Health Benefits

About Borax

| Modified on Jan 08, 2025
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

11 User Reviews

Posted by Marinko (Indiana) on 07/03/2020

I read thru comments. It's “funny “ how many people can't educate themselves thru their own observations and symptoms. Of course, school medicine isn't helping either. To many doctors are 30-40 years behind todays knowledge. What is Borax? It's simple question. Detergent. It dissolve fats. Clean dirty fat from things. What are most dangerous toxins in human body? Don't ask doctors. Fat soluble. If you are lucky, you are going to store them in fat tissues. If not, organs and arteries. Liver is working hardest from 11 pm till 3 am. If you woke up and have heartburn, or can not get back to sleep, thats liver recycling old stored toxic fats. Ooops. I forget that I am not “ medicine man”. Take fiber and binders to stop recycling of toxins and lower Herxeimer reaction. Toxins are really corrosive, especially heavy metals( positiv charged/ different story). Turpentine? Solvent. MCT C8? Solvent.... When Herxing, don't take fish, krill oil, Vitamin D, sardines....

Replied by Eardrum Manna

lol . No!!! It's not detergent. Like so many others. You forgot to read the second word on the box. BOOSTER!!! It's helps clean. It clearly says it is not detergent. Besides, it's just salt dude.

Replied by Cal

It is a detergent, my grandmother used it in our launder in the 50's and 60's else why would she use salt to wash clothes?


No it is not a detergent and clearly you do not understand the chemistry of detergents and soaps which are totally different but accomplish similar goals under differing conditions.

Borax is a salt that contains the mineral boron. Before we had water softener's and treated public water works if you had hard water it would not clean very well. So you had to add something to it like Borax or Washing Soda. This was because we used Laundry "Soap" later on things like water softeners for people on wells and the development of Laundry "Detergent" changed all of that.

The addition of Borax to the washer made the soap work better by softening the water. Just like old laundry soaps needed hot water to clean well but the development of laundry detergent changed that and allowed for the use of cold water in most cases.

Sadly not only do most people not understand any of this marketing plays fast and lose with the terms soap and detergent they are chemically completely different things but both can be used for cleaning! Just like enzymes can be used for cleaning but they are neither a soap or a detergent! Words matter and science matters!

Borax is a mineral just like iron, aluminium, calcium, magnesium. We use mineral for all kinds of things my favorite automotive grease is calcium sulfonate based. We use calcium and magnesium in antacids for an upset stomach. Lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder but also to make car batteries, phone batteries and most popular general purpose grease.

Depending on how you treat an element and what else to mix in with you you can make all kinds of things both things good for our bodies and things that are bad for us. The form matters and the science matters!

For the record, Washing Soda is not Baking Soda. Never confuse the two. You will often use Washing Soda to make bath bombs and Baking Soda as an antacid or a number of other things. They are not the same thing and Washing Soda should be treated with the same care and caution as you would treat Lye. All of the above are common in a house especially 10-20 years ago for sure.

We put a lot of minerals into the form of a salt. We must have sodium to survive you die without it. If you tried to eat pure sodium, it would blow your jaw off of your face and probably kill you. Instead we eat "Sodium Chloride" sodium chloride does not spontaneously explode in the presence of water. Likewise we do not eat elemental calcium we eat calcium that is bound to something like calcium carbonate or calcium citrate etc....

You could even use google "Is Borax a detergent" and you could see it is not a detergent but is a detergent booster and that it is Sodium Borate and its other forms!

Lastly, if you just add Borax to your washer, you will not get very clean clothes outside of what the water and agitation alone can do. By itself Borax does almost nothing to clean clothes.

I have been using Borax for about more than 8 years now. While it does not do much for me besides correct my poor absorption of Vitamin D it has been almost a miracle for my Dad and my wife. Well I should say it has not worked to reduce my painful joints, arthritis or calcium deposits. It did all of those things though for my Dad and for my wife. Hard to say what it is or is not doing inside your body but I keep using it because it can not hurt!

Replied by Preston

Borax is anti-bacterial and anti fungal which is the reason it's so good to add to a laundry..It also chelates heavy metals from your body-another reason it's so good for arthritis etc. etc.


