Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by Scott (Anytown, Usa) on 08/13/2009

Hello all,

Hope this is beneficial to some other like sufferers...

I have been suffering from skin Mites for the past 2.5 years.

Been on Iodine hard for about a month or so, big help. 20 - 30 drops SSKI 2 or 3 times a day, SSKI I got off curezone. 5 drops Magnascent once or twice a day. 2 weeks ago I started with the Borax as well. I use 1/4 tsp in 1 quart of distilled water and consume 2 of these a day. I'm also having 1 - 3 Tblspn of Flax oil a day and also oil pulling each morning for 20 minetes first thing.

The relief has been phenomenal, 95%. Just what I needed after 2.5 years of absolute hell.

I believe in the power of Iodine and Borax working together.

I have Curezone and this forum to thank for my progress and a elevated outlook on life. All you Iodine and BoronBorax users have been a great help. As a result of Ted and Ginagirl (curezone) post's, jumping over the wall and trying borax was a breeze.

Lets keep the light on.


Yeast Infections
Posted by Kathy (Virginia Beach, VA) on 03/27/2008

Decades ago I was informed by a nurse that douching with a tbl. of the borax used for cleaning laundry(don't want to mention the BN) and 8 oz. of warm water twice daily for just a few days works. Well it really does. I've been using this remedy for many years now with no adverse reactions. If you do it gently, it should not cause problems, just wash out the vagina. Very simple and super cheap!

Borax Dosages
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/21/2018 2153 posts

Based on the fact that measuring spoons can vary depending on where you are in the world, it may be more accurate to describe Ted's Borax protocol in terms of milligrams per dose instead of in fractional teaspoon measurements. The 1/4 teaspoon dose delivers approximately 970 mg while the 1/8th teaspoon dose delivers approximately 485 mg. While the 1/8th and 1/4 teaspoon doses work fine here in the US, people from many other country's come to EC and their measuring spoons may be significantly different than ours!

Based on the known toxicity of borax, both of these doses fall well below that toxicity level.


Posted by Pinch (London, England) on 03/08/2015


Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my post Nanowriter and Iowama. I have also written a couple of emails to Ted but so far no reply, which is not suprising considering his difficulties.

I have done a lot of reading on Borax and in 1 article found on the internet somewhere it stated that Borax can bring on a Herxheimer reaction resulting in stiffness and pain in the shoulders in hips accompanied by numbness in hands and feet.

This indeed happened to me in a big way, first in the shoulders which subsided after a few days. Sometime later I noticed similar side effects in my right leg and then my hip which became excruciatingly painful and the pain extended down to my right knee. These areas are still very painful but it is beginning to lessen. I think I am having a Herxheimer reaction. I have always been an avid brusher of teeth using fluoridated toothpaste and I am convinced that this is part of the reason for my plight. I also discovered that it is possible that I am being decalcified. Apparently the sciatic nerve can be severely calcified from fluoride and the decalcification process is not on the list of great ways to have a good time. These articles go on to say that the Herxheimer reaction is a sign of healing and not to give up, so I have kept going. 10 weeks into it now.

I know that throughout my life I have subjected my body to gruelling feats of endurance as this my OTTP nature. You always pay the price somewhere down the line but hopefully it is not to late to put things right and also learn a bit of moderation.

I am now alkalising with Bicarb and also taking high doses of ascorbate acid, epsom salts in baths and internally. The baths are wonderful!

I have a big "L" plate on my back in regards to alternative remedies but I am a firm believer that God has provided everthing we need in nature for healing. The problem it seems is that we systematically consume food that is not beneficial to health and that medical science loves a sick population to maximise their profits. "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." History provides all the evidence we need of this sad fact.

Many thanks again and good health to you always! Julian

Twenty Mule Team Borax Ingredients
Posted by Ray (Calgary) on 08/09/2013

To dispel misinformation given by a contributor. There is nothing (no smells, fragrances etc) added to 20 mule team borax. The website of twenty mule team borax tells us:

"Absolutely nothing is added. No phosphates, per-oxside, chlorine, or other additive chemicals."

It also adds

"20 Mule Team? Borax is 100% natural, and 99.5% pure (there is about a half of 1% of naturally occurring trace minerals). " So any impurities are just other "minerals" and not added "scents" or chemicals etc.

