Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Justanotherwoman (Seattle, Wa) on 03/18/2013

I have been struggling with BV since 2005 (after my boyfriend introduced me to unprotected sex). Though I have been careful to wrap it up since, bv has continued to bother me more than mother nature herself. I have tried all forms of metronidozal/flagyl (until I realized that my reoccurring hiver were caused by the medication... My one and only allergy)... Tried peroxide (douche AND tampon) (worked for a couple weeks, but the case of bv tended to be WAY worse than the last each time) (sex also became painful)... Suppositories worked but were VERY pricey and only last about 4 months (and who can afford a bv savings account in this economy?)... While using the suppositories, I felt a tingle when insterting at night and a confident freshness in the morning. I am currently trying tea tree oil. (day one) it doesn't hurt but the scary "burning" that people speak of is a refreshing tingle. I have high hopes.

For those new to the struggle, keep your head up! You are NOT alone. I was lucky to have a boyfriend willing to sit through the ph balance talk (embarrassing but NECESSARY! )

Personal Care Products
Posted by Ariann28 (Waynesville, Missouri) on 03/17/2013

Hey everyone!! WHAT A MIRACLE! I just wanted to tell my experience with these two! I have been battling BV off and on for four years. My body is very prone to infections and so yeast has always been a big issue with me. For the past couple years it's been both yeast and bv. I came across this site and found complete hope! I prayed that this was the answer. And it was! I diagnosed myself this very last time. I could tell by a slight odor, occasionally I would feel irritated, the discharge, and recently I was so irritated and red that I broke out into blisters. (This wasn't an STD, bv/yeast can cause blisters when left untreated and I was diagnosed with bv by them before) so anyways I immediately went to the HEALTH FOOD STORE and grabbed Acidophilus. The REFRIDGERATED 14 billion count LIVE bacteria. It has about ten different strands. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Refridgerated probiotics. It's worth the money. I honestly don't believe it would work if it was shelved. So I took one pro-b in the morning and inserted one vaginally at night for about a week. I started juicing and somewhat followed an alkaline diet. Bad bacteria feed off acidic foods so stay away from most acidic foods as you can! So important! IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT FOODS ARE ACIDIC, GOOGLE IT. Your vagina naturally fights off infections but if it is weak it causes your vaginal ph to rise. Anything above a 4. creates a breeding ground for bad bacteria. I abstained from sex with my husband for about 3 weeks while treating. I started taking folic acid 800mg and a vitamin b12 after a week of treatment. It's been three weeks and I only take one to two probiotics everyday and do not have to insert one vaginally. ALL my symptoms are gone! Probiotics are so healthy and a life saver! I only used folic acid to get me completely out of the loop. Use your best judgement on when to stop/start taking probiotics/ FA. I took b12 because folic acid has a tendency to deplete this vitamin.

*some very helpful tips I also do to prevent bv from reoccurring:

DO NOT WASH YOUR VAGINA WITH SOAP! I don't even wash with ph balancing soaps. None work for me. Wash with just water! And do not wash inside! Sounds gross but It's really not! My vagina has never been so clean!

DO NOT SLEEP WITH UNDERWEAR! Vagina is naturally warm and moist. Wearing underwear to bed also creates a possibility for reoccurring bv/yeast

BUY UNSCENTED BABY WIPES! These are AWESOME! After intercourse I clean up and also make my husband clean up with baby wipes. He is uncircumsized so bacteria easily hides in he skin folds on his penis. So I make him wipe very good before and after. Also, I use them after each bowel movement. Just to be safe! Sorry if TMI

TRY NOT TO WEAR TAMPONS! I know ladies, pads feel like diapers, but even if you wear a tampon for the heavy days and change FREQUENTLY and on the lighter days use pads, that will help. Use pads when you sleep! Many women don't know that tampons mess up the vaginal ph. When we menstruate, our ph rises to 7.4 because that is the ph of blood. So when we place a tampon inside it is absorbs the fluids that causes our ph to rise.

