Health Benefits

Borax for Rashes: Soothing Natural Treatment

| Modified on Sep 02, 2024

6 User Reviews

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Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Canada) on 07/17/2023

I am visiting in Mexico and of course, there is tremendous heat here. This is my 3rd time visiting in July, but this year's is the worst heat & humidity yet.

Yesterday, on one arm I developed some sort of painless rash, which had red raised bumps. It was weird. I came here and tried the Coconut Oil & Baking Soda mixture and applied often during the day. This eventually worked; it was completely gone overnight.

Today, after a shower & dressing, I came downstairs and was told my whole body was covered in what can only be described as "blotches" of red, every pore! I hadn't even had the time to sweat yet and I was fine when I dried off!

So I came back here and after reading posts of people drinking borax or using it in the shower (had already done both this morning), I decided to just take a dry handful and rub it all over me. Worked right away! Must've been the sloughing of skin cells, as blocked pores lead to heat rash, but I use a loofah in the shower every time, so I don't get it really. Starting to think my "exoliating shower gel" wasn't telling me the truth! At any rate, my rash was short-lived. Another use for borax, yay.

Healthful healing everybody!

Posted by Sunshine31527 (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 12/29/2021

I've had hives on my face and neck for about a week. Tried everything I could think of to get rid of it. When I started using borax dissolved in a small glass of water and patted it on the affected areas it started going away along with the itching. I can't believe what a difference it has made. Thank you Earth Clinic for all the help you have given to all. God bless you ...........

Replied by Michelle
(Macedon, NY)

It's interesting and reassuring to read that borax has helped with a rash. I started the 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of water a day. 5 days on 2 off. By the following week I started experiencing a rash. I kept up with week 2 for 3 more days when I noticed I had a rash/hives all over my chest, back and sides. Not sure if I was bit by a bug or got a bad reaction from the borax. I was feeling great from the borax otherwise. Mood had improved and my fibro pain was majorly improved. Is it possible I took too much?

Posted by Nohan (BC Canada) on 12/13/2021

Last year I had a rash and I wasn't sure if it was something I ate (allergies) or a bug.

I found a recipe for a long hot bath with 2 cups Borax and 2 cups Hydrogen Peroxide in it.

The rash disappeared immediately but the bonus was I'm old and have a lot of chronic pain in the body and the bath seemed to have alleviated that so I looked it up on some Science site and sure enough, Boron is a bit of a miracle in regards to many ailments. Also read some Amazon reviews and people said Boron was reducing or healing their used to be in our soil...but no more!

Posted by Shahnaz (London, United Kingdom) on 05/16/2010


Hi Ted, I have SLE/Sjogren's syndrome since 18 years, and for the past few years had a rash on my right leg shin and gradually its spread on my other leg, over my body. the rash is called lichen planus. as the itch is driving me mad, im up to try anything to relieve me as it is getting worse, the medicines are not helping so i stopped everything. currently detoxing, having a complete vegetarian diet, juicing and started to drink the soda bicarbonate. I have washed my infected wounds with borax, it helps drying but makes it very itchy. could you recommend anything for this skin condition please. Much obliged, shahnaz

EC: Hi Shahnaz,

The Q&A page on the Lichen Planus section has one answer from Ted:

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Borax helps drying, however, to stop the itch, a tannic acid solution may be needed. A weak one for topical application is 1/2 teaspoon of tannic acid per 1/2 cup of water. It is then applied and the itching should stop within about 2 minutes. To remove the drying after the itch goes away, a couple of more applications maybe needed, then apply moisturizing oil. The oil I use is grape oil mixed with some aloe vera oil, or any appropriate moisturizing skin care oil might be helpful.

The only problem is in some countries, such as Canada, tannic acid is not obtainable. An appropriate substitute such as tea tree oil, lavender oil and some sunflower oil in equal amounts might help. If tannic acid is taken internally a very low dose such as 1/4 per liter of drinking water is free of side effect and further help the SLE conditions also by denaturing them and prevent their spread. I am now currently using borax/tannic acid/ and H2O2 for similar symptoms, and baking soda as in 1/2 teaspoon twice a day in a cup of water will further reduce the symptoms.

Replied by Robin
(Northern Michigan, US)

Hello Shahnaz, I want to comment on your SLE. Please look into using Celtic Sea Salt. It has a lot of minerals we cannot get anywhere else but from a live salt. CSS has not been refined, processed, bleached, leached or otherwise. It is not that expensive and a ceramic hand grinder is the best to use with a wet salt.

Too often, an autoimmune disease is cause by mineral deficiencies, in my experience.

Best, Robin

Posted by Chocolit21 (Memphis, Tn) on 10/13/2009


For the past five years I have had this itchy rash/urticaria/hives that break out all over my body.I get pains in joints and swelling in my extremities.No known diagnosis and have been tested and treated with everything under the sun and nothing has worked. I beleiev I have some type of fungal or candida problem because I was taking 1 diflucan a day 200mg and 2 fiberchoice tablets and 1 culturelle probiotic pill daily for a month or so. It cleared for many months and came back after I got extremely stress form the death of a family member. I had a recent CT scan for possible pneumonia and found out I didn't have it but evidence of Granulomatous disease. I think this may be my problem.I want to try the Borax remedy.What do you think?

