5 User Reviews
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hi Sussanah, I take borax about 4-5 days a week at about 1/4tspn in 1 litre of water then stop for a week. I would not recommend taking it while you are pregnant. It is just not worth the risk. Start taking it after you have finished breastfeeding.
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Hi Lily, many thanks for getting back to me. That's pretty much what I thought -- I'll hold out until after breastfeeding and look for other safer remedies.
I'am on my fifth day of the borax treatment 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of water and I have noticed the itching is not as bad anymore. Now I only feel them on my face sometimes when they are moving around. I have been loosing eyelashes for 2months now and I have also been using tea tree oil in all my face products and shampoo. My question is what can I use on my face since it feels so dry after everything I use. I hear that using creams on your skin only makes it worse its like mite food, but I cant stand feeling my face so dry and stretched out. Please advise me on what I should be applying on my face. I also wanted to ask you if the demodex mites could have come from a homemade cream I ordered online since there is no perservatives could it be they live in these creams?
(Austin, Tx)
try some virgin coconut oil on your face or even extra virgin olive oil.
both of these will also help smother the mites. i have treated pets of mine who had mites in the past by putting on a generous layer of virgin coconut oil and rubbing it into their skin and fur.
so for sure it won't make the mites worse!!!
(Mv, Mo)
For Nettie from Banning... I can not use creams or oils on my skin. My mom gave me a glycerin-based product with "fermented" copper and other minerals in it. She got it from a TV shopping channel. Worked absolute wonders! Hope this helps.
I don't know exactly for demodex mites but a Morgellon's (which is quite close) do survive in them, at least one that I know that happened in Hawaii, as the guy who makes the cream had Morgellon's disease, so that's how the buyer got it. While there's no demdodex mites, the Morgellon's certainly spew out tiny bugs out of her skin, almost like a demodex mites. It's best to make the creams or remedies yourself. Certain things used in creams and lotions do die, such as lemon oil, orange oil, or even tea tree for example, but that depends on how much those were used to have some killing effect.
Another common method of getting mites is from used furniture or clothes from strangers, family or friends who had demodex mites.
(New York, Ny, Usa)
Nettie, I also use borax on my face. After a layer or two of borax (mixed with HP and TTO) is dry I put on a generous amount of Sea Buckthorn Oil. I get a bit orange, but that's not the end of the treatment. After that I put on 20% zinc cream from the drugstore (baby section), which is white. I just do a thin layer, but it cuts the orange and I look pretty much normal, and the zinc is a sunscreen. After that I dust with face powder if I feel it is needed. Sea Buckthorn Oil is labeled as being good for rosacea.
Jergens face cream has Sodium Tetraborate (Borax) in it. Controls itching, and also moisturizes skin. It's a very rich cream, so a little goes a loooong way.
Use real aloe vera to moisturize.
Use MSM lotion (biological sulphur) or get MSM powder and add it to your own lotion or cream.
They can live in makeup, creams mascaras ect. Try a benzoyl peroxide treatment 2.5 or 5 percent or another acne treatment it will provide some moisture without feeding them
Hope this is beneficial to some other like sufferers...
I have been suffering from skin Mites for the past 2.5 years.
Been on Iodine hard for about a month or so, big help. 20 - 30 drops SSKI 2 or 3 times a day, SSKI I got off curezone. 5 drops Magnascent once or twice a day. 2 weeks ago I started with the Borax as well. I use 1/4 tsp in 1 quart of distilled water and consume 2 of these a day. I'm also having 1 - 3 Tblspn of Flax oil a day and also oil pulling each morning for 20 minetes first thing.
The relief has been phenomenal, 95%. Just what I needed after 2.5 years of absolute hell.
I believe in the power of Iodine and Borax working together.
I have Curezone and this forum to thank for my progress and a elevated outlook on life. All you Iodine and BoronBorax users have been a great help. As a result of Ted and Ginagirl (curezone) post's, jumping over the wall and trying borax was a breeze.
Lets keep the light on.
