Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Mouth Sores

1 User Review
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Posted by Kelsie S (Grand Blanc, Mi) on 09/07/2016

Editor's Choice A dilution of Borax in water worked beautifully on curing my daughter's mouth sores. She had cracks in the corners of her mouth for a few weeks. I applied herbal balms and kept them clean, but they just weren't going away. Then I checked earth clinic, my favorite site, and someone mentioned that its a fungal infection. My lucky day!! Because I know Borax knocks out fungus like no ones business. And it didn't disappoint this time either.

So I just diluted Borax in water, about 1/4 cup of Borax in 8 oz. Use warm water and stir until most is dissolved. Sometimes you're left with extra borax crystals and that's ok. Now you use this solution on the corners of your mouth 2-3 times per day, or anywhere you have a fungal infection. Just saturate a cotton ball and dab on. Don't rinse off, just air dry. It may cause drying. You can use a nice herbal salve or whatever to moisturizer. I also recommend applying borax to any fungal infection for 5-7 days after the sores have cleared. Fungus is a tricky beast. You gotta kill every last bit or it'll sneak back in..

Well that's it! Seriously, try this remedy for yeast and fungus. You won't regret it. And nothing to be worried about...Borax is less toxic than table salt if swallowed. Its a useful internal remedy too, but that's another subject matter. Good luck!

MSM for Borax Side Effects

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mvm (Sinop) on 12/25/2017

MSM might be good against borax die-off reactions

Taking a serious risk, I took 1/4 teaspoon of borax with a glass of water. The next day, I got strong Herx reactions primarily including stomach and gut pain, nausea, and slight pains or pressures in various regions of my head.

I noticed that a teaspoon of MSM powder (which I've been using for a week now) with a glass of water and orange juice alleviated the reactions.

Mycobacteria Infection

Posted by Labes (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 07/14/2010

Hi everybody, I'm just curious if the Borax remedy of Ted's helped anybody with mycobacteria infection?

Replied by Zilverb
(Seabrook, Texas, Usa)
16 posts

Yes, the borax works. It kills off amobia (parasites) body-wide. For me that meant ITP (low platelets) which is fatal in older people about half the time. It means any other amobia that affects the person such as for fibro. Many people use Ted's remedy for body wide detoxification of amobia (parasites).

1/8-teaspoon (1/4-teaspoon for people over 180-pounds) borax (sodium tetraborate, sodium borate, or disodium tetraborate) into 1 liter of distilled water. Sip throughout the day. Five days a week and take two days off. No longer than 30-days. Take a break. When this water is gone drink other plain water.

Replied by Calvin

Hi. Glad borax worked. A couple of ?.

Did you take it everyday, no breaks. Do you still take or reduced, etc. Have you read of. anyone taking 1/2 teaspoon a day. I have a health issue, thinking of raising my dose. Thanks, Calvin

Nail Health

1 User Review
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Posted by Robyn (Australia) on 03/21/2021

I take boron a couple of times a week in a 0 capsule which is 3/4 full. Within just a few days my nails are long and strong. I also use it instead of K2 to keep calcium in check. Borax is amazing. Look at the NIH website for more information.

Neck Pain

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Posted by Dee (Florida) on 10/11/2022

I am a senior. I started to get neck pains. I went to a Chiropractor which helped in a temporary way. I decided to try the Borax water 1 tsp. twice a day and it helped. I take it 5 days a week and 2 days off. I also have to take my 4000 mg. of Vitamin D that alleviates my lower back traveling pains. I was deficient in my Vitamin D, and had my Vitamin D checked and it went up to 47 ng.

Orgasm Help

1 User Review
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Posted by Patty (Arizona) on 06/13/2022

For women...if you are having trouble having an orgasm the borax remedy is for you. After struggling for over a year, just a few days of taking this and I have never had a problem since.

drink 1-2 tsp daily of this 1-liter mixture. I am a woman in my 50's. I put 1/8 tsp of Borax in a regular 16.5 water bottle (mark the cap with a large B! ). You only drink 1-2 tsp of this mixture daily. One water bottle will last you close to a month.

