Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

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7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Paul (Sanford, Nc, United States) on 09/07/2010

When you guys refer to Borax, are you talking about 20 Mule Team Borax, or something else? Thanks.

EC: In the laundry detergent section of your local grocery store.
Brand Names: 20 Mule Team (USA), BORAXO (USA, MEXICO)

General Feedback
Posted by Newagewoes (Pittsburgh, Penn.) on 08/19/2010

Need to know from Ted if drinking 1/8 th teaspoon of Twenty Mule Team Borax in Liter of Purified water is safe for those of us with high blood pressure? I am on Atenolol 50 mg per day but want to try it to help with Morgellons.

General Feedback
Posted by Light9 (Sleepy Hollow, Ny) on 04/27/2010

Can i use borax to heal my ear infections since its safe for the eyes?

General Feedback
Posted by Wendyacox (Adelaide, Australia) on 04/05/2010

I note that 1/8 teaspoon of borax in a litre of water is recommended as a detox for the relief of pain in many ailments. Borax is considered a poison, so how can this recommended remedy not affect the kidneys and liver if used over a long period of time?

Replied by Kaz
(Greenbank, Qld Australia)

Borax was removed from poisons list in 2001. Pat Coleby, natural farming/animal expert in Australia prescribes Borax for treatment of arthritis in horses. ACV is also high in Boron.

General Feedback
Posted by Wendyacox (Adelaide, Australia) on 04/05/2010

I note that 1/8 teaspoon of borax in a litre of water is recommended as a detox for the relief of pain in many ailments. Borax is considered a poison, so how can this recommended remedy not affect the kidneys and liver if used over a long period of time?

General Feedback
Posted by Arn (Seattle, Wa.) on 03/11/2010

Please don't go overboard in your reactions to using borax.

On one hand, it is not the toxic insecticide some imagine. The mechanism by which it kills bugs is by contact. They get a particle of borax on them, it burns a hole in the wax coating on their shells, they dehydrate. That's not going to happen to humans.

On the other hand, it is a micro nutrient, meaning your body doesn't need and can't use much. Big doses over a long period aren't a good idea. In concentration it kills pretty much every bacteria, virus and fungus which is handy for a lot of uses but not for your body. I wonder what it does to the friendly flora in your gut.

By the way, try putting a teaspoon each of sugar and borax in your Christmas tree water next year. It will stay green into spring.

Replied by Blanche
(New Iberia, La)

I think you may be confusing borax with boric acid powder, which IS used to kill insects by contact.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama (London, Ontario) on 03/08/2010

I have really severe fibromyalgia and will be in a wheel chair in a few years if I don't do something about this, so I'm really glad that I found earth clinic. I am going to try the borax, h2o2, acv, baking soda, magmesiun, vitamin b's and colloidal silver. I am only 35 with four small children and I live in constant pain with chronic fatigue and everything else that goes with it. This ailment has stolen from me the joy of parenthood. These years should be an absolute treasure for me - not misery.

I also have a child with type 1 diabetes that we have been trying to cure for 6 years now. Can I give her (11years) borax and or h2o2? She must be full of flouride if I am. I know everyone says that you can't cure it but our bodies rebuild themselves and correct themselves if we bring them back to balance with what we take out, and what we put in. What do you think?

Thanks for your time,

Replied by Mama
(London, Ontario)

This is to the_phoenix:

Thank you so much for responding to my concerns. It made me cry reading your response (but in a good way). I am going to follow your very sound advice and not try too many things at once. Maybe just one at a time. And I will study up on the things you suggested, because they sound like they might be of help.

My children are growing way too fast and I'm afraid that when I'm finally better and able to get down on the floor and play with them, and run around outside with them; that I'll look to find them all grown up - and I missed it!
I want so bad to have the energy that I need. They drug me out of the house for the first time this winter, and I climbed up the tiny little snow hill that they had made - put myself in the sled and slid down the tiny drop. They wanted me to go down again but with all of us on it; but I had just used up all the energy I had and laid in the snow for 20 minutes trying to get enough energy to go back to the house.

They looked so sad! I let them down again and it hurts a lot to see them disappointed. They know that Mommy doesn't feel well and they know that if I could - I would, but they just deserve more then I can give them.

