Health Benefits

Borax for Chronic Laryngitis and Swallowing Issues: Natural Relief

| Modified on Sep 02, 2024

1 User Review

Posted by Nicole (Rochester, Ny) on 07/31/2016

Following a severe chronic illness from which I have otherwise fully recovered, my singing voice was lost. Although I am a trained vocalist in both soprano and alto ranges, I was only able to sing tenor for seven years. In addition, I experienced a difficulty swallowing such that I would frequently have to try twice to make a single bolus pass my epiglotis. I never connected these two problems in my mind, but after a week of very conservative borax use I have experienced relief from both. I have most of my singing voice back, but for a slight artifact on a few notes, and my swallowing has become normal again. I suspect that the cause of both of these problems was a swollen set of parathyroids, which correlates with hyperparathyroidism, which is known to be a possible result of boron deficiency. While by no means conclusive, I think I have a fairly good explanation for my experience and I would recommend careful use of borax to anyone willing to take the "risk".