Do you really understand the process of chelation? Every heavy metal has a unique chelation process that's accelerated or inhibited by entirely different compounds. There's no such thing as a wonder-chelation compound that simply rolls into the body and chelates heavy metals non-specifically. And if there WAS, it would probably kill you because the process of chelation involves the UNbinding of heavy metals from wherever they've wound up, which temporarily turns them into free agents and liable to end up deposited elsewhere in the body. To properly complete the chelation process for A SPECIFIC heavy metal you need to open up the channels that first release the metal and then facilitate its proper excretion so it doesn't just end up moving from a muscle tissue into your brain or heart.

So on that note, do you have any evidence for borax/boron being a chelation agent? Because if so I would strongly recommend AGAINST taking it, unless you fully understand chelation and are aware of all the other potential chelation agents that you might already be taking and how they might interact with this particular mechanism.

Gene B.
(Ontario CANADA)

A ChatGPT search says that boron is NOT a chelating agent to remove heavy metals from the human body. FYI


I'm pleased to say that ChatGPT isn't as clever as humans....yet.

I have toxic metals, and I observed numerous foods and supplements would aggravate symptoms; I tried sharing this information with many doctors, including functional medicine doctors, to no avail. They didn't have the aptitude to understand or join the dots. So I did further research since the medical profession demonstrated that this was my fight alone. I found many sources stating the same foods and supplements that I observed do actually have the effect on toxic metals I had concluded. And yes boron, and borax was one of the supplements.

Research paper title: The effects of some boron compounds against heavy metal toxicity in human blood


The abstract from the above research paper:

Heavy metals can accumulate in the environment and cause serious damages to ecosystems and human health. Boron is considered to be essential micronutrient with its well established biological functions and the antioxidant effects of boric acid (BA) are controversial. However, the potential of important boron compounds in cellular activities remains unexplored. Therefore, we aimed to assess the efficacies of some boron compounds (BA, borax, colemanite and ulexite) on the genotoxicity induced by heavy metals (arsenic trioxide, colloidal bismuth subcitrate, cadmium chloride, mercury chloride and lead chloride) in human blood cultures. For this aim, sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) assays were performed to establish DNA damages in lymphocytes. Besides, oxidative stress was monitored by estimating the changes of main antioxidant enzyme activities and the levels of total glutathione (TGSH) in erythrocytes. The present study showed that heavy metal treatments increased the frequencies of SCE and MN and the plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) level; decreased the antioxidant enzyme activities and the level of TGSH compared to controls. Whereas, the tested boron compounds (5-20 ppm) significantly reduced the genotoxic effects induced by low doses of heavy metals. Our results revealed that the protective roles of boron compounds occurred with the effectiveness on their anti-oxidant capacity. In conclusion, these compounds could be useful in the development of functional food and raw materials of medicine.


Please translate the following in layman terms. Thank you!

About Borax
Posted by John Parker (USA) on 06/18/2020

I read a variety of published information and studies about potential health benefits of boron supplementation and safety of dosage. I found these to be useful summaries: ___

Excerpt from Walter Last.

The Borax Conspiracy . 2011.

“Boron is distributed throughout the body with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid. Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth. Boron affects the metabolism of steroid hormones, and especially of sex hormones. It increases low testosterone levels in men and oestrogen levels in menopausal women. It also has a role in converting vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing calcium uptake and deposition into bone and teeth rather than causing soft tissue to calcify. Also other beneficial effects have been reported such as improvement of heart problems, vision, psoriasis, balance, memory and cognition.”


Excerpt from Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT. Nothing Boring About Boron. IMCJ Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal. 2015 Aug; 14(4): 35–48. “Boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as hs-CRP and TNF-α; (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; (7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; (8) improves brain electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory in elders; (9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as SAM-e and NAD+; (10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and (11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents.”


