Health Benefits

Borax for Ankylosing Spondylitis

| Modified on Feb 07, 2025
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1 User Review

Posted by Lee (Adelaide, Australia) on 06/08/2011

Hi Ted, I'm considering the Borax regime for Mycoplasma and / or Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). When checking a suitable dosage I stumbled upon this link - Effect of borax on immune cell proliferation:

AS is considered an auto immune disorder and I'd really like to hear your comments.

I've learned so much from Earth Clinic. Thanks. :)

Replied by Georgie
(Rapid City, Sd, Usa)

I would be interested to know Ted's response to this question as I too, suffer from AS. Thanks!

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Editor's Choice As to dosages, please check previous postings on borax toxicity I been through that so many times. If you are still not convinced, then don't do it. As to the link you submitted, borax according to them is toxic at 0.6 mg/ml -- that is equivalent in drinking terms 600 grams per liter. That is hardly the dose I am considering. The dosage I use is 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon (women requires low dose 1/8 then men 1/4 because of their size) per liter of water. That means it is added in all liters you drink and you determine if that remedy is helping you, and it doesn't require a long time, you should know within 3 to 7 days at the most. It is an essential mineral and the dose is much less than LD50. I calculate my dose assuming you weigh only one kilogram and need just 1/2 of that is my calculations for maximum dose and it is lower still if the person has any side effects on that amount. Therefore, the dose of 1/8 for women's dose is based on that.

As to details of ankylosing spondylitis, I don't have many patients here, probably I seen one or two. What I can conclude with certainty is it helps. The autoimmune disease for all mycoplasma and mycobacterium is really simple, the mycobacterium enters healthy cells and infects the inner cells, that's why is is so difficult to kill it and that is why they referred to as attacking healthy cells, but they are not healthy. Suppressing immune system would hardly be the way to go.

However there are a couple of avenues I found where we can kill them from the inside. Remember that nearly all antibiotics are useless with attacking the inside the cells they do not enter the insides of cells. There is one or two antibiotics that does get inside the cells - one is doxycycline the second one is minocycline. For the desperate I guess they will even try the second one. The doxycycline use is a lot better, which is one capsule and twice a day for the first time, and thereby once a day it takes about a week to know some effect but the people here it takes them only a day. Minocycline is a generally not recommended because of side effects, but those who do not respond will try it anyway. It causes nausea.

As to the borax, you can mix with hydrogen peroxide 3% one capful per 1 liter of water and 1/8 teaspoon. It hardly has any side effects, unless you have other issues, such as metal poisoning, in that case we treat metal poisoning first such as mercury poisoning amalgam or lead poisoning, in which case I prefer to use disodium EDTA or my favorite tetra Sodium EDTA, as it is less acidic. Without the metal poisoning it will be a bit easier by skipping this step and add take borax with hydrogen peroxide. In order to allow the body some breathing room between oxidation and anti-oxidation, you can try hydrogen peroxide for 5 days and no hydrogen peroxide for 2 days, and borax for all days.

The other way I have developed of killing the infection from the inside the cells is DMSO and Lugol's with aloe vera oil applied from the outside. That works too. There is also another method I have tried which is Castor oil with DMSO, that works too. And then if he doesn't respond to that one, this respond positively no matter what is the DMSO with tannic acid, where tannic acid is given at 1/8 teaspoon per 100 cc of DMSO and mixed with 30% to 50% water. As to the castor oil and DMSO is mixed with 50% each. As to the Lugol's and DMSO it's just applying Lugol's the area and then apply DMSO, then to relieve the inflammation I apply the aloe vera oil.

That's just the initial success then to help you way to recovery I probably require aloe vera oil drops between 5 to 10 drops, magnesium chloride solution 8 drops three times a day, and some 5000 i.u. of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3.

There is one thing you have to be aware of, normal antibiotics takes 9 months that's just for doxycycline. so I expected any natural remedies would take that long too, because mycobacterium that lines the inside the cells takes time, but if you do things right it may require less time.