Replied by Krystle
(Cincinnati, OH)

Would this work with boric acid as well and would it be the same amounts?


4 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by TxRN (Texas) on 11/15/2022

The Role of Boron Salts in Osteoarthritis

As a science-minded clinician I needed to read some studies - here is a useful one from PubMed (searched through Google Scholar)...

Replied by Art
2226 posts


Here is an RCT study where they actually used Borax or Calcium Fructoborate (plant derived borax) as adjuvant treatment in RA patients to good effect :

Notice how they used a relatively low dose of Borax and a higher dose of calcium fructoborate (based on boron content).

Also, notice this comment (quote) :

' Because it is ethically unaccepted to use boron alone as a separate arm in such type of clinical trials, the principle of its adjuvant use with the biological agent etanercept was followed. '

This statement to me says they really did not want to see how Borax treats RA in a heads up comparison against Entanercept, but I am a little suspicious that way, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. In any case, it did improve beyond what etanercept alone could do for RA patients.


Posted by Aaron (New Zealand ) on 06/30/2018

Greetings Earth Clinic, I have been using the Borax remedy now over 11 months with a quarter teaspoon borax into 1 litre of water and drinking 1litre of water as well 5days on 2days pain has reduced exponentially yet living near a mountain my osteoarthritis is affected by the cold until the summer months of course.........I'm uncertain as to how long should I still be taking Borax..........which is my question?

Replied by Art
2226 posts

Well, Borax has many other benefits than just arthritis, so in order to get those benefits, I take it continuously on weekdays.


Replied by Rsw

Hi Art,

Wondering how much borox do you take during the weekdays? I have just started taking two teaspoonfuls/day, of a two cup water/ 1/2 rounded teaspoonful borax solution, in water (also five day/ week) which I believe is about 18 mg/day. I plan to reduce it after a while.

By the way, I have found the preservative free aloe vera juice you suggested to be very beneficial for the lichen planus! It gives almost immediate relief. It wears off but you can take it as needed. I have finally made an appointment with a Chinese medicine doctor in August for six appointments, twice/week for three weeks, which is what he requires. Have been thinking about it for years and finally decided to call. Will post any results after trying this.

Thanks for all your helpful posts and links, as usual!

Replied by Art
2226 posts

I take the 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in a quart of water per each day of the week with weekends off. I tried going down to the 1/8th teaspoon dosing, but that was not fully effective for me.

Glad to hear that the aloe was helpful for the LP! I hope you have great results with your TCM experiment!


Posted by Aaron (New Zealand, Wellington ) on 09/16/2017

Greetings, Earth Clinic. I have been taking the prescribed dose 1/4 teaspoon of Borax with 1litre of water now jst over three months with 5days on 2days off an have been religiously doing so. I have Advanced Osteoarthritis an have been a sufferer over 15yrs now I was 1st diagnosed 2003 at the age of 34. I have tried almost everything to help my condition over the years to no avail, an with 1 Hip Replacement in 2005.........2014 it's hit me again with my opposite hip, but I refuse to have a 2nd operation (Hip replacement).

I saw a Natreopath 6yrs ago who put me on a non dairy diet an to drink 2 cups of Clove Tea a day, I was to rub Tincture O Iodine on the bottoms ofmy feet an Drink plenty of Goats Milk, which is very expensive to buy now at $7.50 per litre, pain subsided to 55% now consuming dairy products again, but a small amount. Thus coming across Borax, the 1st cup I drunk within an hour my pain level reduced to 75% I couldn't believe it, I was in "disbelief" 5days later my Energy level increased 65% pain level at 40% 2 months later 90% painfree an 90% Energy.

I had weaned myself off all pharmaceuticals (Dyclothanac an Paracetamol) 2 weeks before starting the Borax course. I started to do light stretches to exercise my hip.

At 2months I've been 100% painfree an limping every 10 steps as appose to every step. I was feeling Brand New, it was a Miracle. A cold snap hit our Township, my pain come back niggling at 30% just whn I was feeling better.......Myself still taking the prescribed dose. My pains increased to 60% I put it down to the cold.......3months and Two weeks later my joints seem to be stiffening.