I sooo wish that once I'm better that I could go back and be the Mother I set out to be, when we decided to have children. I had it all planned out, there was nothing I wanted more - I could see it in my mind... many trips to the beach, to the parks, to the zoos, baking cakes and cookies, playing all day outside in the sun, all that fun stuff; but since my first child was born; it still hasn't happened.

Finding earth clinic has made me feel not so alone in this, and I'm reading about new things I haven't tried. (really I haven't tried much, I've spent the last 10 years trying to cure the rest of my family of their issues). But you are right... It's time I look after me, because they need me to be healthy and I need me to be. I know that I can do this... I just have to.

Thanks again for your input,

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Mama, I was very touched by what you wrote. I relate to it very much as I have had a rough last 4 years with my physical issues which seemed to hit me overnight. It has been quite a process but I just want to encourage you to not give up! There have been moments when I felt so discouraged but then, something would rise up from inside of me and fight! Then again, I've always been that way. I too have 2 young children and know how you can feel that you are disappointing them. I have 3 much older ones who I had when I was younger and I could ride bikes with them, have races, hike, rollerblade etc. but can't do that with these two who are 13 and my daughter who turned 11 the other day. Still, they are so patient with me and understanding. My son carries my bags for me all the time without prompting so imagine the lessons he is learning for some young woman some day!

Anyway, I have had major breakthroughs since last Oct with juicing and raw foods. All the excruciating pain is gone! I still have hip issues but I feel rejuvenated in my resolve that one day that will be gone too. I have a ballet studio that I teach at everyday but I can no longer demonstrate the steps. My kids are well-trained so they can learn the steps with me talking them through and they take turns showing the steps as I talk them through so it's an opportunity for them to really grow and what a lesson for me to let go!

I don't know if you have read any of my posts and I hesitate to reiterate as I'm sure many readers might think it's quite redundant. Still, I would highly recommend that you listen to Dr. Brian Clement on youtube who is so very inspiring. I have been in contact with two women that I have met from this site that we now correspond and both of them could not believe how his information has impacted them. He has literally helped thousands to overcome debilitating illnesses through changing their eating habits/lifestyles. I no longer NEED naps in the afternoon before I return to the studio, I can walk distances again and I am out of constant pain. I attribute it to the green juices I drink every morning now and eating a lot of raw veggies and adding in lots of sprouts and now sea veggies.

Please take care of yourself. Remember, you are the hub of the wheel. Love yourself enough to do that and remember, the more we love, the more love we have to give. And you are not alone. I'm glad you were encouraged by this site.

BTW, sisters out there, there is a fantastic program going on right now to empower women sexually, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Some of the top people in human potential are speakers in it. It is only running for two weeks and is completely free. It only started yesterday but go immediately and check it out as each speaker is only posted for a number of hours and each speaker speaks for an hour! It is at for those interested. Enjoy!

To your health!

Replied by Mama
(London, Ontario)

To Lisa from Thousand Oaks: Thankyou so much for all of your encouragement. I will look at those you tube videos that you recommended. I am starting to feel somewhat better already. The peroxide therapy and the Borax are really working. The non processed food diet and allergen avoidance is a real help too. I test everything with Kinisiology first to see if my body likes it. My husband and I have become quite good at it and it never fails to be accurate. My energy has gone up quite a bit.

Thanks again,
Mama :)

Replied by Mama
(London, Ontario)

To The_Phoenix: I did register, I'm not sure if it worked or not, I didn't receive any confirmation from EC. I don't really know how to follow threads - I'm very new at this site. I would love to hear of any more help though. And guess what... I decided to do just the Borax and H2O2 and I'm starting to feel better! I have more energy and actually made it upstairs for the first time all winter! I even cleaned the living room. Do you think it would be too much if I start Oil Pulling? I hear so many good reports about it. Or should I just stick with what I'm doing for now? I also forgot to tell you that I am avoiding all processed foods and basically eating just rice, beans, potatoes, raw and cooked fresh veggies, raw juices, molasses and raw honey. I'll add more later but for now, these are the only things that don't make me flare up really bad. Oh, and raw bee pollen. (apparently you can live on that stuff!)

Thanks again for all your help,
Mama :)

Replied by Mama
(London, Ontario)

Hi :)

This is MAMA,(with Fibromyalgia) and this is to THE_PHOENIX and anyone interested. Thank you very much for all the time you have taken to help me. I haven't been on for a while, and just checked in and read all that you wrote, Wow - thanks! I was sad to hear about your arthritis but then happy to hear that you're doing better. I will tell you why I haven't been on for awhile - I HAVE ALL THIS ENERGY NOW THAT I CAN'T SIT STILL!!!! It's the H202! And I'm sure of it. I have been taking the BORAX too but not as much as I should. I am up to 25 drops of H202 3xday and feeling energy like I did when I was 16!