In Bangkok things are a little strange. I chase clients because I think I have a cure, but people from Earthclinic at least, they are chasing me! There's probably an explanation in order as to why this occurs. It seems as if people here have the cure or at least something that will help them for their condition and therefore I am just drowned by other competitors! Since competition usually wins out (hospitals and other alternative healers) I spend my day typing out remedies if I have a free time.


P.S. The website mentioned in your post is administering a toxic dose even at 0.1 mg per milliliter works out to 100 mg per 100 milliliter works out to 1000 grams per 1000 milliliter. My dose is 1/8 teas per 1000 milliter or 1 liter.

Replied by Lee
(Adelaide, South Australia)

Thanks Ted for your detailed response. I dont like the thought of antibiotic treatment as I know how important the bacteria in my gut is to my entire system and would prefer to go 'naturally'. So, after much research on EC, I am going to attempt the following regime to try to kill mycoplasma and alleviate my Ankylosing Spondylitis. Colloidial Silver, EDTA, Borax & Hydrogen Perioxide, followed by Calcium Bentonite then MSM (cannot purchase DSMO) with Lugols transdermally. Aloe, D3, etc to assist healing. Will let you know the outcome. Thanks again. Lee

Replied by Simon
(London Uk)

Can I just double check with anyone that can answer-I have recently discovered this site and have read about Borax and so ordered some from ebay. Labelled BORAX (Sodium Tetraborate) -Decahydrate.

This is definitely ok to ingest... At the recommended dosage of 1/8th of a teaspoon per litre of water?

Sounds great-just wanna check there are no dangers. Thanks!

Replied by Becky From Ohio
(Northeastern, Ohio, Usa)

Hi Simon, Yes, however weird it may seen to ingest something people use as a laundry detergent, it is safe. I have been using 1/8 tsp for quite a while now. I will usually go for a few weeks, then take a few days off. It has pretty much cured my knee pain. I highly recommend it.

Replied by Rouven
(New York, Ny)

Am I the only one questioning all these remedies coming from one person only? It's great Ted gives his opinion and maybe tried successfully the borax way. I just wonder why there is no other professional opinion (not from pharma paid doctors but alternative health practioners).

I agree many suggestion are great but others I am not sure and it does raise question why everyone would just trust one person and go buy borax in laundry section. At least I've seen a couple of confused peopel on here.

Replied by Linda
(Sf, Ca)

To Rouven from NY:

You see a lot of posting on here to Ted because his recommendations have helped many here.

Linda :-)

Replied by Sharon S.
3 posts

I'm with Rouven...I'm trying the 1/8th in a quart....but I want to know why aren't any current medics/biochemists looking into this? They can't all be scared off by the big pharmaceutical companies. It would be good to read a report by a current scientist. It doesn't make sense. If anyone knows of anyone please let me know. If something does cure it should be in the public domain rather than hidden here in a dark cupboard. Everyone should be allowed to benefit...

(Phoenix, AZ)

There are many, many remedies that are NOT in the public domain - one must search them out. They are too big a threat to the medical/pharm cartel, hence not widely seen.

Jeff R
(Fort Payne, Alabama)

Back in the 90's, I traveled around the country doing electrical work in doctors offices, hospitals, etc. and I often saw the same picture of various forms in many of the doctor's offices outside of an area where a patient might see it. It read: A patient cured is a patient lost. This is why you will not find cures but treatments instead in the medical world. There is a book where all the medicines of the medical world is listed...well over 250,000 medicines. None of which cure anything, but only treat the issues.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Sharon,

You ask for some scientific report or study by scientists on Boron. A VERY scientific BOOK on the subject can be downloaded via "Google Scholar".... key words; Boron Science.

That is the book title. Be prepared for an immersion in chemistry.

If that doesn't impress you...nothing will.