If you have anymore questions I would love to help as much as I can! Don't give up ladies, there is hope!! Feel free to comment or reach my by email ariann_jones [at] yahoo (dot) com


Kefir, Oregano Oil
Posted by Cnn (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/08/2013

Cure BV with Kefir. Plain Kefir has more probiotics than anything you can buy in a pill. Drink it in the morning before your meal and at night before you go to bed. Make suppositories with Kefir and a drop of oil of oregano at night for 7 days to kill the bacteria and restore the friendly bacteria all at once. (mix the oil of oregano with the keifer and store it in the freezer). Break off a piece at night and insert it. (only use a drop of oil or it may be too irritating) Buy sulfate free, and a propylene glycol free body products. Follow a ph balanced diet, and avoid sugar when you can. Add peroxide to your final rinse with your laundry to kill bacteria that may still linger in these items. Avoid tampons. Make kefir a part of your every day drink and it will not return.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Annonfromnj (New York, NY) on 03/03/2013

Go to whole foods or a store that sells refrigerated pro biotics and get rueteri. You must take about 85 billion cultures a day, not dangerous and it will keep it at bay, but you will have to keep taking them. Takes two days to kick in. Sorry Im in the same boat.

Posted by Lynn (T, Maryland, Usa) on 02/18/2013

For BV I used honey, not raw, just regular honey from the grocery store. I washed and applied the honey and it cured it overnight. The odor was gone within an hour or so. I'm sure raw honey would be better.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va/usa) on 02/15/2013

Thanks for the excellent info. Please indicate what the abreviation "BV" stands for.

EC: BV - Bacterial Vaginosis

Vitamin D
Posted by Nicola (Raleigh) on 02/15/2013

To all the ladies who have tried evrything for bacterial vaginosis. You may want to have your Vit D serum level checked. My vitamin d was extremely low... I was given 50,000 iu of vit d for 12 weeks and after taking the first capsule there was a calming, soothing sensation in my vagina. Vitamin D plays a big part in overall immunity. So definitely ask for that next time u visit the doctor. I think it will help in the fight against reoccurring bv

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/14/2013

Hi Barbara... You are not alone in your frustrations concerning a cure for BV. I have read many similar posts like yours on other blogs. It's also well known that BV is just one of the diseases that is strongly linked to candida as a co-infection -- which is really the problem you have. So if you don't attempt to cure your internal candida problem -- you will have great difficulty curing your longstanding BV problem.

I'm writing a book on candida at the moment where I will try to empty my head -- put down all I know -- about candida. I've just completed a section in the book called "Nothing I do ever Cures My Candida!! ". The purpose of this section is to both dispel certain prevalent myths about candida and also to highlight necessary key points for a successful treatment strategy for this disease. Here is the short sectionv whch I hope will be enlightening for candida sufferers who are unable to cure there candida problem:

* Use of Antibiotics against candida or any disease will only ever tend to cause dysbiosis and aid the rapid spread of candida to make your problem much worse. See The Antibiotic Syndrome. Antibiotics use is one of the top causative reasons for candida infection, spread, persistence and virulence. Don't use antibiotics!!

*"Candida is just a yeast."Well, not strictly true -- it is a half truth at best. Candida is well known to be dimorphic -- it can exist in two different states as two different organisms with completely differing structural, locational, functional and behavioural characteristics. The yeast form is a saprophyte that only feeds off dead organic matter so, consequently, this form resides mainly in intestines of the host. The fungal or mycelial form is a true parasite that feeds more directly off the host itself, with completely differing feeding habits where it also can live and grow in any internal region of the body -- including the blood, tissues and organs(including the brain) of the body.

*"No matter what I try topically to cure my own localized uterine candida problem -- it always comes back again".I have read this so many times in health blogs!! This again is completely bad thinking and a bad cure strategy that completely forgets or ignores the fact that candida is a dimorphic organism. So if topical remedies for uterine candida or fungal skin problems or fungal sinus problems or localized ENMT candida problems dont work, thenisn't it reasonable to conclude that the localized candida problems(that keep returning) may more realistically be caused by the disseminated or fungal form inside your body and that these localized expressions of candida are merely direct symptoms of a deeper, internal and body-wide candida infection? So the topical, localized cure strategy will never work.

* "All I have to do is just cure my candida, right?". This is also a bad strategy and bad thinking . There are two entirely different dimorphic forms of candida -- the yeast and fungal form -- that happily coexist which have completely different locational, structural and behavioural characteristics. It's relatively easy to get rid of just the yeast form(for a while) in the intestines -- but very difficult indeed to get rid of the fungal or systemic form because this form infects everywhere in the body -- blood, organs and tissues.