Just stay away from big industry "Borax Alternatives" which are NOT borax. Also stay away from items "containing borax" you want the real borax not some big soap companies "alternatives or concoctions contains it. you want Pure" borax, like 20 mule team or other "pure" ones.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Badabing! (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/11/2013

Hey Chris, Regarding dosages. Borax is pretty safe at low dosages. Its toxicity is lower than table salt. You'd have to be taking a lot before things would dtart to go wrong for you health-wise. As a guide: if you dissolve a level teaspoon (5ml) of borax in a litre of water and then consume 5ml of that per day then you are taking in somewhere in the region of 7mg of borax per day. That's okay for a maintenance dose. Your 1/4 teaspoon is low but perfectly fine too.

My best advice is to start low and then really learn to listen to your body. Listen to how it feels. Pick up the dosage a little and then see. Trust yourself and your body. You'll do fine.

Good health to you!

Borax Toxicity
Posted by Miriam (Nyc, Ny / Usa) on 03/28/2012

A quick Google check reveals that a teaspoon of borax is equivalent to 5 ml. At 1/4 tsp a day for men, that means ingestion of only 1.25 ml per day. For women, the recommended usage is half that amount.

This is in the order of 1% of the theoretical toxic dose - hardly threatening.

Colleen, if you are fact checking, then you should check all relevant facts.

Posted by Sarah (Thornton, Co) on 05/15/2014

Borax isn't toxic on your dishes even if there's an invisible film. You can take it internally for many health benefits.

Ankylosing Spondylitis
Posted by Linda (Sf, Ca) on 09/02/2012

To Rouven from NY:

You see a lot of posting on here to Ted because his recommendations have helped many here.

Linda :-)

General Feedback
Posted by Terry (Memphis, Tn) on 03/12/2011

I read in the post awhile back about a man that had jock itch for years and washed with borax and it immediately felt better. Well I tried over the counter remedies and was going to go to the doctor to get something because it itching for a couple of months was becoming unbearable.

I tried different oils and it seemed to make the situation feel better, but no real change. I started using ACV and slowly I saw where the area was being cured. However, after dampening my cloth, sprinkling borax on it (the muletrain type), and washing with it, the itch IMMEDIATELY went away. after washing with it twice a day for 2 days, it seemed the entire rash was healed.

I now use borax as a body scrub and have a toenail fungus that I am going to try it on. I am using ACV, and it is slowly going away. But, if it worked that quick on the jockitch, Im sure it will knock out the toe fungus too.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by Julius (Louisville, Ky) on 02/22/2018 1 posts

I would like to know - after rubbing his feet with Borax how long did he let it stay on or if he let it dry without washing off?

EC: Let it dry without washing it off.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Becky H (WA) on 02/20/2023

My son went on an all meat diet and his psoriasis cleared up. Nothing else worked.

Arthritis, Toenail Fungus
Posted by Iris (Houston ) on 01/10/2023

I've been taking the homeopathic dose of borax and my toenail fungus is 80% better at 6 months treatment. I started it to treat bone pain and other ailments and I'm 80% better with bone pain as well. I'm very hopeful to clear all the pain but I know it takes longer on the low dosage. It works!
I wish I can hear about more experiences on the low dosage.

Walter Last
Posted by Earth Clinic on 11/13/2022

We were just on Walter Last's website to fix a broken link to his great borax article and we were saddened to learn that he died in 2021 at the age of 86. Here's the announcement for anyone interested.

And here is the updated link to his borax article:

Trigger Finger
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 11/13/2022

For anyone interested in the subject of Trigger Finger of Trigger Thumb:

I finally got a chance to make a video about my very successful borax treatment for Trigger Finger and thus avoiding surgery. Details and extensive instructions are given on Earth Clinic's YouTube Channel here:

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/11/2021 434 posts

Something I've discovered when using borax on your hair is that a handheld shower makes it a whole lot easier. Particularly if you work in your 1/4 tsp of citric acid in a pint of water and leave it in until you're done washing, then getting the handheld shower right up close to the scalp to rinse it all out. AWESOME!