Borax is an compound of boron. Borax (sodium borate) is a natural mineral mined from the earth like salt (sodium chloride), both of which have a long history of being used to preserve food. I read that borax and salt are generally considered safe in small amounts and of similar toxicity (LD50) in large amounts. California is home to one of the world's largest borax deposits from which 20 Mule Team Borax has been manufactured since 1891. The product is packaged in its pure form, with no chemical additives. The only processing it receives after its removal from the ground is washing, drying and packaging. The product is 99.5 percent pure, with the remaining 1/2 of 1 percent containing naturally occurring trace minerals, with no risk of heavy metals. I read that pharmaceutical grade borax is not noticeably purer or better. I wash my hands after handling borax powder and am careful not to get it in eyes. To make a borax solution, I add one US teaspoon (leveled-off, average 4620 mg on my Weighmax CT20 milligram scale) of borax powder and 16 US fluid ounces of purified water into a cooking pot. I heat on the stove until the solution boils for one minute, and stir until the borax is fully dissolved. I pour the solution into a labeled glass jar with lid and store in a dark location at room temperature. 4620 mg borax powder * 0.113 (11.3% boron by weight) = 522.1 mg boron, divided by 64 (number of 1/2 US tablespoons in 16 US fluid ounces water) = 8 mg boron A 1/2 US tablespoon of this solution with 8 mg boron is comparable to the estimated 5–8 mg/day boron intake for people in parts of the world such as Israel and Western Australia which have high boron levels in the soil and water (and very low rates of arthritis at 1% or less). This amount is well under the Upper Tolerable Limit (UL) of 20 mg/day boron, determined unlikely to cause any adverse effects for healthy people in long term use.

About Borax
Posted by Colt Wind (Usa) on 12/21/2016

Editor's Choice

Ordinary borax becomes boric acid and sodium in the tummy. This is the very best way to feed the body with boron, the ionic form. It will fight to prevent arthritis and if you have arthritis it will 98% of the time treat it although you must keep taking it for best results. The Chinese have been using borax to fight fluorosis and arthritis. Boron takes calcium which is in the absence of boron leaves calcium free floating in the blood(not good) boron forces the free floating calcium into the bones and teeth which greatly improves their strength. Nations with low boron/borax in the water and food supply have very hight rates of arthritis- 40 to 60% whereas nations with just 8mg in the daily diet have less than 1% incidence of arthritis. Natural organic apples of years gone by had a good 25mg per apple whereas commercial apples may have less than 1mg because of mineral depleted soils. There is an effort to dissuade usage of borax because there is so much money- vast billions- made from arthritis medicines. Every cell in the human body needs boron to make cell walls and we have nearly no boron in our diet. An "00" capsule a day is fine. Drink with water and make sure you take a good 400mg of magnesium malate or magnesium citrate and a good glass of water with it. I would not believe these utterly false reports posted on here. It is so easy to just make up misinformation.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Thanks to Colt Wind (USA).

David Coory claims, in his wonderfully informative and well researched book "Stay Healthy by supplying what's lacking in your Diet", that there is a direct correlation between Boron levels in the soil and the incidence of Osteoarthritis nationally. Jamaican soils are said to be especially low in Boron and that 70% of the population eventually suffer from some form of O.A. New Zealand soils are also lacking in Boron. I learnt elsewhere, that by contrast, Fijians who live in Fiji, claim that O.A. is virtually unknown over there! Wow! Unfortunately, if they shift to New Zealand they may end up with O.A. after they have resided here for a while. There may be an Osteoporosis link to this (whole) story also I suspect. I would also be interested to learn if the fertilization of their sugar crops/coffee crops has anything to do with their soil depletion?

Remember: "You are what you Eat"!! Also remember: "The Answer lies in the Soil". There will be a short test on this next week!! Michael

Replied by Stephanie
(Anaheim, Ca)

Table salt is refined and treated not with water but with chemicals and additives. Sea salt is generally not though. Borax, like Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt), is not refined or treated at all. It is just mined and milled.

About Borax
Posted by Ray (Calgary) on 08/09/2013

To dispel misinformation given by a contributor. There is nothing (no smells, fragrances etc) added to 20 mule team borax. The website of twenty mule team borax tells us:

"Absolutely nothing is added. No phosphates, per-oxside, chlorine, or other additive chemicals."

It also adds

"20 Mule Team? Borax is 100% natural, and 99.5% pure (there is about a half of 1% of naturally occurring trace minerals). " So any impurities are just other "minerals" and not added "scents" or chemicals etc.

