Health Benefits

Borax Contraindications: When to Avoid This Natural Remedy

| Modified on Feb 12, 2025
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1 User Review

Posted by Gal (Fairfax, VA) on 10/23/2020

Question about using Borax.

Can borax be used for someone who has kidney failure? My dad is diabetic with kidney failure and hypertension. He wants to start supplementing with borax for boron. However, we're afraid that it might hurt his kidneys. Any advice?

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)
Replied by JediSleeveEye
(Lethbridge, Alta. Canada)

I would go to Distilled Water for Kidney Failure, Get him to drink a Gallon a day. No Less, and more would actually work better. Distilled Water is what must be used to perform Kidney Dialysis. Big Pharma knows this... Kidneys are clogged and have been slowly dying off for years thus failing, this is Kidney Failure. Supplementation with Borax likely wouldn't have any deleterious effects

Replied by Dr Howard

For a Borax solution 4% see says lab use but this is a simple disclaimer.

l use many products over the years and personally know manufacturers that say lab use only, but the product is pure. They don't want to be blamed for any ‘wrong' uses. Can't blame them.

Much easier to use premade totally dissolved in solution borax pure lab grade to use in topical applications.

Replied by JP

Hi there, I was just wondering if there were any known health risks involved with taking Borax while being on Adderall medication? I appreciate all the help!

(Warner Robins, GA)

I am on adderall and have been drinking the borax mixture for almost a month. I do about 2-3 days a week instead of 5 (the reason being I forget some days... adhd lol) but I have had no issue whatsoever! If anything my focus, organization, and memory have improved.

Replied by sweetestmomof4

Can Borax be ingested with Vit C and lugols? Does anything cancel out borax?


When I learned about iodine it wasn't recommended to take vitamin C *with* iodine but wait at least an hour or two. Same with boron. Today I take borax solution in the morning, iodine mid-morning, vitamin C after lunch. Some days none or just one of them but as far as spacing is concerned, this works for me and my family.