Nail Health
Posted by Robyn (Australia) on 03/21/2021

I take boron a couple of times a week in a 0 capsule which is 3/4 full. Within just a few days my nails are long and strong. I also use it instead of K2 to keep calcium in check. Borax is amazing. Look at the NIH website for more information.

Posted by Janet (In) on 09/17/2017

Aaron. Some thoughts on your dilemma.

Borax does solve your pain. Yet you possibly need more minerals. Our systems run on minerals, once depleted must be rebuilt.

Magnesium is the first and foremost depleted mineral. It is used by every inch of your body and due to soil depletion and poor farming practices worldwide, it is prudent to supplement this.

I suspect when you moved it may have gobbled up that critical mineral. Magnesium citrate for a constipated type, magnesium malate for a runny stool type, minimum 250mg 2x a day. Or you can buy magnesium flakes. Make magnesium oil. Take by drops 5 to 8 drops in water 2x a day.

Magnesium oil can be used topically. Rubbing into skin where the pain is.

This can sting when levels are low. To stop stinging. Add water to site. Add more mag oil. Put a layer of castor oil or lotion on first.

To up your minerals internally. Take 1/4 tsp of sea salt in water in the am. This gives you a full spectrum of all the trace minerals to up all of your levels. Do not use table salt. Only sea salt in food.

I make hyaluronic acid for our family. You can maybe buy capsules where you live. Open 10 capsules in 5 or 6 oz of spring water in a blender add 1/8 tsp of salt blend 10 to 15 seconds. Put a hanky banded on a clean jar strain liquid through the hanky to remove residue from capsules, take a tbsp or 2 3x a day. Rub into joints. This puts the fluid back in joints that makes them operate smoothly. Keep jar in frig. This spoils and you must remake every 2 or 3 days. Or take 2 or 300mg capsules 3x a day

I highly recommend bulletproof coffee for collagen. 1 cup of brewed coffee in blender, add 1 scoop of collagen, add 1 or 2 tbsp of real butter blend 10 seconds, drink.

My bath recipe or foot soak at 1/2 the ingredients. 2 cups epsom salts, 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, soak 20 minutes, often as you can. This enriches the body with mag sulfate and boron through your skin. The peroxide oxygenates the body.

To control some pain much like aspirin and improve digestion, alkalize the body. Improve sleep. 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp of sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, let fizz, add 1/2 glass of water. Drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7.

These should correct your joints so you get rid of the pain.

To kill a virus that is often the cause of arthritis to begin with. Look up in Earth Clinics search box, ted bangkok arthritis. It will take you to his chapter of cures. You can try his virus killing formula. To eradicate this from your body.


Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Art (California) on 05/15/2022 2153 posts

Borax is simple and very inexpensive and probably offers more potential health benefit than boron alone. Borax is about 11% boron. If you try to buy boron types of supplements, the actual boron content will usually be very low compared to the amount in borax and you will have to take several supplements to reach a similar dose. Boron type supplements will cost more than borax.


Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/29/2016

Dear Lynn,

Every remedy is not for every person. Maybe borax is not for you. Or maybe you need much smaller amounts. (My husband uses only a tiny pinch a day or he gets side effects. Over many months though, we have seen results from that tiny amount.)

You might consider topical magnesium oil instead for your pain and stiffness.

I hope you feel better soon.

~Mama to Many~

Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Elaina Jensen (Oregon) on 04/23/2017

About distilled water.... I just remember being instructed by our dog's veterinarian to only give our dog distilled water at one point for a medical condition unrelated to anything neurological and the dog started having seizures. Our dog was then prescribed phenobarbital for those seizures - which really sedated him and we weren't happy about. We couldn't believe this was happening.

After about four days of distilled water and the phenobarbital, the seizures kept getting worse. We stopped the distilled water and went back to putting regular tap water in his water dish. The seizures stopped and we stopped the phenobarbital too. We never had a problem with seizures after that.

I learned to have a lot of respect for distilled water and to be very careful how it is used after that.

EC: Elaina, we have cross-posted your important feedback to our pets section - epilepsy page. Thank you!

