was wasted money I mixed some with dsmo and gave him 3shots 1 each and he completly recovered. Jim says that it will kill malaria fever in 36 hrs. He has cured aids, hepatitis b and c. He says it will kill all kinds of parasites internally. He says it will stop or neturalize poisons, he said he gave a dog some that was bitten by a snake and he didn't get sick. I have another dog that came home sick could hardly get around, didn't eat only drank a little water for two days. I don't what she had got into but I gave her the same dosage that I gave the other dog and by the third day she was back to normal. I think she may have gotten into some poison. I think it would be to your benefit not mine to go on his web site and down load the ebook if it is still available.

Replied by Nikaya
(Portland, Or)

Before taking MMS please do some research online. I was intrigued by the above post and decided to look into it myself. While I don't doubt that there are often impediments in place to prevent natural remedies from taking off, there are multiple countries that have been involved in bans and lawsuites regarding MMS. From what I have found, it is essentially industrial strength bleach. Wikipedia has a decent summary with multiple references you can check out for yourself. While I know we are all eager to find solutions for our ailments, we have to be wary of so-called miracle cures. On a different note, I'm excited to try borax for my atopic dermatitis after having read about it for the last couple hours! :)

Replied by Witchy
(Sydney, Nsw, Australia)

Re the MMS - it is not bleach. People trolling Wikipedia change it every time it is corrected. (anyone can change WP) It is a well known sucessful remedy. Please look into it and make your own judgment without the erroneous statments on WP. I use it, it tastes disgusting, but they have created CDS now which takes out the taste. It is in the food chain, used to preserve meat and erradicate bugs. A surgeon has tried to patent it as a topical cleanser post surgery.

Replied by Nimo
(Taipei, Noidea, Taiwan)

Agree, you should look for yourself on the internet and not just in wikipedia, wich is a not trusted source of information for alternatives healing. I'm using CDS for 2 weeks now (after 3 days with MMS) and so far so good. Too early to say anything but I believe there is already some healthy changes on my skin. I have a very severe dermatitis that i'm trying to heal.

Replied by Maria
(Sydney, Australia)

Hi Ted, and anyone else out there, firstly I'd like to thank you for this wonderful website and the help it's providing to so many!

I wanted to know if borax at the 1/8 teaspoon in 1 lt of water taken 3 days and/or for 4 is too much for an elderly person?

My mum is 87 yrs suffering from chronic arthritis and pneumonia, last year we thought we would lose her at the hands of the hospital due to the excessive amounts of drugs. I would like to try it with her before winter returns.

The reason I ask is I know it's highly alkaline and Dr Sircus mentions in his book for Bicarb therapies not to take more than 3 x 1/2 teaspoon bicarb per day if over 60. ( I assumed it was due to the alkalinity) and wondered if it's the same with Borax.

Many thanks.

As for me, I've suffered for over 15 years now from Ricketzzia, micoplasma pneumonia, and an explosion of candida (which doctors couldn't be bothered to diagnose). I found that with so many antifungals like olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, and even the bicarbonate didn't complete the job. The problem was chronic.

After 3 day of taking borax as prescribed: 1/8 teaspoon in 1 lt of water in 1 day for 3 days, I already feel brand new. I will repeat next week and possibly for a third if needed, then I'll go onto the maintence dose.

God Bless you guys, I wish I had found you sooner!


Replied by Massimo
(Miami, Fl)

I found an amazing product called S___ Z-lite which has a small amount of fulvic acid that started to bring my libido back and then I started on the protocol of 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in water. Been doing this for a little over a week with four days of 1/4 teaspoon of borax in water and three days off. I believe that I got the H. Pylori 15 years ago in Africa. Ever since I started this protocol I wake up feeling worse every morning. My stomach is very uncomfortable in the mornings. Each morning it feels worse than the morning before. This morning I feel like I am going to pass out. Should I stop this protocol. Or are these just die off symptoms?

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2063 posts

Massimo: Seems like you might could prosper from some H2O2 drops.

Replied by Massimo
(Miami, Fl)

Thank you Tim. I will research that. Since this feeling I have not taken the morning sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate drink to give my body a break but have now figured out that I may have been experiencing die off symptoms from the H. Pylori. I figured this out because I starting taking Cayenne pepper capsules and I feel nauseous which leads me to believe they are die off symptoms. Does anybody know if the burning of the stomach after taking the cayenne pepper capsules is also a die off symptom of H. Pylori, or would anybody experience that?

Replied by Cat
(Austin, Tx)

Cayenne pepper burns my stomach as well. You might cut back on this or try coating the stomach first with an oil such as coconut oil. If you are taking a lot of capsules, cayenne will burn horribly. To me, it is like letting cayenne sit on your tongue for a minute. Painful! I like it hot but if you have ever had an ulcer, cayenne pepper (at least for me) can be too irritating to the stomach unless mixed with food in small amounts..

Replied by Quadshield
(Prattsville, Arkansas)

Years ago a homeopathic doctor prescribed the cayenne pepper caps for my husband. But he did explain that if you do not put at least a small amount on your tongue first to tell your brain to prepare your stomach for it that it can cause a bad burning in your stomach. The easiest way was tomato juice or v-8 or even better v-8 spicy. Just half a cup at most and add just a small pinch of the pepper. Drink that and then take your pepper caps with water. It made a world of difference.