The muscle pain has not been as good as it was a few weeks ago,I kind of slacked off on the BORAX, maybe I need to step it up again, I can't get on my knees or raise my arms like before - but this energy this is AWESOME. I was also out for a walk in the woods with my husband and he was totally in shock, because normally I don't walk anywhere that I don't absolutely have too cuz I would need to be very careful at what I used my energy up on (which was almost nothing.) The family is really enjoying the better meals too, cuz when I don't feel well- I choose things to prepare that take as little effort as possible (without neglecting nutrition of course).

When I was taking 1/4tsp BORAX, (and I know that Ted says only 1/8 for women)I felt very little pain, so I might have to concentrate on doing both.

Know what? I think I'm really going to be able to beat this, and be able to help encourage other sufferers as you have me. I look very closely at what you recommend any try my best to take your advice (I guess I trust you don't I?)

Well I'm off to make a nice big fancy dinner to welcome in the weekend, and then tomorrow I'll clean the house! Can't believe I just said that!

Thanks again to THE_PHOENIX.

P.S. Any readers out there that suffer from Fibro or Chronic Fatigue - you just have to read up on HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and also BORAX! (and stay away from grains, sugar, and dairy.)


Replied by Robin
(Chicago, Il)

To "Mama".... You might also try acetyl l-carnitine, which you have to take hand in hand with alpha lipoic acid. It's what got me out of bed and I've lost 12 pounds in 2 months because of it. It helps your mitochondrial function. Additionally, d-Ribose for your muscles... They need repair and it's a simple form of sugar. Probably, you could also benefit from free form amino acids for the same reason. I'm battling this myself right now. As with everything, you must keep your activity in check and not overdo it when you feel good. I'm so guilty of this myself. You're not completely healed yet, so you might have flares. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BEAT THIS!! Just goes to show we don't need all the pharmaceuticals we're made to believe :)

General Feedback
Posted by Mrs. Willis (Las Vegas, Nv, Usa) on 01/17/2010

Diabetes, Kidneys, and Borax

Hi, I registered on the earthclinic site, haven't figured out how or where post new questions, thus the reason for this email. I have recently read a pdf from the borax company which concerns me - I will keep this short - I have diabetes - So I am worried about using borax. Will borax cause kidney damage in someone who may have diminshed kidney function? - but then I am only going on what I read in the pdf. Also I am morbidly obese [315]

here is the quote from the pdf:

'Note to physicians: Observation only is required for adult ingestion in the range of 4-8 grams of Borax. For ingestion of larger amounts, maintain adequate kidney function and force fluids. Gastric lavage is recommended for symptomatic patients only. Hemodialysis should be reserved for massive acute ingestion or patients with renal failure. Boron analyses of urine or blood are only useful for documenting exposure and should not be used to evaluate severity of poisoning or to guide treatment.'

I really want to beat this thing. I was diagnosed 2 years ago - I gave up sugar,pasta, white bread,msg,junk food etc - Trying to learn to love exercise! I wont use sugar substitutes - I take NO medications whatsoever! I want to be healthy, for years I did not, I just didn't care.

Please advise. Thank you, Lana

EC: Hi, you are indeed posting in the correct place. Just use the "Give Feedback" link at the top of any page to submit questions or feedback. We'll do the rest!

Replied by Dee
(Hill Country, Tx)

One teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4.2 grams. Borax is probably similar enough to sugar to compare, so one teaspoon is 8 times the recommended 1/8 teaspoon. Plus, in this information nothing was said about the period of time over which the borax is taken. Always follow protocols as given. Do not think you are smarter with a better way. Think things through; avoid impetuosity; address all aspects of your life (sleep, love, exercise, diet, work, giving burdens and grudges to God... ).

General Feedback
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 01/16/2010

I am on day 5 of Ted's borax remedy. I am treating what I believe it a fungal condition that I've had for over 10 years now (starting with athlete's foot I picked up at the dojo) and for fluoride removal.

