1 User Review
I have definitely noticed a weight reduction since using borax 5 days now. My diet has actually gotten more diverse. I was on gluten free paleo diet for health reasons. I felt sick so I couldn't exercise. I'm eating like a kid again so I know it's not my diet causing weight loss. Boron has my back. Thank God for this wonderful mineral to counter act the toxicity of this world.
What is your borax protocol and from where did you buy the borax you use?
Thank you
EC: The borax protocol can be found in the introductory article on this page.
(Centerville, Iowa)
Dorothy, Go to the top of the page on the right hand side and look under Borax Dosages for the info you are looking to find. Each person is different. I started out with just the tip of an infant feeding spoon and gradually worked my way up. Everyone's body is different. I found amazing things happening even when I first started using it. Listen to your body and make notes on the calendar, so that you realize what your body is telling you.