Herniated Disc, Arthritis

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rick (Irvine CA) on 06/28/2022

Editor's Choice I have a 6 mm posterior bulge in the L4 - L5 area of my spine. The MRI shows this bulge going into the nerve column of my spine. Whenever I did any heavy lifting it absolutely killed me that evening with pain. I started taking a sip of my Borax solution in the morning and night and that was 5 years ago. I have absolutely no pain and can lift as much as I want to. Now I'm 73 and have never felt better in my life.

I had my wife start taking about a year ago and now she is pain free of the arthritis she was experiencing. She too is now a firm believer of Boron. She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON. 300 pills for $10 bucks. No wonder the pharmaceutical industry poo poos the solution. THEY CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OF OF A MINERAL.

Replied by RB
(Somewhere in Europe)
84 posts

Rick, How ya doing?

Thanks for posting. Congrats on your success! I've always thought that there is a better way. Please share some of the details of your success!

> She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON.

A) Do those pills contain Boron, or Borax?

B) Those 6 mm pills supply how many mg (milligrams) of Boron (or Borax), per pill?

C) How many 6 mm pills, per day?

D) Taken with food, or in between meals?

E) If, in the unlikely event, those 6 mm pills are actually capsules, as opposed to pills, then what is their size? 0,00, or 000?

I have no arthritis, but I'm hoping this will help somebody!

Herniated Disc, Sciatica

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Krusty (Greece) on 01/30/2021

Editor's Choice Me and my father had great results using borax. Me for my herniated disc and my father for his sciatica due to osteophytes in his spinal discs.

His seizures of pain became vary rare and less acute. Me too my back pain doesn't bother me any more after six months of using cheap borax. I was limping six months ago due to my herniated disc.

We have been taking 1/4 of teaspoon 5 days per week.

My father did not do or take any other supplement at all, so it must have been the Borax. I feel my back stronger now after some months of taking Borax. I have tried exercises before with very small results. I think the problem can be helped more biochemically and Borax can strongly help. Maybe some other substances like collagen and MSM can also help.

Hidradentis Suppurative

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kristina (Arizona) on 03/15/2016

Editor's Choice I was experiencing a horrible auto immune condition called HS (Hidradenitis Supperativa). Very, very painful and debilitating. I decided to try the borax protocol to attack the autoimmune condition. In six weeks all symptoms of my condition had disappeared and it is 10 months later and I continue to be healed. I now drink borax water once or twice a week. I drink 1/4 tsp in the liter of distilled water once or twice a week. I give 1/4 of the above mentioned dilution to both my children once or twice a week.

My Mom has been drinking it daily for 9 months (after seeing my amazing results) due to a number of health afflictions, and has skin growing on her legs where she has had open wounds for 30 years from a recluse spider bite.

My coworker drinks the above mentioned dilution daily and has had a significant reduction in her rheumatoid arthritis pain. In fact over the winter she was shocked to 'notice' she was barely hurting in her hands at all...

I was desperate for answers when I tried this and I'm so glad I did. Decide for yourself, trust your instincts. Good luck.

Replied by Diane

Do you know what KIND of water is needed for the Borax remedy? Should it be distilled or just regular water and NOT mineral water (since I received no results using mineral water)? Thank you.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Diane, I take borax with sea-salted bottled spring water. I also ensure to sup Magnesium. Maybe borax just didn't work for you, or there are other things going on in your body that it was working on. Most people are deficient in iodine, perhaps this (lugols iodine) or kelp extract will make a difference in your health. Just a thought. Since improving my reproductive cycle with a pot of fresh garden tea every day (the goal was better health through easily absorbed nutrients, this was unexpected and very welcome), I am supplementing vitamin e, Magnesium, coconut oil, vitamin c and have just really started Iodine properly after receiving the tablets. I will be starting high dose iodine after reading some benefits, this is the adjustment phase and fortunately with clean diet I have had no ill effects, started 1/4 pill, 1/2 pill now one pill daily. On my next few days off work I will trial 50 mg a day, initially for monitoring purposes. From high dose Iodine I expect cysts, lumps, stones and worse to dissolve, to not feel cold all the time, and for the disappearance of many moles, which from my understanding are a result of internal fungus. My best advice to you is to keep reading, researching, you are sure to find what your body needs to heal. Oh also add some herbs to assist the liver, an overloaded liver can not cleanse your body of the toxins that accumulate whenever pathogens, fungus etc are attacked. This (dandelion) is in my daily tea. Best to you.

Replied by Kameran

for Lupus you can use also with Borax

Peroxide hydrogen 35% food grade diluted



This will need to be verified, but it's my understanding that 35% hydrogen peroxide (Food Grade ONLY! ) needs to be DILUTED down to 3% before use. It can also be purchased already diluted as 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

(Phoenix AZ)

Yes, it does.

Food grade 35% H202 *must* be diluted.

Use 6 drops of it p/gallon of water.

Use 1/8 c of it, with 11 oz water for a meat disinfectant. I've been using this for YEARS. Kills any germ, bacteria, parasite - anything bad that shouldn't be in the meat of fish. Pour the solution over the meat or fish, cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then > drain off the solution, rinse the meat or fish and freeze, or bake, or marinade or whatever you planned.