* Relatively new research has also revealed that mixed-species pathogens -- including bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma etc -- also have the abilty to reside, share and hide in candida biofilms. This surprising but important fact therefore greatly increases the ability of both candida and the other involved pathogens to resist and survive anti-fungals and anti-microbials, which greatly inhibits their riddance and any eventual cure.

* A Long Term Bad Diet. Like it or not, when people ask the inevitable question on why or how they got candida in the first place -- and they can't get rid of it -- the answer and one of the greatest and most relevant reasons has to be because of the poor food and diet which that person has been eating for the last few decades.


Hopefully, the above will help candida sufferers to understand why topical remedies (using suppositories etc) for your BV aren't working -- the reason is because you probably have an internal fungal candida problem where the BV is perhaps just a systemic symptom of your internal candida problem. So to cure this problem you must therefore take steps to cure your candida as well as the BV (without antibiotics!! ). The anti-candida protocol shown here (lower down in the post stream) is designed to get rid of candida and many of the bacterial and viral associations of this disease.

To further check and confirm whether you have candida there are three things you can do:
* Candida Spit Test (Google it)
* Check If you have a white tongue -- this shows the presence of candida in your gut.
* Take William Crooks Candida Questionnaire on-line. This is fairly accurate at determining whether you have candida or not.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Barbara (Waco, Texas) on 02/14/2013

BV is like a curse that will not go away, I'm really tired of it, I'm mad all the time at this terrble devil, I have tried so many things I do not know what to do, I was once considered sexy, now? what man would want a woman who smells like a damn sardine?? I never heard of bv at all and I'm over 45, I see slime and goo come out of me all the time and discharge:((( I'm so down I want to scream, my vagina at times can smell up a room, I do not want to be around anyone, I have no confidence and no self esteem, no more doctors for me, they know NOTHING!!! I stink down here and Im sure all of you do too, I do not mean to bring anyone down, But I'm just mad and frustrated, who is really cured here? I have spent over a thousand of this terrible thing, my son always says, why does it smell like fish in here? what a shame:((( I just hate myself for getting this, I douched, that is how I got BV, and yes I tried all the remedies, what can I do next? jump in the sea and be with the fish? because I sure as hell can't be around people, I can't have a relationship:((( what man is gonna accept this? I have to always lotion myself up with bath and body works products and FDS sprays, I have had BV nine years, has it ever went away? NO, I feel like a failure:(((( this is not a way to live your life, I can only pray God will heal me, I'm tired and sick and depressed with this nasty nasty stuff.

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Linda (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 02/03/2013

Beatadine is fabulous and YES, I too will have this for life.

Research taking beta carotene supplements. You can take up to 75,000 IUS everyday. Some women claim to have gotten a cure that way. I do that along with probiotics, EVERYDAY, and a table spoon atleast of coconut oil everyday with orange juice.

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Veronica (New York) on 02/01/2013

Hey, I have problems with seriously CHRONIC yeast and BV, and Betadine douches work great! I use them alongside my essential oil suppositories, but betadine is so healing, its just Iodine, which is extremely healing itself. I fine the betadine douches more effective and gentler on the tissues than peroxide douching, as I have made things worse, dry and inflamed using the peroxode douches. You can buy a large bottle of Betadine for $20 at the drug store.

You can use a Betadine douche twice daily for up to 14 days, (Ive done it myself and extensively researched on the internet the safety of this). Once in the morning for 1 to 2 weeks should be enough for most people though.

Also I make the solution pretty dark (like a dark red). I add quite a few drops in a little bit (maybe a half cup of water) and hold it in for a bit. Its wonderful. I read it stimulates the vagina to produce more lactobacilli, its very healing and very gentle. Ive nipped beginning yeast infections in the bud before.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alice (Green Bay, Wi) on 01/29/2013

Hi ladies, I discovered I had BV after my Femring started turning brown and had a horrible sour odor... I called the company and they told me I had a defective ring and replaced it. The new ring started doing the same thing and I thought, this has to be me and not the ring.

My BV infection was mild, but I'll share what worked for me..

