Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted by Parag (India)

I have tried this and it works. I am a singer and acid reflux is really a curse if u r a singer. But lately I have started eating some apple slices before going to bed. And it helps a lot. But the main thing is to have 5-7 small meals during the day instead having 3 large meals and eat at regular periods. Don't have late nights. and this will help to cure acid reflux a lot. than u can try other things like ACV or whatever works for u. But always try something natural instead of medicines. I myself tried taking anti-acid pills for months. But it won't cure the problem completely and worse, the day u stop taking pills, it will come back with a vengeance. so I stopped taking pills from many months now. And try to be regular with my sleep and meals and also workout regularly. It has helped.

Posted by Jillian (Lake Macquarie, Australia) on 06/07/2007

My daughter had severe acid reflux & was medicated for 2 years, but was in severe pain, & frequently vomited. She is now drug free & symptom free. Please tell Melissa from Tampa Fl to use the acv after a meal, but also to eat an apple, (even 1/2) before bed. These simple remedies changed my daughters life. We don't know why the apple works but it is fantastic. The problem with a lot of reflux is not too much acid but not enough, hence the acv aids digestion. This was the case with my daughter. She had bad breath and nausea. The food in her stomach was not being digested, it was just sitting ther rotting. I note with interest your advice to take 1/4 tspn b soda with acv. Will definitely add this to the mix. Thanks Jillian NSW Australia

Posted by Danie (Virginia, MN) on 06/14/2007

Ive lived with acid reflux burning for over 25 years and tried so many over the counter and medicalprescriptions and nothing seemed to help. I was on the computer some time back and came upon a testimonyial about a person who found a certain apple that cured his acid reflux and wanted money to get the name of apple. I thought it was a fluke just wanting money but began buying differant types of apples off an on none of them helped. While on a vacation trip my wife bought some jonagold apples and I sliced it up and ate little slices thru out the day. Im quite amazed at the affect these apples have done in releaving the pain i've always had in sturnum area. Its six days now. Its like a miricle. IM wondering if anyone else with similar pain could also get such fantastic results??? please let me know. P s. Ive tried the acv with baking soda remidies and not much help for me and I about gag when I use them.

Posted by Pauline (Yuma, AZ) on 02/18/2008

After being overseas for awhile, I returned back to Yuma, AZ and seen a doctor about my sinus. Well, he made his diagnosis from my charts dated one year ago. I didn't take any free drugs that he had given to me and surfed the internet for cures. I tried the vinegar and it really helped my clogged sinus. The cayenne pepper in water also took out the soreness in my throat. The slice of apple really helped the acid reflux (loose water pipe that I hear at nights.) Many thanks. I hope that you will continue because there are MANY medical care people nowadays only looking to obtain more money instead of really caring for their patients. Very superficial care.

Posted by Alita (USA) on 03/03/2008

I'll try to keep the history of my acid reflux short, as it pretty much reiterates many other people's experiences. Over the past 10 years I have figured out that my triggers are: 1st and foremost painkillers, particularly Ibuprofen, but the only thing I can take (IF I drink plenty of water or eat with it), is Tylenol. I can't do Sudafed either, and I try to stay away from meds as much as possible. 2nd trigger: dairy, plain and simple, it is very predictable. If I have too much dairy I can count on the fact that I'll be up that night. It's funny, there have been times I'm up struggling with this, and my husband will say "well, you had that ice cream (or whatever) earlier didn't you?", and then I remember, and know that it isn't all in my head, dairy does in fact aggravate it too. However, goats milk is much more tolerable in moderation, than cow products, I know that the proteins are different between the two, but other than that I don't know why it isn't so aggravating. I did Prevacid for a while initially, which controlled it slightly, but not enough. The turning point for me when I started being able to finally gain some control over this, was with an herbal product by "HERB PHARM" called "Neutralizing Cordial". Also, carbo veg homeopathic remedy has helped a lot, so lately I have been able to control it with that and/or Rolaids, (which I would prefer to get away from as well). By learning my triggers over the years and adding these natural remedies into my repertoire, I have been able to manage this and have found that when I'm doing ok I can eat anything, and that when I'm prone to this, anything will aggravate it. All that was prior to last week; THEN, the other day I followed a pop-up ad from (great web-site by the way) where a guy is selling some booklet about his acid reflux discovery (didn't by his book yet, where he claims to have a cure for it). But, he did vaguely mention his initial apple discovery helping acid reflux. I tried it that night, thinking "it can't really be this simple can it", and low and behold, it was. I kept expecting to wake up choking with acid, and it never happened. Every night (but 1) I have been eating an apple (or a few slices) after dinner/before bed and it is the first time anything has helped so completely!! The night I forgot, I had to take 2 Rolaids, which I realized had been helping me only minimally compared to the apple. What else is there to say, it certainly can't hurt! I fully expect that this will continue to help, as it's already proven to be far more effective than anything I've tried thus far. It just reminds me that in life, sometimes the best things don't have to be complicated or expensive to be valuable, we get so busy trying to "over-think" things sometimes, that we overlook the simple, basic things that are right in front of us. I wish you luck on your own journey of discovery.

