Health Benefits

Borax for Brain Fog: Natural Clarity Support

| Modified on Feb 12, 2025
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1 User Review

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 07/29/2009

Hi Ted! God bless you for taking the time to help people with their health problems. I tried the borax on myself and feel soooo much better; my symptoms were/are similar to lupus, and Alzheimer's runs in my family. Since I tried the borax in water the other day (three days total, about 1/4 teaspoon per liter per day) I feel like my mind is much clearer and my stomach feels much lighter and more comfortable. My head used to feel very foggy, and I hurt all over. I also take 4,000mg or more ascorbic acid tablets and eat as many radishes as I can stomach. I was on Risperidone and Zoloft for two years and they didn't work nearly as well or as quickly. I feel 90% to 95% better and am absolutely amazed and delighted.

My question is, would you consider borax safe for cats? I would like to try adding it to my cat's water bowl. She's an indoor cat (used to live outside) who is 14 years old and doesn't have the energy or cheerfulness the other cats do.

Replied by Martina
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

My cat seems to enjoy taking a couple of licks out my drink... So it's really just a trace amount that she has - and she seems to like it. She won't drink bottled water, or tap water or water from the cooler. She'll only do Brita water if it's fresh.