I've jst moved house, doing everything myself, with heavy lifting. My pain has increased to 90% I've been resting the past 2days yet feel almost like a Jellyfish........aching all over......I feel like I'm at S.O.S level.........I

s the Borax still working? I feel like my bones are weakening, an all my joints ache now at 90% an feel like the flesh wants to melt off my skeleton........I know you've said sip the Borax throughout the day but I've been drinking my 1litre within 2hours, is it possibly contributing to my decline? Bigger picture I know besides drinking Clove Tea, Borax has been the only other substance that I know of to be helping my Body........I have moved to a house which has no insulation an can feel the cold.......could this be another factor.........Yr Feedback would be Mostly Appreciated...........Regards

Replied by Janet

Aaron. Some thoughts on your dilemma.

Borax does solve your pain. Yet you possibly need more minerals. Our systems run on minerals, once depleted must be rebuilt.

Magnesium is the first and foremost depleted mineral. It is used by every inch of your body and due to soil depletion and poor farming practices worldwide, it is prudent to supplement this.

I suspect when you moved it may have gobbled up that critical mineral. Magnesium citrate for a constipated type, magnesium malate for a runny stool type, minimum 250mg 2x a day. Or you can buy magnesium flakes. Make magnesium oil. Take by drops 5 to 8 drops in water 2x a day.

Magnesium oil can be used topically. Rubbing into skin where the pain is.

This can sting when levels are low. To stop stinging. Add water to site. Add more mag oil. Put a layer of castor oil or lotion on first.

To up your minerals internally. Take 1/4 tsp of sea salt in water in the am. This gives you a full spectrum of all the trace minerals to up all of your levels. Do not use table salt. Only sea salt in food.

I make hyaluronic acid for our family. You can maybe buy capsules where you live. Open 10 capsules in 5 or 6 oz of spring water in a blender add 1/8 tsp of salt blend 10 to 15 seconds. Put a hanky banded on a clean jar strain liquid through the hanky to remove residue from capsules, take a tbsp or 2 3x a day. Rub into joints. This puts the fluid back in joints that makes them operate smoothly. Keep jar in frig. This spoils and you must remake every 2 or 3 days. Or take 2 or 300mg capsules 3x a day

I highly recommend bulletproof coffee for collagen. 1 cup of brewed coffee in blender, add 1 scoop of collagen, add 1 or 2 tbsp of real butter blend 10 seconds, drink.

My bath recipe or foot soak at 1/2 the ingredients. 2 cups epsom salts, 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, soak 20 minutes, often as you can. This enriches the body with mag sulfate and boron through your skin. The peroxide oxygenates the body.

To control some pain much like aspirin and improve digestion, alkalize the body. Improve sleep. 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp of sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, let fizz, add 1/2 glass of water. Drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7.

These should correct your joints so you get rid of the pain.

To kill a virus that is often the cause of arthritis to begin with. Look up in Earth Clinics search box, ted bangkok arthritis. It will take you to his chapter of cures. You can try his virus killing formula. To eradicate this from your body.


Replied by Hks

I think Janet's comments about the minerals is important. I did also wonder about the cold snap comment and wondered if you had considered the possibility of increases in mold and mildew that might have occurred in the home you live in. From my personal experience, I had been doing better on boron but about a month ago started drinking fermented kefir juices because I thought they were healthy, the boron didn't seem to be working so well. I have always had trouble with alcohol and know that it just does not agree with me. My son alerted me that with the fermentation I was actually making alcohol even though it is a small amount. Removing this from my diet I seem to be doing better again. It's possible that the alcohol was causing my body to use up the boron faster, essentially neutralising the benefits. Likewise, I wonder if you may have unknowingly been exposed to increases in mold in your home during the cold snap, the borax could be being depleted trying to deal with possible increases in mold. Boron appears to kill yeast but conversely, I would think yeasts and mold could deplete boron reserves. Just my thoughts as a possibility, don't know if applies in your situation.