Just stay away from big industry "Borax Alternatives" which are NOT borax. Also stay away from items "containing borax" you want the real borax not some big soap companies "alternatives or concoctions contains it. you want Pure" borax, like 20 mule team or other "pure" ones.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

I have made a previous post regarding this situation, and will repeat since it seems to deserve the attention.

First, it is not likely that the people reporting a "fragrance smell" are actually having olfactory hallucinations, and the manufacturers are not lying. So, the only realistic explanation is the shipping and storage of the 20 mule team. Guess what other items are housed along side the borax, heavily chemically scented laundry products. The scent is so strong the containers need not be opened. You can go blindfolded and stumbling about the market and easily find the laundry detergent aisle by the strong scent.

20 Mule Team would need to first "bag" the contents, in addition to "boxing" so as to keep the foreign scent from entering.

Replied by Helen In Houston
(Houston, Texas Usa)

When I bought Borax there was another product that was similar but scented. I remembered being puzzled at first which box to buy. Be sure to buy the real borax, not a different company's product that has boron or borax in big letters but is a mixture.

Replied by Robert

i would caution using 20 mule team borax. it is called Borateam and Borateem is 98.7 percent borax with tribromsalan, a microbiocide, and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, an insecticide. I would recommend technical grade borax.

2363 posts

Hi Robert,

Borateem is a completely different product than Borax as seen here :

Is this what you are talking about?



Can you please confirm how you know that 20 Mule Team borax is Borateem? The wikipedia article for 20 Mule Team borax does not state categorically that it actually is Borateem. The reason it's it a very important distinction is that I was healed of a chronic infection in my oesophagus (believed to be h.pyloi) by taking the 20 Mule Team Borax, but I got the infection again and borax sold by other companies did not have the same beneficial effect. Borateem contains tribromsalan as you said. This is well-known as an antiparasitic medication. (It also contains sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate which is a ionic surfactant used to enhance the effects of both borax and tribromsalan.) From my experience I put down my healing to the tribromsalan in the product - which makes me suspect you are right to say that 20 Mule Team borax is in fact Borateem - but I would really like to confirm this! Thank you.

(Kapaa, HI)

20 mule team borax is borateem. it is formulated and owned by a large corporation. it is marketed as 20 mule team borax. not to be confused with 100% borax. it's marketing deception.

2363 posts

Hi Robert,

Both products are made by Dial, but are not exactly the same according to the following article link :

Here is a quote from the article :


Dial states that Borateem is a "color-safe dry bleach." According to, Borateem is 98.7 percent borax but also includes tribromsalan, a microbiocide, and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, an insecticide. Borax does not contain other ingredients.

Here is an image of Borateem :

Here is an image of 20 Mule Team Borax, the one often discussed on EC :


About Borax
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 07/19/2011

Borax is also called Sodium Borate or Sodium Tetraborate-- sold as a white powder or hydrate. You can buy it as "20 Mule Team Borax"(from the washing isle of supermarkets) and use this to create a liter of water with a little borax in it to drink. To do this, take a liter of water and just add 1/8 tspn to it. Then drink a liter of this for four days only, then stop and take 3 days off(no borax water). Then start again. So, four days drinking borax water, then 3 days off -- no borax water.

See this link:

Or you can just buy Boron tablets (whose ingredients will also be listed as sodium borate or tetraborate) and take at least 6 mgs per day.

Borax helps arthritis, helps to modulate the body's hormones, removes body fluoride and is perhaps the ultimate fungal killer.

About Borax
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 11/03/2009

Hello Ted. It is great to see you back and posting here on EC!

I didn't know if I should e-mail you directly, since I had read on here that you were recieving alot of spam and was not opening some of your mail. ( So correct me if I am wrong and I will send to you.)

I do alot of reading about natural treatments and alternative medicines, on alot of different websites...I did your borax 1/4 teaspoon in liter of water 5 days on 2 days off for six weeks for a terrible rash I had on my arms and it did seem to work very well for a while, but the rash does still occasionally flare up. When I drank the borax I noticed no bad side effects that some people report... The only thing that I noticed was a darker color stools ( Bowel Movement ) and NOT hard, but dryer and very dark. And it starts after the first day of drinking the borax water, a few days off stool goes back to normal medium brown color.

