Health Benefits

Borax for Joint Pain

| Modified on Feb 12, 2025
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

6 User Reviews

Posted by JHoff (Wilmington) on 05/26/2023

I've been taking 1/8 tsp of boron daily for about a week now and my joints feel better already, but my skin is super itchy. Is this related to the Boron or no? Thanks.

Replied by Neco


Wegen reinugung im körper Giftstoffe durch Haut ausgeschieden, auch bei der Tuvalette und Schwitzen...!


Due to purification in the body, toxins are excreted through the skin, even with the toilet and sweating...!

Joint Pain
Posted by Sarah (Kalamazoo, MI) on 03/07/2021

Hello, I'm going into my third week of drinking borax Ted's way. I am female but drinking the male amount of 1/4 tsp in a huge jar of water. My question is why the male and female dosage difference and should it be on an empty stomach? I try to get all my water in before noon and borax after noon 2 hrs after I've eaten. I struggle with weight, libido, and joint paint. Oh and yeast, lots of candida. Thank you for your time. My knees feel better after week 2!

Joint Pain
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/13/2017

Initial Positive Results 3 weeks into Borax as supplement.

I have had bad joints since I was about 6 years old. Many times I would told my Surgeons that I had the right knee of a 90 year old man when I was 12 years old. Constant pain since about age 6. I have used every supplement for joint health you can imagine with some improvement but never remotely as promised. I even used DMSO through high school to allow me to play sports and get through the pain and it worked but at a high cost! The odor and skin irritation and constant taste of garlic was terrible on everyone in my family not just me. I had recently tried odorless DMSO mixed with essential oils and it was helping some.

So I decided to try boron. I started with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a litter of water every day. At some point I just forgot to take the DMSO and did not notice I was not in constant pain. 3 weeks in my rh knee which has had surgery just stopped hurting. My left hand just stopped hurting. My shoulder pain just went away. I started to have diarrhea after the 3rd week so I went down to 1/8 of a teaspoon a day and the diarrhea has gone away.

I have had low Vitamin D reading fore years and even taking Vitamin K and 25,000 units of D3 a day I was unresponsive for years. So now that I am taking the Borax I will check my next set of labs which will be some months out and see what we see.

My Mom and Dad have many of the same issues with Vitamin D and joint issues. I have introduced them to Borax so we will see what we see. Oh I am 44 years old and played sports and ate well all of my life. My joints are well documented with X-Rays and MRI's and I have complete lab workup about 2X a year. I will keep track of any changes and let the site know what else changes. I have more health issues than I care to have at 44 years old so if I see any improvement I will let everyone know. I am very excited about the possibilities.

Replied by Hannah

Hi! I just wanted to find out how Borax worked for you. Incidentally, my family also registers low Vit D, poor absorption of nutrients, and has EDS. Very similar. I would love to know your results from your labs.

Joint Pain
Posted by Scsharon (Piedmont, Sc) on 10/24/2017



I had been struggling, for many months, with extreme joint stiffness, after a back injury last year. After much research, it seems that perhaps I've been taking too much Calcium (3,000mg plus greens) and not enough boron to balance that out. So, I cut way back on supplements, and started the Borax as per Ted's instructions. The stiffness is nearly gone after 3 days! But, I get some very strange symptoms...wanting to run, jump and twist to get rid of a strange feeling in my bones... It is so wonderful to be able to walk easily, now, but am concerned about this strange feeling!! Could it be detoxing me too quickly? I took one small dose today...and feeling strangely now. I also increased magnesium to balance out the boron..'.please help! Thank you.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

Yes, stick with your program, low dose and you will continue to improve...I'm doing the same

Joint Pain
Posted by George (Newquay, England) on 07/25/2017

Editor's Choice

I have been using Borax in the recommended dosage for about two years now. I have digested it two ways: in 1 litre of water and in my fruit smoothie. The latter being the easiest for me. I am now 67 years of age.

I started having serious pains in my knee joints about three years ago. I was recommended for surgery to undergo total knee replacement. First my left knee, then later, my right knee. I found an article on Borax, by chance, while waiting for a hospital surgery date. I decided to give Borax ingesting a try.

By the time I was given a date for surgery, I even attended the pre-op interview. At that interview, I decided to postpone the surgery and give my knees a second chance using Borax.

Two years later, I have both my natural knee joints in place. While I still have very minor discomfort, now and again, I am pleased I decided not to have the surgery.

It is not a "magic bullet" solution. It takes dedication and determination to go and stick with Borax. At my age, I feel my muscle strength and bone health to be as good as it was 10/15 years ago.

What I failed to mention: During my knee pain era, I was taking 2 - 4 pain killers everyday, only available on prescription. I have not used (Tramadol) for over 18 months now. Another "blessing in disguise."

I hope my story and it is a true story, is of benefit to someone out there.
Thank you and stay well.

Replied by Mary

I'm in the same boat, pending TKR... What was the dosage /amount of borax you took???

Joint Pain
Posted by Daniel (California (ca)) on 10/27/2016

I HAVE BEEN USING BORAX POWDER OFF AND ON FOR A WHILE...AND notice some pain in n legs and muscles...detox pain...and stopped for a few days and again used it...and off n on...and I began have hip pain and stiffness in joints around hips and legs..and I had not used borax for a few months..about 2 months and I began using it..again a few days ago...and the hip /joint pains have diminished..I dilute a cup of borax powder in a half gallon of water..and shake it up everyday...until the water is saturated.. with borax powder and the left over borax is on the bottom of the bottle..and I shake it up every day...i make lunch with a rice maker..i cook rice...chopped veggies...and change it up every day...but when...the rice maker turns off and its ready to eat..I add a half cup of the water infused borax solution..just one time every day for lunch...and in three days hip/joint stiffness issues have noticeably....subsided a am going to continue this way of getting borax into my bod...and see what happens

Replied by Mia
(New Jersey)

Hmm. Maybe I am doing my math wrong. But if you use half a cup of the borax water you are making (1/2 gallon water plus one cup borax) then you are getting 1/16th of the cup of borax, which is a Tablespoon of borax at lunch daily. That is 12 times Ted's recommended dose for men daily. Ted recommends 1/4 teaspoon daily for men.

(Illinois, Usa)
525 posts

A half gallon of water won't hold a half cup of borax but, STILL - you're absolutely right. It's STILL a whole LOT of borax! I use a teaspoon in 500 ml and just squirt a very small amount of that in a glass of water, once or twice a day. I don't know how much that is per day - I doubt it's even a half teaspoon - but even using small amounts of that same bottle to massage my feet a couple times, it will probably last me about a month.

I just started but even that small amount gave me loose stools a couple of times. When I added that little drizzle to water twice in the same day. Or...maybe it was on days I massaged my feet - hadn't thought of that...of course, I don't have any "issues" at the moment, other than letting the plantar warts on my feet come back a bit so I can try a sort of "leave-on" ascorbic acid/coconut oil scrub/mask I've been thinking about on them...

Replied by Dot
(Bon Aqua, FL)

The weird feeling sounds similar to restless leg syndrome. This can be caused by fluoride. Borax detoxes fluoride. Agree you could be detoxing too fast and need to reduce your dose of borax. Magnesium citrate is the best form of mag to take to avoid possible diarrhea. Helps calm muscle spasms or need to keep moving.