Replied by Angie
(Jersey City, Nj, USA)

Diflucan (fluconazole) is loaded with fluoride. Read this link You are quite likely suffering from fluoride poisoning, and need to do borax treatment. go slow.

Posted by jetstream (Norwich, UK) on 07/13/2009


Re: the borax page. Could you update with information on the time period involved? ie how long is it safe or recommended to take the borax & h202 in water cure?

I have a sore recurring (monthly) rash on my abs and neck. When taking the borax and h202 remedy for about 6 weeks, the rash was rapidly reducing over a few months in total, to the point of thinking that it had gone. But then it came back with full force. I'll try again, but how long is safe?

With thanks.

Posted by DAT (Tokyo, Japan) on 04/22/2009

I started to get skin rashes around my neck that started to spread down my trunk. Nothing work until I switched to Borax shampooing and for washing my body. With three or four days, the rash that had gotten slowly worse for a year was gone--and it has never came back. I used to mix it in water, but I've started just putting it on straight. No only is my rash gone, but it cured my dandruf and my hair is healtheir and thicker than it has been for years. I've been using it for about a year now, and I'll be using it until the day I die.

Replied by Justin
(Tokyo, Japan)

I am really eager to buy some borax for a fluoride detox. I live in Tokyo, Japan and I really cant find the borax that everyone is taking for detox. As far as I know it is the "20 Mule Team Borax" (safe to ingest, right?) but I just can't find it anywhere. I can order from the US but it is going to be really expensive. Can anyone help me please? I am desperate.

Replied by Bunkyo
(Tokyo, Japan)

Borax in Japanese is called hosha. (Many Japanese don't know how to read the character for this, but it's HO-U in katakana and sha is the kanji for sand (suna). The cost at Amazon is 924 yen for 500 grams. can go to and order 1 kg for 609 yen. It seems to be the same thing, and you can use it for washing clothes, washing your hair, etc. But for consumption, probably the type from Amazon would be better. Good luck!

EC: Sorry, our database doesn't currently accept Japanese characters! Will see if we can in the future.

Replied by Tom

My wife has a very bad reaction to an antibiotic and has broken out in a rash that looks as if she has be scalded. Will a borax treatment in her bath help to cure it and stop the itching?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

To Tom (Louisiana) ---

Sorry to hear of your wife's skin problems. Most likely, it is the liver throwing the poisonous substances out through the skin.

Borax has a very drying after effect and is good for some skin ailments. But in this case I would make chamomile tea, soak cotton face cloths and cover the affected areas. You can also make enough for a bath. This extremely soothing and healing and can be repeated a few times.

After dabbing dry, apply coconut oil liberally where needed. Coconut oil is cooling and soothing, too. Meanwhile Milk Thistle internally three times a day to help clear the liver, and stay away from antibiotics. The word antibiotic means "anti life". It must be done with God's pharmacy.

Let us know how it goes. Namaste Om

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

To Tom (Louisiana) ---

Sorry to hear of your wife's skin problems. Most likely, it is the liver throwing the poisonous substances out through the skin.

Borax has a very drying after effect and is good for some skin ailments. But in this case I would make chamomile tea, soak cotton face cloths and cover the affected areas. You can also make enough for a bath. This extremely soothing and healing and can be repeated a few times.

After dabbing dry, apply coconut oil liberally where needed. Coconut oil is cooling and soothing, too. Meanwhile Milk Thistle internally three times a day to help clear the liver, and stay away from antibiotics. The word antibiotic means "anti life". It must be done with God's pharmacy.

Let us know how it goes. Namaste Om

Replied by Grace

In Nov. 2013, took a sulpha based antibiotic, due to cellulitis diagnosis, ended up w/reaction, that looked like steven johnson syndrome, mixture of rash w/a burn. Reaction continued for weeks, finally went to dermatologist, did biopsy, confirmed, drug reaction rash, only thing is given topical steroids, and strong benydryl. I initially used steroids but as soon as I stopped the rash would return, from what I read common cycle so I decided to look for other remedies.

I took some advice from Tony Pantelleresco, he suggested this bath:

1/4 cup borax, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup tri-sodium phospahte(TSP)in stores they are labeling products as TSP but it is not, be sure to read label and if in doubt call the makers of product to confirm it is pure Tri sodium phosphate, as much epsom salt as I wanted, also add some Dmso(start small, cap full or two, and increase to your comfort level), some iodine(pottasium iodide) as hot as I could stand it. as long as I could take it. I did these baths to begin with 2x's a day, when infection was at worst. this is the only thing that brought relief.

if no TSP, just do what u have available

Before I started baths, I asked Drs. if they thought baths would be ok, both drs. thought hot water would not be good, dry out skin..

I would experiment w/different ingredients w/time in bath, ACV, urine, as time went on.

I decided to work on my digestive flora, drank kefir daily(homegrown), increased all b supplement b50, b12, biotin, juiced carrots, read teds suggestions for Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS). Acupucture, read book by Joe Dispenza, on You are the Placebo, Making the Mind Matter, this helped.