So my first question is why the dark stools?

Also viewing serveral other websites, such as,( Who for the the most part agrees and reports almost everthing that you report )

They have a VERY DIFFERENT view on BORAX and SOY. Both of which they say are POISIONS and NOT to put in or on your body... I am not very good with computers and do not know how to post the source here, but if you visit thier website and in their search box, type in borax, these articles will come up that really condemn the use of borax, even calling it a poison in the HPV vaccine and soy they say is a poison also.

So my second question why do they disagree with you on these issues, when they agree with you on so many other things???

Also, they promote BORON as being great...So can we use BORON suppliments and get the same results as we do with Borax? ( as in anti fungal and nano- bacteria )

And my last question. I would ask you a million if I could! LOL! But I know you are a very busy man. I find it very fasinating, how much knowledge you have on all subjects and I do know you have a chemistry background...

What would be the best approach for me to become a healer using alternative medicines? Is there certain studies I should take or certain schools you would recommend? I mainly want to heal myself, but I do know, I would probably need a licsense if I where to ever open a practice or store.

I know that there are tons of natural healers out there and alot of them do totally opposites of what others do. Is one method better than the other and if so what is the very best one?

Sincerly I THANK YOU, for all that you do!


Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Dear Phil:

Get any multiple vitamin and mineral supplements that have boron. The ingredients will likely be borax, but they will use chemical names, which is still the same thing. Sodium tetraborate, and other synonyms.

I used to moonlight as an industrial chemist and we used borax as the main ingredients for the boron supplements that you take in your mineral and vitamin supplements. A borax is a boron.

As to the schools, I don't subscribe to any schools as my training were a knowledge I gained from observations and studies in anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, chemistry and microbiology. I am what you call as conventional as you can get and it's application directly applies from these hard sciences. These other healing practices, that conflicts with me is most likely didn't know that borax and boron are actually the same thing. It's an essential mineral.

As to your questions of dark stool, the borax flushes out dead blood cells and other toxic substances, such as fluoride. Hence the black dark color is gone the next day. It also gets rid of excessive calcium out of the tissue, giving more muscular mobility, hence the dryness of the stool. Since I prescribe to none of the school the one theory I have is based on basics in biology, which is a concern about the body achieving balance, or homeostasis (in biology), equilibrium (in nature), symbiosis (in life), conservation (in nature), the middle path (in Buddhist philosophy), the balance between Yin and Yang(Chinese philosophy and Tibetan medicine), optimization (in economics and production and operations management) are some of the examples when we used differences in our language schema of things, but the general philosophy is one and the same, to achieve balance.

My approach is basically simple, that you can follow, which is basically common sense, insight, observation and principles that people can go prove to themselves. In healing arts the one thing that can never lie to you is your body. regardless of what every one says. I did conduct seminar years ago as part of college event where we can talk on any topics, which basically discusses my approach toward the healing arts. However, people were more interested in perfumery, stock markets, or subprime mortgage, or laser surgery hence the course was discontinued, from lack of students. I can't blame them, these students are healthy, so the interests in healing arts are not popular here.

As a side note, my formula which uses of 30% salicylic acid in a lotion, with 1% aloe vera oil works many times better than laser surgery on scar tissue. But customers by nature are more interested in technology rather than efficacy. It seems that marketing has overshadow the issue of health.

I hope this answers some of your questions and I am certain I didn't address all of your questions. You just have to understand that websites, doctors, and lawyer have something in common with musical artists. You can have a bad music artist or you have a good music artist. Their abilities from one person to the next are not the same. If they were, Britney Spears or Elvis Presley could never become that popular. LOL.

Replied by Phil
(Dearing, Ga)

Hello Ted and others. Since this last post I found an article on that SUPPORTS the use of 20 Mule team borax as a detox for floride. It gives the same directions that Ted gives here.

Here is the link and it is under boron on this page. When I typed this in it said link broken and did I mean and I clicked on that and the page came up...So I hope this works for you all.