Abdominal Pain, Bloating
Posted by Patty (Arizona) on 06/13/2022

You don't drink the whole thing, you drink 1-2 tsp daily of this 1-liter mixture. I am a woman in my 50's. I put 1/8 tsp of Borax in a regular 16.5 water bottle (mark the cap with a large B! ). You only drink 1-2 tsp of this mixture daily. One water bottle will last you close to a month.

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Anya (NZ) on 11/10/2021


This will need to be verified, but it's my understanding that 35% hydrogen peroxide (Food Grade ONLY! ) needs to be DILUTED down to 3% before use. It can also be purchased already diluted as 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Borax Capsules
Posted by Jens (Vancouver ) on 07/24/2015

I have been taking gelcaps of 20 mule team borax which is about 11% boron mixed 50% with magnesium citrate. The caps full are about 0.5 gram, or 0.25 g borax or about 0.0275 g which would be about 27.5 mg. I feel that when taken it helps with sleeping better waking up less stiff and less sore. If I don't take them a few days later I am reminded first thing in the AM.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Crissypoo (Orem, Ut) on 01/11/2014

Ummm...the brand, Twenty Mule Team Borax, is 99.5% pure Boron, and the other .5% is simply other minerals that were mined in the process of mining the Boron, which are good for us as well. Just go to WalMart and buy a box in the laundry isle, and smell it to make sure it has not been tainted by other laundry detergents, which may have been shipped with it. It'll cost you a whole $3 bucks and some change. Companies selling so called "food grade boron, are just out for the almighty dollar, pretending to make an already perfect product better. Come on people...let's use our heads. I've been using it for four months, for my LUPUS AND FIBROMYALGIA, and I'm amazed and so happy about the results. Here they are;

1. Almost no joint pain anymore. Can walk up and down stairs, all over S.D. Zoo, and then some. Used to only be able to walk about 1/4 mile, and then pain would be so bad, like knives stabbing the sides of my knee joints, I'd have to limp home.

2. Less depression, better mood, everything seems brighter, and I have a better outlook on life.

3. Increased energy?? Well, enough to not only START back at the gym, but WANT to start back at the gym, after years of inactivity, and I am now lifting more than some of the men there!

4. Sex life? Yes, WOW...that's all I'm saying.

5. My body temperature is no longer like the weather in Utah (constantly changing). I no longer sweat to death after climbing stairs, getting out of the shower, or running through the grocery store.

6. Night sweats minimal now.

7. Able to quit two of my lupus meds, methotrexate and one other that I can't remember the name of, and, I was able to taper my prednisone down from 20 mg to 5 mg. Going to go off prednisone completely within the next month

8. Drastically reduced whole -body inflammation. Sternum, lung, and rib pain almost non-existent. Headaches very rarely.

9. My heart palpitations and skipped beats are less frequent, and less severe.

10. There are probably many other benefits which I am forgetting, but the benefits I've listed are awesome!!

Borax Dosages
Posted by Badabing! (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/11/2013

Sandra said "If it is inorganic the body cannot utilise it."

I'm sorry Sandra but that is incorrect. The word "organic" is oft misunderstood and misused. In this context it basically refers to mollecules containing carbon. So table salt (NaCl), for example, is inorganic. You wouldn't wish to have me believe that the body cannot utilise salt, would you? Our bodies would die without a whole host of micronutirents which are all inorganic.

The other definition of "organic" is a descriptor of farming practices (not using artificial pesticides and fertilizers). Though this too is a vastly misuderstood topic it does not apply here.

In brief then: borax is an inorganic compound of sodium, boron and oxygen. When it is ingested the body uses particularly the boron as a vital micronutient as we get enough sodium from other sources.

Ankylosing Spondylitis
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/24/2015

Hello Sharon,

You ask for some scientific report or study by scientists on Boron. A VERY scientific BOOK on the subject can be downloaded via "Google Scholar".... key words; Boron Science.

That is the book title. Be prepared for an immersion in chemistry.

If that doesn't impress you...nothing will.