I am taking a little less than 1/8th of a teaspoon in 1 litre of distilled water. I have not experienced any side effects with kidney pain like two people have recently reported on the site. However, when I tried this remedy about 2 years ago I did get kidney pain the second day because I had not read Ted's dosage carefully. The problem was (I think) that I did not dilute the borax in enough water... 2 years ago I think I put 1/8th of a teaspoon in 16 ounces of water, rather than 1 litre of water. 16 US fluid ounces = 0.473176473 litres!! Additionally, I did not use distilled water like I am now, but Brita filtered water (which doesn't remove chlorine). Perhaps using distilled water makes a difference. This time around I am making sure to err on the side of caution since I want to continue this for some time. I plan to take it 5 days on, 2 days off. If I have any side effects, I will stop for a few days and continue with even less borax.

Rob from New York mentioned that he had vivid dreams on the first night of taking borax for vertigo. I did too. In fact I had a strange dream about coughing up some nasty looking phlegm! Hopefully that was a sign that the borax is indeed detoxing my body. Will post more as time goes by...

Replied by Deirdre
(Atlanta, GA)

I did an experiment Saturday and added 1/8th teaspoon of borax to 1 liter of tap water filtered with a relatively new Brita filter (instead of steam distilled water, which I have been using since last week). I drank the entire liter during the course of the day and by nightfall, all of my joints ached like crazy and I had some brain fog. Same symptoms as when you are getting the flu. Awful!! Sunday I took the day off from the borax remedy, drank a ton of water, and my aching joints and brain fog gradually went away... I'd say it took about 24 hours for the symptoms to pass. Yesterday and today I have resumed the borax remedy but am using the steam distilled water that I bought at the grocery store. I feel fine, no side effects. So I think the kind of water used does make a difference. I would be curious to hear from other people doing the borax remedy (especially those experiencing side effects) what type of water they are using.

I might also add that on Saturday I tried DMSO for the first time (will submit separate feedback on that), but I don't think it had much to do with the side effects I was experiencing. Thought I'd mention it nonetheless.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Il)

Deirdre, What brand of Borax did you use ? Thanks !

Replied by Lily
(Brisbane, Australia)

to Deirdre about the borax and filtered water. I also did the borax 1/8th teaspoon in I litre of (tap) water and the first two days I had brain fog and a strange slight pain in my kidneys. I stopped using it and the next week I tried it again with no side affects and no change of water type. I think it is just the initial few days that give some people grief. I went back to it because of the lovely sleepy feeling it gave me at night and it helped to cure my insomnia.

Replied by Deirdre
(Atlanta, Ga)

I have only done the borax remedy about 8 times since I wrote my first feedback on the subject. Since I plan on doing this for quite some time, I am not especially in a hurry. I haven't done the remedy in over a week. I follow a fairly intuitive process regarding the remedy each morning... to do or not to do! Nay is the response as of late. I had flu symptoms appear 2 of the 8 times and I think it may have been because I drank a large amount of water (after I got home from training), rather than sipping the liter of water throughout the day which Ted recommends. As I mentioned in post #2, I got severe aching in the joints. Another time I suddenly got an intense pressure on my crown, just above my forehead, which felt rather like the beginnings of a fever. I clobbered the side effects (or an actual flu, I will never know for sure) with the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method and 1 adult dose of aspirin right before bed. When I woke up the next morning, no symptoms.

Two people have emailed me about the kind of borax I am using -- it's 20 Mule Team.

Final note: I have lowered my borax dosage to 1/16 teaspoon to 1 liter of steam distilled water.

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

In my 1st trial of the Borax remedy, I used 1/4 tsp to a liter of bottled water (reverse osmosis) I only took what would amount to about 4 ounces in the evening. (a few sips) As stated the effect was rather positive.

I had experienced a clarity of sleep & dreaming that I rarely experience. Reminded me of when I was young. However continuing the next day...with only about 6 to 8 ounces more I did not experience the same effect the 2nd night..I had some tenderness in my back but could attribute it to my anxiety over ingesting this from what others have reported. I decided to try the supplement, Boron, instead to see if it had the same effects, which it did not. (dosage on label) I perceived no effect from it. Since then I have tried Borax once more (1/8 tsp to a liter) a few sips before bed. & what I experienced was an elevation of body temperature (slight night sweating) and increased dream recall though not as pronounced as my 1st trial... In summary, I like the effects of this remedy though cannot confirm that it doesn't cause any harm. (I would imagine most Doctors reading this thinking we are crazy for ingesting this stuff) Still, considering that it is no more toxic than table salt, (wiki) I will continue with occasional trials & run it by my Dr. If he gives me a firm no... I will stop.