Red Wine Vinegar
Posted by Franklin (Snead, AL) on 03/29/2007

I had terrible acid reflux and was afraid of getting esophagus cancer. My acid reflux was so bad my throat would swell. Twice daily, drink one fourth cup of redwine vinegar in three fourths glass of water until well and repeat if acid reflux returns. Give God the glory. I'm totally free of acid reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Dee (Fairfax, VA) on 05/16/2007

I'd been having terrible heartburn for over a week. So bad that that my kids and husband were very worried. A few years ago I had six ulcers! But didn't want to start the standard gastro treatments lansoprazole or purple pills - I'm well aware of the downsides to them. My gastric problem was probably caused by my ADHD, I frequently forget to eat because I get so hyperfocused I don't notice I'm hungry!So, I went looking for a homeopathic cure and found your website. I read a whole bunch of stuff and probably confused one thing with another nevertheless this is what happened: I made the ACV mixture adding the Baking Soda also 2 tbsp Aloe juice; 1 tbsp of organic honey; 1 tbsp of'Coconut Oil (using warm water, which melts the honey and VCO). I tried with and without the VCO and for those who find the ACV drink unpalatable the VCO helps alot! The heartburn stopped in 24 hours! Major miracle. I felt focused, relaxed, energetic and pain free. The only side effect of note was/is gas. Is this from the VCO? Is there anything I can do about that? And is it OK to blend all this together? Should I be drinking it before or after or with a meal? I don't know about the other magical effects of VCO its only been 2 days! Thanks for this great site, its already helped me a lot!

Posted by Jeisea (Byron Bay, Australia) on 11/09/2006


Someone on here asked about cough and reflux. My son had a chronic cough and was treated for asthma. He was in the worst category for asthma. He never had a wheeze. He just had a chronic cough. When he was finally diagnosed with reflux, he had developed Barrett's Oesophagous, a pre cancerous condition. Reflux causes asthma. The meds for asthma cause reflux. You see his problem. He had a laproscopic fundoplication operation which completely stopped reflux. He hasn't had asthma at all since. If you are coughing it could mean your reflux isn't under control. Chronic reflux isn't safe.

Posted by Terri (Carmel, Indiana) on 07/08/2007


I have suffered from Acid Reflux for years and took the "purple pill", which helped my symptoms most of the time. In May, I was rushed to the ER with horrific stomach pains. After a colonoscopy, upper GI, barrage of blood work, it was discovered that I had pancreatitis. Very strange since I don't fit the profile for the disease (don't drink, gallbladder removed, healthy diet). My chiropractor told me to research the purple pill and imagine my shock when the possible side effects of the pill was PANCREATITIS - of which there is no cure!! I immediately went off the pill and found your site while looking for a cure for the acid reflux. I am hoping the ACV works! If anyone is on the purple pill, BEWARE.

Posted by Scott (Atlanta, GA) on 01/01/2008


I have had acid reflux for several years now. I was on a prescription for Prilosec before it was OTC. Usually only took a pill when I felt the reflux coming on strong. Over time, it has gotten worse with many reflux attacks daily. Two months ago, I started taking Prilosec OTC every day to see if I could fend it off. It worked great and I rarely felt any reflux all day long. Then, I had three violent episodes of Vertigo....which is similar to being spun around while you are violently seasick and stays like that for about 5 hours. Turns out this is rare but known side-effect of Prilosec. Needless to say, I'm off it now. I am relying on Pepsid AC now which works great but only last for a few hours and gets expensive. I'm planning to try the ACV next.

Posted by Mary (British Columbia, Canada) on 01/07/2008


For about a year I have been bothered periodically by acid reflux. In December 2007, it traumatized my throat and I was having trouble swallowing vitamin pills. The doctor urged me to take Pantaloc. I took one pill and within a day developed erythema nodosum with excruciatingly painful joints and red blotches all over my lower legs. The doctor tested for all other causes, but it was likely an allergic reaction to the sulfur in the drug. Ironically I took Ibuprofen for the joint pain which only made the acid reflux worse. I also now notice that I have developed vertical ridges on my nails and loss of the white half moon on all but the thumbs. The Internet tells me that this is due to a B12 deficiency due to use of antacids. Do a search on "B12 Antacids nail ridges" to read about the potential adverse effects (memory loss, etc). I immediately swore off antacids (even Tums) and went hunting online for natural acid reflux remedies and found your great site. Yesterday I used ACV in water and it cleared up the reflux almost immediately. I will be purchasing the organic today. MANY THANKS!