Empty and rinse a disposible douche. Add 1 drop of Tea Tree oil, 1/2 of the contents of a garlic capsule, and 1 TBSP. Of 3% hydrogen peroxide - found in the first aid section of the store. Fill with warm water and douche in the morning.

At night take the contents of 1 probiotic capsule and add 1-2 drops of water to make a paste. Instert the paste with your finger before bed. It is not necessary to get it all in there.

Repeat these steps for 5 -7 days depending on how severe the infection is.

The Tea Tree oil and garlic kill the bad bacteria, the hydrogen peroxide balances your ph levels, and the probiotic feeds the good bacteria.

The douche can be used as a maintenance measure and I do it once every 3 months when I change my femring. If you are still getting your periods you may want to do it after your cycle ends.

BV free for over a year! Good Luck to all.

Personal Care Products
Posted by Did Ya Know (Savannah, Ga) on 01/26/2013

Hello, everyone! I too suffered from BV [bacterial vaginosis] and tried a few things. I kind of had to narrow things down, after it became more frequent. I had to step back and ask myself what was I doing differently. Well.... I was having sex! One day I put two and two together-- you're allergic to latex, silly! LoL I began buying the non-latex condoms (a tad bit on the expensive side) and the BV went away. No issues here.... Especially, since I could never get into the whole douching scene. I hope this helps someone else out there.

Probiotics Plus
Posted by Steph Suffering For 13 Years (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/23/2013

Hi ladies I almost cried last week coming across this website. I've had the horrible BV since I was 17 years old and I'm turning 30 in a few months. I woke up one day with the horrible smell out of no where with no idea what it was. I went to my gyno and did the anti biotics with the outer cream & thought it would be gone. I was saddened to find out the smell was not leaving. I went through years & years of embarrassment and humiliation. I thought I was going to be a single mom forever as I had my daughter at 23 by myself. I'm now married with 4 children & my husbands great. I tried talking to him about it as I've never discussed it with anyone God forbid that humiliation right. His response was what smell you talking bout babe. Gotta love him. It bothered me so bad to wake up & have my entire bedroom reek of raw fish & BO. I decided to look online again since I haven't in years. 13 years ago there were no helpful remedies or forums. I read every post on here & was in tears knowing there were other people who could relate.

Here's where my mission starts. I have done the peroxide water mix & inserted it for 5 minutes a day first thing in the morning for the past 4 days. I have been on the probiotics with rueteri for the last 3 days & started one alkaline water a day. Reading everything on here made me realize this is def. harbored in my gut. This makes sense because I had my gallbladder removed at 19 & the doctor said I'd been suffering from it not knowing for a couple years. It got much worse after it was removed & I suffer from horrible acid reflux. I'm not a doctor but it makes sence all of a sudden there's this horrible bacteria in my gut causing the bv to flare up daily & the acid almost daily.

Today is the first day without the peroxide in the morning. I drank the alkaline water as well as taking the probiotic. The other suggestion on here was coconut oil. I was gonna try to eat it then chickened out seeing what it looks like. So I put a table spoon in a pan and made 2 eggs vtastes fine. It's about an hour past the normal time I do the peroxide and no over whelming smell. Yet. Hopefully this works because this has ruined my self esteem & emotionally caused seriouse insecurities and depression. Thank you everyone for there input. It's a support system so neede that only another woman suffering would understand. Good luck ladies & I will give feedback if it continues to work

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tara (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 12/07/2012

This is an excellant article on natural remedies for BV and Step B Vaginal


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Omg This Sucks (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 11/12/2012

Douche five nights in a row with 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide

Take 400-800 mg of Folic Acid a day in two doses

Use orally for the active ingredients Fhamnosus GR-1 and Reuteri RC -14.

It also advises the usual things like getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, eating whole foods and omega 3s, exercising, and taking vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. It says to avoid Iron supplements, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Good luck!!

Posted by C (Boston, Ma) on 11/11/2012

I have been struggling with BV for a few months now. I have been trying everything. I used the recommended honey solution and have been feeling great and fresh for a couple days now. I will be doing it again tomorrow to make sure but I this has been the best I solution I have tried so far. I used Manuka Honey too which is supposed to have more antimicrobial/antibacterial properties.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Das (Washington, Dc, US) on 11/01/2012

Hello Everyone, I am a pretty healthy 26 year old female who used to suffer from BV for quite some time and tried just about everything recommended on this forum. I used to have an Mirena IUD for a year before I started having BV. After trying several over the counter and prescription treatments and having returning systems, I decided to have my IUD removed after another 8 months. After the removal I was still having persistent BV and it was really affecting my sex life and emotional state with my husband. I was blaming him for cheating and started to become paranoid about my hygiene; washing more than necessary and the stress I was putting myself through would make the symptoms worse.