Replied by Lynny
(New Zealand)

It sounds like you need to take more borax for a short time, perhaps some at the end of the day as well.

Posted by Joe S. (Boston Ma.) on 03/07/2017

Editor's Choice I deplore honeymoon reviews. I've waited nearly 10 years to chime in! Sorry bout that.. At age 40 osteo-arthritis was setting in and was worst in my toes (two surgeries) back (car accident) as well as what we expect as "normal" in a couple of my digits. I started to get relief from the 1/8th-1/4 teaspoon Borax protocol within a month. After 6 months my pain in latter areas was reduced by more than 80% and remains so 10 years post.

Replied by Lynny
(New Zealand)

Good to hear a long term review.

Posted by Jonathan (NY, New York) on 08/11/2008

Hi I believe Ted recomends 1/8 of a teaspoon to 1 liter of water of borox 20 mule team the natural laundry detergent but not every day. I am not sure how many times a week. I think may be 2 or 3 times a week He believes it works much much quicker then the supplement form for osteo arthritis. I think it has an effect in about a weeks time. I take it sometimes and it does no harm to me. I do not have arthritis so I cannot give feedback regarding it. Check out how he says to use it on the the cures for osteo arthritis on this website.


1 User Review
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Posted by Mary (Milwaukee, Wi) on 06/15/2008

Started your remedy with Borax, h202 baking soda celtic salt...started having worms come out in my stool...white stringy... inch or so...any thoughts?

EC: We will send this to Ted for response! In the meantime, can you please tell us exactly how much of each ingredient you were taking? Thanks.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
495 posts

Yes - my thoughts are that since the worms are exiting, your borax concoction must be making it unpleasant for the worms and I'd keep it up until no more worms.

There is a worm called Strongloides stercorales that infests us humans that is commonly called string or thread worm, but the only ones I've seen were from urine that I was looking at under a microscope. Several of us in a little small town I was living in at that time suddenly got heavily infested with them after the municipal water supply churned up the water (looked like a combination of mud & rust) to clean out the water lines. The man at the health department I delivered one to for indentification told me was either strongloides or tape worm. When asked which he would rather have, his reply was the tape worm because it had to exit the body to reproduce and Strongloides didn't.

Replied by S Doboze
(Berlin, Germany)

Yes. American mainstream meat is loaded with worms. Pests do not like the alkaline environment.

Eat organic, and you must go with long-term suppliers who show you the source and method and condition of raising and slaughter. The generic organics are put out by the industrial manufacturing; QAI is bribed, and the price is specifically designed to undercut authentic Organic Providers; putting them out of business.

Support /local, traceable, authentic/ organic agriculture.

Posted by Guy (Escondido, California) on 05/14/2007

I buy clear plastic gallons of spring water. After reading Ted's explanation of sea salt being alkaline, I remembered that this is the water cure as shared by Dr. Batamanghelidj. (See So to a gallon of water I add one teaspoon of unrefined sea salt, several pinches of baking soda, and 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of borax. I drink this while at my job 5 days per week. At home I drink the same mix without the borax.

This past week, there was something I noticed under my arm. A tick. I did not want to pull it out but it died and fell off in less than two days. I think it's due to the borax which I think is amazing. A tick is a parasite.

I've also been drinking ACV with molasses and mix the ACV with baking soda until it stops fizzing. I'm glad I found this site.

Replied by Jennifer

Please help me I've got pinworms and the Drs don't help. Tonight I drank Celtic sea salt and a bunch came out. I think maybe tomorrow morning I'll take a pinch of Borax and 2 teaspoons of the sea salt drink this on an empty stomach. I've put diatomaceous earth in my underwear. I'm eating like a rabbit 🐰. Any other suggestions to purge this from my body please help I'm desperate I can't live like this.

(somewhere, europe)

Jennifer, we were told that ingesting garlic will eliminate them. Also pumpkin seeds.