General Feedback
Posted by Dee (Lafayette, LA) on 10/02/2007

Hello. I am writing in response to the posts about borax use. Many people have asked if they should just use 20-mule-team borax. I just found this site so I haven't used the remedies yet, but I wanted to write and give your readers a lead on a cosmetic grade borax. Actually, if they just type that into a search engine, they could find it themselves. But I found it at a place where I buy bulk organic herbs and flowers for making my own personal care products. This is the description from their site: "A natural source cosmetic grade Sodium Borate that does not contain surfactants and detergents which are commonly found in commercial Borax products. Borax acts as an emulsifier, natural preservative and buffering agent for moisturizers, scrubs and bath salts." Now, I would imagine that this means the borax in the store is NOT the one you would want to ingest, even in small amounts, since it more than likely DOES contain other ingredients that you don't want. So, if I were to try this remedy, I would look for 'cosmetic grade sodium borate'. The place I found the above description was mountain rose herbs, listed under miscellaneous products. I do not work for them and have no vested interest in telling you their name. I am, however, very impressed with them in general. I've purchased many things from them and everything has been good quality. You can delete the company's name if you'd like, it matters not to me. As long as your readers type in the correct words, they would find the site I'm talking about, or at least a place that sells the grade of borax that I'm referring to. Well, good luck! I'm off to email Ted to see if the borax will kill spirochetes...

Heavy Metal Poisoning
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Most borax I buy is a B.P. grade and a U.S.P. grade borax from a chemical supplier. Those are grade are often used that are pharmaceutical grade. However, those that are gotten from natural sources (e.g. borax) and go relatively unprocessed, that is unadded of additives or anything are often labeled 100% Sodium tetraborate or Borax. Without anything else.

My experience is that free heavy metals found in these product found in supermarket, are not as high as those found in more processed foods (baked goods are off the charts with me) and tap water we usually drink (my toxic heavy metals come from the drinking water and rice cooker), or even in more Organic foods and fertilizers which is very high in heavy metals.

Most contaminants from the products I used are heavy metals and they often come from frying pans, aluminum tea pots, aluminum rice cookers, iron pots & pans, or foods that has gone through a lot of processing such as fast food and chocolates, for example. Even Diet Coke is actually very toxic to me, if I have all the appropriate diagnostic devices to find out people will know the real source of toxicity which is from the benzene (sodium benzoate), bisphenol A (plastic degenerates into a pseudoestrogen Bisphenol A) and aspartame (degrades in the body to formaldehyde) and causes me to be diabetic and other sickness- long term ingestion may be more permanent).

I have actually been offline for almost a week being quite sick of neural disorder, from accidentally ingesting this product hidden in some foods they actually have added in the food at a restaurant (aspartame, sometimes they hide in coffee, but they do not REQUIRE LABELING - secret formula and GRAS status of aspartame), but never have I experienced any sickness from the use of supermarket borax or sodium carbonate labeled at 100%.

I actually have a dithizone tests and other tests of heavy metal to check for presence of mercury, lead, cadmium, iron etc. and most of the problems I have encountered came more from fertilizers, tap water, insecticides, water filter, certain pots and pans (cadmium, iron, aluminum).

The reason for all the fear of chemicals and legal disclaimer is that the seller is not given permission by the government for internal consumption even IF THE products are ACTUALLY SAFE if we actuall DO THE CHEMICAL PURITIES TEST.

If people have the money to bother to do the impurity tests a lot of people will be surprise to find that quite often the opposite is true, most processed foods and processed water, drinks, etc. are actually more contaminated. I have seen pools of aluminum found in baking goods (they create a sort of electrolysis and the aluminum ends up in the bakery products, baked goods, whenever an aluminum foil is used. People are sick simply just preparing coffee and tea in aluminum tea pots. I have actually found a simple way to check by using a small laser pointer pointing in these liquids and see tyndall effect (which are like rays of light you can see when you drive headlights in a fog). The clearer the rays, the more contaminated is the boiled water. So I tend actually to worry more about processed food than I do getting borax, or sodium carbonate from the source.

The other reason why I don't worry a lot from their uses is I always take EDTA, or no sugar no milk Green Tea to remove whatever heavy metals I consumed, which is quite often from the office water tank, rice cooker, and other processed foods, rather than sources from natural borax. This is a very slow learning process for most people to unlearn what they have geen taught and I think it is going to take many decades not years for general consumer to realize this fact. I am not entirely optimistic that people will realize this unless they bother to do their own chemical analysis and get the facts straight. The SYSTEM as we know it is a monopoly on medicine and they don't want people to stray off this area, even if THE SYSTEM doesn't work.

