Posted by Ray (East Nortport) on 05/05/2006
After an great dinner and two apple pie and vanilla ice cream I went to bed. I woke up at 1 AM with some moderate heartburn. I drank 1 oz. of Mangosteen Juice and by 1:15 I was able to lay down without any pain. It worked better than Alkaseltzer.
Mangosteen Juice
Posted by Carla (Ohio) on 04/25/2006
i'am currently trying the mangosteen remedy (very expensive Xango). The xango is helping me with everything. i had bad headaches, no energy dry skin back aches, toe nail discoloration, smoke too many cigarettes and the list goes on. I feel 500 percent better. although i think i am going to try the apple cider remedy. i was reading the part (nays, i believe) where the people where getting sick or not working or whatever and i wanted to let people know that everyone's bodies are different and every person may need a different dosage. if a person gets sick from a remedy they need to start off with a lower dosage and work their way up. the body cannot deal with a new strange thing entering and taking over. healthy for you or not. introduce yourself and work your way up. some people need to start off twice a week for a couple of weeks then add more and more to your diet until you met your needs. some people every other day and so on and so forth. don't give up and good luck!