For parasites…research The Zapper! Possibly invest in one. I joined a wellness center that has the Zapper. I had tested positive for parasites back in 1990…given the norm antibiotic treatment. Over years various tests(alternative) would be positive for parasites. I joined the wellness center for other reasons, had tests every 12 weeks…resolved many health issues that were on my testing and parasites were one! I am now parasite free. Of course our world is so toxic and can easily be reinfected…but for now am pleased with the Zapper(low frequency) as nothing I tried in past helped!

Replied by Madelyn

Mimosa Pudica seed is very good at removing parasites from the intestinal tract. I would combine this with a clove, black walnut hull, and wormwood tincture. Take cascara sagrada if you experience any constipation. Take diatomaceous earth internally after meals. Take bentonite clay and activated charcoal away from other supplements to bind any toxins released from the parasites. It wouldn't hurt to also take a drug like fenbenzadole. Mimosa Pudica seed is key though. I would take these things for a few months.


Have you done borax bath with the above remedy for detoxing? Would that also work with mimosa pudica, Clove, Blk Walnut, Wormwood and DE internally after meals and a binder?


Hello Madelyn,

Where can I source Fenbendazole please. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Hello Yvonne,

The website has a page for suppliers. There are several options listed there that hopefully will work for you.

I originally learned about fenbendazole and its use for eliminating cancer at the website Joe Tippens and many others used the fenbendazole sold as a parasite medication for dogs. However, you can now get pure fenbendazole powder if you prefer that.


I too take Fenbendazole as a preventive measure. My husband and I take it 3 months on and 3 months off for 3 days on and 4 days off each week. We like the powder form. It's less expensive than the capsules and easy to mix with any food, preferably food that has some fat content as it is better absorbed that way. It doesn't dissolve in water but it is odorless and tasteless so I mix in with my morning yogurt. I buy mine from Fenben Lab out of Lithuania.

Pineal Gland Decalcification

Posted by Susan (Cincinnati, Oh) on 06/22/2010

Pineal decalcification

Can the borax remedy actually allow the pineal gland to start functioning again? Besides, Borax, is there anything that I need to add to get my son's pineal gland back to normal?

Thank you,

Replied by Amy
(Florence, Ky)

Hi Susan,

A pinch of Nutmeg in a glass of water everyday should help also. But no more than a pinch, too much can make you sick.


What's in the nutmeg?

Replied by Pat
(Sudbury, Ontario)

Borax is to clean out. What I suggest is the use of iodine to get the pineal gland decalcified.

Replied by Anon

I am 5'8, " 220 lbs., 38 years, female, and I take a teaspoon of organic nutmeg powder once a day in a glass of milk every few days. I have been using it this way for five years. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of ground cloves. The organic nutmeg sold in a little glass bottle by a big herb company isn't nearly as effective as the organic powder sold in a bulk jar at the same store. Groung fresh is even better. The effects are decreased pain, improved mood, relaxation, better sleep, and dry mouth. I took a larger dose a while back and the next morning was very dehydrated and dizzy. Fresh citrus juice, I have found, is the very best remedy for the dehydration. You must try it! I like nutmeg combined with valerian, kava kava, and/or green tea. Very recreational. Nutmeg also makes any food eaten afterward taste amazing.

I read an article that warned people about the dangers of using nutmeg to get high. It seemed dishonest in light of my own experience with nutmeg. It said users would experience some small high, but it would be overshadowed by extreme nausea. That has not been my experience at all. I have experienced nausea once from it, I had taken it with an expectorant containing lemon myrtle and eucalyptus oils, and a herbal guanfenison - contradictory herbs.

Plantar Fibromas

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mel (Shuswap, B.C., Canada) on 02/24/2019

Editor's Choice I have plantar tumors in my insteps of both feet. They did fill the hollow of my foot until I started taking Borax orally a few months ago.

I had been taking pics of my feet off and on to see where they were at growth wise. I have already had elimination of pain and can now see the reduction in the size of the tumors. They get soft first then they sort of just melt away. I'm over 2 years into the growth of the tumors so I suspect it could take 3-6 yrs to get rid of them.

No skin off my back now that I'm not in pain!!