For my Kidney Stone on the right side in 2014, after seeing a Urologist, it was confirmed via just a regular X-ray (No CT Scan or any other tests) that I had a 3 mm stone. I went forward with having a lithotripsy and within about 3 weeks or less, it never bothered me again on the right side.
To no avail I tried to get the same Urologist to confirm the left sided kidney stone I knew I had. He said unfortunately, there was too much gas in my abdomen to see anything on the x-ray, so it was too bad, so sad for me, because he was now a very busy Cancer Urologist that didn't have time to see me again or do another x-ray. I assume this was more over not just because he was super busy, but due to the insurance game. Could've done another X-ray and tried putting air in my stomach before taking again, but didn't and wouldn't. I lived with this excruciating stabbing pain in my left kidney for 2 to 3 years.
I saw another Urologist in April 2023 without insurance and paid out-of-pocket. Got a CT scan and they said they found no kidney stone on left side. So, I began taking Borax for joint and bone pain in my coffee in the mornings and while it hasn't yet fixed my joint/bone pain, my left kidney no longer hurts and even when I stopped using the Borax the pain only returned for a couple of days. Then I used it again and once again the pain went away and since Nov. 2024 it has not returned and I am very inconsistent with the Borax.
So if you are dealing with excruciating back sided pain in the kidney area, I HIGHLY recommend trying Borax (20 Mule Team).
I am so thankful! God Bless you Earth Clinic and for everyone that shares their incredible testimonies that doctors can't seem to validate nor fix.
Best Borax Protocol Tips
Borateem is 98.7 percent borax with tribromsalan, a microbiocide, and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, an insecticide (but more importantly, a common laundry detergent).
And of course, the cdc and all the famous medical sites (webmd, healthline, etc.) say the same exact thing about borax. Both borax and boric acid in loose powder form can be harmful if swallowed, particularly for children. the operative word is can... and if the government says it's bad, I believe the opposite as they have a stellar record for deception.
Best Borax Protocol Tips
General Feedback
Otherwise, much truth to what you are writing. Good info!
General Feedback
I realized this was an old post only after I tried to check your link. here is the new one on the safe daily dose of borax.