5 months skin clear but returned on arms 1 month after, then did hot & cold baths on arms and continued full salt baths 2-4 x's a week.

Also decided to stay away from grains, and sugar. I always kept looking read what ted says and be willing to experiment to figure what works for you.

As of today, I am clear of rash

Maybe your reaction is not as bad as mine, which was all over the front of my body, even spread to my face. these are some of the things that really helped me.

I know it is hard but you will get better, just keep looking for what works for you. You will get better.


Replied by Gert

Could be stephens-johnson syndrome, look it up. I used calamine lotion for weeks after a reaction to antibiotics.

Replied by Sp
(New Jersey)
32 posts

Hi Grace, I am curious, back in Nov. 2013, when you took the sulpha based antibiotic, did you also take any oral corticosteroids around the same time?

Replied by Grace

Yes, on seeing 1st dermatologist, initially thought was a allergy gave me prednisone for what was thought to be a skin allergy. I was on that for 2 days, when my arm swelled up to size of thigh and was weeping a yellowish liquid, on third night went to ER, diagnosed w/cellulitis, given two antibiotics(MRSA fear) one was Sulph base antibiotic, by 3rd day on antibiotics went to see primary physician, immediatly diagnosed as drug reaction, severe, took me off all drugs including prednisone, was on prednisone for a total of 6 days.

Replied by Leonard

I had a very bad experience with 20 mule team Borax. I was taking it to chelate fluoride and other heavy metals out of my system. I got terrible peripheral neuropathy from Cipro. I got splotches on my forehead. Blurred vision, headaches, and terribly constipated and my BP went up likely from the stress of it all. When I went off everything it I got rid of it all. I was taking 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of water. I even dropped it to 1/8th of a teaspoon and still had problems. And I do take Lugols at 50 mgs/day. Has anyone tried Mesenchyne?

Replied by Nho
(San Antonio, Tx)
4 posts

Cipro has fluoride. I just went through a bad episode since I have hypothyroid, I ended up with all thyroid symptoms worst, it has been two months and still having problems.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Nho...Fluoride will also deplete iodine in your thyroid so, as you say, you are probably hypothyroid as well. So if I were in your situation I would start taking the full Iodine Protocol(together with all advised minerals and vitamins) to immediately improve and normalize the thyroid. Supplementing the Iodine Protocol will also help to automatically remove any excess fluoride in your body(from the Cipro) in the same way as borax can. The borax protocol is shown here.

Replied by Jeri

Is it possible the iodine could raise your blood pressure? I was using Ponaris nasal emollient on advice of my ENT and while it made breathing possible and reduced mucus production, it seemed to raise my blood pressure. Once off, no more problems. It does contain iodine. I suppose it depends on the condition of your thyroid (?)

Replied by Gail

Look up angioedema. It is a reaction to meds and it does indeed act like a burn.

Replied by Robert

Please be careful with DMSO as it will carry anything it combines with into the blood stream. One drop on your finger & you will immediately taste it. Liquid potassium iodine at 2-drops is 100% RDA, please research effects, dosage, etc.

Be well.

Replied by I. Kojei

For those of you reading this, a loud loud blast of a warning from a big red firetruck about Prednisone. I am personally familiar with this nightmare drug, as I watched it destroy my mother-in-law. Like many, many women in the western societies, she doted in doctors ad nauseum and literally became a human guinea for treatments of a viral lung infection called Sarcloidsis, easily mitigated by nutrition, in particular by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables which she did not.

One day we went to visit her and she has swelled to monstrous proportions after taking Prednisone. I was shocked. I did the research on the drug and found it caused the swelling and half a dozen other severe side effects including congestive heart failure. I warned her how dangerous this drug was but she continued to take it until she died a few months later at the young age of 44.

Truth is impossible to suppress and liars, being cowards, will always tell it if you watch and listen closely enough by the use of euphemisms and misleading deflections. So it is no surprise that NOWHERE in most medical language does the word heal or the word cure, both very definitive four letter words find their way into print. As such:

1. Your doctor "practices" MEDICINE!!!!

2. Your doctor "treats" SYMPTOMS.

3. Your doctor "prescribes" MEDICATION.

4. You have to be "patient" while being "practiced" on by somebody who is not interested in healing you or curing your "dis-ease". Not to mention that anybody who practices anything doesn't have mastery over their chosen profession.

Fast Forwarding decades, I have lost two younger siblings who also bought into the hype of the medical establishment, refused to exercise their God given intellect to research and died by doctor as a consequence.

And while I'm ranting let me warn everyone that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed its price within this last year at the retail level. Another ruse to deny health and wellbeing to all. May God have mercy on us. Because the worst disease of all is mass murdering humanity. Greed and ignorance remain our most powerful enemies. Thank The Creator of all For EarthClinic.

(Vancouver, Wa)

This happened to a friend, same illness, she did not die so quickly. She did try to wean off the prednisone but then couldn't breath. She puffed up so much she was barely recognizable, then her bones disintegrated, she lost over a foot in height, all her teeth crumbled away, and she was in constant severe pain for a couple years. Horrible way to live and die.