In general, if I cannot get USP grade, Food Grade, or Analytical Grade borax, I usually end up having to purchase those found in supermarket. I have little choice. I never tell anyone what to buy, it must be noted that I only tell myself what I can or cannot buy. What you do buy, you just have to decide for yourself. There's a good reason for that, different countries has different standards. However, my own take on the problem is they are relatively pure for most purposes since the quantitities used is actually quite small, such as 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, so whatever contaminant in the parts per million is reduced fractionally of that amount to multibplied by .001 (about 0.1% percent) of whichever value of contaminant.

It must be noted that a lot of remedies I used is almost like 16th Century medicine and obviously 21st century products isn't selling anymore or hard to find. Therefore much of the decision, ulimately depends on you. If you want an authoritive figure to decide instead of you (if you trust him but I don't), then it is likely they will not recommend any natural remedies I post. Unfortunately for them, their treatment is actually killing me several times over, and I ended up saving my own life without much help from anyone else. That's at least my experience, perhaps, I am unlucky to rely on them.


Lichen Sclerosus, Hemorrhoids, Knee Pain
Posted by Liz (Hilton Head Island) on 04/08/2024


After a year of suffering of this terrible and embarrassing condition, I was cured with Borax. All those women who like me suffer of this problem, know exactly how terrible it is to suffer of this ailment. The more itching it got, the more things I tried to treat it with, but nothing ever worked. Thus, my getting more and more stressed about it, caused the itchiness to worsen and becoming unbearably intense. I tried applying organic yoghurt, kefir, apricot kernel seed oil, olive oil, castor oil, black seed oil, oats milk, apple cider vinegar baths, baths, took oregano drops, and other things I don't even remember anymore. I scratched myself so hard at times, that brought myself to tears just by seeing my private part completely hurt and bleeding at times. The itchiness woke me up many times in the middle of the night, and I remember going to the bathroom, inspecting myself and seeing my labial area in total flames and with red specs all over. I was in fire and ready to scratch myself with a hard wire brush. I had Borax at home, which I was already taking now and then, but it never occurred to treat myself with it. I started doing research and came across an article of a lady who like me, walked on fire with this thing, and found relieve with Borax. I follow her advise but with some tweak, and today, I can almost say that I am cured. I started taking borax and bicarbonate of soda baths and after the first wash, I felt alieve for the first time in over 12 months. I started to sleep longer and found peace in my highly stressed body. I was saved as healing was happening. At first I was doing it about 3 times a day. Then, as it got better and better, two and then once a day, but I wash with that solution in the toilette seat three to two times a week only now, and sometimes, just one time. After the wash, I pat dry myself and apply apricot kernel see oil to sooth the delicate skin down there.

My husband also did the exact same treatment to treat hemorroides.

I can also 100% confirm that a pain I had in my right knee is completely gone, as well as the pain starting to develop in my left knee, after drinking it with water every day. I noticed that after I was healed from the Lichen Schlerosus. I was so absorbed and worried about that problem, that only after I recovered from that devastating condition, I noticed that both my knees were also pain free.

Who would've thought that a simple product off the supermarket shelve would be the solution to this problem, and so many others.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Wanda (TX) on 02/07/2023 28 posts

Going on a carnivore diet helped me with all of that! Especially broth with unflavored gelatin! It's the “glue” that keeps you together (my grandmother always said)! Now I'm strict carnivore! Love it!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Dee (Work ) on 02/07/2023

The same with me! I stopped taking borax. My knees hurt so bad and I remembered I wasn't taking borax and went back on, and my knees stop hurting in around a week!

Posted by Bess (Millstadt Illinois ) on 11/14/2022

Now that you mention it, my TMJ is gone! It was subtle to begin with, but came on suddenly during all the covid bs stress. So for a couple of years, it's been annoying me on and off. I've been taking boron for fluoride detox for a few weeks, but not consistently, and I've not had the TMJ! I didn't realize this until I read your testimonial, so it can be added to the list of benefits!