General Feedback
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 11/03/2009

Hello Ted. It is great to see you back and posting here on EC!

I didn't know if I should e-mail you directly, since I had read on here that you were recieving alot of spam and was not opening some of your mail. ( So correct me if I am wrong and I will send to you.)

I do alot of reading about natural cures and alternative medicines, on alot of different websites...I did your borax 1/4 teaspoon in liter of water 5 days on 2 days off for six weeks for a terrible rash I had on my arms and it did seem to work very well for a while, but the rash does still occasionally flare up. When I drank the borax I noticed no bad side effects that some people report... The only thing that I noticed was a darker color stools ( Bowel Movement ) and NOT hard, but dryer and very dark. And it starts after the first day of drinking the borax water, a few days off stool goes back to normal medium brown color.

So my first question is why the dark stools?

Also viewing serveral other websites, such as,( Who for the the most part agrees and reports almost everthing that you report )

They have a VERY DIFFERENT view on BORAX and SOY. Both of which they say are POISIONS and NOT to put in or on your body... I am not very good with computers and do not know how to post the source here, but if you visit thier website and in their search box, type in borax, these articles will come up that really condemn the use of borax, even calling it a poison in the HPV vaccine and soy they say is a poison also.

So my second question why do they disagree with you on these issues, when they agree with you on so many other things???

Also, they promote BORON as being great...So can we use BORON suppliments and get the same results as we do with Borax? ( as in anti fungal and nano- bacteria )

And my last question. I would ask you a million if I could! LOL! But I know you are a very busy man. I find it very fasinating, how much knowledge you have on all subjects and I do know you have a chemistry background...

What would be the best approach for me to become a healer using alternative medicines? Is there certain studies I should take or certain schools you would recommend? I mainly want to heal myself, but I do know, I would probably need a licsense if I where to ever open a practice or store.

I know that there are tons of natural healers out there and alot of them do totally opposites of what others do. Is one method better than the other and if so what is the very best one?

Sincerly I THANK YOU, for all that you do!


Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
391 posts

Dear Phil:

Get any multiple vitamin and mineral supplements that have boron. The ingredients will likely be borax, but they will use chemical names, which is still the same thing. Sodium tetraborate, and other synonyms.

I used to moonlight as an industrial chemist and we used borax as the main ingredients for the boron supplements that you take in your mineral and vitamin supplements. A borax is a boron.

As to the schools, I don't subscribe to any schools as my training were a knowledge I gained from observations and studies in anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, chemistry and microbiology. I am what you call as conventional as you can get and it's application directly applies from these hard sciences. These other healing practices, that conflicts with me is most likely didn't know that borax and boron are actually the same thing. It's an essential mineral.

As to your questions of dark stool, the borax flushes out dead blood cells and other toxic substances, such as fluoride. Hence the black dark color is gone the next day. It also gets rid of excessive calcium out of the tissue, giving more muscular mobility, hence the dryness of the stool. Since I prescribe to none of the school the one theory I have is based on basics in biology, which is a concern about the body achieving balance, or homeostasis (in biology), equilibrium (in nature), symbiosis (in life), conservation (in nature), the middle path (in Buddhist philosophy), the balance between Yin and Yang(Chinese philosophy and Tibetan medicine), optimization (in economics and production and operations management) are some of the examples when we used differences in our language schema of things, but the general philosophy is one and the same, to achieve balance.

My approach is basically simple, that you can follow, which is basically common sense, insight, observation and principles that people can go prove to themselves. In healing arts the one thing that can never lie to you is your body. regardless of what every one says. I did conduct seminar years ago as part of college event where we can talk on any topics, which basically discusses my approach toward the healing arts. However, people were more interested in perfumery, stock markets, or subprime mortgage, or laser surgery hence the course was discontinued, from lack of students. I can't blame them, these students are healthy, so the interests in healing arts are not popular here.

As a side note, my formula which uses of 30% salicylic acid in a lotion, with 1% aloe vera oil works many times better than laser surgery on scar tissue. But customers by nature are more interested in technology rather than efficacy. It seems that marketing has overshadow the issue of health.