Then 4 months after my IUD removal I found out I had not only BV but also HSV-2 (genital herpes); my husband doesn't have it; I had contracted it from one of my past partners which I beat myself up about for some time. We are both faithful to each other and him seeing me like this made him start researching with me supplements and home remedies I could start using that would help me with outbreaks because the prescriptions were not working at all. He also started to wash himself with hypoallergenic soap before we would have sex and got a prescription of Tinidazole just in case he had BV and was re-infecting me.

Another of my solutions was holistic counseling; for me and my husband but it was more for me because my level of stress and it really helped me in taking back control over my life. I also workout more, at least 2 times a week but aim for 3.

As for supplements, which have been just as beneficial as counseling and exercise, I found on several forums for herpes that people were using Super Lysine for their outbreaks and it was working better than the prescription pills. I started taking Super Lysine, the ___ Women's Energy Multivitamin, and an extra 1000mg of B-12 every day and have not suffered from BV or another Herpes outbreak for the past 8 months. This has been a major improvement for me because I was having outbreaks sometimes twice a month and it would always be before my menstrual cycle. You can buy Super Lysine online or I have found it in Whole Foods and Wegmans, but if you can't find it buy 1000 mg L-Lysine separate with Echinacea-Golden Seal Complex; this mix works just the same as the Super Lysine. When I first started taking Super Lysine I would take the recommended dose of 1500mg (3pill/day) and add in another 2000mg of L-Lysine a day; the extra Lysine was for the herpes.

Recently my sister was suffering from an intense BV outbreak and I had her take 1000 mg of L-Lysine once that morning and then for lunch and by the afternoon she was feeling back to her normal self except for it making her go to the bathroom. She doesn't have more than one bowel movent a day if that, so she felt like the Lysine gave her the runs but it was really cleaning the toxins out of her body. Please go research Lysine for yourself you will be happy with what you find out about it!

I have tried almost every remedy on this website, food grade H2O2 with liquid Acidophilus works for a while but when I would run out my BV would come back immediately, so I now only drink liquid Acidophilus for helping me with digestion issues and when I have acid reflux. I had been trying so many different supplements and remedies for s few months that I ended up throwing away several products that I did not see results with after a month of using them. I also stopped eating meat; I consume fish and daily.

Lastly if my solutions do not help you or if you have found something else that provides you some relief, keep searching and trying to find what works the best for you. There is a solution to here just like with all our problems; and please stop stressing it will not only cause you to keep having BV but it will cause you to lose control of what's most important, and that is yourself!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Love (Raleigh, Nc) on 10/28/2012

I have stoped using tampons & started using pads!!!!! I drink plenty of water and I don't eat as much white bread, which is hard not to eat bagels with cream cheese but I do eat in it moderation. I watch my sugars & fried foods. I used to get them monthly for no reason, I was even told I was too clean during a visit to my GYN?? I stopped getting the (Metro/Flagyl) medication from the health department & went to a different facility to filled my Rx. My last and final time the pills were newer & fresher if that makes any sense.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Isis (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/17/2012

Tea Tree oil saved my life. I had a bad case of BV for over a year and all the medication in the world wasn't helping. I developed a severe anxiety problem from the constant embarassment of the wretched smell that followed me everywhere. One day in my desperation for a cure I read about T. T. O and took a 100 organic cotton tampon and dipped it in a small portion of water mixed with drops of T. T. O. I kid you not, within two hours the smell was gone! After paying $35 I don't know how many times to buy these random different types of medication that the doctor was giving me that didn't even work, the T. T. O that was sitting in my medicine cabinet for half a year did the trick. Before spending money you don't have try T. T. O. and if by the end of the day it's not working, then perhaps you should think about getting medication.

Posted by Ana (Stockton, Ca/usa) on 10/11/2012

but her question was, can she use it during her menstrual cycle? I like to know too :)