Reader Theories
Posted by Rosemary (Trenton, NJ) on 11/18/2006

I had acid reflux (see my posted message from March, 2006). I am finally getting back to you with what did finally cure me. The apple cider vinegar I tried did not work. What did work was eating a good quality yogurt several times a day along with two acidophilus/bifodophilus capsules with a high bacterial count. I took the capsules 3 times a day with each meal. I did this for 3 weeks straight. That is how long it took for the symptoms of acid reflux to totally subside. The yogurt was very cooling and it contains a lot of good bacteria. I ate a cup in the morning, then I had a half a cup after lunch and after dinner. During the day, I would take a tablespoon full periodically to help cool the throat. I had good results after one week, but it did not totally subside until the end of the 3 weeks.

I came to the conclusion by putting together these two known facts.

(1) Stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria and many people with stomach ulcers are aspirin users.
(2) Antibiotics cause diarrhea because it destroys the good bacteria in the intestines. All one needs to do is to take acidophilus during and after taking taking antibiotics to avoid diarrhea and loose bowel problems.

Armed with this information....the more I thought about the sudden problem I had developed with acid reflux, the more I thought it must be related to a bacteria problem (either not enough good or too much bad). Since I try to eat a healthy diet, I could not see why I would suddenly develop this "disease". Therefore, I banked on the idea that ibuprofen was probably destroying the good bacteria which allowed the bad bacteria to attack the esophagus. I have to say, I have stopped taking pain pills except on rare occasions. I started exercising (biking) and my knee is now 80% better than it was before. One other new fact that has just come out about ibuprofen is that it also inhibits muscles from strengthening. I heard about this through a friend - I believe one of the universities did a study with athletes and they discovered this about the athletes who took ibuprofen either before, during or after training.

Reader Theories
Posted by Rosemary (Trenton, NJ) on 03/30/2006

I just started getting acid reflux and have been awakened in my sleep from it (twice so far) and I've never had a digestive problem before. So it was quite baffling. I just started taking ibuprofen regularly to combat the pain in an arthritic knee. Funny that this is the only change in my diet and all of a sudden I have acid reflux. Well, it turns out that ibuprofen will do havoc on your digestive system. So, I will try the apple cider vinegar cure. But, wanted to make sure everyone with this problem is warned that there is a likelihood that their acid reflux problem may be related to taking medications such as ibuprofen. I am hopeful that stopping the pain medication and drinking the ACV will fix the problem.

Reader Theories
Posted by Joyce (Nashville, TN) on 09/27/2007

Acid reflux/PUD (peptic ulcer disease)

As far back as I can remember, my entire family played the eat and race to the baking soda to counteract the acid problem. I finally stumbled upon the cause of my constant heartburn, indigestion, and nausea, and flatulence (gas) in my thirty's. Elimination of all bleached flour from my diet worked wonders for my stomach problems. My PUD has only hit me once since I discovered this. I devoured a bunch of raw broccoli with dip over 2 days. I finally had to realize that the dip probably contained bleached flour. which caused the problem, since I have eaten raw broccoli since then with no problem. I now have what some call a cast iron stomach. I can eat hot salsa, black coffee, have my occaasional liquor on the rocks with no problem.

About 15 years later, I was researching PUD for a term paper. I learned that PUD became a problem in the uppersocioeconomic group about 11 years after someone came up with bleaching flour. It was so expensive only the wealthy could afford it. Some years later it became cheap enough that the middle socioeconomic group could afford it. Yep, PUD moved into this group about the same num of years later. Then somebody in (Minnesoto, I think) came with a process of bleaching it that made it so everyone could afford it. You guessed it-after approximately the same number of years later, PUD moved into this group also. My AHA! conclusion -SOMETHING IN BLEACHING PROCESS CAUSES UPSET STOMACH WHICH PROGRESSES TO PUD.

Now I still have a question. Can anyone explain why drinking,eating acid foods (tomatos, citrus juices, etc) from metal cans causes upset stomach or why eating bananas be they ripen enough to get brown speckles on peeling does the same.

Whatever, my advice to everyone is to eat your food as close to the way God grows it, if you want to be healthier.

Reader Theories
Posted by HD (Bothell, WA) on 12/25/2007

I noticed many people are looking for a cure for their acid reflux. I used to have acid reflux, and my doctor gave me some kind of medication that I need to take before bed time. Since I do not like taking too much medication, I was very fortunate when a nurse, who was working with me as a coach in helping me improve me health and lifestyle, told me to ask my doctor to test my acid reflux for h. pilori. To make the story short, I had the h. pilori tested, and the result was positive. The test involved taking a breath test, take some medication to kill the h. pilori bateria. On the second trial, my doctor gave me a different kind of medication. After the second treatment, the result came out negative. I was very glad that I no longer need to take the medication every night. I no longer have acid reflux. With this in mind, and before starting to take ACV with baking soda, you might take the same route I did.