I hope this answers some of your questions and I am certain I didn't address all of your questions. You just have to understand that websites, doctors, and lawyer have something in common with musical artists. You can have a bad music artist or you have a good music artist. Their abilities from one person to the next are not the same. If they were, Britney Spears or Elvis Presley could never become that popular. LOL.

Replied by Phil
(Dearing, Ga)

Hello Ted and others. Since this last post I found an article on that SUPPORTS the use of 20 Mule team borax as a detox for floride. It gives the same directions that Ted gives here.

Here is the link and it is under boron on this page. When I typed this in it said link broken and did I mean and I clicked on that and the page came up...So I hope this works for you all.

I have found very little on borax other than here on Earth Clinic...

We explore and find more info everyday.

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)

Hi Phil from Dearing Ga. If you look down at the sources you will see Earth Clinic's name as the source. I've notice this a lot on Natural News, seems they quote Ted frequently.

General Feedback
Posted by Joe (West Palm Beach, Fl) on 10/29/2009

Is Borax 1/4 tsp with 1 Liter of tap water just as effective than using distilled or filtered water ? Also, with 1 ltr container using 1/4 tsp borax, can the acv and sea salt be added and if so how much much in the 1liter water?

General Feedback
Posted by Gary (New York City, New York) on 08/10/2009

I am VERY confused. Does anyone have a website in the states that I can buy the Borax that I can drink. I keep reading aritcle after article that contradicts the previous one or uses different names for what I think might also be Borax. Anyone that uses Borax should consistently stick with that word so know one becomes as confused as I am. I want to try this so badly but am not sure which to get OR where to buy it. I understand that I use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in 1 liter of warm water. I want the water warm so it disolves the Borax so it won't cause pain in the Kidneys. BUT where do I find the type of Boras that can be INGESTED and is it the SAME one that I would shampoo with and use instead of soap. Some one please help by posting AND emailing me this information. Thx

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia)

Hi Gary from New York City, You are correct, it is the 20 Mule Team you find in the Laundry Isle that is most popular on the Borax thread. I have been using it as a shampoo and body wash, and love it. However, my daughter that has thick straight hair said it dries her hair out. Mine on the other hand is naturally curly and seems to be doing just fine.

I have several times put a few pinches of the borax in my drinking water maybe a couple of times a month (when I have drunken fluoridated water) to flush out the fluoride. If you were ever to see my teeth, you would understand why I am so anti-fluoride. I have been doing this for over a year, and had no negative effects. I still don't even need any deodorant and its hot out side in this Georgia summer. I do perspire a good deal, but there is no odor, and you want to perspire to flush out toxins.

I use a 32 ounce container and put about 1/4 cup borax and fill the rest of the container with hot water and shake. This amount last me at least 2 weeks maybe longer. Peace, Rena.

General Feedback
Posted by Robin (Corvallis, Oregon) on 06/10/2009

Can you tell me the difference between Diatomaceous Earth- Food Grade, and Borax? Do they both kill one cell creatures? Does one or the other carry more oxygen? I have heard of people using DE for Morgellons too. Can you use Borax in the garden like DE?

Replied by Aria926
(Port Huron, Mi)

In response to using diatomaceous earth in lieu of boron, I really don't think the two are even close to the same thing. DE is simply the fossilized remains of diatoms, which are a type of algae with hard silica shells; therefore, DE is mostly silica. I believe there is a bit of iron and aluminum also but I'm not positive.

General Feedback
Posted by Bob (Memphis, TN) on 06/08/2009

Borax Mixture and Dosage: I've read quite a bit over the weekend about borax. I ordered some of the 20 Mule Team on line because I have never seen it here in our stores. It sounds like it is good for osteoarthritis and depression so, I would like to try it. I am a little confused about how to mix it and the suggested daily dosage. I believe most people are saying 1/8 teaspoon in 1 liter of water. Then, I take it you ingest this but I haven't been able to find how much and how many times per day. Please help. Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by Keith (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/17/2009

I have been using Borax (quarter tsp to 1 litre of water) for about 2 weeks now. How soon should I expect some kind of results? Should it make my urine yellow? This is the 20 Mule brand and said that it's 99.5% pure. I hope this is one one everyone else is speaking about.

EC: Keith, what are you taking borax for?

Replied by Keith
(Calgary, Alberta)

I am really trying to see if it would help my energy level along with my focus as I have difficulties blocking noises out. I read somewhere that a professor did an experiment with his students give them 10mg of boron and had some pretty good results.