(Anytown, Usa)
Hello all,
Just here to update my usage of Borax as my source of Boron. It's the 14th of July 2010 and I've been ingesting roughly 1/4 tsp of Borax daily for over a year. It has continued to be a great help with my skin mites and now I am using it in a P&B shake to help clear the fungal overgrowth in my intestines from my Candidias. We all have choices to make about what we use for our health and how we use it. My health is ultimately my responsibility, as such I choose to educate myself. Scott
I don't usually get sick but my health has been rapidly deteriorating for about 5 weeks. It took me awhile and some research to link the strange acne, skin rash near my eye, and intense sinus headache without much mucus and sensitivity to beer to going to a friend's house for his birthday last month. His pit bull has an odd skin condition unidentified by vets with redness and some hair loss which they say is not mange (not that I have confidence that they would know). I know this because I remember he asked me about it and I gave him an oil mixture of emu oil, VCO, and immune boosting and skin healing essential oils which he says has improved the condition. Anyway I came to conclusion that I had contracted whatever disease the dog has by petting the dog and then probably rubbing my eye. I imagine it involves mites or other small insect, fungus and/or yeast. I have very sensitive acne prone skin, but my acne has been generally under control due to diet, OCM, etc. until just the past few weeks where I broke out with increased rosacea-like redness and odd cysts that did not want to heal. I also had a nonstop sinus headache which drinking more water did not help without much drainage and a cough which did not produce much phlegm. After a couple days of research (which is how I came across the borax treatment for mites and fungus) I self-diagnosed myself as having a combination of candida, fungus infection of lungs and sinuses, and mites infecting the skin. I think I may have already had the candida (probably from working in bars around so much secondhand toxic smoke) and it depressed my immune system.
The very first day I started taking the borax I began to pee green which I was very pleased about since I knew it was from die off. I peed green on and off for a couple of days, and my pee still has a slight tinge to it at times, but I believe most of the candida, bacteria etc. is dead by now. (BTW, I had already been drinking copious amounts of green tea for a couple of days without this effect so I know it was due to the borax) I also treated my face with the borax/H2O2 in water and the acne and rash were almost gone after two days, and the spots are now healing. A rather disturbing effect of the borax taken internally is that you could feel it working. I now know exactly where all my sinus cavities and canals are because I could feel them burning one after another (I did not know I had a cavity in the top of my head and back of my head linked by canals behind the ears and over the top of the head and behind the eyes to the sinus cavities in front. I wonder what these are called?). Interestingly my bad wrist and toes would burn also, and a small area of my lower left abdomen (inflamed intestine maybe?). The most disturbing sensation was to feel critters die all over my body in the middle of the night. Needless to say I did not sleep well, the sensation could drive a person raving mad. Also, yesterday morning after oil pulling my right nostril began to drain lots of thin watery and waxy clear yellow-orange fluid. I have no idea where that was from but I assume it was a good thing to get rid of it.
Three days into the borax treatment my week long headache went away. The strange acne is now healed (5 days - internal and external treatment). I still cough and have some chest congestion but now at least I am coughing productively. I am hoping the chest congestion will clear up soon. My bad wrist and toes do not hurt as much nor pop as much as they used to. Possibly I had beginning stages of RA (I am 29) and the borax killed of the mycoplasma? I don't know but I am happy about it, I didn't expect the treatment to help.
(Sojouring America)
In response to 3/20/2009: Briana from Indianapolis, IN: I sure wish you would return to this post and put a follow up post here to let us know how you are doing now. And the result over time. I know from experience natural holistic things do not work over night. I dissolved a 1/8 of a teaspoon of Borax in warm water today, because I noticed that it does not dissolve very well in cold water.
In the event you return to this site, copious amounts of green tea consumption will also make you pee green. Personal experience.
Look on curezone.org about nebulizing colloidal silver. Works wonders for all lung problems
Could you address what is oil pulling. Your narrative is very informative and encouraging. Thank you.
(Tampa florida)
Alit could be a parasite. As doctors in America practicing western medicine turn their heads away from the parasites

Also, since these baths I have noticed a creepy crawly sensation under my skin in just one localised spot on my shoulder. I feel it the most when I first wake up in the mornings, and is absent the rest of the time. Hopefully it is not Morgellon, as there are no other symptoms.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
How often can I put borax in my bath water?
EC: More information about Ted's dog mange cure is here: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/dog_mange_cure.html