I have found very little on borax other than here on Earth Clinic...

We explore and find more info everyday.

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)

Hi Phil from Dearing Ga. If you look down at the sources you will see Earth Clinic's name as the source. I've notice this a lot on Natural News, seems they quote Ted frequently.

About Borax
Posted by Sharon (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 01/22/2009

Editor's Choice

Here's some information on the mineral boron you might find surprising...

"Prior to 1981 boron was thought to be unimportant in human nutrition. Since then numerous animal and human studies have established it as essential for normal growth and for hormones involved in bone metabolism, and for normal balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone.

A 1988 study by Neilsen and Prasad "Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease," found that boron is essential for the manufacture of several hormones. Overaggressive marketing claims touted boron for high testosterone levels; this is false, boron only helps the body to maintain normal levels. Of course without those normal levels many facets of enjoyable living will suffer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a study on boron and found that within eight days of boron supplementation of 3 milligrams, the test group of postmenopausal women showed 40% less loss of calcium and 33% less loss of magnesium through their urine than before boron supplementation. In spite of this study and numerous others, boron has yet to be added to the "Essential Nutrient" list and given an RDA intake level.

Strangely this complete article has vanished from the web! You have to ask yourself why? This article by inference explains that boron is a very cheap viagra... Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if men switched from viagra to boron... and it's good for osteoarthritis and old women's bones too!... but it's also another sad example of how the government protects big pharmy by withholding and manipulating information.

The old pharmacology of using silver, gold and alkaloids like boron is so effective at treating illnesses that it is a direct threat to the existence of current pharmacy methods and the AMA. This is how the pharmacy holdings get into the play of things... its now about racketeering and ill gotten gains, by failing to report these simple truths.

The reason the internet is currently flooded with warnings about boron is simply because Big Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if everyone knew the truth and what they fail to tell you is that all plants would die without boron and that it's a necessary mineral required by humans. The daily requirement is from 3mg to 6mg a day and up to 45mg a day is useful for treating deficiencies.

I found USP grade boron on ebay for about 8.00 per pound which is about a two year supply. While on the subject of minerals, researchers have recently discovered why the body requires zinc... it turns out that there is one molecule of zinc at the very base of your dna and if you are deficient in zinc the body simply cannot properly duplicate your dna!

Before you believe internet propaganda about the dangers of vitamins and minerals and natural remedies please remember that if you're too healthy from taking cheap natural remedies you will fail to spend thouands of dollars on doctors and toxic Rx's that hide symptoms and do nothing to eradicate disease!!!! Always ask yourself who and where your information is coming from and who stands to profit from it? Wishing you all the best of health.

About Borax
Posted by Willie (Lauderdale Lakes, Fl) on 09/17/2008

20 Mule Team Borax ingredients

Ingredients: 100% Borax, a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen and water. That's it!
What Is Borax? Borax, or sodium borate, is a naturally occurring alkaline mineral first discovered over 4000 years ago. It is found in large quantities in the Western United States as well as in the Tibet area of China.

Note: I googled the above information.

About Borax
Posted by Boz (Sydney, Australia) on 09/10/2008

I notice that many people on this site are advocating internally ingesting borax as a remedy for various problems. This is not a good thing to promote, as borax is harmful when ingested. I use borax mixed with sugar as a natural ant killer - it kills off an ant problem in 2-3 days. This indicates a level of toxicity that shouldn't be treated lightly. When I cook up the mixture, I wear gloves and a facemask to prevent breathing in the fumes. The following excerpt about borax toxicity is from Wikipedia:

Start of excerpt:

"Borax, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, is not acutely toxic. Its LD50 (median lethal dose) score is tested at 2.66 g/kg in rats. This does not mean that it is safe, merely that a significant dose of the chemical is needed to cause severe symptoms or death. Simple exposure can cause respiratory and skin irritation. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal distress including nausea, persistent vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Effects on the vascular system and brain include headaches and lethargy, but are less frequent. "In severe poisonings, a beefy red skin rash affecting palms, soles, buttocks and scrotum has been described. With severe poisoning, erythematous and exfoliative rash, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, and renal failure."

...Boric acid solutions used as an eye wash or on abraded skin are known to be especially toxic to infants, especially after repeated use because of its slow elimination rate."

End of excerpt.

Note the use of the words "acutely toxic". Just because Borax isn't acutely toxic does not mean that it isn't toxic, just that it doesn't kill immediately. Please don't fool around with internally ingesting this stuff - it may seem like a harmless white powder that seems to do some good, but there are good reasons why it's banned as an additive to foodstuffs in many countries.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Borax or sodium tetraborate hexahydrate, or related name is a boron mineral that is an essential minerals for mammals but are toxic for insects, parasites and hence is used to get rid of parasites and has a unique anti-fungal.

Most reported toxicity is boric acid, which is the acid component of boron, but the sodium borate is an alkaline component so it's toxicity is low. Israel has the world's lowest arthritis and rheumatism because the borax content high in their drinking water is high. Boron deficiency leads to osteoporosis and many problems associated with candida, lichen planus, and the like. I was once chemical industrialist and we used boron compounds added into infant formula and multivitamins to prevent boron deficiency. One of the most unique features of borons is it's toxicity of 2000 mg/kg of LD50 is equivalent toxicity equal to that of sodium chloride, which is salt. The single most unique element is boron I used is to fight against metastatic cancer rather successfully when taken along with two other critical components, lecithin taken before and after every meals, and alkalization also. Boron raises the body's immune system by normalizing the body's hormone system and raises libido and sexual impotence and has some unique viagra like properties in both men and woman. Boron is an essential minerals in stabilizing calcium and magnesium components in the blood. Its anti cancer properties of boron or borax owes it to the fact it can kill fungus, reduce mycotoxins and which is really the cause behind cancer, arthritis, candida, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. It reduces excessive calcification of the pineal gland which is the control center of the biological clock and is used to detoxify or reduce the toxicity of fluoridated water. In fact this is the antidote I used to prevent myself from death of accidental fluoride poisoning during my laboratory work with hydrofluoric acid. I wouldn't be hear typing this post if it hadn't been for borax saving my life on a couple of ocassions. One common poisoning that parents worry is when children eat up the almost most of the toothpaste tube and borax has saved their life. The toxicity of fluoride we used in toothpaste is actually more than 10 times more toxic than borax. Borax toxicity of LD50 is equal to that of Salt, which is safer than some of the pharmaceuticals that is FDA approved. Because of its effectiveness in most remedies, the fact that its an essential mineral and that it has saved my life, boron isn't going to go away that easily. Think of it this way: what happens if your child has accidental fluoride poisoning from toothpaste and doctors say there's nothing you can do about it?


Replied by Amentothat!
(Louisville, Kentucky)

I just had to say, AMEN to that! Just think of the money that they are making on hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and VIAGARA! Folks it is NOT A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY FOR NOTHING! I've spent less on pharmaceuticals since finding EARTHCLINIC, and I'm trying borax tomorrow!

My daughter has flouride poisoning, mottled teeth, she's 14 and it is a shame! I've been ill for the same amount of time when the spots started occuring on her teeth. I wish borax could fix her teeth! Could there possibly be a connection between my illness and her teeth????

Replied by Mark
(Wichita, Ks)

Though Wikipedia is often helpful as a place to start researching something, it bothers me that people are so ready to accept what is there just because it is there. Wikipedia's content is placed there by people like you and I. Some is wonderful and some is total garbage.

About Borax
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 11/23/2007 490 posts

Hello to all you who love this site as much as I do -Just answered my own question for Ted. Just printed out MSDS on 20 Mule Team Borax which gives its chemical formula as Na2B4O710H2O (sorry,apologize for not being able to get this computer to properly type chemical formulas) but it proceeds to give chemical names/synonyms: sodium tetraborate decahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, borax decahydrate, Borax 10 Mol

Goes on to say "this product contains greater than 99% sodium tetraborate decahydrate" and repeats the chemical formula again. I take this to mean that Borax and 20 Mule Team Borax found in the laundry section of the grocery store in 3 lb. carton for about $4 to be one and the same. If any chemist out there knows different, please speak up.